When Newt mentioned going to the moon he was crazy, but when Obama mentioned goin to

Joseph has no back up. He is stuck on verbage and can't seem to grasp the content of the discussion.

Utter failure

Hey, clown, my backup is a little thing called 'science'. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable.
sure it is when WE adapt to it.

SPACE isn't either but yet there we have people flying over your head as we speak...MORON.
okay guys and gals, I actually work for the space program and have since I was 27.

There is the truth. Our ground based infrastructure is far behind where it needs to be for a successful moon mission, at any capacity. This must be understood. Dont let these slack jawed politicians fool you. It would take a good 1-2 Trillion (basically the cost of the Iraq war) to upgrade to sufficient mission capable standards.

Also, let me be clear, America is still the world leader is space flight, second to none and keeping the high ground.

Newt. While I love his grand ideas, as I posted, it would take massive amounts of federal money to do this. And with the GOP's current budget hawk mentality, that would be next to impossible. However, I do wish we would at least look into a moon mission, tons of precious metals that could really off set the precious metal industry, if we could figure how to haul it back and refine the product and sell it at a profit. Very doable in my opinion.

Obama. His approach is the most realistic. He has introduced the private sector into space fight and its worked great so far. SpaceX has confirmed two Asian satellite launches for 2014 which will make the operations at KSC profitable. And do keep in mind, this launch schedule this year is the heaviest to date, so dont be fooled into thinking we are not the premier gateway into space.

Santorum. guy is a complete douche.

If any of you have any questions I would love to see if I could answer them for you.

here is a link to our next mission, this week. A very important Navy payload.

Spaceflight Now | Atlas Launch Report | Mission Status Center
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Joseph has no back up. He is stuck on verbage and can't seem to grasp the content of the discussion.

Utter failure

Hey, clown, my backup is a little thing called 'science'. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable.
sure it is when WE adapt to it.

SPACE isn't either but yet there we have people flying over your head as we speak...MORON.

Dumb. Ass. Habitable means the ability to NATURALLY sustain life. Manmade structures do not fit the definition of habitable.
There is no question that people can live on the moon.
It does not have what it takes to sustain life so we need to bring or make our own once there much in the same way we have to do in many places on Earth.
We need to provide our own heat in cold places, our own water in dry places, our own food many places and so on.
Living off planet really would not be so very different from what we do now.

You know......with enough focus on solar energy, as well as figuring out how to mine the water that is there, it MAY be possible to put up a small colony on the Moon.

However.........there would also have to be major advances in materials technology, as well as a pretty large leap in computing to make it sustainable.

Newt said it could be done in 8 years (by the end of his second term I believe is what the quote was), and that's just plain impossible.

We don't have the money, the ability (NASA no longer has the shuttle), nor do we really have the will to do it as a nation right now.

Admit it y'all.........Newt's remark was not the brightest thing ever heard on televised political speech.
for the resident dumbfuck, JosefK...

Inhabit - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
to be present in or occupy in any manner or form

JosefK can now officially go fuck himself.

:lol::lol::lol: Gawd, you guys are really stupid.

Planetary habitability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Planetary habitability is the measure of a planet's or a natural satellite's potential to sustain life. Life may develop directly on a planet or satellite or be transferred to it from another body, a theoretical process known as panspermia. As the existence of life beyond Earth is currently uncertain, planetary habitability is largely an extrapolation of conditions on Earth and the characteristics of the Sun and solar system which appear favorable to life's flourishing—in particular those factors that have sustained complex, multicellular organisms and not just simpler, unicellular creatures. Research and theory in this regard is a component of planetary science and the emerging discipline of astrobiology.

An absolute requirement for life is an energy source, and the notion of planetary habitability implies that many other geophysical, geochemical, and astrophysical criteria must be met before an astronomical body can support life. In its astrobiology roadmap, NASA has defined the principal habitability criteria as "extended regions of liquid water, conditions favorable for the assembly of complex organic molecules, and energy sources to sustain metabolism."
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There is no question that people can live on the moon.
It does not have what it takes to sustain life so we need to bring or make our own once there much in the same way we have to do in many places on Earth.
We need to provide our own heat in cold places, our own water in dry places, our own food many places and so on.
Living off planet really would not be so very different from what we do now.

You know......with enough focus on solar energy, as well as figuring out how to mine the water that is there, it MAY be possible to put up a small colony on the Moon.

However.........there would also have to be major advances in materials technology, as well as a pretty large leap in computing to make it sustainable.

Newt said it could be done in 8 years (by the end of his second term I believe is what the quote was), and that's just plain impossible.

We don't have the money, the ability (NASA no longer has the shuttle), nor do we really have the will to do it as a nation right now.

Admit it y'all.........Newt's remark was not the brightest thing ever heard on televised political speech.

got a link to bolster that second point?

the shuttle would NOT have been used for the moon anyway. Not designed for that type of mission. Moon missions will go back to Apollo style equipment... capsule, command module, etc.
Joseph has no back up. He is stuck on verbage and can't seem to grasp the content of the discussion.

Utter failure

Hey, clown, my backup is a little thing called 'science'. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable.

then you should have no probelm providing a link to a credible scientific source that agrees with you.

Lets have it.

Sure thing. Here you go, clown.

Astrobiology Roadmap

A planet or planetary satellite is habitable if it can sustain life that originates there or if it sustains life that is carried to the object. The Astrobiology program seeks to expand our understanding of the most fundamental environmental requirements for habitability. However, in the near term, we must proceed with our current concepts regarding the requirements for habitability. That is, habitable environments must provide extended regions of liquid water, conditions favorable for the assembly of complex organic molecules, and energy sources to sustain metabolism. Habitability is not necessarily associated with a single specific environment; it can embrace a suite of environments that communicate through exchange of materials. The processes by which crucial biologically useful chemicals are carried to a planet and change its level of habitability can be explored through the fields of prebiotic chemistry and chemical evolution. A major long-range goal for astrobiology is to recognize habitability beyond the Solar System, independent of the presence of life, or to recognize habitability by detecting the presence of lif
for the resident dumbfuck, JosefK...

Inhabit - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
to be present in or occupy in any manner or form

JosefK can now officially go fuck himself.

:lol::lol::lol: Gawd, you guys are really stupid.

Planetary habitability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Astrobiology Roadmap

Planetary habitability is the measure of a planet's or a natural satellite's potential to sustain life. Life may develop directly on a planet or satellite or be transferred to it from another body, a theoretical process known as panspermia. As the existence of life beyond Earth is currently uncertain, planetary habitability is largely an extrapolation of conditions on Earth and the characteristics of the Sun and solar system which appear favorable to life's flourishing—in particular those factors that have sustained complex, multicellular organisms and not just simpler, unicellular creatures. Research and theory in this regard is a component of planetary science and the emerging discipline of astrobiology.

An absolute requirement for life is an energy source, and the notion of planetary habitability implies that many other geophysical, geochemical, and astrophysical criteria must be met before an astronomical body can support life. In its astrobiology roadmap, NASA has defined the principal habitability criteria as "extended regions of liquid water, conditions favorable for the assembly of complex organic molecules, and energy sources to sustain metabolism."

no one, and I mean NO ONE, has implied the surface of the moon is habitable as is, dip-shit. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, has implied terraforming is possible on the moon, dip-shit.

The moon can be inhabited, by creating a man-made lunar shelter system. Think Captain Nemo's Underweater City, only on the moon not under the ocean.

YOU are confusing 'inhabit', with 'terraform', you mental midget.
okay guys and gals, I actually work for the space program and have since I was 27.

There is the truth. Our ground based infrastructure is far behind where it needs to be for a successful moon mission, at any capacity. This must be understood. Dont let these slack jawed politicians fool you. It would take a good 1-2 Trillion (basically the cost of the Iraq war) to upgrade to sufficient mission capable standards.

Also, let me be clear, America is still the world leader is space flight, second to none and keeping the high ground.

Newt. While I love his grand ideas, as I posted, it would take massive amounts of federal money to do this. And with the GOP's current budget hawk mentality, that would be next to impossible. However, I do wish we would at least look into a moon mission, tons of precious metals that could really off set the precious metal industry, if we could figure how to haul it back and refine the product and sell it at a profit. Very doable in my opinion.

Obama. His approach is the most realistic. He has introduced the private sector into space fight and its worked great so far. SpaceX has confirmed two Asian satellite launches for 2014 which will make the operations at KSC profitable. And do keep in mind, this launch schedule this year is the heaviest to date, so dont be fooled into thinking we are not the premier gateway into space.

Santorum. guy is a complete douche.

If any of you have any questions I would love to see if I could answer them for you.

here is a link to our next mission, this week. A very important Navy payload.

Spaceflight Now | Atlas Launch Report | Mission Status Center

Thanx for the info... I have a question, it's a little off-topic.

I read somewhere, don't remember where but I believe it was reputable, and the claim was made that "we are far more prepared to go to Mars today than we were to go to the moon in '69." (paraphrased) Do you agree with that statement?
I've heard discussions on the NASA channel that say this is entirely possible with only one obstacle, money.

Hence Newts emphasis on injecting private industry and prizes.

I just don't understand the complete mockery of the left beyond partisanship. If I can get behind Obamas mars idea why can't they?
Hey, clown, my backup is a little thing called 'science'. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable.

then you should have no probelm providing a link to a credible scientific source that agrees with you.

Lets have it.

Sure thing. Here you go, clown.

Astrobiology Roadmap

A planet or planetary satellite is habitable if it can sustain life that originates there or if it sustains life that is carried to the object. The Astrobiology program seeks to expand our understanding of the most fundamental environmental requirements for habitability. However, in the near term, we must proceed with our current concepts regarding the requirements for habitability. That is, habitable environments must provide extended regions of liquid water, conditions favorable for the assembly of complex organic molecules, and energy sources to sustain metabolism. Habitability is not necessarily associated with a single specific environment; it can embrace a suite of environments that communicate through exchange of materials. The processes by which crucial biologically useful chemicals are carried to a planet and change its level of habitability can be explored through the fields of prebiotic chemistry and chemical evolution. A major long-range goal for astrobiology is to recognize habitability beyond the Solar System, independent of the presence of life, or to recognize habitability by detecting the presence of lif

Lunar outpost (NASA) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A lunar outpost was an element of the George W. Bush era Vision for Space Exploration, which has been replaced with President Barack Obama's space policy.[1] The outpost would have been an inhabited facility on the surface of the Moon. At the time it was proposed, NASA was to construct the outpost over the five years between 2019 and 2024.
for the resident dumbfuck, JosefK...

Inhabit - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

JosefK can now officially go fuck himself.

:lol::lol::lol: Gawd, you guys are really stupid.

Planetary habitability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Astrobiology Roadmap

Planetary habitability is the measure of a planet's or a natural satellite's potential to sustain life. Life may develop directly on a planet or satellite or be transferred to it from another body, a theoretical process known as panspermia. As the existence of life beyond Earth is currently uncertain, planetary habitability is largely an extrapolation of conditions on Earth and the characteristics of the Sun and solar system which appear favorable to life's flourishing—in particular those factors that have sustained complex, multicellular organisms and not just simpler, unicellular creatures. Research and theory in this regard is a component of planetary science and the emerging discipline of astrobiology.

An absolute requirement for life is an energy source, and the notion of planetary habitability implies that many other geophysical, geochemical, and astrophysical criteria must be met before an astronomical body can support life. In its astrobiology roadmap, NASA has defined the principal habitability criteria as "extended regions of liquid water, conditions favorable for the assembly of complex organic molecules, and energy sources to sustain metabolism."

no one, and I mean NO ONE, has implied the surface of the moon is habitable as is, dip-shit. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, has implied terraforming is possible on the moon, dip-shit.

The moon can be inhabited, by creating a man-made lunar shelter system. Think Captain Nemo's Underweater City, only on the moon not under the ocean.

YOU are confusing 'inhabit', with 'terraform', you mental midget.

Dumbass. Habitable in the context of space means naturally habitable. Manmade structures do not make a planet habitable. I provided a link per your request to NASA that proved my point exactly. Man, you are one stupid motherfucker :lol::lol::lol:
NASA Plans Bigger Moon Base, Sporty Rovers for Future Missions | Space.com
The next astronauts to work on the moon will likely live in larger habitats and drive sporty new rovers capable of two-week treks, NASA officials said Thursday.

Rather than assembling a lunar outpost over time from a multitude of small, separately launched modules, NASA is now hoping to land up to three large habitats on fewer flights to build a beachhead on the moon, the space agency said.
:lol::lol::lol: Gawd, you guys are really stupid.

Planetary habitability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Astrobiology Roadmap

Planetary habitability is the measure of a planet's or a natural satellite's potential to sustain life. Life may develop directly on a planet or satellite or be transferred to it from another body, a theoretical process known as panspermia. As the existence of life beyond Earth is currently uncertain, planetary habitability is largely an extrapolation of conditions on Earth and the characteristics of the Sun and solar system which appear favorable to life's flourishing—in particular those factors that have sustained complex, multicellular organisms and not just simpler, unicellular creatures. Research and theory in this regard is a component of planetary science and the emerging discipline of astrobiology.

An absolute requirement for life is an energy source, and the notion of planetary habitability implies that many other geophysical, geochemical, and astrophysical criteria must be met before an astronomical body can support life. In its astrobiology roadmap, NASA has defined the principal habitability criteria as "extended regions of liquid water, conditions favorable for the assembly of complex organic molecules, and energy sources to sustain metabolism."

no one, and I mean NO ONE, has implied the surface of the moon is habitable as is, dip-shit. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, has implied terraforming is possible on the moon, dip-shit.

The moon can be inhabited, by creating a man-made lunar shelter system. Think Captain Nemo's Underweater City, only on the moon not under the ocean.

YOU are confusing 'inhabit', with 'terraform', you mental midget.

Dumbass. Habitable in the context of space means naturally habitable. Manmade structures do not make a planet habitable. I provided a link per your request to NASA that proved my point exactly. Man, you are one stupid motherfucker :lol::lol::lol:

NASA appears to disagree with you. I think I'll go with NASA on this one, dip-shit.
yes and no Cuyo, sorry for the non black and white answer.

Technically, I think if the funding was there and the right private sector enterprises were brought on board (think silicon valley) a mission to mars could be done, with great success.

I do think the war in Iraq and the spending under Bush is the reason the Space program will be stuck on idle. we blew our load in the middle east and the funding is not there. Also, this current crop of Republicans are budget hawks, it would take a massive spending spree to upgrade the Eastern and Western ranges. Unless the hyper political chatter stops, we will never see the proper funding.

Its going to take a "sputnik" moment im afraid. the American public will have to be hit up top the head by the Chinese for us to wake up and realize our space program is and will be a valued treasures that is brought to us by the federal government. Some don't realize, the more anti government crap we hear, the more it takes away from such mission like our space program.
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Can We Live On The Moon | NASA's mission: Can we live on the moon? - Los Angeles Times

"We're going to provide NASA with what is needed to get human beings back to the moon and to stay there for an extended duration," said Craig Tooley, project manager for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, one part of the two-pronged mission.

The plan for a lunar colony was developed as a consequence of President George W. Bush's 2004 Vision for Space Exploration, which proposed putting human beings back on the moon by 2020. That plan also called for using the moon as a jumping-off point for a still more ambitious plan to put astronauts on Mars.

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