Where are your savings going from the tax cuts


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Right to the banks with higher interest rates which means you (the median income) are no further ahead, but the wealthy are. With the tax cuts , so the wealthy can put more money in their pockets comes with cuts in all social programs. Also look for increases in sales tax and at the gas pumps and in food. This is what Trump did to you, remember that, what he and the GOP just did is worst than what Reagan did, but Reagan screwed the middle class and working poor royally.

After losing 10 percent in 2017, the dollar had its best monthly run in February since November 2016 in part as solid economic data fanned expectations the U.S. central bank would raise interest rates four times this year rather than three.

But the dollar is down about 2 percent so far in 2018 and is forecast to weaken further this year, leaving the euro EUR= at $1.28, up from around $1.24 on Tuesday, according to the March 1-6 poll of over 60 foreign exchange strategists.

Dollar still losing battle with euro despite Fed outlook

down down we go and where it stops no one knows.
Shhhhh.... don't tell the right wing snowflakes they've been had again, the poor children will start crying unless Donnie promises them they'll investigate Hillary again this week. Shhhh...

"Taxes are what we pay for civilized society, for modernity, and for prosperity. The wealthy pay more because they have benefitted more." Jill Lepore

"Taxes, well laid and well spent, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare. Taxes protect property and the environment; taxes make business possible. Taxes pay for roads and schools and bridges and police and teachers. Taxes pay for doctors and nursing homes and medicine." Jill Lepore
Shhhhh.... don't tell the right wing snowflakes they've been had again, the poor children will start crying unless Donnie promises them they'll investigate Hillary again this week. Shhhh...

"Taxes are what we pay for civilized society, for modernity, and for prosperity. The wealthy pay more because they have benefitted more." Jill Lepore

"Taxes, well laid and well spent, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare. Taxes protect property and the environment; taxes make business possible. Taxes pay for roads and schools and bridges and police and teachers. Taxes pay for doctors and nursing homes and medicine." Jill Lepore

Argument from authority fallacy. No proof.
Shhhhh.... don't tell the right wing snowflakes they've been had again, the poor children will start crying unless Donnie promises them they'll investigate Hillary again this week. Shhhh...

"Taxes are what we pay for civilized society, for modernity, and for prosperity. The wealthy pay more because they have benefitted more." Jill Lepore

"Taxes, well laid and well spent, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare. Taxes protect property and the environment; taxes make business possible. Taxes pay for roads and schools and bridges and police and teachers. Taxes pay for doctors and nursing homes and medicine." Jill Lepore

All true. Now explain by what authority taxes are assessed against individuals who produce for the benefit of individuals who do not when there is no general benefit or benefit in common to such actions, and no Constitutional authority for Congress to assess taxes for such purposes.
Shhhhh.... don't tell the right wing snowflakes they've been had again, the poor children will start crying unless Donnie promises them they'll investigate Hillary again this week. Shhhh...

"Taxes are what we pay for civilized society, for modernity, and for prosperity. The wealthy pay more because they have benefitted more." Jill Lepore

"Taxes, well laid and well spent, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare. Taxes protect property and the environment; taxes make business possible. Taxes pay for roads and schools and bridges and police and teachers. Taxes pay for doctors and nursing homes and medicine." Jill Lepore

I no longer believe the wealthy pay more, they have all kinds of tax breaks allotted to them, can afford those high price tax attorneys, ship it overseas or down to Bermuda, or have lots of businesses like Trump so every year they have loses, passive income, and now with the new tax cut,

we will see income inequality like never before. What Trump and the GOP have done will be the end of the US, we have the military but that is all we have.
Right to the banks with higher interest rates which means you (the median income) are no further ahead, but the wealthy are. With the tax cuts , so the wealthy can put more money in their pockets comes with cuts in all social programs. Also look for increases in sales tax and at the gas pumps and in food. This is what Trump did to you, remember that, what he and the GOP just did is worst than what Reagan did, but Reagan screwed the middle class and working poor royally.

After losing 10 percent in 2017, the dollar had its best monthly run in February since November 2016 in part as solid economic data fanned expectations the U.S. central bank would raise interest rates four times this year rather than three.

But the dollar is down about 2 percent so far in 2018 and is forecast to weaken further this year, leaving the euro EUR= at $1.28, up from around $1.24 on Tuesday, according to the March 1-6 poll of over 60 foreign exchange strategists.

Dollar still losing battle with euro despite Fed outlook

down down we go and where it stops no one knows.

Right to the banks with higher interest rates which means you (the median income) are no further ahead, but the wealthy are.

I don't have any adjustable rate debt. If rates rise, my debt would be unchanged.

With the tax cuts , so the wealthy can put more money in their pockets comes with cuts in all social programs.

Which programs are being cut? Link?

Also look for increases in sales tax and at the gas pumps and in food.

If those events happen, how are they caused by the Trump tax cuts?

down down we go and where it stops no one knows

Which has what to do with tax cuts?
Shhhhh.... don't tell the right wing snowflakes they've been had again, the poor children will start crying unless Donnie promises them they'll investigate Hillary again this week. Shhhh...

"Taxes are what we pay for civilized society, for modernity, and for prosperity. The wealthy pay more because they have benefitted more." Jill Lepore

"Taxes, well laid and well spent, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare. Taxes protect property and the environment; taxes make business possible. Taxes pay for roads and schools and bridges and police and teachers. Taxes pay for doctors and nursing homes and medicine." Jill Lepore


Why should we care what Jill has to say about taxes?
I no longer believe the wealthy pay more, they have all kinds of tax breaks allotted to them, can afford those high price tax attorneys, ship it overseas or down to Bermuda, or have lots of businesses like Trump so every year they have loses, passive income, and now with the new tax cut,

we will see income inequality like never before. What Trump and the GOP have done will be the end of the US, we have the military but that is all we have.
As though you have any claim to the earnings and accumulations of others.
Wrong, New York Times, a 1990 article-

We don't know whether historians will call it the Great Expansion of the 1980's or Reagan's Great Expansion, but we do know from official economic statistics that the seven year period from 1982 to 1989 was the greatest, consistent burst of economic activity ever seen in the U.S. In fact, it was the greatest economic expansion the world has ever seen - in any country, at any time.

The two key measures that mark a depression or expansion are jobs and production. Let's look at the records that were set. Creation of jobs. From November 1982, when President Ronald Reagan's new economic program was beginning to take effect, to November 1989, 18.7 million new jobs were created. It was a world record: Never before had so many jobs been created during a comparable time period. The new jobs covered the entire spectrum of work, and more than half of them paid more than $20,000 a year. As total employment grew to 119.5 million, the rate of unemployment fell to slightly over 5 percent, the lowest level in 15 years. Creation of wealth.

The amount of wealth produced during this seven year period was stupendous - some $30 trillion worth of goods and services. Again, it was a world record. Never before had so much wealth been produced during a comparable period. According to a recent study, net asset values - including stocks, bonds and real estate - went up by more than $5 trillion between 1982 and 1989, an increase of roughly 50 percent.

There are other important measures. Steady economic growth. As we begin the decade of the 1990's, we are in our 86th straight month of economic growth - a new record for peacetime, five months longer than the wartime growth of World War II and only 23 months short of the wartime record set during the Vietnam War in the 1960's. Most experts now predict that it will last right through 1990, and perhaps beyond.

Income tax rates, interest rates and inflation.

Under President Reagan, top personal income tax rates were lowered dramatically, from 70 percent to 28 percent. This policy change was the prime force behind the record breaking economic expansion. Interest rates and inflation also fell sharply and, so far, have stayed comfortably low - a further indication of the power and pervasiveness of Mr. Reagan's economic policies. The stock market. Perhaps the key indicator of an economy's booms and busts is the stock market, the bottom line economic report card. And here the record has been striking. During the period from 1970 to 1982, the stock market barely moved. The Standard & Poor's index of 500 stocks inched up about 35 percent during that entire period. But starting in late 1982, just as Reaganomics began to work, the stock market took off like a giant skyrocket. Since then, the Standard & Poor's index has soared, reaching a record high of 360, almost triple what it was in 1982.

There were other consequences of the expansion. Annual Federal spending on public housing and welfare, and on Social Security, Medicare and health all increased by billions of dollars. The poverty rate has fallen steadily since 1983.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever

Right to the banks with higher interest rates which means you (the median income) are no further ahead, but the wealthy are. With the tax cuts , so the wealthy can put more money in their pockets comes with cuts in all social programs. Also look for increases in sales tax and at the gas pumps and in food. This is what Trump did to you, remember that, what he and the GOP just did is worst than what Reagan did, but Reagan screwed the middle class and working poor royally.

After losing 10 percent in 2017, the dollar had its best monthly run in February since November 2016 in part as solid economic data fanned expectations the U.S. central bank would raise interest rates four times this year rather than three.

But the dollar is down about 2 percent so far in 2018 and is forecast to weaken further this year, leaving the euro EUR= at $1.28, up from around $1.24 on Tuesday, according to the March 1-6 poll of over 60 foreign exchange strategists.

Dollar still losing battle with euro despite Fed outlook

down down we go and where it stops no one knows.
I no longer believe the wealthy pay more, they have all kinds of tax breaks allotted to them, can afford those high price tax attorneys, ship it overseas or down to Bermuda, or have lots of businesses like Trump so every year they have loses, passive income, and now with the new tax cut,

we will see income inequality like never before. What Trump and the GOP have done will be the end of the US, we have the military but that is all we have.
As though you have any claim to the earnings and accumulations of others.

No I pay taxes and you should as well.
Right to the banks with higher interest rates which means you (the median income) are no further ahead, but the wealthy are. With the tax cuts , so the wealthy can put more money in their pockets comes with cuts in all social programs. Also look for increases in sales tax and at the gas pumps and in food. This is what Trump did to you, remember that, what he and the GOP just did is worst than what Reagan did, but Reagan screwed the middle class and working poor royally.

After losing 10 percent in 2017, the dollar had its best monthly run in February since November 2016 in part as solid economic data fanned expectations the U.S. central bank would raise interest rates four times this year rather than three.

But the dollar is down about 2 percent so far in 2018 and is forecast to weaken further this year, leaving the euro EUR= at $1.28, up from around $1.24 on Tuesday, according to the March 1-6 poll of over 60 foreign exchange strategists.

Dollar still losing battle with euro despite Fed outlook

down down we go and where it stops no one knows.

Right to the banks with higher interest rates which means you (the median income) are no further ahead, but the wealthy are.

I don't have any adjustable rate debt. If rates rise, my debt would be unchanged.

With the tax cuts , so the wealthy can put more money in their pockets comes with cuts in all social programs.

Which programs are being cut? Link?

Also look for increases in sales tax and at the gas pumps and in food.

If those events happen, how are they caused by the Trump tax cuts?

down down we go and where it stops no one knows

Which has what to do with tax cuts?

All the social programs are going to be cut and some have already. After the Nov election watch they will raise Hud subsidized to 35% of income and take away deductions, for the disabled and seniors and the vets. The vets are going to get screwed as well. Snap , everything, and state income tax, instead the GOP are going to raise sales tax, really make sure it hurts the working poor and seniors.

Trump is killing the US, and you know it.

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