Where are the "real" questions?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Why, during a pandemic, would the world’s leading expert on plagues, Dr. Anthony Fauci, not be queried on the impact of moving populations for political purposes? If a plague is active in human populations would it not be common sense to avoid the influx of new hosts into communities? Should there not be a moratorium on immigration during a global viral event? That is certainly a sensible question, but we do not live in a sensible world.

The most powerful and successful civilization in the history of the planet, the United States, is under pressure from its political leadership to infest the country with infected interlopers from neighboring countries with no adequate testing methods in place to protect domestic communities. Does this sound like good science or is it really part of an active plan to fundamentally destroy American culture in order to enrich the political class with power and wealth?

Fauci is out there dispensing expert advice about masks, vaccinations, and travel restrictions but has anyone pinned him down on the dangerous practice of hanging out the welcome mat like a magnet for diseases from unregulated, poverty-ravaged undeveloped countries? This would seem to be the most important question on the minds of US citizens, yet it never seems to materialize from the lips of news reporters.

Why is no one poring over Fauci’s history of weaving the human genome into viral diseases to make them more dangerous to humans? Why does no one ask Fauci about his relationship and collaboration with those biological weapons labs in Wuhan China where the pestilence originated? Would these not be relevant questions? What happens to science when political imperatives override them? Well, people die, that is what happens.

The people that die are generally weak, forgotten and have no representation. The people that kill them occupy permanent Washington and love second and third homes along with lavish lifestyles. Fauci represents permanent Washington and the People’s Republic of China as a phony mouthpiece for good science.

What happened to all that investigative reporting that turned America’s security agencies against the former president? Fauci and Biden are presiding over an infectious infestation using false science to kill innocent Americans and bogus stories of the former president urinating on a bed somewhere is still fresh in the minds of brainwashed people everywhere.

Is anyone going to start asking actual questions in our press? Do not hold your breath.
Obviously, the flu ain't as deadly as we've been told- imagine that.
Are we talking about lawful immigration? ...

This might surprise you ... but illegal immigration is already illegal ...

Jun 20th, 2020

lawful/legal/etc --must be stopped during a pandemic...any one who is not stupid knows this
..need to cut legal immigration anyway
Here they are....

Has your physician examined you for dementia and will you release proof that you are not stricken with dementia?

Why did you and Kamala put the babies back in the cages?

When will you transition power to Kamala Harris?

After killing thousands of American jobs working on the Keystone XL pipeline and the border wall, who is your next target for destruction?

Do you regret lying to the American people on countless occasions?
[question had been asked of Trump at a presser]

Who is Hunter profiting from now?

What's up with the Hunter Biden gun story, and does he currently own a gun with a high-capacity magazine?

When will you debate Vladimir Putin?

How many people have died in your border detention facilities? Are there any reports of abuse of women or children?

Why is it that American citizens returning from other countries have to show a negative COVID test, but you are letting illegal aliens come in with all kinds of diseases?

It's being reported that the cost of housing each illegal immigrant is $400 per day. Wouldn't that money be better spent on helping homeless Americans living in Democrat cities?

Being born with a Y chromosome gifts one with larger muscles, lungs, heart and volume of blood. These benefits continue after hormone therapy or gender reassignment. Why would you let them compete against females in competitive sports, preventing real women from achieving their goals in life and receiving college sports scholarships? Isn't that misogynistic?

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it illegal over 55 years ago to discriminate based upon one's race or ethnicity (the way they were born, which they have no control over). Why did you cave to Senator Hirono and commit to using a racial litmus test for top Cabinet positions? Isn't that racist?

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