When you anxiously await the chance to advance your agenda.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Everyone knows that I am opposed to Police Misconduct. The truth is that I am thrilled when no stories are in the news. It gives me hope that the misconduct is being reduced or eliminated. But this OP is not about Police Misconduct. It is about agenda items. I pointed out the Police Misconduct angle because some will certainly claim I have an agenda. If I do, it is to Truth, and the Constitution. I think that is an agenda we can live with.

No, the agenda I am talking about this time is guns. Opinion | Here's a playbook for defeating the NRA in the wake of the Saugus shooting

I saw this article a couple days ago, and have been thinking of it off and on. You can almost feel the giddy excitement. Another school shooting, and this time, it will give us the impetus to get the guns banned once and for all.

But we’ve also been here before: a place of collective outrage that turns the tide, where the toll to public health from some long-accepted practice is so appalling that even the most weak-willed among our congressional leaders (see: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell) push forward legislation to keep special interests from killing more Americans.

You see, this is our chance to ban guns. You see how awesome it is that kids were killed in a school? This is the moment, the movement, only it isn’t.

Part of the reason I waited was to see if the news picked up on this. They haven’t. Why? Impeachment. The only thing the news has time for is going after Trump. The agenda of the Newsies will allow nothing to distract from all Trump all the time. A lunatic could walk into a school and kill every single student, and that would be off the screens in a couple hours as the newest revelation from the Impeachment process was discussed in depth by “experts” who have to change their underwear at least once an hour because of the excited wee that is escaping.

It is a question of battling agendas. Look at the thread titles here. Trump is toast, or Trump vindicated is generally the two types we see. Because Washington has ground to a halt, and honestly it doesn’t bother me that they have. The reason is obvious. I have yet to see Washington do anything but screw things up.

Even the Opioid Crisis is off the front page, and shuffled down to just over the sports scores in newspapers. Nothing matters but Trump, either getting him, or vindicating him.

Think about that for a moment. We have a NBC opinion piece, written by a Professor of Public Health, whatever, who is thrilled that we have another chance to do something about Guns, and it is not even noticed by many because, Trump. Imagine how furious he is, while at the same time sitting and anxiously awaiting the next horrific event to hopefully push his agenda.

I am not happy when I see stories of Police Misconduct. I am not overjoyed when I see cops going to jail. I am saddened. I honestly hope I never see another example of Police Misconduct. But there, my agenda, if it is one, and the gun agenda, where there is definitely one, are not at all similar. I am addressing behavior, standards, and responses. I am not talking about banning police. I have never said we should eliminate them. I have said we should expect the highest professional behavior, but never abolishment. I don’t even say that Police should not fire their weapons, or be unarmed. I say that they should adjust training to reflect the true lessons, instead of the wrong lessons. To minimize, if not eliminate, unarmed and innocent people being shot.

Vin Gupta has an agenda, and one where he apparently is overjoyed at the deaths of innocent children. It gives him a chance to advance his cause.

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