Where were you?

I was just about to hit the Manhattan exit because I had to be in Jersey City that morning.

Planes were dropping out of the sky like flies. The airport is right there, so.

I turned around and headed back to the office.
Working on my truck, came inside to see it on breaking news on the TV, then watched as the second plane hit. Later in the day heard planes coming and going from the local air base, al kinds, including fighters coming in and scrambling all day , then heard about the Pentagon the hijacked airliner over Pennsylvania. I knew Muslims had already tried to take down the WTC with bombs, so just assumed it was Muslims behind this one.

My aunt was in a convenience store run by a Muslim, and he and his relatives or whoever worked there were laughing at the TV coverage and the carnage. My Aunt called the police, but they said there was nothng they could do about that, so she said they could loan here their pistols and she would. We still let those pieces of shit into the country every day. I think it's obvious that Bush handled it badly, since there are still Muslims alive and running around and free, including in the U.S., and Meccas isn't a 20 square mile slab of glass and their magic asteroid broken up and scattered around pig farms.
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I was asleep. Time zone thing. I went to work and frankly didn't believe when a couple of workmates told me especially that the Pentagon was hit. I did some work and another chap came in and confirmed what the two jokers had said.................then I turned on a TV nearby.


Wow. The place was white with dust in the air, thick with dirt and smoke, INSIDE a closed building!
I've never seen this one taken from inside the building.

It's sad that we now have grown "adults" born in 2000 or so that have never seen what happened that day. The media doesn't want it shown. I guess for the same reason they refuse to show what actually happens to an abortion victim

Wow. The place was white with dust in the air, thick with dirt and smoke, INSIDE a closed building!
I've never seen this one taken from inside the building.

It's sad that we now have grown "adults" born in 2000 or so that have never seen what happened that day. The media doesn't want it shown. I guess for the same reason they refuse to show what actually happens to an abortion victim

I have books on the matter + hours and hours of documentaries saved on every aspect. Studies on the construction of the towers and analysis of the failures. To anyone below the ago of 30 today, 9/11 is at best a dim, fuzzy memory if anything at all. To all those younger than 30 today, a post-9/11 world is THE NORM.

Wow. The place was white with dust in the air, thick with dirt and smoke, INSIDE a closed building!
I've never seen this one taken from inside the building.

It's sad that we now have grown "adults" born in 2000 or so that have never seen what happened that day. The media doesn't want it shown. I guess for the same reason they refuse to show what actually happens to an abortion victim

I have books on the matter + hours and hours of documentaries saved on every aspect. Studies on the construction of the towers and analysis of the failures. To anyone below the ago of 30 today, 9/11 is at best a dim, fuzzy memory if anything at all. To all those younger than 30 today, a post-9/11 world is THE NORM.

Our children are all under 18....at breakfast this morning one of our twins said grace and she mentioned 911 victims and families.

Not all kids are ill informed.
I was in English Lit when it was announced. School was let out early and closed the following day.

Never forget!

I was asleep. It was my day off, so I had a rare chance to sleep in. My husband was up and playing a game online with his friends when one of them told him that the first tower had been hit. He came and woke me up, and we spent the rest of the day watching in horror as the events unfolded and grieving with those people we knew who had had loved ones involved.
I was in English Lit when it was announced. School was let out early and closed the following day.

Never forget!

I was asleep. It was my day off, so I had a rare chance to sleep in. My husband was up and playing a game online with his friends when one of them told him that the first tower had been hit. He came and woke me up, and we spent the rest of the day watching in horror as the events unfolded and grieving with those people we knew who had had loved ones involved.

The pictures of people jumping to their deaths are haunting.
I was in English Lit when it was announced. School was let out early and closed the following day.

Never forget!

I was asleep. It was my day off, so I had a rare chance to sleep in. My husband was up and playing a game online with his friends when one of them told him that the first tower had been hit. He came and woke me up, and we spent the rest of the day watching in horror as the events unfolded and grieving with those people we knew who had had loved ones involved.

The pictures of people jumping to their deaths are haunting.

The stories about people who died trying to help others still make me cry. And God knows, virtually nothing makes me cry.
I was in English Lit when it was announced. School was let out early and closed the following day.

Never forget!

I was asleep. It was my day off, so I had a rare chance to sleep in. My husband was up and playing a game online with his friends when one of them told him that the first tower had been hit. He came and woke me up, and we spent the rest of the day watching in horror as the events unfolded and grieving with those people we knew who had had loved ones involved.

The pictures of people jumping to their deaths are haunting.

The stories about people who died trying to help others still make me cry. And God knows, virtually nothing makes me cry.

There a lot of hero’s weren’t there? I cried :(
I was in English Lit when it was announced. School was let out early and closed the following day.

Never forget!

I was asleep. It was my day off, so I had a rare chance to sleep in. My husband was up and playing a game online with his friends when one of them told him that the first tower had been hit. He came and woke me up, and we spent the rest of the day watching in horror as the events unfolded and grieving with those people we knew who had had loved ones involved.

The pictures of people jumping to their deaths are haunting.

The stories about people who died trying to help others still make me cry. And God knows, virtually nothing makes me cry.

There a lot of hero’s weren’t there? I cried :(

It gives me faith in humanity when a tragedy like that strikes, and I see everyday people willing to risk or even sacrifice their own lives to save total strangers. Not just cops and firefighters, who are amazing in their own right for taking that on as their jobs, but just ordinary folks who never signed up for that responsibility, but took it on anyway.

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