When You Miss The Whole Point About Money....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....that's when you vote Democrat.

1.Everybody knows they are called the "tax and spend Democrats."
The NYTimes wrote this about the guy you called God, Jesus and the messiah...
"But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” Education of a President (Published 2010)

2. On he one hand, the Democrats and their allies in the media tell you that it's patriotic to pay taxes, and keep blaring about the rich paying 'their fair share.'
Here, in America, there is no perennial class of 'the rich.'

"...economic mobility. About 60 percent of the households that were in the lowest income quintile in 1999 were in a higher quintile ten years later. During the same decade, almost 40 percent of the richest households fell to a lower quintile. This is a nation where you can rise or fall. It is a nation where you can climb the economic ladder based not on who you are born to, or what class you are born into, but based on your talents, your passion, your perseverance, and the content of your character." https://imprimisarchives.hillsdale.edu/file/archives/pdf/2013_05_Imprimis.pdf

3. ....and they never tell you what the government's "fair share" of your earnings are.
I have posted several time about who works for whom.
In both NY and California, top earners pay over 60% of their earnings in taxes, and lots of others the same but don't realize it:
Taxes, taxation: What if you find that based on Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, gas tax, sales tax, parking fees, license fees, speed cameras, tolls, hidden taxes of all sorts......
....and the insidious tax, inflation...
......amounted to more than half your income at least?Taxation to the point of slavery......or, at least serfdom.

"The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.".Lenin

Democrats learned quite a bit from their forebears.
Weren't we taught that the government works for us?????

4. Taxes are not for infrastructure, or any of the other vague promises. They are for buying votes for the politicians.

5. And taxes hurt the working public far, far more than they help.
"... a budget deal that included a 10 percent tax on luxury items costing $100,000 or more. This tax became known as the “yacht tax.” There’s a wise old saying that Democrats repeatedly ignore: “You get less of what you tax and more of what you don’t.”

In the years before the tax was enacted, American boat builders were annually producing up to 16,000 yachts costing $100,000 or more. One year after the yacht tax was passed, that number sank to 4,250. My home state of Rhode Island lost 12,000 jobs that were directly or indirectly tied to yacht sales. My father’s yacht brokerage business was devastated—and so was I, because I worked in a boatyard during the summer, cleaning and maintaining boats. The tax took a heavy toll on my income.

The yacht tax was supposed to soak the rich. But the rich didn’t get soaked— they just stopped buying yachts. Who got hurt? Working people—people like me. From that experience, I learned the direct impact of federal tax policy on ordinary working people. That lesson cemented my conservative values at an early age. It’s one of the reasons why, when I hear Democratic proposals to tax and spend, alarms go off in my mind."
Sean Spicer, "Radical Nation"
To the fascist party, everything - including you - belongs to the state. Anything you produce is the rightful property of the state - because YOU are property of the state.

So the "fair share" of your income, according to the democrats, is every dime you earn, or ever WILL earn. Anything you are allowed to keep is the magnanimity of our rulers.
To the fascist party, everything - including you - belongs to the state. Anything you produce is the rightful property of the state - because YOU are property of the state.

So the "fair share" of your income, according to the democrats, is every dime you earn, or ever WILL earn. Anything you are allowed to keep is the magnanimity of our rulers.
6. Those taxes………Whose money is it?

"As a Nairobi bureaucrat, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. advised the pro-Western Kenyan government there to “redistribute” income through higher taxes. He also demonized corporations and called for massive government “investment” in social programs.

“Theoretically,” he wrote, “there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.”

Therefore, he added, “I do not see why the government cannot tax those who have more and syphon some of these revenues into savings which can be utilized in investment for future development.”
Like Father, Like Son – Obama’s Father: Government 100% Taxation of Income OK

7. The same view can be found in the Democrat FDR administration:

The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”

From a speech delivered on the Senate floor

May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
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Is government taking their "fair share"?????

Why are you not allowed to ask that????????

8. I don't know about no taxes......there is some payment due for the enumerated powers, and how great this nation is......but I'll use this as a scale:

Joseph gathered very much grain: It seems it was customary for Pharaoh to take 10% of the grain in Egypt as a tax. Essentially, Joseph doubled the taxes over the next seven years (Genesis 41:34 mentions one-fifth, that is, 20%).

That 20% figure appears again in the relationship of colonists to North America, and the English crown "....colonists were free to retain all the profits and fruits of their labor save for the crown's 20 percent share of any gold and silver discovered." "Freedom Just Around the Corner: A New American History: 1585-1828," by Walter A. McDougall, p.33
9. "Joe Biden’s tax-and-spend economic agenda is the most radical plan ever
proposed by a Democratic president.

It is much bigger, costlier, and riskier than any economic plan proposed by Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton.

Biden began by shoving a gigantic $1.9 trillion stimulus package through Congress and then immediately followed up with an even bigger “infra- structure” package, accompanied by steep tax hikes on individuals and businesses."
Spicer, Op. Cit.

10. "Biden’s American Rescue Plan worsened inflation.

Countries around the world are struggling with inflation due to pandemic disruptions, but the Biden stimulus made the US’s inflation problem more severe, to at least some extent. “I think we can say with certainty that we would have less inflation and fewer problems that we need to solve right now if the American Rescue Plan had been optimally sized,” said Wendy Edelberg, a senior fellow in economic studies at the Brookings Institution.

This is the result when you let the Democrats do your thinking for you.

The inflation rate in Trump's last year....1.4%
Who'd you vote for?????
11. Before Trump, government was totally oblivious to these folks, it negotiated trade deals that put them out of work, opened the border to bring in illegals who undercut their salaries, enacted a tax code that penalized the working class, and only functioned for special interests leaving the working class with no political power.

MAGA gave them political power.

Their incomes increased, trade policy made their factories financially feasible again, and a tax cut aimed at the working class.

” He defied the economic establishment by getting Congress to pass a massive tax cut, skillfully crafted to aim at the middle class, the working poor, and small businesses. …. he made sure his tax cuts were the first in recent history to target the lower middle class—the working class. Trump signed a law giving a tax credit of $2,000 per child, and changed tax rates so the lower-income people did not even have to file returns."
Dick Morris, "The Return"

Who'd you vote for?
12. Let's review both the Democrat's grasp of basic economics and your voting acumen:

“Fear of Biden tax increases and tougher regulation reined in production. ….Biden was proposing to double the capital gains tax?

Anxious to appease a public concerned about the slow pace of recovery, Biden and his Congress lavished voters with new goodies. They increased unemployment benefits by $300 more per week, gave every person a $1,400 stimulus check, increased food stamp aid, and paid out more in Obamacare subsidies.

Economists calculated that if people stayed home and did not work, a family of four could make a pretax income of $100,000 a year just living off federal benefits. So why work? Millions did the sensible thing and decided to stay home. Nine million jobs were unfilled by the end of summer 2021. It didn’t pay to go to work. You made more by not working.

Supply bottlenecks began to choke off the recovery.”
Dick Morris.

13. "President Biden is misreading economic history.

Wasn’t he paying attention when President Trump cut taxes, slashed regulations, and unleashed the American economy?

Joe Biden is stubbornly committed to the failed Keynesian notion that if you just print up a bunch of money and spread it around like confetti, good things magically happen. That notion fails every time it’s tried. In all of history, no one has ever made a multitrillion-dollar wager before. The Biden-Harris administration has bet the entire U.S. economy, and perhaps the world economy, on the proposition that we can keep printing fiat money and piling up trillions of dollars of debt—and the future’s going to be rosy. The administration had better keep those printing presses running night and day. In the Biden-Harris postpandemic economy, it may soon take a wheelbarrow full of dollars to buy a loaf of bread."
Sean Spicer, "Radical Nation"
Democrats Tax and Spend
Republicans Cut Taxes and Spend

Who has a better understanding of Economics?
Neither one. Understanding of economics means looking at what income will be then setting expenditures to stay within the income parameters. Politicians of both parties look at the expenditures for all the pork they want, then demand the public give them the revenue to make it happen. Of course they do the spending even if the revenue isn't there. If you think one party understands economics, you are a fool.
.....that's when you vote Democrat.

1.Everybody knows they are called the "tax and spend Democrats."
The NYTimes wrote this about the guy you called God, Jesus and the messiah...
"But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” Education of a President (Published 2010)

2. On he one hand, the Democrats and their allies in the media tell you that it's patriotic to pay taxes, and keep blaring about the rich paying 'their fair share.'
Here, in America, there is no perennial class of 'the rich.'

"...economic mobility. About 60 percent of the households that were in the lowest income quintile in 1999 were in a higher quintile ten years later. During the same decade, almost 40 percent of the richest households fell to a lower quintile. This is a nation where you can rise or fall. It is a nation where you can climb the economic ladder based not on who you are born to, or what class you are born into, but based on your talents, your passion, your perseverance, and the content of your character." https://imprimisarchives.hillsdale.edu/file/archives/pdf/2013_05_Imprimis.pdf

3. ....and they never tell you what the government's "fair share" of your earnings are.
I have posted several time about who works for whom.
In both NY and California, top earners pay over 60% of their earnings in taxes, and lots of others the same but don't realize it:
Taxes, taxation: What if you find that based on Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, gas tax, sales tax, parking fees, license fees, speed cameras, tolls, hidden taxes of all sorts......
....and the insidious tax, inflation...
......amounted to more than half your income at least?Taxation to the point of slavery......or, at least serfdom.

"The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.".Lenin

Democrats learned quite a bit from their forebears.
Weren't we taught that the government works for us?????

4. Taxes are not for infrastructure, or any of the other vague promises. They are for buying votes for the politicians.

5. And taxes hurt the working public far, far more than they help.
"... a budget deal that included a 10 percent tax on luxury items costing $100,000 or more. This tax became known as the “yacht tax.” There’s a wise old saying that Democrats repeatedly ignore: “You get less of what you tax and more of what you don’t.”

In the years before the tax was enacted, American boat builders were annually producing up to 16,000 yachts costing $100,000 or more. One year after the yacht tax was passed, that number sank to 4,250. My home state of Rhode Island lost 12,000 jobs that were directly or indirectly tied to yacht sales. My father’s yacht brokerage business was devastated—and so was I, because I worked in a boatyard during the summer, cleaning and maintaining boats. The tax took a heavy toll on my income.

The yacht tax was supposed to soak the rich. But the rich didn’t get soaked— they just stopped buying yachts. Who got hurt? Working people—people like me. From that experience, I learned the direct impact of federal tax policy on ordinary working people. That lesson cemented my conservative values at an early age. It’s one of the reasons why, when I hear Democratic proposals to tax and spend, alarms go off in my mind."
Sean Spicer, "Radical Nation"
Another day, another spewing of horseshit from our famous local poser spammer.

Look, right out of the gate, flippin learn how to properly quote, and then cite, a source. Hell, that Sean Spicer quote looks like it was posted by someone in the sixth grade. No offset, no quotation marks when it starts, the name of the book in quotation marks, not underlined.

Flippin use it. APA format is preferred. But hey, I get it. Quoting this from Ted Cruz,

About 60 percent of the households that were in the lowest income quintile in 1999 were in a higher quintile ten years later. During the same decade, almost 40 percent of the richest households fell to a lower quintile.

What a distortion of numbers. And of course, no source.

I mean this is a perfect example of how Republicans don't think. They just hear what they want to hear and they don't look into anything. Cruz knows this. But to show you that difference let me break it down. From the above link you can see that the upper limit of the lowest income quintile in 1999 was $17,136. In 2009, Cruz's tens years later, it was $20,453. Income growth of less than two percent a year would have moved someone at the upper limit out of the lowest quintile. Not impressive. And then there is this,

During the same time frame the median age of the US population increased by right at two years. Think that might have an impact on income? An older nation is a nation that has a higher median income.

But now let's look at the highest quintile. Here, we look at the upper limit of the fourth quintile. In 1999, $79,232. In 2009, it was a hundred grand.

Look, I know there is no way in hell you can understand this. But here is the deal, someone in the lower income quintile could experience less than average median wage growth for ten years and move out of that quintile. But someone in the upper quintile would have had to experience greater than median wage growth to stay in that quintile. Cruz's statement isn't worth two shits.

The truth about social mobility, pictures are worth a thousand words,


Another day, another spewing of horseshit from our famous local poser spammer.

Look, right out of the gate, flippin learn how to properly quote, and then cite, a source. Hell, that Sean Spicer quote looks like it was posted by someone in the sixth grade. No offset, no quotation marks when it starts, the name of the book in quotation marks, not underlined.

Flippin use it. APA format is preferred. But hey, I get it. Quoting this from Ted Cruz,

About 60 percent of the households that were in the lowest income quintile in 1999 were in a higher quintile ten years later. During the same decade, almost 40 percent of the richest households fell to a lower quintile.

What a distortion of numbers. And of course, no source.

I mean this is a perfect example of how Republicans don't think. They just hear what they want to hear and they don't look into anything. Cruz knows this. But to show you that difference let me break it down. From the above link you can see that the upper limit of the lowest income quintile in 1999 was $17,136. In 2009, Cruz's tens years later, it was $20,453. Income growth of less than two percent a year would have moved someone at the upper limit out of the lowest quintile. Not impressive. And then there is this,

During the same time frame the median age of the US population increased by right at two years. Think that might have an impact on income? An older nation is a nation that has a higher median income.

But now let's look at the highest quintile. Here, we look at the upper limit of the fourth quintile. In 1999, $79,232. In 2009, it was a hundred grand.

Look, I know there is no way in hell you can understand this. But here is the deal, someone in the lower income quintile could experience less than average median wage growth for ten years and move out of that quintile. But someone in the upper quintile would have had to experience greater than median wage growth to stay in that quintile. Cruz's statement isn't worth two shits.

The truth about social mobility, pictures are worth a thousand words,


When I exposed you as lying scum, I asked you not to post to me......

Please honor that request......there must be others who find the odor bearable.......I do not.
When I exposed you as lying scum, I asked you not to post to me......

Please honor that request......there must be others who find the odor bearable.......I do not.

Looks like PC is resorting to personal insults……you know what that means

She has lost another argument
When I exposed you as lying scum, I asked you not to post to me......

Please honor that request......there must be others who find the odor bearable.......I do not.
Sorry, but it is a free damn world. You never went to Columbia, or Brown, or any damn college outside maybe a two-bit community college. In a real university, APA citations are required, and while a messageboard might not be as formal, common decency requires some level of competency when it comes to citing sources. You couldn't make it out of a ninth grade English class.

You don't want me replying to your posts because you can't handle a real "debate". You are little more than a copy and paste queen with a nice little fan club of idiots that can no more think for themselves than you can.

Look, any informed person, rather right leaning or left leaning, realizes that social mobility is the US has been declining for decades. We currently rank number 27 in the world when for many years, we were number one. And as the chart, or "picture" I posted shows, the current generation will probably be the first, but not the last, generation that is less well off than their parents. You can thank dumbshits like you, and the politicians you support, for that. And then there are those locusts that we call "Boomers". Had everything given to them when they were young, want to take everything now that they are old.

Look, I don't bother you much. Hell, I ain't got the time to post over 20 times a day for 16 years running. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary. But you need to understand, not everyone is buying your act. When you waltz in here and pretend you are smarter than everyone else, post thread after thread about how "stupid" those on the left are, you open the door to being eviscerated by someone who does have the education, and intelligence, that you pretend to have.

Until you actually produce a real rebuttal to some of my arguments, then you can count on the fact that every once in a while, I am going to storm in and rip down the curtain of ignorance you hide behind.

Another day, another spewing of horseshit from our famous local poser spammer.

Look, right out of the gate, flippin learn how to properly quote, and then cite, a source. Hell, that Sean Spicer quote looks like it was posted by someone in the sixth grade. No offset, no quotation marks when it starts, the name of the book in quotation marks, not underlined.


What a fucking moron.

She's not writing a term paper, idiot.

Flippin use it. APA format is preferred. But hey, I get it. Quoting this from Ted Cruz,

About 60 percent of the households that were in the lowest income quintile in 1999 were in a higher quintile ten years later. During the same decade, almost 40 percent of the richest households fell to a lower quintile.

What a distortion of numbers. And of course, no source.

I mean this is a perfect example of how Republicans don't think. They just hear what they want to hear and they don't look into anything. Cruz knows this. But to show you that difference let me break it down. From the above link you can see that the upper limit of the lowest income quintile in 1999 was $17,136. In 2009, Cruz's tens years later, it was $20,453. Income growth of less than two percent a year would have moved someone at the upper limit out of the lowest quintile. Not impressive. And then there is this,

During the same time frame the median age of the US population increased by right at two years. Think that might have an impact on income? An older nation is a nation that has a higher median income.

But now let's look at the highest quintile. Here, we look at the upper limit of the fourth quintile. In 1999, $79,232. In 2009, it was a hundred grand.

Look, I know there is no way in hell you can understand this. But here is the deal, someone in the lower income quintile could experience less than average median wage growth for ten years and move out of that quintile. But someone in the upper quintile would have had to experience greater than median wage growth to stay in that quintile. Cruz's statement isn't worth two shits.

The truth about social mobility, pictures are worth a thousand words,


I'm sure you find yourself terribly clever pumping propaganda that in no way addresses the post you are replying to.

The old "Baffle em' with bullshit" routine, eh Winnie?
Sorry, but it is a free damn world. You never went to Columbia, or Brown, or any damn college outside maybe a two-bit community college. In a real university, APA citations are required, and while a messageboard might not be as formal, common decency requires some level of competency when it comes to citing sources. You couldn't make it out of a ninth grade English class.

You don't want me replying to your posts because you can't handle a real "debate". You are little more than a copy and paste queen with a nice little fan club of idiots that can no more think for themselves than you can.

Look, any informed person, rather right leaning or left leaning, realizes that social mobility is the US has been declining for decades. We currently rank number 27 in the world when for many years, we were number one. And as the chart, or "picture" I posted shows, the current generation will probably be the first, but not the last, generation that is less well off than their parents. You can thank dumbshits like you, and the politicians you support, for that. And then there are those locusts that we call "Boomers". Had everything given to them when they were young, want to take everything now that they are old.

Look, I don't bother you much. Hell, I ain't got the time to post over 20 times a day for 16 years running. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary. But you need to understand, not everyone is buying your act. When you waltz in here and pretend you are smarter than everyone else, post thread after thread about how "stupid" those on the left are, you open the door to being eviscerated by someone who does have the education, and intelligence, that you pretend to have.

Until you actually produce a real rebuttal to some of my arguments, then you can count on the fact that every once in a while, I am going to storm in and rip down the curtain of ignorance you hide behind.

Sorry, but it is a free damn world. You never went to Columbia, or Brown, or any damn college outside maybe a two-bit community college. In a real university, APA citations are required, and while a messageboard might not be as formal, common decency requires some level of competency when it comes to citing sources. You couldn't make it out of a ninth grade English class.

You don't want me replying to your posts because you can't handle a real "debate". You are little more than a copy and paste queen with a nice little fan club of idiots that can no more think for themselves than you can.

Look, any informed person, rather right leaning or left leaning, realizes that social mobility is the US has been declining for decades. We currently rank number 27 in the world when for many years, we were number one. And as the chart, or "picture" I posted shows, the current generation will probably be the first, but not the last, generation that is less well off than their parents. You can thank dumbshits like you, and the politicians you support, for that. And then there are those locusts that we call "Boomers". Had everything given to them when they were young, want to take everything now that they are old.

Look, I don't bother you much. Hell, I ain't got the time to post over 20 times a day for 16 years running. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary. But you need to understand, not everyone is buying your act. When you waltz in here and pretend you are smarter than everyone else, post thread after thread about how "stupid" those on the left are, you open the door to being eviscerated by someone who does have the education, and intelligence, that you pretend to have.

Until you actually produce a real rebuttal to some of my arguments, then you can count on the fact that every once in a while, I am going to storm in and rip down the curtain of ignorance you hide behind.

You are exposed lying scum.

You don't have the class or upbringing to apologize for lying about me.

Please crawl back under the rock you came out from.

As you leave, you may sing along with my alma mater.


What a fucking moron.

She's not writing a term paper, idiot.

I'm sure you find yourself terribly clever pumping propaganda that in no way addresses the post you are replying to.

The old "Baffle em' with bullshit" routine, eh Winnie
I didn't "refute" her post. I provided reasons as to why 60% of those in the bottom quintile in 1999 moved up and those in the upper quintile moved down. I provided concrete statistical data that clearly showed that someone in the bottom quintile, experiencing even less than median income growth, could have moved up. I also demonstrated how the median age of the US population also increased during that time, further explaining that income growth. And I showed that someone would have had to experience income growth in excess of median to stay in the top income quintile.

I can do "baffle with bullshit", but in this case, there was no need. The "baffle with bullshit" queen is the OP poster.
You are exposed lying scum.

You don't have the class or upbringing to apologize for lying about me.

Please crawl back under the rock you came out from.

As you leave, you may sing along with my alma mater.

LMAO, you no more went to Columbia than I am the King of England. I have more faith in our institutions of higher learning than to believe someone with such little critical thinking skills, lack of logic, and honestly, poor writing skills, could have possibly even attended such a fine university.

You went to some private religious school, have no understanding of the real world, have zero post secondary school education, no job, and post incessantly on some lame ass website to prop up your self-worth. You are now fixing your poor sugar daddy's dinner. Which probably amounts to putting a TV dinner in the microwave.

I pity you, but I can't sit by and let you post total bullshit that dumbasses like Uncensored lap up like a dog lapping up antifreeze.
I didn't "refute" her post. I provided reasons as to why 60% of those in the bottom quintile in 1999 moved up and those in the upper quintile moved down. I provided concrete statistical data that clearly showed that someone in the bottom quintile, experiencing even less than median income growth, could have moved up. I also demonstrated how the median age of the US population also increased during that time, further explaining that income growth. And I showed that someone would have had to experience income growth in excess of median to stay in the top income quintile.

I can do "baffle with bullshit", but in this case, there was no need. The "baffle with bullshit" queen is the OP poster.

LMAO, you no more went to Columbia than I am the King of England. I have more faith in our institutions of higher learning than to believe someone with such little critical thinking skills, lack of logic, and honestly, poor writing skills, could have possibly even attended such a fine university.

You went to some private religious school, have no understanding of the real world, have zero post secondary school education, no job, and post incessantly on some lame ass website to prop up your self-worth. You are now fixing your poor sugar daddy's dinner. Which probably amounts to putting a TV dinner in the microwave.

I pity you, but I can't sit by and let you post total bullshit that dumbasses like Uncensored lap up like a dog lapping up antifreeze.

You didn't refute her post, you dumped a pile of horseshit in the thread as a red herring fallacy in an attempt distract from her post.

You have no idea where PC went to school. Education is evident on these boards. We all know who are educated who are not. I've little doubt that you have at least a baccalaureate education. Regardless, we can also readily see that at least on this board, the right is considerably better educated than the left.

Then you follow your initial logical fallacy with ad hominem. Clearly, absent fallacy, you would never approach logic at all.

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