Where did the claim that Donald Trump is a "racist" come from?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
That's something I completely don't understand. What was it he did that caused people to call him a "racist"? The reality is, he has had a long history of doing good things for black people..

Let's put away the disinformation and look at some facts:

"The Donald and “the Blacks”

The Donald and "the Blacks" -
That's something I completely don't understand. What was it he did that caused people to call him a "racist"? The reality is, he has had a long history of doing good things for black people..

Let's put away the disinformation and look at some facts:

"The Donald and “the Blacks”

The Donald and "the Blacks" -
President Trump didn't become a racist until after he beat Killery in the 2016 election. So I would say he became a racist in the eyes of the Dim Dems late evening November 8th, 2016.
It came from the Goebbels-like Media based in New York which is nothing more than an arm of the Democratic Party.

Everybody knows this.
That's something I completely don't understand. What was it he did that caused people to call him a "racist"? The reality is, he has had a long history of doing good things for black people..

Let's put away the disinformation and look at some facts:

"The Donald and “the Blacks”

The Donald and "the Blacks" -
President Trump didn't become a racist until after he beat Killery in the 2016 election. So I would say he became a racist in the eyes of the Dim Dems late evening November 8th, 2016.
And WHERE he became a racist was, of course, from the fake news lamestream media.
As with so much of the information about rumputin he has his propagandists out there making himself look good but some of us worked with him in the distant past and know who he really is. Then ask yourself who really benefits from the lies he tells at a rate of 20 or so a day.
As with so much of the information about rumputin he has his propagandists out there making himself look good but some of us worked with him in the distant past and know who he really is. Then ask yourself who really benefits from the lies he tells at a rate of 20 or so a day.
Yep, it's ANOTHER brainwashed loony lib. You're welcome.
That's something I completely don't understand. What was it he did that caused people to call him a "racist"? The reality is, he has had a long history of doing good things for black people..
Let's put away the disinformation and look at some facts:
"The Donald and “the Blacks”
The Donald and "the Blacks" -

The funny thing is that Trump was one of the first people to hire women and blacks long ago into high positions long before it became fashionable, and never even made a show of it.
That's something I completely don't understand. What was it he did that caused people to call him a "racist"? The reality is, he has had a long history of doing good things for black people..

Let's put away the disinformation and look at some facts:

"The Donald and “the Blacks”

The Donald and "the Blacks" -

It came out of the terror and desperation of the left when they realized that they were out of gas, had nothing to say and nothing of value to add and horror of all horrors, Trump was right about everything he'd said.
That's something I completely don't understand. What was it he did that caused people to call him a "racist"? The reality is, he has had a long history of doing good things for black people..

Let's put away the disinformation and look at some facts:

"The Donald and “the Blacks”

The Donald and "the Blacks" -

It came out of the terror and desperation of the left when they realized that they were out of gas, had nothing to say and nothing of value to add and horror of all horrors, Trump was right about everything he'd said.
Correct! The Left's first response if you disagree with them on ANYTHING is always, "You're a racist!" Pathetic, but true.
As with so much of the information about rumputin he has his propagandists out there making himself look good but some of us worked with him in the distant past and know who he really is. Then ask yourself who really benefits from the lies he tells at a rate of 20 or so a day.
Yep, it's ANOTHER brainwashed loony lib. You're welcome.
So working with him in his past makes me looney? You are a dumb one.
After "Mexican" became a race, and "Muslim" became a race, the TDS brigade decided that ANYTHING Trump says that can be construed in a negative way against anyone who is not white-European is PROOF of his racism. As for Black people, it's (one would hope) only the race pimps who are calling him racist. Rational Black people take it with a grain of salt.
As with so much of the information about rumputin he has his propagandists out there making himself look good but some of us worked with him in the distant past and know who he really is. Then ask yourself who really benefits from the lies he tells at a rate of 20 or so a day.
Yep, it's ANOTHER brainwashed loony lib. You're welcome.
So working with him in his past makes me looney? You are a dumb one.
You misspelled "loony", dumbass. Now go away, sh*thead lib, you're getting on my nerves.
1968 Donald and Fred trump and their company lawsuit for violations of the Fair Housing Act. As the owners of that company they are responsible for their employees refusing housing based on race because they were told too by management. They got applications and found that black people had a big C on the application.

a prosecutor has stated that during a break in the deposition that Trump said “You know, you don’t want to live with them either.”

Now currently the Trump admin is weakening this same Fair housing Act.

The Central Park Five case where blacks and Latinos were accused of rape of a white woman.

He took out an add in 4 papers claiming they should be executed even before they had been found guilty. They were kids under the age of 18, Years later they were exonerated due to DNA testing and a confession of the person who did the crime. Still Trump a man of his convictions took out an add in the paper saying that the settlement for the false arrest was a disgrace. Even in 2016 he was still making statements that they were guilty.

1993 he was making statements that Indians were corrupt in congressional hearings when they were going to give Indians rights to own and operate casinos which would hurt his casino. He made allegation in a government setting but did bring one shred of evidence for his statements. This from a man who had casinos that went bankrupt.

Still he made statements like "They don't look like Indians to me"

Later, using a front organization , Trump and his associate Roger Stone placed advertisements in newspapers in an attempt to block the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s planned Sullivan County casino. On a page proof of one ad, featuring hypodermic needles and lines of cocaine, Trump wrote: “Roger, this could be good!” Trump, Stone, and the institute would later pay fines


well I am tired so I am going to stop here

That's something I completely don't understand. What was it he did that caused people to call him a "racist"? The reality is, he has had a long history of doing good things for black people..

Let's put away the disinformation and look at some facts:

"The Donald and “the Blacks”

The Donald and "the Blacks" -
They made up this from a comment he made about Charlottesville.
They also claimed that the KKK and Nazis support Trump.
That must mean that Obama is a member of the Black Panthers and The Muslim Brotherhood....because both supported him.
That's something I completely don't understand. What was it he did that caused people to call him a "racist"? The reality is, he has had a long history of doing good things for black people..
Let's put away the disinformation and look at some facts:
"The Donald and “the Blacks”
The Donald and "the Blacks" -

The funny thing is that Trump was one of the first people to hire women and blacks long ago into high positions long before it became fashionable, and never even made a show of it.

That's something I completely don't understand. What was it he did that caused people to call him a "racist"? The reality is, he has had a long history of doing good things for black people..

Let's put away the disinformation and look at some facts:

"The Donald and “the Blacks”

The Donald and "the Blacks" -

It started in the 1970’s when he was arrested for VP racial discrimination in housing - twice.
That's something I completely don't understand. What was it he did that caused people to call him a "racist"? The reality is, he has had a long history of doing good things for black people..

Let's put away the disinformation and look at some facts:

"The Donald and “the Blacks”

The Donald and "the Blacks" -

The better question is, when hasn't the left referred to people on the right as racists? I think Hillary said it best when she proclaimed anybody voting for Trump is in the basket of deplorables.

The left considers maintaining or improving our souther borders and being a sovereign country is racist, because the people coming here are Spanish speaking immigrants. It has nothing to do with most of our legal immigrants using our welfare system. It has nothing to do with them lowering the pay rate for native born Americans. It has nothing to do with the billion plus a year it takes to process or care for these people. It has nothing to do with the crimes they commit once here. It has nothing to do with them turning this country into a bilingual nation against our will. The reason Republicans want a secure border is due to race.
It started in the 1970’s when he was arrested for VP racial discrimination in housing - twice.

Why do you people come here and make claims so FOS that you embarrass yourselves? Show me one time Donald Trump was arrested for anything. I'll turn on my stereo now to provide music to the crickets.
I’m answer to the OP

From Trump’s own words and actions

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