where are the trans men in mens sports ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
the left celebrates trans males winning and dominating in womens sports ... but they have said zilch about trans men dominating in mens sports ! wheres the trans male winner in powerlifting, swimming, track and field ect ... where are the biological females that identify as men that are dominating mens sports eh ? wheres the trans male that bench presses 600 lbs eh ?
the left celebrates trans males winning and dominating in womens sports ... but they have said zilch about trans men dominating in mens sports ! wheres the trans male winner in powerlifting, swimming, track and field ect ... where are the biological females that identify as men that are dominating mens sports eh ? wheres the trans male that bench presses 600 lbs eh ?
I must have missed the celebrating. Any link to these supposed celebrations?
I must have missed the celebrating. Any link to these supposed celebrations?

thats just a few .
Looks like a raucous celebration. LOL. It's a dude getting a trophy for coming in first in an event in which he shouldn't have been allowed to compete IMHO. It's not a celebration.

Nah, c'mon really...where are these celebrations you're (imagine my shock) upset about?
celebrate as in ...honor or praise publicly .
That's because the left is a whole lot smarter than we give them credit for. They know a biological woman would be crushed on a sport's team by her fellow teammates.
Okay...where is this being praised by the "left"?
what ? dims screech when the right criticizes biological men in womens sports ..so stop deflecting and tells us why you think trans males arent competing in sports that require speed strength or both in mens sports eh ?
what ? dims screech when the right criticizes biological men in womens sports ..so stop deflecting and tells us why you think trans males arent competing in sports that require speed strength or both in mens sports eh ?
Any quotes to the "screeching" by democrats? The only people who seem to be screeching are folks like yourself.

I honestly don't know how to answer your question. I think the idea of folks who are born male competing against folks who are born female is a bad idea when there are stakes involved (scholarships, trophies, etc...).
Any quotes to the "screeching" by democrats? The only people who seem to be screeching are folks like yourself.

I honestly don't know how to answer your question. I think the idea of folks who are born male competing against folks who are born female is a bad idea when there are stakes involved (scholarships, trophies, etc...).
so we agree then ! so you condemn the lefts push to allow men to participate in womens sports ?
so we agree then ! so you condemn the lefts push to allow men to participate in womens sports ?
When there are stakes involved (championships, scholarships, etc...) yes.

When you have some 7th graders playing basketball against a district rival, I don't see the harm.

Yeah...I've been saying so for years.

One good thing I hope comes out of Trump's administration is that the judges he's appointing may have some affect on this nonsense. If you have outdoor plumbing, you play with the boys. If you have indoor plumbing, you play with the girls. It's pretty simple.
You guys paint everyone with the same broad brush because you're intellectually lazy.
the left celebrates trans males winning and dominating in womens [sic] sports ... but they have said zilch about trans men dominating in mens [sic] sports ! wheres [sic] the trans male winner in powerlifting, swimming, track and field ect [sic] ... where are the biological females that identify as men that are dominating mens [sic] sports eh ? wheres [sic] the trans male that bench presses 600 lbs eh ?

Are there any sports, where a woman would have any physical advantage over a man, where a “trans man” competing against actual men would have an advantage?

The only “sports” that I can think of (and it seems like a stretch to call them “sports”, where a woman would be at an advantage, it seems to me, would be things like women's gymnastics or figure skating, in which one of the elements being showcased is a kind of gracefulness that particularly feminine. A man trying to compete in one of these events would surely come across as clumsy and brutish compared to actual women. But the corresponding men's events are very different than the women's versions, emphasizing more masculine traits. A “trans man”'s feminine gracefulness would be no advantage there.
Because they know they’d lose. Because, deep down, they know they’re biological women no matter how juiced they are.
Looks like a raucous celebration. LOL. It's a dude getting a trophy for coming in first in an event in which he shouldn't have been allowed to compete IMHO. It's not a celebration.
No doubt these hybrid trans athletic events should never be allowed to happen. It's amazing to me how group think has afflicted so many in this regard.
No doubt these hybrid trans athletic events should never be allowed to happen. It's amazing to me how group think has afflicted so many in this regard.
When there are stakes involved...correct. But if you're in PE class in 7th grade or whatever with coaches of both genders there to supervise...I'm fine with it. Hell, girls have been playing HS football for like 20 years now. Nobody (or few anyway) have raised much of a stir.

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