Where You Can Get Contraceptives After Your Employer And The Supreme Court Refuse To Give Them To You


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Well, it happened: The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that U.S. employers can refuse to provide their employees with insurance coverage for contraception under the Affordable Care Act because of the eloyer’s religious or moral objection. This decision potentially deprives over 126,000 people of the option to get their birth control method of choice through their employer-provided health insurance coverage. If you’re one of the people affected by this decision, you’re probably wondering how you can avoid paying exorbitant out-of-pocket fees for your birth control method of choice, and/or how you’re going to renew your prescription without the aid of your doctor’s office.

Even more contraceptive resources can be found on Free the Pill. Free the Pill is a campaign setting its sights on making the pill available over the counter in the United States. Until they accomplish that, they’re providing a wealth of information on where you can get your pill online.

A public service announcement for normal people, A kick in the balls to religious and political nutjobs.
This decision potentially deprives over 126,000 people of the option to get their birth control method of choice through their employer-provided health insurance coverage.

They can walk into any pharmacy and purchase birth control.

They can also walk into any reputable cocktail lounge or Texaco station rest room, and buy prophylactics in a vending machine.
Again, the abortion opponents can't see the forest for the trees. And yes I know this is about birth control. But the subjects go hand in hand. Easy and affordable access to birth control reduces the need for abortion. Sure, you can walk into a pharmacy and buy it...if you can afford it. But hey, let's let the corporations and their Republican party donating board members decide who gets that right.
Well, it happened: The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that U.S. employers can refuse to provide their employees with insurance coverage for contraception under the Affordable Care Act because of the eloyer’s religious or moral objection. This decision potentially deprives over 126,000 people of the option to get their birth control method of choice through their employer-provided health insurance coverage. If you’re one of the people affected by this decision, you’re probably wondering how you can avoid paying exorbitant out-of-pocket fees for your birth control method of choice, and/or how you’re going to renew your prescription without the aid of your doctor’s office.

Even more contraceptive resources can be found on Free the Pill. Free the Pill is a campaign setting its sights on making the pill available over the counter in the United States. Until they accomplish that, they’re providing a wealth of information on where you can get your pill online.

A public service announcement for normal people, A kick in the balls to religious and political nutjobs.

Any county or public women's health clinic.

Been that way for decades
$4 for a month supply at walmart. No insurance.

What I don't get is why a broad would have relations with a man who is either too cheap or too poor to provide his own rubbers? Why didn't anyone ask Sandra Fluke about that? She complained before Congress about spending $3000 a month on prophylactics. Getting her sex partners to pony up was my suggestion to her.
Well, it happened: The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that U.S. employers can refuse to provide their employees with insurance coverage for contraception under the Affordable Care Act because of the eloyer’s religious or moral objection. This decision potentially deprives over 126,000 people of the option to get their birth control method of choice through their employer-provided health insurance coverage. If you’re one of the people affected by this decision, you’re probably wondering how you can avoid paying exorbitant out-of-pocket fees for your birth control method of choice, and/or how you’re going to renew your prescription without the aid of your doctor’s office.

Even more contraceptive resources can be found on Free the Pill. Free the Pill is a campaign setting its sights on making the pill available over the counter in the United States. Until they accomplish that, they’re providing a wealth of information on where you can get your pill online.

A public service announcement for normal people, A kick in the balls to religious and political nutjobs.
You can go buy them with the money you earn from your job, you fucking cheapskate.
Again, the abortion opponents can't see the forest for the trees. And yes I know this is about birth control. But the subjects go hand in hand. Easy and affordable access to birth control reduces the need for abortion. Sure, you can walk into a pharmacy and buy it...if you can afford it. But hey, let's let the corporations and their Republican party donating board members decide who gets that right.
"Easy and affordable access to birth control" can be had for a mere few dollars at any pharmacy, tightwad.
Well, it happened: The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that U.S. employers can refuse to provide their employees with insurance coverage for contraception under the Affordable Care Act because of the eloyer’s religious or moral objection. This decision potentially deprives over 126,000 people of the option to get their birth control method of choice through their employer-provided health insurance coverage. If you’re one of the people affected by this decision, you’re probably wondering how you can avoid paying exorbitant out-of-pocket fees for your birth control method of choice, and/or how you’re going to renew your prescription without the aid of your doctor’s office.

Even more contraceptive resources can be found on Free the Pill. Free the Pill is a campaign setting its sights on making the pill available over the counter in the United States. Until they accomplish that, they’re providing a wealth of information on where you can get your pill online.

A public service announcement for normal people, A kick in the balls to religious and political nutjobs.

Thank you for the great news that people can still get contraceptives.

Family planning is so important because:

1. A woman should not give birth unless she wants to.

2. Overpopulation in this world is responsible for the immigration situation that is affecting the States and Europe.

3. Thanks to family planning, a lot of potentially bad people are not roaming our streets today.
Again, the abortion opponents can't see the forest for the trees. And yes I know this is about birth control. But the subjects go hand in hand. Easy and affordable access to birth control reduces the need for abortion. Sure, you can walk into a pharmacy and buy it...if you can afford it. But hey, let's let the corporations and their Republican party donating board members decide who gets that right.

If a man can't afford his own rubber, why would a broad have relations with him in the first place?
Again, the abortion opponents can't see the forest for the trees. And yes I know this is about birth control. But the subjects go hand in hand. Easy and affordable access to birth control reduces the need for abortion. Sure, you can walk into a pharmacy and buy it...if you can afford it. But hey, let's let the corporations and their Republican party donating board members decide who gets that right.

If a man can't afford his own rubber, why would a broad have relations with him in the first place?
Rule of thumb:

Don't have sex with anyone you're not willing to be tied to for 18 years and 9 months.
What is the religious objection to birth control? Why are some people against contraception?

The Pope wrote a paper on this back in the 60's , Humanae Vitae, its pretty deep theologically. It was written in Latin but there is an English translation I think.

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