Which Doesn't Belong?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Three events......see if you can pick out which one is not like the others.

1. " [Democrat] Gov. Brown says people should call police on COVID-19 violators
For the next two weeks in Oregon, and four weeks in Multnomah County, new restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus are in place.
PORTLAND, Ore. — Days before Thanksgiving, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown said she believes residents who know their neighbors are violating the most recent round of COVID-19 protocols, which includes capping the number of people allowed in your home at six, should call the police. "

2. "The [Obama] White House wants people to believe they are losing the health care debate because “scary … videos are starting to percolate on the internet” that are spreading “disinformation” about Obama’s health care plan. The White House is even encouraging Obama supporters to help them identify people spreading this “disinformation.” Theofficial White House blog now asks Americans: “If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].

3. "...the Stasi, the East German secret police, who previously had considered themselves the "shield and sword" of the party. When the regime collapsed, the Stasi had 102,000 full-time officers and noncommissioned personnel on its rolls, including 11,000 members of the ministry's own special guards regiment. Between 1950 and 1989, a total of 274,000 persons served in the Stasi.

"...Stasi informers, the inoffizielle Mitarbeiter (IMs).... identified as IMs, or 2.5 percent of the total population between the ages of 18 and 60.

"The Stasi was much, much worse than the Gestapo, if you consider only the oppression of its own people," .... The Gestapo had 40,000 officials watching a country of 80 million, while the Stasi employed 102,000 to control only 17 million."

OK.....now.....which one doesn't belong?

Just kiddin,' silly........it was a trick question.
All of 'em are Nazi/Fascist/Bolshevik totalitarian methods.

I thought it would be funny to remind all of what could happen if we forget Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving.

*****HAPPY SMILE*****

You can keep your healthcare plan- a misnomer, and it belongs- health is a physical and personal thing- care is an emotion- the godevernment doesn't care about your health- words mean things, or they don't. Results speak for themselves- rhetoric doesn't do anything but fool fools-
You can keep your healthcare plan- a misnomer, and it belongs- health is a physical and personal thing- care is an emotion- the godevernment doesn't care about your health- words mean things, or they don't. Results speak for themselves- rhetoric doesn't do anything but fool fools-

Your post has nothing to d with the OP.

Isn't it a tad early to begin imbibing?
"This ungodly Chinese Bat Flu has brought out the worst in a lot of people, most of them Democrat elected officials. There have been some Republican transgressors as well, but the majority of the bad actors have been liberal leaders in traditionally liberal states and cities.

Basic rights have been getting trampled upon in the name of public health. Yesterday, Stacey wrote about the latest egregious overreach: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is placing law-enforcement COVID checkpoints around the city, giving it a Cold War East Berlin feeling just in time for the holidays."

Another Stasi reference!

Government school grads were taught that the Nazis and Communists were two ends of the political spectrum, which places Nazis on the Right.
An easily disprovable lie, one of many purveyed in government school.

Nazis, Communists and Democrats are all Leftists.

Shouldn't those grads have notices that Nazi is from NationalSOCIALISTGermanWorker's Party?

Democrats stand for the same things both Nazis and Bolsheviks did.

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