When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:

Statistics show one out of ten students will experience unwanted sexual abuse from educators or school employees. There's roughly 50 million students in the US That's mind boggling numbers
Just Chicago...one city. I don't want to hear any loon tell me sexual abuse in education isn't an issue
Since it’s an annual report, that’s 1 year. So expanding that over the amount of time these loons use when whining about priests, that would give Chicago alone at least as many incidents. The problem may be much worse than anybody thought.
Since it’s an annual report, that’s 1 year. So expanding that over the amount of time these loons use when whining about priests, that would give Chicago alone at least as many incidents. The problem may be much worse than anybody thought.

Oh it is. But it's slowly being revealed, you won't find it in left loon MSM though
Think about it! It's true. The children are the future that will sustain the nations survival. If they're not protected, the nation won't survive.

Who disagrees?

But do they? Or are you guys just using the age old trope of claiming that gays are child molesters?
I'm in favor of shooting all of them in the forehead. Evidently you want to ignore it.

Dude you're looking pretty sad here...find somewhere else to look pathetic
If I knew of any abuse going on I would stop it.

I merely commented on this collectivist idea of yours that everyone has to take care of your kids
News flash. If you see it’s happening and do nothing, that means you tacitly support that behavior by ignoring it. We protect our kids. You’re just too lazy to take care of a kid.
I have already said if I saw any abuse happening with my own eyes I would stop it.

That has nothing to do with the collectivist idea that everyone has to watch your kids for you.
Since most children who are sexually abused are abused by family members the real question is who is protecting your children from their own family?

If i see a person abusing a kid with my own eyes I would stop it.

But like I said I don't tend to hang with people who abuse kids. It seems you do though. Maybe you need a better class of friends.
Is that the best you got?
I have never witnessed anyone abusing a child. If I did I would stop it.

What's that got to do with you thinking I have to protect your children for you?
So you see a guy take a kid off the street, I can see you now, none of my business as you keep walking
So you see a guy take a kid off the street, I can see you now, none of my business as you keep walking

You are wrong as usual.

There is a difference between actually seeing something and merely thinking you see something. You don't seem to realize that yet
The attempts, by both major parties, to win the culture war via government are a dire threat to this country. If we don't call a truce, we're going down.
People with a deep value system do not abuse children, their own or others. It is the the weakened values in our society that is causing this problem.
But it has always been a problem. Child abuse is nothing new.

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