When Romney gets the nomination.....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

Excellent. This comment recognizes that the majority of Americans are capable, thinking people who, when exposed to factual information, make independent decisions.
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

Me too, but I still think it's bullshit the way Obama was portrayed as some deep leftist outsider when it appeared to me, and still does, that he was a centerist also all along.

(of course when we say "centerist" they still have a predominant lean, it's just not extreme).
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

Me too, but I still think it's bullshit the way Obama was portrayed as some deep leftist outsider when it appeared to me, and still does, that he was a centerist also all along.

(of course when we say "centerist" they still have a predominant lean, it's just not extreme).

Of course he was. A president that is too far right or left can't reward all the interests that got him there without blowing his cover.
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

I consider myself a pragmatist more than a conservative. I look for the most pragmatic solution and I go with that. So I'm on the left on some issues, on the right on others.

My problem with Romney isn't his idealogy. I mean, he's had a bunch of them over the last few years, I'm sure I can find one I agree with. :razz:

My problem with him is that he belongs to a cult that I utterly despise.

My problem with him is that he has sleazy business practices that screws working folks like me.

My problem with him is that he has no problem race-baiting when he wants to gain a political advantage.

So, yeah, even though I've voted Republican in every election since 1980, I will vote Democrat rather than even take the chance this puke will be Presdient.
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

Me too, but I still think it's bullshit the way Obama was portrayed as some deep leftist outsider when it appeared to me, and still does, that he was a centerist also all along.

(of course when we say "centerist" they still have a predominant lean, it's just not extreme).

And a corrolary to my previous post, my problem with Obama is not that he's a leftist or a centrist, but that he's INCOMPETENT!

He couldn't even get a centrist agenda passed when he had an 80 seat majority in the HOuse and a filibuster proof senate. He put the priorities in the wrong places, he's fumbled one operation after another, he squandered his political capital.

So Romney is a sleazy cultist and Obama is an incompetent Boob.

Some choice.

Third Party, anyone?
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

I consider myself a pragmatist more than a conservative. I look for the most pragmatic solution and I go with that. So I'm on the left on some issues, on the right on others.

My problem with Romney isn't his idealogy. I mean, he's had a bunch of them over the last few years, I'm sure I can find one I agree with. :razz:

My problem with him is that he belongs to a cult that I utterly despise.

My problem with him is that he has sleazy business practices that screws working folks like me.

My problem with him is that he has no problem race-baiting when he wants to gain a political advantage.

So, yeah, even though I've voted Republican in every election since 1980, I will vote Democrat rather than even take the chance this puke will be Presdient.

I understand your sentiments. I saw this video of him the other day saying he'd Nationalize Romneycare a few years back, and now his tone is that he'd never do such a thing but leave it up to the States.

He's like any other Politician though. Licks his finger, sticks it in the air, and rolls with it.
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

Me too, but I still think it's bullshit the way Obama was portrayed as some deep leftist outsider when it appeared to me, and still does, that he was a centerist also all along.

(of course when we say "centerist" they still have a predominant lean, it's just not extreme).

And a corrolary to my previous post, my problem with Obama is not that he's a leftist or a centrist, but that he's INCOMPETENT!

He couldn't even get a centrist agenda passed when he had an 80 seat majority in the HOuse and a filibuster proof senate. He put the priorities in the wrong places, he's fumbled one operation after another, he squandered his political capital.

So Romney is a sleazy cultist and Obama is an incompetent Boob.

Some choice.

Third Party, anyone?

Everyone keeps saying that, but when your fillibuster "proof" number includes Joe Lieberman, it's not fillibuster proof.

I've heard this man (Lieberman) sucking Sean Hannity's toes for the last 5-6 years now. He's a rat in rat's clothing.
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

Me too, but I still think it's bullshit the way Obama was portrayed as some deep leftist outsider when it appeared to me, and still does, that he was a centerist also all along.

(of course when we say "centerist" they still have a predominant lean, it's just not extreme).

As an individual, Obama is not a 'centerist' he is left wing. What he found out upon taking office is that he could not govern from the left. He was pushed to the center.
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

Excellent. This comment recognizes that the majority of Americans are capable, thinking people who, when exposed to factual information, make independent decisions.

Yes, we do. And that pisses off the left as much as the right. Most Americans do not do extreme views. Which the Democrats are finding out... much to their consternation.
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

I consider myself a pragmatist more than a conservative. I look for the most pragmatic solution and I go with that. So I'm on the left on some issues, on the right on others.

My problem with Romney isn't his idealogy. I mean, he's had a bunch of them over the last few years, I'm sure I can find one I agree with. :razz:

My problem with him is that he belongs to a cult that I utterly despise.

My problem with him is that he has sleazy business practices that screws working folks like me.

My problem with him is that he has no problem race-baiting when he wants to gain a political advantage.

So, yeah, even though I've voted Republican in every election since 1980, I will vote Democrat rather than even take the chance this puke will be Presdient.

You're an idiot.
Everyone keeps saying that, but when your fillibuster "proof" number includes Joe Lieberman, it's not fillibuster proof.

I've heard this man (Lieberman) sucking Sean Hannity's toes for the last 5-6 years now. He's a rat in rat's clothing.

Given the shoddy way the Democratic party has treated Joe Leiberman over the years, that he still caucuses with you guys and votes your way most of the time should be enough.

And it's not like the Republicans don't have a few guys who jump the aisle when their egos tell them to.

To the point. His priority was on getting the health care plan passed. Not fixing the economy. And after he dickered with Lieberman and Bayh and all the others, what he ended up with was RomneyCare on a national level, which doesn't even fix the real problems.

Now imagine Bill Clinton in the same scenario. Not a fan of Clinton, thought he was almost as sleazy as Romney is. But do you imagine him getting rolled by backbenchers in the Senate?
As an individual, Obama is not a 'centerist' he is left wing. What he found out upon taking office is that he could not govern from the left. He was pushed to the center.

Obama was not pushed into keeping Guantanamo open, keeping the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, keeping the unconstitutional parts of the Patriot Act on the books, classifying his administration's interpretation of them (!), putting Wall Street cronies in his cabinet as economic advisers, keeping Bernanke at the Fed, taking single-payer off the table before negotiations on health-care reform even started, or putting together an inadequate and inefficient stimulus proposal. Those were all unpopular positions, especially with his supporters. He did all of it on his own.
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

I consider myself a pragmatist more than a conservative. I look for the most pragmatic solution and I go with that. So I'm on the left on some issues, on the right on others.

My problem with Romney isn't his idealogy. I mean, he's had a bunch of them over the last few years, I'm sure I can find one I agree with. :razz:

My problem with him is that he belongs to a cult that I utterly despise.

My problem with him is that he has sleazy business practices that screws working folks like me.

My problem with him is that he has no problem race-baiting when he wants to gain a political advantage.

So, yeah, even though I've voted Republican in every election since 1980, I will vote Democrat rather than even take the chance this puke will be Presdient.

You're an idiot.

Get back to me if you ever have a substantive response.....
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

Me too, but I still think it's bullshit the way Obama was portrayed as some deep leftist outsider when it appeared to me, and still does, that he was a centerist also all along.

(of course when we say "centerist" they still have a predominant lean, it's just not extreme).

As an individual, Obama is not a 'centerist' he is left wing. What he found out upon taking office is that he could not govern from the left. He was pushed to the center.

I disagree. Obama can govern from the left all he wants. He was elected to do just that, and in fact had a mandate for all intents and purposes.

He never planned on doing so though, because he has interests to serve on the right as well, that helped get him in office.

At the end of the day though, there really is no right or left. That's a paradigm that keeps the masses very well manipulated. The people in power don't give a fuck about sides of aisles.
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

Me too, but I still think it's bullshit the way Obama was portrayed as some deep leftist outsider when it appeared to me, and still does, that he was a centerist also all along.

(of course when we say "centerist" they still have a predominant lean, it's just not extreme).

This is a POLITICS forum s0n. Nobody cares how the typical hyper-partisan lefty k00ks think Obama has been portrayed. Independents think Obama is a hard left asshole at this stage of the game and thats the only thing that matters for next year. We're looking at a political rout come this time next year. Only the k00ks are going to be sitting there still scratching their heads.
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

I consider myself a pragmatist more than a conservative. I look for the most pragmatic solution and I go with that. So I'm on the left on some issues, on the right on others.

My problem with Romney isn't his idealogy. I mean, he's had a bunch of them over the last few years, I'm sure I can find one I agree with. :razz:

My problem with him is that he belongs to a cult that I utterly despise.

My problem with him is that he has sleazy business practices that screws working folks like me.

My problem with him is that he has no problem race-baiting when he wants to gain a political advantage.

So, yeah, even though I've voted Republican in every election since 1980, I will vote Democrat rather than even take the chance this puke will be Presdient.

So Romney is just like Obama without an ACORN to help him. So he is a Democrat.

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