When Winning Is Everything


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…the same rules apply as did pre-civilization: the law of the jungle....might makes right.

1.Way back when the Left saw the ability to weaponize the Wuhan virus, and managed to institute mail-in fraud, the plan would have been doomed without the fact that so very many Americans had been taught, pressured, cajoled into accepting the machinations of the Democrats aimed at stealing the election.

The proof that there are so very many who have been corrupted is that the illegality is wide open and clear to see.

Which brings me to some of the sworn affidavits revealing the stealing of the election.

2. “Zachary Larsen, a former assistant attorney general who served as a Republican poll challenger, alleged poll workers were looking at how a person voted by peeking inside an absentee ballot's secrecy sleeve before classifying them as "problem ballots." Larsen also alleges poll workers were allowing ballots to be cast by people not in the qualified voter file, a list of voters maintained by the state. When he said he tried to get a better, closer vantage point to watch a particular election worker, he says workers conducted a "ruse" to prevent him from looking at names that were being entered into a pollbook.

3. Jessy Jacob, identified as a city of Detroit employee, makes a series of allegations about what instructions allegedly were provided to election workers before and after Election Day. … election workers at a Detroit satellite voting center repeatedly coached voters, telling them to vote for Biden and other Democrats, the affidavit alleges. After Election Day, Jacob was told to pre-date absentee ballots so they would reflect being received on time, according to the affidavit. In Michigan, only ballots received by 8 p.m. on Election Day are valid. …. ballots were physically stamped with the date they were received, and none were received after polls closed on Election Day.

4. Andrew Sitto says he was a poll challenger at TCF on Election Day who remained late into the night as ballots were processed. He says at approximately 4 :30 a.m. on Wednesday, "tens of thousands" of ballots were brought in to the center for counting. He said all of the ballots he watched being counted were for Biden. While the lawsuit uses this statement about these specific ballots to say "apparently every ballot was counted and attributed only to Democratic candidates," Sitto only commented on ballots he observed. Election experts in Michigan and across the country expected absentee ballots to favor Biden, especially after Trump repeatedly blasted the process ahead of the election.” Detroit lawsuit alleges more misconduct in elections process, seeks to delay certification

Weaponizing the Chinese virus gave the Left/Liberals a reason for mail-ins, and ways to manipulate the vote.

But now all can see it was a scam:

Posted October 20......

1. I have posited that, as Trump's greatest asset in the campaign has been his miraculous economy, after Hussein 'masterminded' the slowest recovery in history, and the answer to this by the party of evil is to organize a nationwide shutdown of the economy through lock-downs, riots, and closing schools to keep parents from going back to work.

Time will tell if it worked.

Looks like I was right, and all you hand-wringing mask-wearing Biden voters were suckers.

‘Is Covid over?’ Suddenly Dems like Schumer lead ‘Super Spreader’ events, but it’s ok for them?

Now that Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden has been declared by the media to be the winner of the 2020 presidential election, it appears the coronavirus pandemic has magically disappeared — just as had been expected.

How so? The same Democrat politicians and liberal media figures who spent months promoting authoritarian decrees pertaining to masks, large gatherings and lockdowns have seemingly jettisoned all of their prior concerns.

Case in point: While celebrating Biden’s alleged victory with a large, tightly-packed crowd outside the Barclays Center in Brooklyn his Saturday afternoon, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer ripped off his mask like a Scooby-Doo villain.

He then proceeded to loudly yell and spit his joy to a crowd of Democrats."
'Is Covid over?’ Suddenly Dems like Schumer lead 'Super Spreader' events, but it's ok for them?

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic appears to magically be over now that Joe Biden has been declared by the media to be the winner of the 2020 race.
…the same rules apply as did pre-civilization: the law of the jungle....might makes right.

That's why I always show cops a great deal of respect...even when they are in the wrong. Because without them our society is reduced to animals!

Thanks. I agree. My small business is training the police in both close combat tactics and security surveillance. I meet plenty of cops on power trips and no small number whose combat tours ruined their ability to see their daily patrols as public safety focused, rather than combat maneuvers in a hostile environment. But by and large the commanders and street cops I work with are good people just as human as you or I. Like you said, without them the world would be a much scarier place.
When winning is everything the same rules apply as did pre-civilization: the law of the jungle....might makes right.
I have been preaching this very concept for years.

Society is an unspoken truce agreement. What we are witnessing is a severe breach of the truce agreement. It is a very dangerous state of affairs.

70, million people are at least somewhat pissed off about the current situation. I would wager a high percentage of those people feel as though all of law, order, and self-determination has been flushed down the fucking toilet. They probably are in a situation where they are fastly approaching a nothing-to-lose state of mind.

I forgot to mention, that most of these people are likely armed.

A very, very dangerous situation indeed.
5. Here’s an affidavit about thousands of illegal votes by voters who were all 120 years old:

“Robert Cushman says he was a Republican poll challenger at TCF who saw misconduct related to military ballots. He says the names of voters on some of these ballots were not on the state computer system, but election workers added them as they counted the ballots.

He also said election workers entered the birthdate for all of these ballots as January 1, 1900. The Free Press and New York Times have investigated other allegations related to misleading or inaccurate birthdates and found them to be incorrect.” Detroit lawsuit alleges more misconduct in elections process, seeks to delay certification

The Detroit Free Press responded this way:

“List of alleged dead voters in Wayne County does not provide evidence of voter fraud

All of the voters listed are over the age of 100, but they’re not all Wayne County residents, and at least several of the voters named on the list are not marked in the state’s voter information center as ever having received or cast an absentee ballot.

Some may be dead, but there’s no evidence that the state counted any ballots cast by deceased voters. Others may be old, but there’s no law establishing an age limit on voting.” List of alleged dead voters in Wayne County does not provide evidence of voter fraud

Accusations ain’t proof and you got no proof

Here's your lesson for today:

An affidavit is admissible evidence, although some courts may require you to testify to the affidavit or they may consider it hearsay. Since hearsay is not admissible as evidence, your affidavit may not be used for evidence if someone objects to it unless you testify.

What Is An Affidavit And When Are They Used? | LegalNature
6. More from one single Democrat stronghold.

“Daniel Gustafson says he was a trained poll challenger. He alleges ballots were brought into TCF in large, unsecured bins. The bins did not have any markers indicating their "source of origin," Gustafson said.

Patrick Colbeck, a former Republican senator who ran for governor in 2018 but lost the nomination to former attorney general Bill Schuette, says he was a poll challenger at TCF. He says many workers left TCF at around 7:30 p.m. on Election Day, before polls closed at 8 p.m. While clerks are allowed to use shifts of workers to process and count absentee ballots, workers are supposed to remain at the absentee ballot counting site until polls close. He also says an election worker did not prove to him that computers at TCF were not connected to the internet. “
Detroit lawsuit alleges more misconduct in elections process, seeks to delay certification

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…the same rules apply as did pre-civilization: the law of the jungle....might makes right.

1.Way back when the Left saw the ability to weaponize the Wuhan virus, and managed to institute mail-in fraud, the plan would have been doomed without the fact that so very many Americans had been taught, pressured, cajoled into accepting the machinations of the Democrats aimed at stealing the election.

The proof that there are so very many who have been corrupted is that the illegality is wide open and clear to see.

Which brings me to some of the sworn affidavits revealing the stealing of the election.

2. “Zachary Larsen, a former assistant attorney general who served as a Republican poll challenger, alleged poll workers were looking at how a person voted by peeking inside an absentee ballot's secrecy sleeve before classifying them as "problem ballots." Larsen also alleges poll workers were allowing ballots to be cast by people not in the qualified voter file, a list of voters maintained by the state. When he said he tried to get a better, closer vantage point to watch a particular election worker, he says workers conducted a "ruse" to prevent him from looking at names that were being entered into a pollbook.

3. Jessy Jacob, identified as a city of Detroit employee, makes a series of allegations about what instructions allegedly were provided to election workers before and after Election Day. … election workers at a Detroit satellite voting center repeatedly coached voters, telling them to vote for Biden and other Democrats, the affidavit alleges. After Election Day, Jacob was told to pre-date absentee ballots so they would reflect being received on time, according to the affidavit. In Michigan, only ballots received by 8 p.m. on Election Day are valid. …. ballots were physically stamped with the date they were received, and none were received after polls closed on Election Day.

4. Andrew Sitto says he was a poll challenger at TCF on Election Day who remained late into the night as ballots were processed. He says at approximately 4 :30 a.m. on Wednesday, "tens of thousands" of ballots were brought in to the center for counting. He said all of the ballots he watched being counted were for Biden. While the lawsuit uses this statement about these specific ballots to say "apparently every ballot was counted and attributed only to Democratic candidates," Sitto only commented on ballots he observed. Election experts in Michigan and across the country expected absentee ballots to favor Biden, especially after Trump repeatedly blasted the process ahead of the election.” Detroit lawsuit alleges more misconduct in elections process, seeks to delay certification

View attachment 414253

you are just a bunch of sore losers, your cult leader, the pussygrabber, has a long history of failures, including being only candidate in history to lose popular vote twice, in addition to being impeached, found guilty of fraud on multiple occasions, and bankrupted his dad businesses multiple times... Biden is your president, la la la la la laaaaa....

Accusations ain’t proof and you got no proof

Here's your lesson for today:

An affidavit is admissible evidence, although some courts may require you to testify to the affidavit or they may consider it hearsay. Since hearsay is not admissible as evidence, your affidavit may not be used for evidence if someone objects to it unless you testify.
What Is An Affidavit And When Are They Used? | LegalNature

Here is your lesson.

A single affadavit by itself is not proof of anything. There still has to be corroborating evidence. No one is going to overturn anything on the basis of a single affadavit. The DOJ has seen no evidence of fraud despite these affadavits.
When winning is everything the same rules apply as did pre-civilization: the law of the jungle....might makes right.
I have been preaching this very concept for years.

Society is an unspoken truce agreement. What we are witnessing is a severe breach of the truce agreement. It is a very dangerous state of affairs.

70, million people are at least somewhat pissed off about the current situation. I would wager a high percentage of those people feel as though all of law, order, and self-determination has been flushed down the fucking toilet. They probably are in a situation where they are fastly approaching a nothing-to-lose state of mind.

I forgot to mention, that most of these people are likely armed.

A very, very dangerous situation indeed.

80 million people who voted for Biden are pissed off that Trump is trying to have their legally cast votes ignored. If these people break the law they should be arrested. These people who are making death threats should be arrested and jailed.

Suitcases of ballots pulled out during the night when there were no witnesses:

You are a liar. The video shows nothing of the sort. There was no suitcase of ballots. This has been thoroughly debunked.
The workers were scanning ballots which had been opened by other workers and in full view of observers.
The people leaving were done for the day
The so-called suitcases were bins to place the ballots in once they had been scanned
No one was forced to leave
Several election officials were there when this was being done

The video is as phony as you are. You are being a good little Nazi pushing your Fuerher's attempt to illegally remain in power.
…the same rules apply as did pre-civilization: the law of the jungle....might makes right.

1.Way back when the Left saw the ability to weaponize the Wuhan virus, and managed to institute mail-in fraud, the plan would have been doomed without the fact that so very many Americans had been taught, pressured, cajoled into accepting the machinations of the Democrats aimed at stealing the election.

The proof that there are so very many who have been corrupted is that the illegality is wide open and clear to see.

Which brings me to some of the sworn affidavits revealing the stealing of the election.

2. “Zachary Larsen, a former assistant attorney general who served as a Republican poll challenger, alleged poll workers were looking at how a person voted by peeking inside an absentee ballot's secrecy sleeve before classifying them as "problem ballots." Larsen also alleges poll workers were allowing ballots to be cast by people not in the qualified voter file, a list of voters maintained by the state. When he said he tried to get a better, closer vantage point to watch a particular election worker, he says workers conducted a "ruse" to prevent him from looking at names that were being entered into a pollbook.

3. Jessy Jacob, identified as a city of Detroit employee, makes a series of allegations about what instructions allegedly were provided to election workers before and after Election Day. … election workers at a Detroit satellite voting center repeatedly coached voters, telling them to vote for Biden and other Democrats, the affidavit alleges. After Election Day, Jacob was told to pre-date absentee ballots so they would reflect being received on time, according to the affidavit. In Michigan, only ballots received by 8 p.m. on Election Day are valid. …. ballots were physically stamped with the date they were received, and none were received after polls closed on Election Day.

4. Andrew Sitto says he was a poll challenger at TCF on Election Day who remained late into the night as ballots were processed. He says at approximately 4 :30 a.m. on Wednesday, "tens of thousands" of ballots were brought in to the center for counting. He said all of the ballots he watched being counted were for Biden. While the lawsuit uses this statement about these specific ballots to say "apparently every ballot was counted and attributed only to Democratic candidates," Sitto only commented on ballots he observed. Election experts in Michigan and across the country expected absentee ballots to favor Biden, especially after Trump repeatedly blasted the process ahead of the election.” Detroit lawsuit alleges more misconduct in elections process, seeks to delay certification

View attachment 414253
…the same rules apply as did pre-civilization: the law of the jungle....might makes right.

1.Way back when the Left saw the ability to weaponize the Wuhan virus, and managed to institute mail-in fraud, the plan would have been doomed without the fact that so very many Americans had been taught, pressured, cajoled into accepting the machinations of the Democrats aimed at stealing the election.

The proof that there are so very many who have been corrupted is that the illegality is wide open and clear to see.

Which brings me to some of the sworn affidavits revealing the stealing of the election.

2. “Zachary Larsen, a former assistant attorney general who served as a Republican poll challenger, alleged poll workers were looking at how a person voted by peeking inside an absentee ballot's secrecy sleeve before classifying them as "problem ballots." Larsen also alleges poll workers were allowing ballots to be cast by people not in the qualified voter file, a list of voters maintained by the state. When he said he tried to get a better, closer vantage point to watch a particular election worker, he says workers conducted a "ruse" to prevent him from looking at names that were being entered into a pollbook.

3. Jessy Jacob, identified as a city of Detroit employee, makes a series of allegations about what instructions allegedly were provided to election workers before and after Election Day. … election workers at a Detroit satellite voting center repeatedly coached voters, telling them to vote for Biden and other Democrats, the affidavit alleges. After Election Day, Jacob was told to pre-date absentee ballots so they would reflect being received on time, according to the affidavit. In Michigan, only ballots received by 8 p.m. on Election Day are valid. …. ballots were physically stamped with the date they were received, and none were received after polls closed on Election Day.

4. Andrew Sitto says he was a poll challenger at TCF on Election Day who remained late into the night as ballots were processed. He says at approximately 4 :30 a.m. on Wednesday, "tens of thousands" of ballots were brought in to the center for counting. He said all of the ballots he watched being counted were for Biden. While the lawsuit uses this statement about these specific ballots to say "apparently every ballot was counted and attributed only to Democratic candidates," Sitto only commented on ballots he observed. Election experts in Michigan and across the country expected absentee ballots to favor Biden, especially after Trump repeatedly blasted the process ahead of the election.” Detroit lawsuit alleges more misconduct in elections process, seeks to delay certification

View attachment 414253

you are just a bunch of sore losers, your cult leader, the pussygrabber, has a long history of failures, including being only candidate in history to lose popular vote twice, in addition to being impeached, found guilty of fraud on multiple occasions, and bankrupted his dad businesses multiple times... Biden is your president, la la la la la laaaaa....

View attachment 425281

"..., your cult leader, ...."

And yet another Leftist insists on documenting my rule #2.
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

The only actual 'cult' is the Democrat Party, your religion.

For clarity, only you Democrats refer to your leader in religious terms.....you called a recent one god, Jesus and the messiah.

I have no doubt that you are unaware of your own conversion, but you belong to the religious cult of Militant Secularism.
Not certain which of the denominations: communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism or socialism.
Accusations ain’t proof and you got no proof

Here's your lesson for today:

An affidavit is admissible evidence, although some courts may require you to testify to the affidavit or they may consider it hearsay. Since hearsay is not admissible as evidence, your affidavit may not be used for evidence if someone objects to it unless you testify.
What Is An Affidavit And When Are They Used? | LegalNature

Here is your lesson.

A single affadavit by itself is not proof of anything. There still has to be corroborating evidence. No one is going to overturn anything on the basis of a single affadavit. The DOJ has seen no evidence of fraud despite these affadavits.

Sworn Affidavits From Nevada & Michigan Detail Voter Fraud ...
Sworn Affidavits From Nevada & Michigan Detail Voter Fraud - The Lid
It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings' and she isn't even warming up. The Trump campaign and RNC have provided 131 sworn affidavits showing voter fraud, with possibly another 2,800 in the wings. Here's some voter fraud news out of Nevada and Michigan

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