Which Democrat / Progressive policies make life better for core Americans?

Lets set those standalone weird classes of compartmentalized folks aside for a minute...you know, those Democrat pawns...We know how their lives improve under Democrat rule.
Tell us why core Americans, those with firmly planted deep AMERICAN roots should support the Democrat agenda.
In case you didn't know....
Core American = One who behaves and believes like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.
Not A Core American = One who does not behave and believe like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.

But all groups have planted their roots here and have helped make this nation great. There is no such thing as a "core American" as opposed to any other American. There is no sense in using a term like "core American." It invites people who have done nothing out of the ordinary in their own lives to consider themselves superior on the basis of what some ancestor might have done in the distant past, and that's just plain wrong. It's like counting someone as more important than others because their parents were members of some royal family.
Leftists like to pretend there is no such thing as core American values, belief systems, traditions and culture...I get it, BUT nobody even half sane will level with you on such a matter. Sorry
You on the right don't get to tell us what we think. Right wing values are not American ones.
Lets set those standalone weird classes of compartmentalized folks aside for a minute...you know, those Democrat pawns...We know how their lives improve under Democrat rule.
Tell us why core Americans, those with firmly planted deep AMERICAN roots should support the Democrat agenda.
In case you didn't know....
Core American = One who behaves and believes like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.
Not A Core American = One who does not behave and believe like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.

But all groups have planted their roots here and have helped make this nation great. There is no such thing as a "core American" as opposed to any other American. There is no sense in using a term like "core American." It invites people who have done nothing out of the ordinary in their own lives to consider themselves superior on the basis of what some ancestor might have done in the distant past, and that's just plain wrong. It's like counting someone as more important than others because their parents were members of some royal family.

Let me define core Americans for you.
They work,pay taxes and stay of the public dole at all costs.
I lived in some pretty shitty condition in my youth and never asked for shit because I knew it was a temporary condition.
People who live their lives on the dole are not core Americans. They add nothing to the country,on the contrary,they are a drain on America and its Core Countrymen.

Any idea of how many people live "on the dole" and who they are? Where they are? Social programs have eligibility requirements, so where and how is this horrible stuff happening except in your mind?

And here we go......
Some leftist wants me to spend 20 minutes posting up shit that is common knowledge.

At least Trump was going about thinning the EBT users and actually providing them jobs while barry was signing em up as fast as he could. Gotta have the dependents voting for their free shit dontcha know.I'm sure you see that as a bad thing.

Nothing has been said that is "common knowledge." Post links to reputable sources, facts, figures, studies, etc. Where do you get your information about who EBT users are? The problem with right-wing weirdos is there never is any legitimate support for their assertions.

Go to Gov websites,they're readily available and easy to access.
Besides,this exact same issue has been discussed here many times.
Has the weed rotted your memory?
Still can't come up with anything? Tsk. Tsk. I never was into "weed." Moreover, government websites now reflect only the drivel of the current corrupt administration and are absolutely not reliable. Give me something from reputable non-government organizations, like national professional organizations, including organizations of medical professionals like the AMA and ACOG, researchers from our top universities, The Mayo Clinic, etc.

You sure don't want to put anything legitimate up, do you?
Lets set those standalone weird classes of compartmentalized folks aside for a minute...you know, those Democrat pawns...We know how their lives improve under Democrat rule.
Tell us why core Americans, those with firmly planted deep AMERICAN roots should support the Democrat agenda.
In case you didn't know....
Core American = One who behaves and believes like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.
Not A Core American = One who does not behave and believe like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.

But all groups have planted their roots here and have helped make this nation great. There is no such thing as a "core American" as opposed to any other American. There is no sense in using a term like "core American." It invites people who have done nothing out of the ordinary in their own lives to consider themselves superior on the basis of what some ancestor might have done in the distant past, and that's just plain wrong. It's like counting someone as more important than others because their parents were members of some royal family.

Let me define core Americans for you.
They work,pay taxes and stay off the public dole at all costs.
I lived in some pretty shitty condition in my youth and never asked for shit because I knew it was a temporary condition.
People who live their lives on the dole are not core Americans. They add nothing to the country,on the contrary,they are a drain on America and its Core Countrymen.

You don't get to define what American values are. Because everything you have is because the government gave it to you. I know you can't understand how racist public policy is the government giving you something, but that's exactly what it is.
A democratic president signed the voting and civil rights act. A democrat saved this economy from death twice. It has been republican policy that has not us much good.
Lets set those standalone weird classes of compartmentalized folks aside for a minute...you know, those Democrat pawns...We know how their lives improve under Democrat rule.
Tell us why core Americans, those with firmly planted deep AMERICAN roots should support the Democrat agenda.
In case you didn't know....
Core American = One who behaves and believes like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.
Not A Core American = One who does not behave and believe like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.

But all groups have planted their roots here and have helped make this nation great. There is no such thing as a "core American" as opposed to any other American. There is no sense in using a term like "core American." It invites people who have done nothing out of the ordinary in their own lives to consider themselves superior on the basis of what some ancestor might have done in the distant past, and that's just plain wrong. It's like counting someone as more important than others because their parents were members of some royal family.
What have Mexicans done to make this country great?
They ARE responsible for some mighty tasty cuisine.........other than that, pretty much NOTHING.
The left consistently attempts to normalize the lowest common denominator. Maybe they'll change under COVID19.
You apparently are talking about the right. That's why you support trump.
Lets set those standalone weird classes of compartmentalized folks aside for a minute...you know, those Democrat pawns...We know how their lives improve under Democrat rule.
Tell us why core Americans, those with firmly planted deep AMERICAN roots should support the Democrat agenda.
In case you didn't know....
Core American = One who behaves and believes like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.
Not A Core American = One who does not behave and believe like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.

But all groups have planted their roots here and have helped make this nation great. There is no such thing as a "core American" as opposed to any other American. There is no sense in using a term like "core American." It invites people who have done nothing out of the ordinary in their own lives to consider themselves superior on the basis of what some ancestor might have done in the distant past, and that's just plain wrong. It's like counting someone as more important than others because their parents were members of some royal family.
Leftists like to pretend there is no such thing as core American values, belief systems, traditions and culture...I get it, BUT nobody even half sane will level with you on such a matter. Sorry
You on the right don't get to tell us what we think. Right wing values are not American ones.
You got that right! The right-wingers try to set themselves up as the great arbiters of everything "American," the definers of what it means to be American. We may come from different backgrounds, but neither you, nor I, am going to let this happen.
The left consistently attempts to normalize the lowest common denominator. Maybe they'll change under COVID19.
You apparently are talking about the right. That's why you support trump.

Why is it that normal Americans of all colors just go about their business all day and everyday and never think of racism?
Then you have dipshits such as yourself who spew crap all day and everyday about racism when you'd never say it to my face?
The left consistently attempts to normalize the lowest common denominator. Maybe they'll change under COVID19.
You apparently are talking about the right. That's why you support trump.

U really got me a good one.

BTW, I saw your other post, and you should educate yourself. By nearly all measures JFK resembles today's Republicans, not the Democrats. That and Obama did little for economic recovery, while Obamacare was an obstacle.
Lets set those standalone weird classes of compartmentalized folks aside for a minute...you know, those Democrat pawns...We know how their lives improve under Democrat rule.
Tell us why core Americans, those with firmly planted deep AMERICAN roots should support the Democrat agenda.
In case you didn't know....
Core American = One who behaves and believes like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.
Not A Core American = One who does not behave and believe like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.
How about health care insurance for those that didn't have it before the ACA.
You mean like 0.5% of the population? Meanwhile, everyone else is paying double what they used to pay.
Out-of-pocket health spending dropped by nearly 12 percent — but premiums rose after Obamacare rolled out. A lot of junk plans were no longer available.

The Bottom Line
Any law as extensive as the 906-page Affordable Care Act is likely to have provisions that are worthy of legitimate debate. Nevertheless, its impact on healthcare premiums is becoming clearer as more data become available. While the results vary from one state to the next, the overall numbers seem to suggest that post-ACA premium increases have actually been rather modest compared to those in previous years.
Junk plans? You mean cheap plans that people liked. Instead they were forced to buy an Obama plan that had coverate for sex change operations and drug counseling and prenatal care.

The premiums increased drastically.

Who are you trying to kid?
The left consistently attempts to normalize the lowest common denominator. Maybe they'll change under COVID19.
You apparently are talking about the right. That's why you support trump.

Why is it that normal Americans of all colors just go about their business all day and everyday and never think of racism?
Then you have dipshits such as yourself who spew crap all day and everyday about racism when you'd never say it to my face?
Why do you try and hide from the fact that racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious discrimination are rampant in our nation and refuse to discuss these issues openly and honestly. Time and again on USMB, I've seen people run away from open discussion about these issues and just endeavor to squelch any serious discussion.
The left consistently attempts to normalize the lowest common denominator. Maybe they'll change under COVID19.
You apparently are talking about the right. That's why you support trump.

Why is it that normal Americans of all colors just go about their business all day and everyday and never think of racism?
Then you have dipshits such as yourself who spew crap all day and everyday about racism when you'd never say it to my face?
That's a lie. So just stop telling it. I'd say it to your face. I've said it to city councils, governors and legislators at the state and national levels. And there isn't really much you could do about it. You are the one spewing racism that you'd never speak to a black persons face. Now just to show what kind of delusion you live in, I have said nothing about race in this thread, but you bring up race in this post. Ands if race was not thought about why is there a race and racism section here? And you have had plenty to say about blacks before I got here. You and the other racists just thought you were going to have free reign to spew your filth with no opposition. Well now you have been made to understand that we blacks will not continue to tolerate your bullshit. And neither will our sisters who are not black. So you white boys just bow you necks and accept the bed you made for yourselves. What ye sows, ye shall also reap. You have sowed racism, you will reap anger and opposition.

And that's just the way its going to be until you end the racism. So get your skates son, because as has been stated, we will fight until hell freezes over. And if you do not stop, we will continue to fight you on the ice.
Lets set those standalone weird classes of compartmentalized folks aside for a minute...you know, those Democrat pawns...We know how their lives improve under Democrat rule.
Tell us why core Americans, those with firmly planted deep AMERICAN roots should support the Democrat agenda.
In case you didn't know....
Core American = One who behaves and believes like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.
Not A Core American = One who does not behave and believe like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.
How about health care insurance for those that didn't have it before the ACA.
You mean like 0.5% of the population? Meanwhile, everyone else is paying double what they used to pay.
Out-of-pocket health spending dropped by nearly 12 percent — but premiums rose after Obamacare rolled out. A lot of junk plans were no longer available.

The Bottom Line
Any law as extensive as the 906-page Affordable Care Act is likely to have provisions that are worthy of legitimate debate. Nevertheless, its impact on healthcare premiums is becoming clearer as more data become available. While the results vary from one state to the next, the overall numbers seem to suggest that post-ACA premium increases have actually been rather modest compared to those in previous years.
Junk plans? You mean cheap plans that people liked. Instead they were forced to buy an Obama plan that had coverate for sex change operations and drug counseling and prenatal care.

The premiums increased drastically.

Who are you trying to kid?
No, they were junk plans. I sold health insurance and you could get a cheap ass plan with a high ass deductible or a plan that only paid if you went to the emergency room. Then you could get rated out of affordability and denied claims even as you pay premiums.

Obama care was not insurance. The private insurers still controlled what was in policies, the premiums and deductibles.
The left consistently attempts to normalize the lowest common denominator. Maybe they'll change under COVID19.
You apparently are talking about the right. That's why you support trump.

Why is it that normal Americans of all colors just go about their business all day and everyday and never think of racism?
Then you have dipshits such as yourself who spew crap all day and everyday about racism when you'd never say it to my face?
Why do you try and hide from the fact that racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious discrimination are rampant in our nation and refuse to discuss these issues openly and honestly. Time and again on USMB, I've seen people run away from open discussion about these issues and just endeavor to squelch any serious discussion.

Maybe because I dont discriminate.
I see blacks as people Just like me until proven different.
I dont care for homos or trans people but it's not like I'm going to brow beat them.
The only time I bitched about some lesbians was in a restaurant when they started to damn near finger fuck each other. The place had kids in it and no one else was acting in that manner.
They want to go to a gay bar and do that shit fine.
The left consistently attempts to normalize the lowest common denominator. Maybe they'll change under COVID19.
You apparently are talking about the right. That's why you support trump.

Why is it that normal Americans of all colors just go about their business all day and everyday and never think of racism?
Then you have dipshits such as yourself who spew crap all day and everyday about racism when you'd never say it to my face?
Why do you try and hide from the fact that racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious discrimination are rampant in our nation and refuse to discuss these issues openly and honestly. Time and again on USMB, I've seen people run away from open discussion about these issues and just endeavor to squelch any serious discussion.
Because he is a racist.
The left consistently attempts to normalize the lowest common denominator. Maybe they'll change under COVID19.
You apparently are talking about the right. That's why you support trump.

Why is it that normal Americans of all colors just go about their business all day and everyday and never think of racism?
Then you have dipshits such as yourself who spew crap all day and everyday about racism when you'd never say it to my face?
Why do you try and hide from the fact that racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious discrimination are rampant in our nation and refuse to discuss these issues openly and honestly. Time and again on USMB, I've seen people run away from open discussion about these issues and just endeavor to squelch any serious discussion.

Maybe because I dont discriminate.
I see blacks as people Just like me until proven different.
I dont care for homos or trans people but it's not like I'm going to brow beat them.
The only time I bitched about some lesbians was in a restaurant when they started to damn near finger fuck each other. The place had kids in it and no one else was acting in that manner.
They want to go to a gay bar and do that shit fine.
Stop lying. You bought up race in a thread that had nothing to do with race then you try saying how you see blacks as people just like you. I've heard the racist preamble so many times that if I was given a dollar for every time I heard it, Gates and Buffet would borrow money from me.
Lets set those standalone weird classes of compartmentalized folks aside for a minute...you know, those Democrat pawns...We know how their lives improve under Democrat rule.
Tell us why core Americans, those with firmly planted deep AMERICAN roots should support the Democrat agenda.
In case you didn't know....
Core American = One who behaves and believes like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.
Not A Core American = One who does not behave and believe like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.
How about health care insurance for those that didn't have it before the ACA.
You mean like 0.5% of the population? Meanwhile, everyone else is paying double what they used to pay.
Out-of-pocket health spending dropped by nearly 12 percent — but premiums rose after Obamacare rolled out. A lot of junk plans were no longer available.

The Bottom Line
Any law as extensive as the 906-page Affordable Care Act is likely to have provisions that are worthy of legitimate debate. Nevertheless, its impact on healthcare premiums is becoming clearer as more data become available. While the results vary from one state to the next, the overall numbers seem to suggest that post-ACA premium increases have actually been rather modest compared to those in previous years.
Junk plans? You mean cheap plans that people liked. Instead they were forced to buy an Obama plan that had coverate for sex change operations and drug counseling and prenatal care.

The premiums increased drastically.

Who are you trying to kid?
No, they were junk plans. I sold health insurance and you could get a cheap ass plan with a high ass deductible or a plan that only paid if you went to the emergency room. Then you could get rated out of affordability and denied claims even as you pay premiums.

Obama care was not insurance. The private insurers still controlled what was in policies, the premiums and deductibles.
Why shouldn't the private insurers control what's in their plans, premiums and deductibles? Why should i have to pay for sex changes operations or pre-natal care or any other politically correct benefit?

You'll excuse me if I don't swallow your definition of a "junk plan." Insurance is for emergencies. It's not supposed to pay for every service under the sun.
Lets set those standalone weird classes of compartmentalized folks aside for a minute...you know, those Democrat pawns...We know how their lives improve under Democrat rule.
Tell us why core Americans, those with firmly planted deep AMERICAN roots should support the Democrat agenda.
In case you didn't know....
Core American = One who behaves and believes like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.
Not A Core American = One who does not behave and believe like those who made our nation the greatest on the globe.

But all groups have planted their roots here and have helped make this nation great. There is no such thing as a "core American" as opposed to any other American. There is no sense in using a term like "core American." It invites people who have done nothing out of the ordinary in their own lives to consider themselves superior on the basis of what some ancestor might have done in the distant past, and that's just plain wrong. It's like counting someone as more important than others because their parents were members of some royal family.
Leftists like to pretend there is no such thing as core American values, belief systems, traditions and culture...I get it, BUT nobody even half sane will level with you on such a matter. Sorry
You on the right don't get to tell us what we think. Right wing values are not American ones.
You got that right! The right-wingers try to set themselves up as the great arbiters of everything "American," the definers of what it means to be American. We may come from different backgrounds, but neither you, nor I, am going to let this happen.
The left does the same thing, only they claim that everything anti-American is "American."

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