Where are the supplies Trump keep promising?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
What since does it make, seeing the God, ie Trump day after day after day, with all these promises of supplies, when seconds after the God, leave the stage, reports are made by foot soldiers on the ground, begging for supplies???? If this was Texas, Ky. Fla....they'd have supplies yesterday, but because its Blue states taking the lead...the score keeping God, ie Trump is holding back.

What Trump wants and need, especially since he can no longer get "rally highs" from his adoring nuts, he uses the Lie Conferences on a daily basis to get the nations attention and puts out the same bs, he would feed his nuts....not fully realizing, his nuts are at home caughing up their guts and the world is now in his audience and won't fall for the bs
Trump can be convinced to do a complete 180 on any issue...which is scary

he'd be totally convinced of something, then he'd go into a meeting and he'd be convinced of the opposite 5 minutes later

he has not attention span, my friends
What since does it make, seeing the God, ie Trump day after day after day, with all these promises of supplies, when seconds after the God, leave the stage, reports are made by foot soldiers on the ground, begging for supplies???? If this was Texas, Ky. Fla....they'd have supplies yesterday, but because its Blue states taking the lead...the score keeping God, ie Trump is holding back.

What Trump wants and need, especially since he can no longer get "rally highs" from his adoring nuts, he uses the Lie Conferences on a daily basis to get the nations attention and puts out the same bs, he would feed his nuts....not fully realizing, his nuts are at home caughing up their guts and the world is now in his audience and won't fall for the bs
God does not help Blasfimers bro..........sorry......you are on your own .......Ask the Fake News to save you.
Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.
Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.
Yeah I heard he was hand delivering all supplies and working the assembly line on goods ..........damn he's a slacker....

I herd their is one Stock that is soaring on the markets....

The WHINE STOCK is going through the roof.........did you buy low.........LOL
What since does it make, seeing the God, ie Trump day after day after day, with all these promises of supplies, when seconds after the God, leave the stage, reports are made by foot soldiers on the ground, begging for supplies???? If this was Texas, Ky. Fla....they'd have supplies yesterday, but because its Blue states taking the lead...the score keeping God, ie Trump is holding back.

What Trump wants and need, especially since he can no longer get "rally highs" from his adoring nuts, he uses the Lie Conferences on a daily basis to get the nations attention and puts out the same bs, he would feed his nuts....not fully realizing, his nuts are at home caughing up their guts and the world is now in his audience and won't fall for the bs


Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.
Yeah I heard he was hand delivering all supplies and working the assembly line on goods ..........damn he's a slacker....

I herd their is one Stock that is soaring on the markets....

The WHINE STOCK is going through the roof.........did you buy low.........LOL
Remember after 9/11 when GWB briefly enjoyed one of the highest approval ratings ever measured? He used that to get two whole wars. Your man fucked up. Those snide little partisan punch lines he has to slip into those daily briefings and lack of proper gravity and priority has sealed his legacy as a failure.
Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.
Yeah I heard he was hand delivering all supplies and working the assembly line on goods ..........damn he's a slacker....

I herd their is one Stock that is soaring on the markets....

The WHINE STOCK is going through the roof.........did you buy low.........LOL
Remember after 9/11 when GWB briefly enjoyed one of the highest approval ratings ever measured? He used that to get two whole wars. Your man fucked up. Those snide little partisan punch lines he has to slip into those daily briefings and lack of proper gravity and priority has sealed his legacy as a failure.
Your outrage is Fake........your OH LOOK WHAT TRUMP DID ........is TDS...........

Sell your snake oil somewhere else..........the virus and panic caused shortages worldwide......Damn ..........you must think TRUMP IS BAD ASS..........to be able to do this all over the world........

Deal with it.........and stop whining.......
MItch wants to bail out the cruise shit industry...the very industry when all is said and done. Solely responsible for the spreading of this virus, mainly in Italy. The very industry that don't pay US federal taxes, the very industry that houses nothing but viral pandemics. Once again the state of Ky. at the forfront of chaos in this nation. Rand P. may have infected the entire congress, Mitch holding up a bill to save workers, by adding bs loop holes for Trump supporters.
Trump can be convinced to do a complete 180 on any issue...which is scary

he'd be totally convinced of something, then he'd go into a meeting and he'd be convinced of the opposite 5 minutes later

he has not attention span, my friends
Trump is Captain Queed of Mutiny on the Bounty....unfortunately, our senate don't have the guts to remove this monster and lead. Folks, there are severe consequences for votes.....sadly ppl are gonna die because of our failures. What should make us all sick as that we got Trump for a 8 more months.
Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.
Yeah I heard he was hand delivering all supplies and working the assembly line on goods ..........damn he's a slacker....

I herd their is one Stock that is soaring on the markets....

The WHINE STOCK is going through the roof.........did you buy low.........LOL
Remember after 9/11 when GWB briefly enjoyed one of the highest approval ratings ever measured? He used that to get two whole wars. Your man fucked up. Those snide little partisan punch lines he has to slip into those daily briefings and lack of proper gravity and priority has sealed his legacy as a failure.
Your outrage is Fake........your OH LOOK WHAT TRUMP DID ........is TDS...........

Sell your snake oil somewhere else..........the virus and panic caused shortages worldwide......Damn ..........you must think TRUMP IS BAD ASS..........to be able to do this all over the world........

Deal with it.........and stop whining.......
I am dealing with it, like everyone else. This will be a time when lies die and bullshit will be taken personally. It's a time for truth and truth tellers to lead. It's a time for bullshitters to STFU.
triggered is partying like it is 1999! :beer:
Triggered is brilliant! He just made me realize why all the Democrats are all for the government shutdowns and lockouts and Nancy isn't OKing the relief bill! Corona plays right into their favor! Think about it---- Biden stands to gain little by campaigning and rallies, but Trump stands to loose a lot without rallies! And that is exactly what they have done! Shut down all of his rallies! And they know Corona is bunk. I mean, OK, 400 people died from it (they say) but 80,000 died from the flu last year! So why should Nancy pass the bill? In fact, the worst things go and the more unhappy people are, the better for them, right? It all makes sense now.
I'm gonna say those orders for supplies are probably on the same server that the transcript of the Ukraine call is and also Hillary's emails.
who could have predicted that the Trump presidency would lead to the end of civilization?


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