Where does it say in the Bible that the human soul is formed at the time of conception?

Were the children your gawds drowned per the flood tale really evil, corrupt and violent?

God took them and raised them.
Believe what you want and scoff all you want.
Some day you will see the truth when you stand before God on judgment day.

What I don't trust are religious loons whose extremist views would eliminate healthcare choices for women.
so does that cover both Parents magazine AND Snopes or do you consider them separately.......
It covers your inability to defend your position of religious extremism. You have learned how to cut and paste from tabloid websites. Good for you.

Now you need to learn that your hate and intolerance is out of touch both with the law and attitudes of most Americans.

I suppose the photo you cut and pasted would also represent the "unborn children" killed by your gawds per the flood tale.

It's interesting that you're so anxious to show the results of your gawds hate and intolerance.
again......why do you call Parents magazine and Snopes "tabloid websites"......
Were the children your gawds drowned per the flood tale really evil, corrupt and violent?

God took them and raised them.
Believe what you want and scoff all you want.
Some day you will see the truth when you stand before God on judgment day.

What I don't trust are religious loons whose extremist views would eliminate healthcare choices for women.
so does that cover both Parents magazine AND Snopes or do you consider them separately.......
It covers your inability to defend your position of religious extremism. You have learned how to cut and paste from tabloid websites. Good for you.

Now you need to learn that your hate and intolerance is out of touch both with the law and attitudes of most Americans.

I suppose the photo you cut and pasted would also represent the "unborn children" killed by your gawds per the flood tale.

It's interesting that you're so anxious to show the results of your gawds hate and intolerance.
again......why do you call Parents magazine and Snopes "tabloid websites"......
What did you think was gained by posting from tabloid websites?
I think we gained a great deal of insight into the legitimacy of your claims by watching you criticize Snopes as an untrustworthy website........you have to watch out for those right wing extremists whereever they are hiding.....oh, and those religious loons at Parents magazine......
I think we've gained insight into the self-hate and paranoia that afflicts the religious zealot.
That little blob of red jelly certainly has the potential to become a person. :p

However, there are no 12 week old fetuses walking around, rubbing its eyes, as the conservative christian extremist sites would have people believe.
how do you explain the ultrasound images of 11 week old fetuses that aren't little blobs of red jelly?......or are you claiming Parents magazine is part of some anti-abortion propaganda campaign?......

You've seen pictures, have you?

If you're seeing hands and feet, then yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Again, an 11, 12, or 13 week old fetus is...

A. Nothing you could see without a microscope
B. Nothing you could distinguish from a clot of blood
C. Nothing that has a human form

Most of these pictures on the web are photos of later-stage embryos and fetuses, or greatly magnified to look as though they were visible with the naked eye.

here is a picture that Snopes.com publishes to show what a REAL 12 week old fetus looks like.....

need a microscope?......
snopes.com 12-Week Fetus Photograph

You need to speak with a nurse, or someone who's had a miscarriage at 12 weeks.
hey idiot, its a real picture....do you need a fucking microscope???.....
Of course it's a real picture, dear. :)

Even the conspiracy theory loons who troll snopes laugh at you religious loons.
That little blob of red jelly certainly has the potential to become a person. :p

However, there are no 12 week old fetuses walking around, rubbing its eyes, as the conservative christian extremist sites would have people believe.
how do you explain the ultrasound images of 11 week old fetuses that aren't little blobs of red jelly?......or are you claiming Parents magazine is part of some anti-abortion propaganda campaign?......

You've seen pictures, have you?

If you're seeing hands and feet, then yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Again, an 11, 12, or 13 week old fetus is...

A. Nothing you could see without a microscope
B. Nothing you could distinguish from a clot of blood
C. Nothing that has a human form

Most of these pictures on the web are photos of later-stage embryos and fetuses, or greatly magnified to look as though they were visible with the naked eye.

here is a picture that Snopes.com publishes to show what a REAL 12 week old fetus looks like.....

need a microscope?......
snopes.com 12-Week Fetus Photograph

You need to speak with a nurse, or someone who's had a miscarriage at 12 weeks.
hey idiot, its a real picture....do you need a fucking microscope???.....

That's not the photo your church put in my nephew's Halloween bag, this is....


Just because science has come up with 3D/4D doppler techniques for making the fetus look more 'baby-like' doesn't mean that anyone is going to change their mind. A first-trimester fetus is indistinguishable from a tiny clot of blood, much like you might blow out of your nose after a nose-bleed. You would not see a "dumpster full of them", because they would dissolve, being liquid/gelatinous. Don't try to dispute me. I've been there. My testimony is painfully accurate. Ask anyone who's ever had a miscarriage, what they found afterwards.
Dump the religious sites and Google 4D ultrasound.
snopes is not a religious site, idiot......

You big dummy, Tripsycatlover is trying to get you to look at magnified photos in 4D to help further your cause, to sensationalize the abortion issue.

However, there's no point in sensationalism--when the truth can stand on its own.
One thing is for sure, and that is that you are killing something, and the extraction of that something afterwards is evidence of it. Would you say that what was killed was not alive or did it have life before it was killed ?

By "something" you mean a separate entity you believe to be a soul? Beliefs die with the death of the brain.
By something I mean actual physical matter that had life before it was snuffed out. The remains is the evidence that was the body that actually harbored that life.

Cancers are alive. Infections and some diseases are alive. What is your point?
Don't play games, because you know the difference. OK, I'll play for a minute with you, so what are you saying then, that you see a fetus/human being as maybe being the same as an infection or a cancer, therefore you would extract it under the same premise?

Well I wouldn't go that far BUT the fetus, if needed for whatever reason the woman chooses, is an intruder until a woman chooses otherwise...so yes in THAT way it could be viewed as a parasite.
If the baby survives an assassination attempt and is born alive, should all measures be used to help him/her survive?
no one is killing children.
everyone considers the unborn to be children up until the moment they decide to kill them.......
The left had to first cheapen life before they could start destroying it. So they started the debate on when you become a human-being. The problem is they have cheapened life so much that they've opened up a Pandora's box.

Get your history straight. Reproductive choice had always been legal until religious zealots tried to outlaw it. The court made your ilk stop.

Now be a goo boy and get out of women's business.
no one is killing children.
everyone considers the unborn to be children up until the moment they decide to kill them.......
The left had to first cheapen life before they could start destroying it. So they started the debate on when you become a human-being. The problem is they have cheapened life so much that they've opened up a Pandora's box.

Get your history straight. Reproductive choice had always been legal until religious zealots tried to outlaw it. The court made your ilk stop.

Now be a goo boy and get out of women's business.
Wtf is a "goo boy"?

My ilk believes your ilk deserves the right to kill your own offspring. It's those damned neocons that think nobody should be allowed a choice. I'm not into telling everyone how to live.

Problem with you is you feel that anyone who doesn't fall lockstep in line with you is trying to take your rights away.
However, there's no point in sensationalism--when the truth can stand on its own.
you wont acknowledge the truth.......
Are you really this dense? That's a rhetorical question, BTW.

I've been chuckling these last pages as you have defended the phony photo you cut and pasted from snopes as an actual fetus. Your own article identifies that photo as a fraud.

Its a doll.

You're a dolt.
That's not the photo your church put in my nephew's Halloween bag, this is....
so what?.....is that any excuse for you to lie and say a 12 week old fetus is nothing but a smear of blood?....

grossly a 12 week fetus looks like a smear of blood-----but under a microscope it does have form -----it looks like a fish. It has gill clefts and its little appendages resemble fins--------actually more like a polywog than a fish
Could you tell me more about those evil and corrupt children? What were they guilty of?

Cruella, let's assume for a moment that this god you are so emotionally invested in with your hatred actually does exist, and that the flood actually happened , wouldn't the number of children killed STILL be a tiny fraction of the number you pro-abort ghouls kill in any given month? Hey I get it, you're just making a buck, and abortion is an billion dollar industry..
As I explained, now the third time for you, the issue you agonize over has been addressed.

You need to find someone with your ailments who is willing to repeat things to you, you know, repeatedly so you might eventually understand.



Let's see how you "addressed" your utterly stupid postings?

Or are you lying?
Or are you a stalker?

So you were and are lying through your fucking teeth.

Got it. :thup:
As I explained, now the third time for you, the issue you agonize over has been addressed.

You need to find someone with your ailments who is willing to repeat things to you, you know, repeatedly so you might eventually understand.



Let's see how you "addressed" your utterly stupid postings?

Or are you lying?
Or are you a stalker?

So you were and are lying through your fucking teeth.

Got it. :thup:
I can only give you a 4.0 for pointless melodrama.

Posters. The boy is lonely and looking for someone to indulge him. Anybody want him?
No. I couldn't say the same thing for a toddler.

Sure you can, a mother who has tired of her toddler rightfully can say that the toddler is an intruder.

Unless he/she was getting on my nerves. In that case I would dial 911 and report a break in in progress and the perp is 2 1/2 feet tall waving a pistol. See I would cover the kid in dark brown shoe polish so the cops would have no problem shooting the midget black person relieving me of any responsibility.

Agreed, the cops would very likely "abort" the little tyke without a moments hesitation.....
I can only give you a 4.0 for pointless melodrama.

Posters. The boy is lonely and looking for someone to indulge him. Anybody want him?

No matter what you "gave," no one could believe you.

Over and over you claimed that {As I explained, now the third time for you, the issue you agonize over has been addressed.}

Over and over I asked for a link.

There is no link - because as usual, you were lying. You think it's clever to make false claims, then when called on your lies scream "I addressed that earlier."

I've busted you in a dozen threads doing this. You think that somehow this makes you appear really smart.

You're just a scumbag Hollie - a partisan hack without a hint of integrity. Your agenda is the only thing you care about, and people here know it. You're a lying snake. If another leftist kook is involved they will enjoy your sociopathic style, but to rational people you are a boor, a mindless scumbag who can only score points through prevarication

But other than this, you're really a great person....
no one is killing children.
everyone considers the unborn to be children up until the moment they decide to kill them.......
The left had to first cheapen life before they could start destroying it. So they started the debate on when you become a human-being. The problem is they have cheapened life so much that they've opened up a Pandora's box.

Get your history straight. Reproductive choice had always been legal until religious zealots tried to outlaw it. The court made your ilk stop.

Now be a goo boy and get out of women's business.
????.....where are you from?......abortion was illegal in the US until Roe v Wade....

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