Where is all the Christian/Jewish terrorism


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Let's here from the regressive libtart left-wing 3 2 1...

April 18, 2017

Benny Huang

Two horrific suicide bombings, in two different cities, two hours apart—this is how Egyptian Christians began Holy Week.

In the cities of Tawra and Alexandria, Muslim terrorists stormed Coptic churches where they proceeded to blow themselves to a fine pink mist while taking 44 worshippers with them. These two attacks followed last December’s horrific suicide bombing at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Cairo that killed 29.


In order to bolster his claim that all religions are equally guilty of terrorism he cited a few examples—the 1980s abortion clinic bomber Michael Bray, cult leader David Koresh, and the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. Besides the fact that abortion clinic bombings are very, very rare (al-Tayeb reached back a full 32 years to find one), that Koresh was not actually a terrorist, and that McVeigh was a political terrorist and a very lapsed Catholic, his comparison is on solid footing. Okay, not really.

The “double standard” accusation is a serious one that was likely intended to disarm Westerners who are notoriously sensitive about treating others with bias. But is there really a double standard in the way we perceive Muslim violence compared to other kinds? Yes, there is—just not in the way that the Grand Imam suggests. Each time a Muslim terror attack occurs, journalists attempt to lead the public through what can only be called a coping ritual. The ritual has four stages.


Yes it’s true that not all Muslims are terrorists. And yes it’s true that not all terrorists are Muslim, though an absurdly high proportion of the religious variety are. What cannot be denied, however, is that the overlapping between these two groups—Muslims on the one hand and terrorists on the other—is very real. Those who choose not to see it are willfully blind, which isn’t a virtue.

If 'Terror Knows No Religion' Where Is All The Christian/Jewish Terrorism?
Whose version of terrorism are you talking about? The carry in the bomb terrorism, or the drop the bomb out of an airplane terrorism?
Whose version of terrorism are you talking about? The carry in the bomb terrorism, or the drop the bomb out of an airplane terrorism?[/QUOTE

when you consider the question----go back to the very basics.--------In the USA---long ago during our MAGICAL YEARS-------if two armed men faced each other in the street------the one with the fastest hand won------legally]
U.S. General: "I Knew That My God Was Bigger Than His"

Warring with God
By James Carroll
Boston Globe

I KNEW that my God was bigger than his," Lieutenant General William G. Boykin said of his Muslim opponent. "I knew that my God was a real God, and his was an idol." That and other remarks derogatory of Islam caused a stir last week, especially because the general holds a key position in the war on terrorism. Awkward memories surfaced of President Bush's inadvertent use of the term "crusade" to define that war, and fears broke into the open that the war was, despite disclaimers, a religious war after all.

Soon, by Allah's permission, a day will come when the Muslim will walk everywhere as master.

Islam was never a Religion of Peace. Islam is the religion of fighting.
  • ...If you see that I am wrong, advise me and put me on the right track, and obey me as long as I obey God in you... God gave your mujahedeen brothers victory after long years of jihad and patience... so they declared the caliphate and placed the caliph in charge. This is a duty on Muslims that has been lost for centuries...
    • As quoted in "Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi addresses Muslims in Mosul", The Telegraph (5 July 2014)[1]
  • ...Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting...
    • As quoted in "Islamic State releases 'al-Baghdadi message'", BBC (14 May 2015)[2]
  • ...Do not think the war that we are waging is the Islamic State’s war alone. Rather, it is the Muslims’ war altogether. It is the war of every Muslim in every place, and the Islamic State is merely the spearhead in this war. It is but the war of the people of faith against the people of disbelief...
    • As quoted in "Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi resurfaces in audio urging supporters to join terror group", Independent (15 May 2015)[3]
  • ...[Be] certain that our hearts are broken on account of your leaving of your homes and your lands, and your seeking of shelter in the territory of the Rāfidah [those who reject Islamic authority] and the Kurdish atheists, and your being forced to wander the lands... So return to your lands, and remain in your homes, and seek shelter – after first seeking shelter with Allah – with your people in the Islamic State, for you will find therein, by Allah’s permission, a warm embrace and a safe refuge. For you are our people. We defend you, your honor, and your wealth. We want you to be mighty and noble, we want you to be safe and secure...
    • As quoted in "Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi resurfaces in audio urging supporters to join terror group", Independent (15 May 2015)[4]
  • ...By Allah, we will take revenge! By Allah, we will take revenge! Even if it takes a while, we will take revenge, and every amount of harm against the Ummah will be responded to with multitudes more against the perpetrator...
    • As quoted in Dabiq, issue #12; published November 18, 2015, pg. 2[5]
  • ...Soon, by Allah's permission, a day will come when the Muslim will walk everywhere as master, having honor, being revered, with his head held high, and his dignity preserved. Anyone who dares to offend him will be disciplined, and any hand that reaches out to harm him will be cut off. So let the world know that we are living today in a new era. Whoever was heedless must now be alert. Whoever was sleeping must now awaken...

    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikiquote

Soon, by Allah's permission, a day will come when the Muslim will walk everywhere as master.

Islam was never a Religion of Peace. Islam is the religion of fighting.
  • ...If you see that I am wrong, advise me and put me on the right track, and obey me as long as I obey God in you... God gave your mujahedeen brothers victory after long years of jihad and patience... so they declared the caliphate and placed the caliph in charge. This is a duty on Muslims that has been lost for centuries...
    • As quoted in "Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi addresses Muslims in Mosul", The Telegraph (5 July 2014)[1]
  • ...Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting...
    • As quoted in "Islamic State releases 'al-Baghdadi message'", BBC (14 May 2015)[2]
  • ...Do not think the war that we are waging is the Islamic State’s war alone. Rather, it is the Muslims’ war altogether. It is the war of every Muslim in every place, and the Islamic State is merely the spearhead in this war. It is but the war of the people of faith against the people of disbelief...
    • As quoted in "Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi resurfaces in audio urging supporters to join terror group", Independent (15 May 2015)[3]
  • ...[Be] certain that our hearts are broken on account of your leaving of your homes and your lands, and your seeking of shelter in the territory of the Rāfidah [those who reject Islamic authority] and the Kurdish atheists, and your being forced to wander the lands... So return to your lands, and remain in your homes, and seek shelter – after first seeking shelter with Allah – with your people in the Islamic State, for you will find therein, by Allah’s permission, a warm embrace and a safe refuge. For you are our people. We defend you, your honor, and your wealth. We want you to be mighty and noble, we want you to be safe and secure...
    • As quoted in "Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi resurfaces in audio urging supporters to join terror group", Independent (15 May 2015)[4]
  • ...By Allah, we will take revenge! By Allah, we will take revenge! Even if it takes a while, we will take revenge, and every amount of harm against the Ummah will be responded to with multitudes more against the perpetrator...
    • As quoted in Dabiq, issue #12; published November 18, 2015, pg. 2[5]
  • ...Soon, by Allah's permission, a day will come when the Muslim will walk everywhere as master, having honor, being revered, with his head held high, and his dignity preserved. Anyone who dares to offend him will be disciplined, and any hand that reaches out to harm him will be cut off. So let the world know that we are living today in a new era. Whoever was heedless must now be alert. Whoever was sleeping must now awaken...

    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikiquote
Whose religion of peace was shock and awe in Iraq?
U.S. General: "I Knew That My God Was Bigger Than His"

Warring with God
By James Carroll
Boston Globe

I KNEW that my God was bigger than his," Lieutenant General William G. Boykin said of his Muslim opponent. "I knew that my God was a real God, and his was an idol." That and other remarks derogatory of Islam caused a stir last week, especially because the general holds a key position in the war on terrorism. Awkward memories surfaced of President Bush's inadvertent use of the term "crusade" to define that war, and fears broke into the open that the war was, despite disclaimers, a religious war after all.

nothing wrong with the word CRUSADE ----it is a word-----regardless of its
ORIGIN ----in English it means A WORTHY ENDEAVOR, its origin in
To teach a child that Hell awaits those who 'sin', is the most pernicious (and common) terrorism, and it is widely practised in all the Abrahamic sects.
To teach a child that Hell awaits those who 'sin', is the most pernicious (and common) terrorism, and it is widely practised in all the Abrahamic sects.

nope-----ain't no "HELL" in Judaism-----Dante invented it -------a really
interesting book------but a bit TOO CREATIVE
Let's here from the regressive libtart left-wing 3 2 1...

April 18, 2017

Benny Huang

Two horrific suicide bombings, in two different cities, two hours apart—this is how Egyptian Christians began Holy Week.

In the cities of Tawra and Alexandria, Muslim terrorists stormed Coptic churches where they proceeded to blow themselves to a fine pink mist while taking 44 worshippers with them. These two attacks followed last December’s horrific suicide bombing at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Cairo that killed 29.


In order to bolster his claim that all religions are equally guilty of terrorism he cited a few examples—the 1980s abortion clinic bomber Michael Bray, cult leader David Koresh, and the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. Besides the fact that abortion clinic bombings are very, very rare (al-Tayeb reached back a full 32 years to find one), that Koresh was not actually a terrorist, and that McVeigh was a political terrorist and a very lapsed Catholic, his comparison is on solid footing. Okay, not really.

The “double standard” accusation is a serious one that was likely intended to disarm Westerners who are notoriously sensitive about treating others with bias. But is there really a double standard in the way we perceive Muslim violence compared to other kinds? Yes, there is—just not in the way that the Grand Imam suggests. Each time a Muslim terror attack occurs, journalists attempt to lead the public through what can only be called a coping ritual. The ritual has four stages.


Yes it’s true that not all Muslims are terrorists. And yes it’s true that not all terrorists are Muslim, though an absurdly high proportion of the religious variety are. What cannot be denied, however, is that the overlapping between these two groups—Muslims on the one hand and terrorists on the other—is very real. Those who choose not to see it are willfully blind, which isn’t a virtue.

If 'Terror Knows No Religion' Where Is All The Christian/Jewish Terrorism?

We are behind what is happening in Syria and might even attack N. Korea. Is that not enough for you, side note, Christians and Jews turn a blind eye to the robbing and the slow genocide of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, we also are behind the Saudis in Yemen, not enough yet. PS: look at the mess we made in Iraq.
Let's here from the regressive libtart left-wing 3 2 1...

April 18, 2017

Benny Huang

Two horrific suicide bombings, in two different cities, two hours apart—this is how Egyptian Christians began Holy Week.

In the cities of Tawra and Alexandria, Muslim terrorists stormed Coptic churches where they proceeded to blow themselves to a fine pink mist while taking 44 worshippers with them. These two attacks followed last December’s horrific suicide bombing at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Cairo that killed 29.


In order to bolster his claim that all religions are equally guilty of terrorism he cited a few examples—the 1980s abortion clinic bomber Michael Bray, cult leader David Koresh, and the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. Besides the fact that abortion clinic bombings are very, very rare (al-Tayeb reached back a full 32 years to find one), that Koresh was not actually a terrorist, and that McVeigh was a political terrorist and a very lapsed Catholic, his comparison is on solid footing. Okay, not really.

The “double standard” accusation is a serious one that was likely intended to disarm Westerners who are notoriously sensitive about treating others with bias. But is there really a double standard in the way we perceive Muslim violence compared to other kinds? Yes, there is—just not in the way that the Grand Imam suggests. Each time a Muslim terror attack occurs, journalists attempt to lead the public through what can only be called a coping ritual. The ritual has four stages.


Yes it’s true that not all Muslims are terrorists. And yes it’s true that not all terrorists are Muslim, though an absurdly high proportion of the religious variety are. What cannot be denied, however, is that the overlapping between these two groups—Muslims on the one hand and terrorists on the other—is very real. Those who choose not to see it are willfully blind, which isn’t a virtue.

If 'Terror Knows No Religion' Where Is All The Christian/Jewish Terrorism?

We are behind what is happening in Syria and might even attack N. Korea. Is that not enough for you, side note, Christians and Jews turn a blind eye to the robbing and the slow genocide of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, we also are behind the Saudis in Yemen, not enough yet. PS: look at the mess we made in Iraq.

"BEHIND" what? Syrians are killing each other with the help of Russia and
Iran. Russia ROUTINELY supports Baathist kennels because Baathist leaders are so like Stalin. Nasser (a Baathist) used mustard gas in Yemen in the early 50s in order to support the overthrow of the Yemeni government and convert to the filth of fascist baathism----Yemen has been in the grip of civil wars ever since.
More lately IRAN has seized an opportunity to galvanize the Shiite minority
in Yemen to murder lots of people and take control of the seaport cities and the
capital AND threaten Saudi Arabia------Saudi Arabia is fighting the Iranian supported HOUTHS and the IMPLANTED HEZBOLLAH ----right now.
"GENOCIDE" means the decimation of generations------the generations of
"palestinains have been INCREASING rather than being decimate over the past 60 years-------thus THERE IS NO GENOCIDE of "Palestinians' ------Penny lied.
Right now the Christian population of Iraq is being subjected to genocide (hint---it is DECREASING in numbers) Muslim yemen accomplished its genocide
of both jews and Christians LONG ago. Iran accomplished its genocide
of Zoroastrians, and Jews ----also LONG AGO
"BEHIND" what? Syrians are killing each other with the help of Russia and
The US has been supplying weapons and stirring the pot since 2011.

since 2011? I have encountered Christian Syrians in the USA who FLED
that country since the 1950s. There were so many Christian Syrians in my area that I concluded that Syria is a Christian country. There were some evil nasty people
back there-------I was a kid in the 1950s-----I kinda thought that they were Nazi type
people-----the same kind of group that murdered the Armenians. Problems FIRST started in Syria in 2011? What was all that stuff about that brutal dictator HAFEZ?.
His rep was so bad that I breathed a sigh of relief when he died-----I concluded that
no doctor of Ophthalmology could be BRUTAL
Whose version of terrorism are you talking about? The carry in the bomb terrorism, or the drop the bomb out of an airplane terrorism?
1.Religious terrorism you dingbat. 2.So your a regressive libtart...
OK Mr. Dual Standard.

what does "dual standard" mean?
When it is OK for one to do something and not OK for someone else to do it.

Oh----"DOUBLE STANDARD"-------I do not see how it applies

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