When You Can’t Face Reality....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
It’s the position in which the Democrat Party has placed its voters…..demand that they support the most horrendous and barbaric of agendas. They can’t explain them,...

... so they must pretend they don’t exist.

1.I won’t tell you who said this…

“There is no infanticide.” why it does not bother trump to lie like a rug

But I will tell you this….he is real dumb.

2. The facts are that the major political party is actually a supporter of infanticide. On the other side of the aisle, Trump rails against this barbarism:

Trump “described what happens to a child after she is born alive following a failed abortion, saying, “The baby is born. The mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby. I don't think so. It's incredible.”
What Happens to a Child Born-alive? The Media Won’t Tell Us.

Hussein Obama supported infanticide...wouldn't vote to save the baby.

Obama named Peter Singer, champion of infanticide, as his 'science adviser.'
The Democrat administration in Virginia offered a law for...in favor of....infanticide....stopped by Republicans.

The Democrat governor of Virginia actually agreed with the bill for infanticide.

"New York abortion law changes allow infanticide"
New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

"Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats"
Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats

3. Here’s the context. One of the major selling points of the Left/Democrats is that no personal responsibility is ever required, up to an including taking responsibility for creating a new and unique human being. So, if one does create that life, no prob: kill it and more on.

Somehow this is meant to resonate with women who make a ‘mistake,’ and want the right to eradicate it.

Almost 99 % of all abortions are for nothing more than convenience. And this is perfectly alright for the Left.

That's the reality.
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Something approaching 60 million Americans have been killed by abortion, since 1973. Yet, Americans think Hitler was world history’s worst mass murderer.
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It’s the position in which the Democrat Party has placed its voters…..demand that they support the most horrendous and barbaric of agendas. They can’t explain them,...

... so they must pretend they don’t exist.

1.I won’t tell you who said this…

“There is no infanticide.” why it does not bother trump to lie like a rug

But I will tell you this….he is real dumb.

2. The facts are that the major political party is actually a supporter of infanticide. On the other side of the aisle, Trump rails against this barbarism:

Trump “described what happens to a child after she is born alive following a failed abortion, saying, “The baby is born. The mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby. I don't think so. It's incredible.”
What Happens to a Child Born-alive? The Media Won’t Tell Us.

Hussein Obama supported infanticide...wouldn't vote to save the baby.

Obama named Peter Singer, champion of infanticide, as his 'science adviser.'
The Democrat administration in Virginia offered a law for...in favor of....infanticide....stopped by Republicans.

The Democrat governor of Virginia actually agreed with the bill for infanticide.

"New York abortion law changes allow infanticide"
New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

"Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats"
Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats

3. Here’s the context. One of the major selling points of the Left/Democrats is that no personal responsibility is ever required, up to an including taking responsibility for creating a new and unique human being. So, if one does create that life, no prob: kill it and more on.

Somehow this is meant to resonate with women who make a ‘mistake,’ and want the right to eradicate it.

Almost 99 % of all abortions are for nothing more than convenience. And this is perfectly alright for the Left.

That's the reality.

I appreciate your post. However, I haven't the time or inclination to illustrate in-depth the history of abortion in Western Civilization post-Enlightenment, as no matter how educational and/or accurate such efforts might be, those brainwashed to worship the neo-demigod of infanticide are just too plain stupid to get with the program, to fully understand the depth or weight of the evil they support. Suffice it enough to say Le Marquis de Sade, Donatien Alphonse François, popularized the idea of abortion as both means of contraception and population control. Speaking to the abortion movement in America, an unholy alliance of militant feminist activists and early social scientists along with their lackey medical researchers falsely claimed hundreds of thousands of women were annually seeking back alley abortions and literally dying for their lack of the right to murder their babies legally. This fed further into the feminist/postmodernist/sexual revolution movement and became accepted as the standard for abortion activism moving forward. In truth nothing could have been further from reality. Thousands of women were not seeking abortions, those "statistics" were blatantly falsified. Factor in the release of the Pill post WW2, the snowballing sexual revolution which convinced many American men and women to have as much unprotected sex as possible, and in order for the radical Leftist cultural revolution to maintain its momentum, the legal ability to abort casual pregnancies was a must. Perhaps the darkest aspect of legal/casual abortion was and remains the deception that it is an institution founded on promoting women's independence and personal freedom.

What the pro-death baby-killers miss every damned time is the developing child is a human life independent of the mother's life, a being who carries the genetic material of both father and mother. A developing child is not a tumor, not some diseased organ which the mother can simply have torn from her body without care or compassion. A developing child is infinite possibility, the spark of a new, entirely unique human universe. Those who advocate for abortion would see such new universes snuffed out for personal convenience. Lastly, if abortion were rare then no industry could have been built around it. One day history will classify this period of legal casual abortion in Western Civilization right up there alongside the darkest instances of ethnic cleansing and genocide. I hope I am still around to witness the tribunals of the abortionists and their proponents.
4. There is no way to separate abortion from infanticide for this reason: what if a child is born as a result of an unsuccessful attempted abortion?

And, as several states now allow abortion up to the moment of birth,… “The state of New York recently passed a horrific new abortion law removing almost all previous restrictions. The law now allows abortions to be performed up to the point of natural birth by physicians and also by some non-physician health care practitioners. It also removes protections for babies who accidentally survive an abortion procedure.” New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

"7 states already allow abortion up to birth — not just New York"
7 states already allow abortion up to birth — not just New York

…..the result of what happens to that child is included here:

“The practice in some societies of killing unwanted children soon after birth.” infanticide | Definition of infanticide in English by Oxford Dictionaries

There is no dancing around it. It is infanticide.
It’s the position in which the Democrat Party has placed its voters…..demand that they support the most horrendous and barbaric of agendas. They can’t explain them,...

... so they must pretend they don’t exist.

1.I won’t tell you who said this…

“There is no infanticide.” why it does not bother trump to lie like a rug

But I will tell you this….he is real dumb.

2. The facts are that the major political party is actually a supporter of infanticide. On the other side of the aisle, Trump rails against this barbarism:

Trump “described what happens to a child after she is born alive following a failed abortion, saying, “The baby is born. The mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby. I don't think so. It's incredible.”
What Happens to a Child Born-alive? The Media Won’t Tell Us.

Hussein Obama supported infanticide...wouldn't vote to save the baby.

Obama named Peter Singer, champion of infanticide, as his 'science adviser.'
The Democrat administration in Virginia offered a law for...in favor of....infanticide....stopped by Republicans.

The Democrat governor of Virginia actually agreed with the bill for infanticide.

"New York abortion law changes allow infanticide"
New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

"Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats"
Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats

3. Here’s the context. One of the major selling points of the Left/Democrats is that no personal responsibility is ever required, up to an including taking responsibility for creating a new and unique human being. So, if one does create that life, no prob: kill it and more on.

Somehow this is meant to resonate with women who make a ‘mistake,’ and want the right to eradicate it.

Almost 99 % of all abortions are for nothing more than convenience. And this is perfectly alright for the Left.

That's the reality.

I appreciate your post. However, I haven't the time or inclination to illustrate in-depth the history of abortion in Western Civilization post-Enlightenment, as no matter how educational and/or accurate such efforts might be, those brainwashed to worship the neo-demigod of infanticide are just too plain stupid to get with the program, to fully understand the depth or weight of the evil they support. Suffice it enough to say Le Marquis de Sade, Donatien Alphonse François, popularized the idea of abortion as both means of contraception and population control. Speaking to the abortion movement in America, an unholy alliance of militant feminist activists and early social scientists along with their lackey medical researchers falsely claimed hundreds of thousands of women were annually seeking back alley abortions and literally dying for their lack of the right to murder their babies legally. This fed further into the feminist/postmodernist/sexual revolution movement and became accepted as the standard for abortion activism moving forward. In truth nothing could have been further from reality. Thousands of women were not seeking abortions, those "statistics" were blatantly falsified. Factor in the release of the Pill post WW2, the snowballing sexual revolution which convinced many American men and women to have as much unprotected sex as possible, and in order for the radical Leftist cultural revolution to maintain its momentum, the legal ability to abort casual pregnancies was a must. Perhaps the darkest aspect of legal/casual abortion was and remains the deception that it is an institution founded on promoting women's independence and personal freedom.

What the pro-death baby-killers miss every damned time is the developing child is a human life independent of the mother's life, a being who carries the genetic material of both father and mother. A developing child is not a tumor, not some diseased organ which the mother can simply have torn from her body without care or compassion. A developing child is infinite possibility, the spark of a new, entirely unique human universe. Those who advocate for abortion would see such new universes snuffed out for personal convenience. Lastly, if abortion were rare then no industry could have been built around it. One day history will classify this period of legal casual abortion in Western Civilization right up there alongside the darkest instances of ethnic cleansing and genocide. I hope I am still around to witness the tribunals of the abortionists and their proponents.
It should be remembered for all time, that grandpa said the following:

“Don’t Punish Them With a Baby"


Did he not just admit that abortion kills a baby? He also admitted that having a grandchild punishes his daughter.

Cuomo, Dolan, and Gosnell, doing God's work...
Something approaching 60 million Americans have been killed by abortion, since 1973. Yet, Americans think Hitler was world history’s worst mass murderer.

dimocraps should get free abortions on demand and $5 from Crime Stop
"When secular leftists express frustration at how practicing Catholics (your humble servants) and evangelicals could ever vote for Donald Trump, the first thing they refuse to concede is the horror of the alternative.

They refuse to admit that Hillary Clinton clearly, forthrightly stood for abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason and even supported it having it funded by pro-life taxpayers.

It’s what she and her husband called “safe, legal and rare.” Hillary and her crew even dismissed the videotaped baby-organ-selling grotesqueries of Planned Parenthood as somehow fictional. And they refuse to admit that Hillary Clinton represented the creeping extremism of the LGBT movement, with its emphasis on redesigning all the nation’s bathrooms, not to mention human nature."
Bozell & Graham Column: The Book Against Transgender Extremism

It is a defining principle of Leftism that they can alter human nature.

Communist Revolution is based on the idea of transforming human nature. “The New Soviet man or New Soviet person as postulated by the ideologists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was an archetype of a person with certain qualities that were said to be emerging as dominant among all citizens of the Soviet Union, irrespective of the country's long-standing cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, creating a single Soviet people, Soviet nation.[1]
New Soviet man - Wikipedia

Leon Trotsky wrote in his Literature and Revolution [2] :

"The human species, the sluggish Homo sapiens, will once again enter the stage of radical reconstruction and become in his own hands the object of the most complex methods of artificial selection and psychophysical training... Man will make it his goal...to create a higher sociobiological type, a superman, if you will"
New Soviet man - Wikipedia

In 1969, Hillary Rodham gave the student commencement address at Wellesley in which she said that “ for too long our leaders have used politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible….We’re not interested in social reconstruction; it’s human reconstruction.”

“Human nature is the one constant through human history. It is always there.”

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If abortion up until the last minute is sanctioned, there is no way to prevent it from becoming infanticide.

5. “…what happens to a baby when she survives an abortion attempt? Is she given medical care as any other patient would receive, or is she left to die?.... the abortion industry and the media have tiptoed around the basic question.

Trump’s statement was only recalling what Virginia [Democrat] Gov. Ralph Northam said: “I can tell you exactly what happens: If a mother is in labor…the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother.”

6. So, according to [Democrat] Gov. Northam, whether a newborn gets the chance to live or not is a matter for “discussion.” Precious moments slip by as the infant is fighting for her life on the delivery table, but the mother and doctor are discussing whether or not she should live? At this point we are no longer talking about abortion or a woman’s body. We are talking about a child who has clearly become the patient.” What Happens to a Child Born-alive? The Media Won’t Tell Us.

This is the position of the Democrat Party:

"...whether a newborn gets the chance to live or not is a matter for “discussion.”

"...the infant is fighting for her life on the delivery table,..."

It's called infanticide. That's the reality.

It’s the position in which the Democrat Party has placed its voters…..demand that they support the most horrendous and barbaric of agendas. They can’t explain them,...

... so they must pretend they don’t exist.

1.I won’t tell you who said this…

“There is no infanticide.” why it does not bother trump to lie like a rug

But I will tell you this….he is real dumb.
View attachment 260664
Cuomo, Dolan, and Gosnell, doing God's work...

I truly doubt that they'll get the sarcasm.
It's hard to believe that Cuomo and Dolan are okay with infanticide?!
I'm also disappointed that Catholic bishops don't vigorously oppose abortions like the Evangelicals do!?
Maybe they're too busy covering up for pedophiles?

This is where we differ, bro.....and why I'm not optimistic about the future of Western Civilization.

Nothing matters any more.

To embrace tolerance is to cease to believe in anything.
Most of us try not to think about abortion. Even the ones that have had one. I don't have any answers and neither does any of you. It's something we all have to wrestle with in our lives.
Most of us try not to think about abortion. Even the ones that have had one. I don't have any answers and neither does any of you. It's something we all have to wrestle with in our lives.

"I don't have any answers and neither does any of you."


Are you claiming that you cannot limn my view of abortion from this thread??????

Soooo......are you for or opposed to murder?
Most of us try not to think about abortion. Even the ones that have had one. I don't have any answers and neither does any of you. It's something we all have to wrestle with in our lives.

"I don't have any answers and neither does any of you."


Are you claiming that you cannot limn my view of abortion from this thread??????

Soooo......are you for or opposed to murder?

I spoke my piece and absolutely nothing else to say about it.
Most of us try not to think about abortion. Even the ones that have had one. I don't have any answers and neither does any of you. It's something we all have to wrestle with in our lives.

"I don't have any answers and neither does any of you."


Are you claiming that you cannot limn my view of abortion from this thread??????

Soooo......are you for or opposed to murder?

I spoke my piece and absolutely nothing else to say about it.

OK.....see ya'.....
Something approaching 60 million Americans have been killed by abortion, since 1973. Yet, Americans think Hitler was world history’s worst mass murderer.
You're absolutely right, gipper. It's sad that the Democrat Party has been at the head of the abortion killing fields. America is beginning to understand the errors of killing 60,000,000 unborn Americans to launch women into political parties, and what did we get? We got massive Midol needs that went unmet--women come uncorked over issues men walked through, not arousing hatred and misery the likes of which we've only begun to see. The Womens' Movement started out beating up on stay-at-home mothers, and they never stopped, because those of us who stayed at home and watched over our children were spat on, chewed up, and digested by the murderous women in charge who turned real women into objects of disgrace in their madness and clamoring as to why they "felt" cheated by men. They used righteous women as their stepping stones to the top. Now, we have a nation that hates and hates and hates blindly. All so a few of the meanest, most hateful women can have power they can't handle except to make people miserable with.

I'm fed up with womens' movements and their abortion toll. They lied. Human life begins at conception, and they know that. But they choose to use the illusion that these "small masses of cells" are anything but the sacred trust that they are in human life.

Their genocide through abortion does not make up for the wrongs of war. It merely ups the numbers of deaths due to bad politics. They killed off unborn Americans without regard to race or color. Big deal. Killing is killing, no matter who gets the axe at what stage in life they are in, whether it's a day after the cell or cells attach to the walls of the uterus or an extinguishing of a person's life before natural death occurs. When you take God's will away from people, they live lives that are hopeless and spiritually ugly. There is no dignity in artificial death, whether it is suicide to carry a bomb into enemy territory and blast away, taking 50 lives away or jabbing a fetus with a coat hanger to kill a baby and likely starting in an infection that kills the mother before her time. Killing is the most selfish act one can do, because it goes against the law that prevents family dissolution that Cain's murder of Abel was. It resulted in Cain's ban from humanity and Eve conceiving a brother who'd never get to meet his older brothers. Killing people is a terrible thing for families. Why women get talked into it is just another way to rape someone for pleasure, leaving a sad and angry, broken soul in its wake to bear a fatherless child who has no sponsor. It's particularly horrifying when an overlord does it to an already impoverished case, and it begets worthless causes like abortion and a permanent mindset of worthlessness and unrelenting angst.
Most of us try not to think about abortion. Even the ones that have had one. I don't have any answers and neither does any of you. It's something we all have to wrestle with in our lives.

"I don't have any answers and neither does any of you."


Are you claiming that you cannot limn my view of abortion from this thread??????

Soooo......are you for or opposed to murder?

I spoke my piece and absolutely nothing else to say about it.
60 million deaths because a small group of women decide to foist their hatred of life and the living on a nation of 350,000,000 people? No wonder people trip out. They can't handle life nor the terror of life after death when St. Peter meets Ms. High and Mighty at the gate with the 8 little lives she smothered to death in a doctor's office rather than living a life of kindness and consideration for others, and 60 million souls looking on who weren't given the chance a match has to enjoy the warmth of sunlight, learning to take its first step, delighting a father when it says, "Da-da" for the first time, realizing that the rattler in its hand can make noise if you shake it, and glowing all over with a huge smile for mommy? Manufactured lamps that never get a chance to light up a dark and dreary world other people would be blessed by. A brother or sister to hold someone's hand on their deathbed. Women don't know what they're doing when they extinguish the life of their own unborn, but it nags at a soul forever throughout her life, because you can kill a body, but you can't kill a soul.
7. “What happens when the mother and doctor decide not to let the infant live?
Do they withhold care and let the infant die on its own or do they kill the infant? And how?
The media claims Trump’s comment is incorrect, but no one in the abortion industry will answer the question.” What Happens to a Child Born-alive? The Media Won’t Tell Us.

Democrat Governor Northam
“So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he went on. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Soooo......liar.....what are the possible outcomes of that 'discussion'????????

If the "the mother and the family desired," could the boy or girl be left to die???????

Would it be consistent with the Democrat infanticide law?????

You betcha' it would.
8. In a recent thread, one of the apologists for the slaughter of the unborn decided the death sentence was decided in the very same way an earlier Democrat Party decided on the humanity: location.

If the slave were in Mississippi, he had no rights up to and including life. But, if the same person were residing in Connecticut, bingo! Freedom, and the right to live.

It appears the same test is the basis for life and liberty of the prospective chid.

When asked “What is the argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?”

This Philistine answered:

“One is the contents of her body. The other isn't.” Dehumanization of the Left

The ‘magical’ birth canal imparts ‘life.’ Don’t make it to the finish line……death.

But what if the baby ‘accidentally’ makes it across that finish line?

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