Whenever .....


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Republicans, conservatives, libertarians, democrats, and talking heads, say something about America and the American promise, listen carefully, but note what they do, not what they say, note what is, not what ain't, note why and for whom.

Whenever politicians or citizens mention democracy ask yourself how does democracy work.

Whenever a republican mentions freedom think of those ten hands raised to ideology.

Whenever a republican mentions American exceptionalism consider their presidential candidate hide money made in America off shore. And no one seemed to care.

Whenever a politician is against something ask yourself what they are for, ask them what they are for. Abstract nouns are not an answer.

Whenever anyone mentions taxes and the rich in the same breath, ask yourself if alone on an island or away from society, how they would create wealth. Is wealth a creation of government.

Whenever bromides such as welfare, laziness, entitlement, high taxes are mentioned with job creation, consider outsourcing and tax relief for outsourcing.

Whenever republicans mention Detroit look out your window and check where your car was engineered, manufactured, and built. Ask your representatives same question.

Whenever jobs are mentioned in America, check out a mirror and ask what you do to support American jobs. Where you shop, what you buy.

Whenever a republican says the same thing as another republican ask yourself again, where is freedom when the same words are repeated robot-like over and over again.

Whenever a libertarian politician talks about government being too big consider their desire to have government control women's reproductive rights and family contraceptive rights.

Whenever an American mentions American exceptionalism consider our healthcare ranks 37th in the world.

Whenever a republican mentions entitlements ask yourself why only the wealthy and corporations are entitled to the resources of America.

Whenever politicians claim there is too much regulation consider America's economic stability for fifty years after FDR.

Whenever a republican mentions American exceptionalism think again of tax credits for outsourcing American jobs.

Whenever a republican says the Affordable Care Act is complicated, ask yourself why healthcare is only complicated when it includes all Americans and not just the entitled.

Whenever an American mentions American exceptionalism consider American developed products now manufactured in Communist China only to be sold in America.

Whenever politicians say the federal government is too large look closely at why and what they do with local within government.

Whenever republicans (Cruz, Lee, or Paul) mention government as the problem consider where they work, who supports their many benefits and perks, and what they actually accomplish. Oh, and who pays for their healthcare.

Whenever republicans rant about terminated insurance policies, ask them where they were last year, the year before, and .... ask them too for their solution.

Whenever a conservative republican mentions their Christian values think of the sequester and how it has hurt children and the elderly while they changed the rules so they can travel more easily.

Whenever republicans point to Fannie and Freddie consider JP Morgan's five billion settlement for its wrongdoing concerning F&F.

Whenever republicans mentions American exceptionalism consider that inequality in America is now equivalent to third world nations.

Whenever republicans mention deficits think of two unfunded wars, one based on numerous deceptions, neither accomplished nor finished under their watch.

Whenever republicans mention unions ask yourself why Walmart workers qualify for food stamps.

Whenever republicans mention deficits note that the deficit they created has been cut in half under the Obama administration.

Whenever politicians talk budgets, consider that 57% of discretionary spending goes to the military expenditures, only 6% to veterans benefits.

Whenever republican mention deficit spending think of the 700 billion they gave to the incompetents on wall street, the too big to fail failures. Is that not welfare for the rich.

Whenever republicans conservatives libertarians mention welfare, food stamps, or entitlements consider the items above and others below.

Whenever republicans mention deficits ask them how they managed not to fund Medicare Part D or two wars. Ask them when they woke up to deficits.

Whenever republicans mention defense think of their failure in Afghanistan and their failure to capture Osama Bin Laden.

Whenever republicans mention the military consider how much their policies cut the benefits of those who have served.

Whenever republicans criticize President Obama on defense remember 97% of them voted for the preemptive invasion of Iraq.

Whenever corporations mention corporate tax and the cost of employee benefits consider their outsourcing and the state and government tax support they receive.

Whenever conservatives republicans libertarians mention democrats welfare consider what purpose their 'Leadership PACs' serve.

Whenever the democrats republicans libertarians democrats mention welfare consider their hiring of family members paid for by your campaign contributions.

Whenever democrats republicans libertarians mention food stamps think of the leadership PACs use of contributions for personal travel and expenses. Ask them how they define welfare.

Whenever democrats republicans libertarians mention law, regulation, and fairness consider how they legalized inside trading for themselves.

Whenever republicans such as Ted Cruz, Ric Perry mention their support for their state consider the poverty levels among children in their state. A 47% percent increase in ten years.

Whenever republicans mention Obamacare think of Congress-care and the enormous benefits they provide themselves.

Whenever republicans mention voter fraud consider why no one has proven that it even exists. But you surely know why. Remember the democracy question.

Whenever republicans criticize the ACA web site, remember this is technology and not Obamacare which will actually help millions of Americans. Help is that not what America is about.

Whenever republicans libertarians conservatives mention minimum wage consider how often they raise their salaries.

Whenever republicans libertarians conservatives mention minimum wage consider Boehner, Cantor and Ryan make over 200 dollars an hour. What exactly is it they do.

Whenever republicans mention jobs try hard to think of one thing they have done to help create jobs.

Whenever republicans mention jobs consider their tax support for outsourcing American jobs.

Whenever business mentions jobs check out their outsourcing of technical jobs to India.

Whenever large corporations mention jobs consider their outsourcing of American jobs and ask why they contribute so much to K Street.

Whenever Christians mention Christ think of pastors for prosperity and the large crystal cathedrals that appear to be self indulgent self centered idols for the haves.

Whenever politicians criticize public education ask yourself who they'd use to educate the American citizenry. Or the harder and more complicated question, why.

Whenever Christians and politicians mention God ask yourself what they do for poverty in America and the world.

Whenever conservatives claim MSM is liberal consider who owns MSM and consider too their concerted effort paid for by insurance companies to criticize the ACA.

Whenever republicans block qualified judicial appointments ask yourself why they want government to be a one sided operation. Is freedom only about their definition and purpose of law.

Whenever you see a Walmart ad consider their workers were asked to provide Thanksgiving dinner for their workers.

Whenever republicans say government has too much power ask them why they work in government

Whenever republicans mention their concern over unborn children ask yourself what it is they do for children living in poverty.

Whenever you read articles from 'Americans for Prosperity' or like named organizations ask yourself whose prosperity are they addressing and who is supporting them and why.

Whenever republicans mention their concern over unborn children consider who was hurt most by the sequester while they couldn't even wait in airport line.

Whenever politicians curtsy to the K street lobbyists ask yourself has the courtier in history really changed since the days of royalty.

Whenever republicans criticise Public education ask yourself why knowledge is only knowledge if it coincides with their ideology.

Whenever republicans talk deficits and taxes ask yourself why American prospered for fifty years under much higher taxes.

Whenever republicans mention deficits consider why oil companies get tax benefits as their profits are in the billions.

Whenever republicans mention deficits question whether they ever met a defense contractor they didn't like? Or where they go to work after doing nothing for all Americans in congress. Add in their nice pensions.

Whenever republicans mention the other side, whenever they whine and complain, consider for a second only their failures under George W. Bush.

Whenever a politician mentions taking from some for another, ask yourself does accumulated advantage amount to just another form of entitlement. Does America exist only for some.

Whenever you listen to Limbaugh, Coulter, Drudge, Hannity, Beck, Levin, Norquist, Bozell, Malkin, ET AL how is it they know anything at all, they do nothing but talk and talk is so easy. Ask also who funds them and why.

Whenever you listen to Limbaugh Drudge Hannity, Beck, Levin, Norquist, Bozell, Malkin, ask yourself how specifically they contribute to America. The nuns often said empty barrels make the most noise, still fits.

Whenever Rush Limbaugh talks patriotism or criticizes our President consider that he was just another draft dodger among many.

Whenever a think tank provides an analysis of any topic at all, consider carefully who it is that funds them and why.

Whenever you read something critical of government, particularly online, consider the source carefully and consider why the information is funded.

Whenever 'American Crossroads' mention the future and children ask yourself who the sequester has hurt most and what is it they really do for kids. Abstract nouns do not feed or cloth.

Whenever 'Americans for Prosperity Foundation's' defends the American Dream given the increases in poverty, job loss, and lack of excellent public education as well as the lack of healthcare, whose dream is it they are covering?

Whenever ALEC works to support legislation that supports corporations ask yourself why they are tax exempt, and ask why a corporation would even need them. Is business not about business.

Whenever a republican mentions freedom ask yourself how it is they all repeat the same tired bromides word for word. Check out their lack of ideas and realize that one day soon the same words will be revised and repeated.

Whenever a politician is against something ask yourself what they are for, ask them what they are for. If the answer is a abstract noun ask again.

Whenever anyone at all brings up an imaginary past or mentions the loss of America check out history or just ask the old timers.

I realize very few will read this interrogation as it doesn't fit their worldview, their view is absent freedom of though, it is a view reinforced by a well funded machine that controls their worldview, if you doubt that, ask again why they repeat the same things over and over again in the same words.

I'd also appreciate it if any error were pointed out so long as it is error and not ideology talking or partisan double-talk. And broad brush criticism is the sign of a lazy mind. No need to mention that I repeat myself, I know that, I am just an I.

A few sources of Information for the interested and informed reader:

State conservative groups plan US-wide assault on education, health and tax | World news | theguardian.com
President Obama Proposes 2014 Budget -
Brand Loyalty After Virtue | THR
Tim Harford ? Article ? A universal income is not such a silly idea
GOP Congressman Stephen Fincher On A Mission From God-Starve The Poor While Personally Pocketing Millions In Farm Subsidies - Forbes
Just Picking On the Poor: The Facts and the Faces of Cutting SNAP - Jim Wallis | God's Politics Blog | Sojourners
Christians 'more likely to be left-wing' and have liberal views on immigration and equality | Mail Online
Jeff Madrick: The Republican War on the Poor
How to Waste a Crisis ? The New Inquiry
Right-Sizing Defense Budget Cuts | Brookings Institution

[A work in Progress, check later for updates.]
It could tend to scrutinize Democrats a lil' bit more, though to be considered fully in earnest by all stripes.
Whenever republicans criticize Public education ask yourself why knowledge is only knowledge if it coincides with their ideology.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD-Fm8P8Ig8]'Think like a Nazi' Homework Controversy At Albany High School - YouTube[/ame]
Whenever politicians or citizens mention democracy ask yourself how does democracy work.

it certainly doesnt work by executive order

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8Hu2bbwHWc]Rep. Ellison calls for Obama Exec Order to Raise Minimum Wage - YouTube[/ame]
First and foremost, when I see you mention democracy without the fact the US is a republic, I realize you haven't been a very good student and thus will not read any further.
First and foremost, when I see you mention democracy without the fact the US is a republic, I realize you haven't been a very good student and thus will not read any further.

That's such a tired line, man. Sometimes people are loose with their language because the overall point remains on target. You need to relax your standards a little and realize that this is the D in douche posting under your user-handle.
Whenever politicians or citizens mention democracy ask yourself how does democracy work.

it certainly doesnt work by executive order

Rep. Ellison calls for Obama Exec Order to Raise Minimum Wage - YouTube

If Executive order has been made a precedent, we should necessarily look at how the process made it such, not at a particular party or ideology because both have followed the standard in recent history.

i hear ya

it is ok because the other guy did it too defense
Whenever republicans criticize Public education ask yourself why knowledge is only knowledge if it coincides with their ideology.

'Think like a Nazi' Homework Controversy At Albany High School - YouTube

This retardedness was isolated, scrutinized and stomped out.

One-third of the students refused to complete the assignment, she said.

Vanden Wyngaard said the exercise reflects the type of writing expected of students under the new Common Core curriculum, the tough new academic standards that require more sophisticated writing. Such assignments attempt to connect English with history and social studies.

School apologizes for 'Nazi' writing assignment - Times Union
First and foremost, when I see you mention democracy without the fact the US is a republic, I realize you haven't been a very good student and thus will not read any further.

That's such a tired line, man. Sometimes people are loose with their language because the overall point remains on target. You need to relax your standards a little and realize that this is the D in douche posting under your user-handle.

Tired line? Pointing out what our form of government is when it is misrepresented makes me a douche? What ever floats your boat.
Whenever politicians or citizens mention democracy ask yourself how does democracy work.

it certainly doesnt work by executive order

Rep. Ellison calls for Obama Exec Order to Raise Minimum Wage - YouTube

If Executive order has been made a precedent, we should necessarily look at how the process made it such, not at a particular party or ideology because both have followed the standard in recent history.

i hear ya

it is ok because the other guy did it too defense

No, the "both guys do it so let's solve the underlying problem at its source" instead of blaming an individual working with the pre established framework because we are a partisan.

That's how you build. But I know it's easier to tear down, have at it.
Whenever republicans criticize Public education ask yourself why knowledge is only knowledge if it coincides with their ideology.

'Think like a Nazi' Homework Controversy At Albany High School - YouTube

This retardedness was isolated, scrutinized and stomped out.

One-third of the students refused to complete the assignment, she said.

Vanden Wyngaard said the exercise reflects the type of writing expected of students under the new Common Core curriculum, the tough new academic standards that require more sophisticated writing. Such assignments attempt to connect English with history and social studies.

School apologizes for 'Nazi' writing assignment - Times Union

The Teacher was fired, the school said it was unacceptable. What more do you need, nosey nancy?
Republicans, conservatives, libertarians, democrats, and talking heads, say something about America and the American promise, listen carefully, but note what they do, not what they say, note what is, not what ain't, note why and for whom.

Whenever politicians or citizens mention democracy ask yourself how does democracy work.

Whenever a republican mentions freedom think of those ten hands raised to ideology.

Whenever a republican mentions American exceptionalism consider their presidential candidate hide money made in America off shore. And no one seemed to care.

Whenever a politician is against something ask yourself what they are for, ask them what they are for. Abstract nouns are not an answer.

Whenever anyone mentions taxes and the rich in the same breath, ask yourself if alone on an island or away from society, how they would create wealth. Is wealth a creation of government.

Whenever bromides such as welfare, laziness, entitlement, high taxes are mentioned with job creation, consider outsourcing and tax relief for outsourcing.

Whenever republicans mention Detroit look out your window and check where your car was engineered, manufactured, and built. Ask your representatives same question.

Whenever jobs are mentioned in America, check out a mirror and ask what you do to support American jobs. Where you shop, what you buy.

Whenever a republican says the same thing as another republican ask yourself again, where is freedom when the same words are repeated robot-like over and over again.

Whenever a libertarian politician talks about government being too big consider their desire to have government control women's reproductive rights and family contraceptive rights.

Whenever an American mentions American exceptionalism consider our healthcare ranks 37th in the world.

Whenever a republican mentions entitlements ask yourself why only the wealthy and corporations are entitled to the resources of America.

Whenever politicians claim there is too much regulation consider America's economic stability for fifty years after FDR.

Whenever a republican mentions American exceptionalism think again of tax credits for outsourcing American jobs.

Whenever a republican says the Affordable Care Act is complicated, ask yourself why healthcare is only complicated when it includes all Americans and not just the entitled.

Whenever an American mentions American exceptionalism consider American developed products now manufactured in Communist China only to be sold in America.

Whenever politicians say the federal government is too large look closely at why and what they do with local within government.

Whenever republicans (Cruz, Lee, or Paul) mention government as the problem consider where they work, who supports their many benefits and perks, and what they actually accomplish. Oh, and who pays for their healthcare.

Whenever republicans rant about terminated insurance policies, ask them where they were last year, the year before, and .... ask them too for their solution.

Whenever a conservative republican mentions their Christian values think of the sequester and how it has hurt children and the elderly while they changed the rules so they can travel more easily.

Whenever republicans point to Fannie and Freddie consider JP Morgan's five billion settlement for its wrongdoing concerning F&F.

Whenever republicans mentions American exceptionalism consider that inequality in America is now equivalent to third world nations.

Whenever republicans mention deficits think of two unfunded wars, one based on numerous deceptions, neither accomplished nor finished under their watch.

Whenever republicans mention unions ask yourself why Walmart workers qualify for food stamps.

Whenever republicans mention deficits note that the deficit they created has been cut in half under the Obama administration.

Whenever politicians talk budgets, consider that 57% of discretionary spending goes to the military expenditures, only 6% to veterans benefits.

Whenever republican mention deficit spending think of the 700 billion they gave to the incompetents on wall street, the too big to fail failures. Is that not welfare for the rich.

Whenever republicans conservatives libertarians mention welfare, food stamps, or entitlements consider the items above and others below.

Whenever republicans mention deficits ask them how they managed not to fund Medicare Part D or two wars. Ask them when they woke up to deficits.

Whenever republicans mention defense think of their failure in Afghanistan and their failure to capture Osama Bin Laden.

Whenever republicans mention the military consider how much their policies cut the benefits of those who have served.

Whenever republicans criticize President Obama on defense remember 97% of them voted for the preemptive invasion of Iraq.

Whenever corporations mention corporate tax and the cost of employee benefits consider their outsourcing and the state and government tax support they receive.

Whenever conservatives republicans libertarians mention democrats welfare consider what purpose their 'Leadership PACs' serve.

Whenever the democrats republicans libertarians democrats mention welfare consider their hiring of family members paid for by your campaign contributions.

Whenever democrats republicans libertarians mention food stamps think of the leadership PACs use of contributions for personal travel and expenses. Ask them how they define welfare.

Whenever democrats republicans libertarians mention law, regulation, and fairness consider how they legalized inside trading for themselves.

Whenever republicans such as Ted Cruz, Ric Perry mention their support for their state consider the poverty levels among children in their state. A 47% percent increase in ten years.

Whenever republicans mention Obamacare think of Congress-care and the enormous benefits they provide themselves.

Whenever republicans mention voter fraud consider why no one has proven that it even exists. But you surely know why. Remember the democracy question.

Whenever republicans criticize the ACA web site, remember this is technology and not Obamacare which will actually help millions of Americans. Help is that not what America is about.

Whenever republicans libertarians conservatives mention minimum wage consider how often they raise their salaries.

Whenever republicans libertarians conservatives mention minimum wage consider Boehner, Cantor and Ryan make over 200 dollars an hour. What exactly is it they do.

Whenever republicans mention jobs try hard to think of one thing they have done to help create jobs.

Whenever republicans mention jobs consider their tax support for outsourcing American jobs.

Whenever business mentions jobs check out their outsourcing of technical jobs to India.

Whenever large corporations mention jobs consider their outsourcing of American jobs and ask why they contribute so much to K Street.

Whenever Christians mention Christ think of pastors for prosperity and the large crystal cathedrals that appear to be self indulgent self centered idols for the haves.

Whenever politicians criticize public education ask yourself who they'd use to educate the American citizenry. Or the harder and more complicated question, why.

Whenever Christians and politicians mention God ask yourself what they do for poverty in America and the world.

Whenever conservatives claim MSM is liberal consider who owns MSM and consider too their concerted effort paid for by insurance companies to criticize the ACA.

Whenever republicans block qualified judicial appointments ask yourself why they want government to be a one sided operation. Is freedom only about their definition and purpose of law.

Whenever you see a Walmart ad consider their workers were asked to provide Thanksgiving dinner for their workers.

Whenever republicans say government has too much power ask them why they work in government

Whenever republicans mention their concern over unborn children ask yourself what it is they do for children living in poverty.

Whenever you read articles from 'Americans for Prosperity' or like named organizations ask yourself whose prosperity are they addressing and who is supporting them and why.

Whenever republicans mention their concern over unborn children consider who was hurt most by the sequester while they couldn't even wait in airport line.

Whenever politicians curtsy to the K street lobbyists ask yourself has the courtier in history really changed since the days of royalty.

Whenever republicans criticise Public education ask yourself why knowledge is only knowledge if it coincides with their ideology.

Whenever republicans talk deficits and taxes ask yourself why American prospered for fifty years under much higher taxes.

Whenever republicans mention deficits consider why oil companies get tax benefits as their profits are in the billions.

Whenever republicans mention deficits question whether they ever met a defense contractor they didn't like? Or where they go to work after doing nothing for all Americans in congress. Add in their nice pensions.

Whenever republicans mention the other side, whenever they whine and complain, consider for a second only their failures under George W. Bush.

Whenever a politician mentions taking from some for another, ask yourself does accumulated advantage amount to just another form of entitlement. Does America exist only for some.

Whenever you listen to Limbaugh, Coulter, Drudge, Hannity, Beck, Levin, Norquist, Bozell, Malkin, ET AL how is it they know anything at all, they do nothing but talk and talk is so easy. Ask also who funds them and why.

Whenever you listen to Limbaugh Drudge Hannity, Beck, Levin, Norquist, Bozell, Malkin, ask yourself how specifically they contribute to America. The nuns often said empty barrels make the most noise, still fits.

Whenever Rush Limbaugh talks patriotism or criticizes our President consider that he was just another draft dodger among many.

Whenever a think tank provides an analysis of any topic at all, consider carefully who it is that funds them and why.

Whenever you read something critical of government, particularly online, consider the source carefully and consider why the information is funded.

Whenever 'American Crossroads' mention the future and children ask yourself who the sequester has hurt most and what is it they really do for kids. Abstract nouns do not feed or cloth.

Whenever 'Americans for Prosperity Foundation's' defends the American Dream given the increases in poverty, job loss, and lack of excellent public education as well as the lack of healthcare, whose dream is it they are covering?

Whenever ALEC works to support legislation that supports corporations ask yourself why they are tax exempt, and ask why a corporation would even need them. Is business not about business.

Whenever a republican mentions freedom ask yourself how it is they all repeat the same tired bromides word for word. Check out their lack of ideas and realize that one day soon the same words will be revised and repeated.

Whenever a politician is against something ask yourself what they are for, ask them what they are for. If the answer is a abstract noun ask again.

Whenever anyone at all brings up an imaginary past or mentions the loss of America check out history or just ask the old timers.

I realize very few will read this interrogation as it doesn't fit their worldview, their view is absent freedom of though, it is a view reinforced by a well funded machine that controls their worldview, if you doubt that, ask again why they repeat the same things over and over again in the same words.

I'd also appreciate it if any error were pointed out so long as it is error and not ideology talking or partisan double-talk. And broad brush criticism is the sign of a lazy mind. No need to mention that I repeat myself, I know that, I am just an I.

A few sources of Information for the interested and informed reader:

State conservative groups plan US-wide assault on education, health and tax | World news | theguardian.com
President Obama Proposes 2014 Budget -
Brand Loyalty After Virtue | THR
Tim Harford ? Article ? A universal income is not such a silly idea
GOP Congressman Stephen Fincher On A Mission From God-Starve The Poor While Personally Pocketing Millions In Farm Subsidies - Forbes
Just Picking On the Poor: The Facts and the Faces of Cutting SNAP - Jim Wallis | God's Politics Blog | Sojourners
Christians 'more likely to be left-wing' and have liberal views on immigration and equality | Mail Online
Jeff Madrick: The Republican War on the Poor
How to Waste a Crisis ? The New Inquiry
Right-Sizing Defense Budget Cuts | Brookings Institution

[A work in Progress, check later for updates.]

Facts.. in your comments
35 times "Republicans" used. (Almost all in a negative derogatory manner) Not attractive.. and certainly not "fair and balanced"..
6 times "Democrats"
6 times "conservatives"
0 times "progressives"
0 times "liberals"
9 times "libertarian"

Couple of really noticeable BIASED comments..

Your links certainly have a BIASED POV!
Jim Wallis.. supporter of Obama
Huffington Post... "Republic War on the poor"...tsk..tsk..
GOP Congressman Stephen Fincher On A Mission From God-Starve

"Whenever an American mentions American exceptionalism consider our healthcare ranks 37th in the world."

Why do you think that nearly 50 million people came to the USA?
Why Were these people WILLING to give up their country?

You and many confuse the concept of "exceptionalism" with "jingoism"... please do a little research and understand that those of us smart enough to
know the distinction are also tremendous believers that the USA IS exceptional because of the EXCEPTIONAL people that have come here.
Exceptionalism !!
First and foremost, when I see you mention democracy without the fact the US is a republic, I realize you haven't been a very good student and thus will not read any further.

That's such a tired line, man. Sometimes people are loose with their language because the overall point remains on target. You need to relax your standards a little and realize that this is the D in douche posting under your user-handle.

Tired line? Pointing out what our form of government is when it is misrepresented makes me a douche? What ever floats your boat.

The form of Government (Democracy vs. Representative Republic) was not the crux of his point.

Harping on that is just a waste of breath.
That's such a tired line, man. Sometimes people are loose with their language because the overall point remains on target. You need to relax your standards a little and realize that this is the D in douche posting under your user-handle.

Tired line? Pointing out what our form of government is when it is misrepresented makes me a douche? What ever floats your boat.

The form of Government (Democracy vs. Representative Republic) was not the crux of his point.

Harping on that is just a waste of breath.

well, to you, maybe, to midcan maybe he learned something...

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