When "Never, never, never" Means "I'm Trump's Bitch"

And if we hear:

Yes Vlad.
I'm sorry Mr. Putin.
No more nicknames.
Yes Mr. Putin.
I promise Mr. Putin.
Do what?
Oh, I mean, yest Mr. Putin.
What ever you say Mr. Putin.

We know whose b!tch Trump is.

You liberals are delusional and void of facts.

We all know in the world of reality obama

and hillary were both Putin's bitches.

Who sold them 20% of our uranium?

Here's what real collusion looks like..

Sold 20% of our uranium? OMG. Another conspiracy nut.

We know Obama didn't get along with Putin. And we know Obama doesn't owe hundreds of millions of dollars to Putin.

And we do indeed know what collusion looks like. So does Mueller. And so does Trump who is so scared.

Follow the money.

Oh, and Obama isn't president anymore.
deanrd and faun are tag teaming Deno and Norman, who are bloody and bruised and bowed.
We've been cutting taxes since that bastard reagan. Now we're in debt, no thanks to the ignorant and greedy invasion of Iraq. How much did that cost again? Still counting? Continuously cutting the revenue stream makes no sense at all, particularly since we have so many unaddressed needs here at home, from crumbling infrastructure to the millions of people without health care. The Republicans are determined to turn this country into an impoverished and polluted shit-hole, while schooling us about "religion."

Only a moron thinks we are in debt

because our taxes aren't high enough.

We are in debt because of government

spending and waste.

You liberals always leave out the fact

that you voted to go into Iraq.....

What about obama's stimulus plan?

Where did all that money go?

It's liberals that want everyone on welfare

while trying to make everyone else march

to their socialist band......

You liberals are the real racist and bigots.....
We know why we are in debt. When Bush became president, there was almost none.

Republicans took power just like they are now.

Then the deficit creating three trillion Bush Tax cuts.

Two unpaid for wars costing trillions more.

Then rebuilding Iraq.

Also during that time, millions lost their jobs because of automation.

A couple million more jobs moved overseas.

No investment in education.

Then the GOP deregulation which led directly to economy destroying derivatives.

Then by the time the country was losing 750,000 jobs a month, the GOP handed everything over to Obama and said, here, this is yours.

Then, without any GOP help, Obama and the Democrats pretty much saved the economy. And we had 8 years of no drama under Obama. Only GOP conspiracies.

Now, we have lies, the threat of war, a redistribution of wealth to the top 1%, Russian collusion and 6 million unfilled jobs and the threat of millions losing healthcare, which will probably happen.

Can't blame Obama anymore. It's been a year. He's gone.

But Trump is a disaster that just hasn't caught up yet. But when it does? Oh, are we fuked.
We've been cutting taxes since that bastard reagan. Now we're in debt, no thanks to the ignorant and greedy invasion of Iraq. How much did that cost again? Still counting? Continuously cutting the revenue stream makes no sense at all, particularly since we have so many unaddressed needs here at home, from crumbling infrastructure to the millions of people without health care. The Republicans are determined to turn this country into an impoverished and polluted shit-hole, while schooling us about "religion."

Only a moron thinks we are in debt

because our taxes aren't high enough.

We are in debt because of government

spending and waste.

You liberals always leave out the fact

that you voted to go into Iraq.....

What about obama's stimulus plan?

Where did all that money go?

It's liberals that want everyone on welfare

while trying to make everyone else march

to their socialist band......

You liberals are the real racist and bigots.....
We know why we are in debt. When Bush became president, there was almost none.

Republicans took power just like they are now.

Then the deficit creating three trillion Bush Tax cuts.

Two unpaid for wars costing trillions more.

Then rebuilding Iraq.

Also during that time, millions lost their jobs because of automation.

A couple million more jobs moved overseas.

No investment in education.

Then the GOP deregulation which led directly to economy destroying derivatives.

Then by the time the country was losing 750,000 jobs a month, the GOP handed everything over to Obama and said, here, this is yours.

Then, without any GOP help, Obama and the Democrats pretty much saved the economy. And we had 8 years of no drama under Obama. Only GOP conspiracies.

Now, we have lies, the threat of war, a redistribution of wealth to the top 1%, Russian collusion and 6 million unfilled jobs and the threat of millions losing healthcare, which will probably happen.

Can't blame Obama anymore. It's been a year. He's gone.

But Trump is a disaster that just hasn't caught up yet. But when it does? Oh, are we fuked.

.....and, if I may add to that list, GWB also added the unpaid for Medicare Advantage.
The overwhelming debt we are in began with GWB's unwise decisions to wage massive warfare on the credit card and off the budget in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The overwhelming debt we are in began with GWB's unwise decisions to wage massive warfare on the credit card and off the budget in Iraq and Afghanistan.

......and, even in a 10 years old math class students would agree that you do NOT start two hugely expensive wars AND give tax cuts at the same time......
Deno, stop ranting and tell us what you are trying to say, please.

This tax bill does not cut the budget or the deficit; it will increase both.
You need to stop and take a breath....You are incoherent...
That incoherent person in the mirror who is ranting is you.

Now, sit down, calm down, and tell us what you are trying to say?

Cutting taxes is not going to make government spending better with the crew there. There will use the government credit card.

What a hoot when you look at how

obama spent like a drunken sailor

with his quantitative easing..

Were you upset with this?

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
What did Obama spend money on?

The Bush Tax Cuts?

Two unpaid for wars?


Deregulated Wall Street that gave us derivatives and a terrible recession?


Trying to keep the country from going under after 8 years of GOP?
Conservative idiot.... decreasing federal revenues doesn’t decrease federal spending, it only increases the national debt.

Yeah, yeah.......but how can your sound logic EVER compete with what the Nobel winner in economics, Sean Hannity, told them???

You liberals would be funny if your ideas

weren't so dangerous for all of us....

Your NOBEL prize winner in economics

"paul krugman" said if Trump were elected

it would cause a global recession...

You and your experts are all so full of shit

on so many issues.

You are Zealots that refuse to face facts....

The Stock Market has never done better.

Just look at your 401 K........

Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession
While I hope he’s wrong, Krugman could still be right... we’re only 2½ months into Trump’s budget. It’s kind of early to be assessing Krugman’s dire prediction.

You got a point there. Krugman could be right. . . I'm no psychic, and someone's win/loss ratio isn't a binding pattern, just an acknowledgement of what has happened in the past.

Also, I might hit the Megabucks sometime in the next year. Who knows, right?
We've been cutting taxes since that bastard reagan. Now we're in debt, no thanks to the ignorant and greedy invasion of Iraq. How much did that cost again? Still counting? Continuously cutting the revenue stream makes no sense at all, particularly since we have so many unaddressed needs here at home, from crumbling infrastructure to the millions of people without health care. The Republicans are determined to turn this country into an impoverished and polluted shit-hole, while schooling us about "religion."
We are in debt because our gov on both sides spends more than we bring in consistently.
We've been cutting taxes since that bastard reagan. Now we're in debt, no thanks to the ignorant and greedy invasion of Iraq. How much did that cost again? Still counting? Continuously cutting the revenue stream makes no sense at all, particularly since we have so many unaddressed needs here at home, from crumbling infrastructure to the millions of people without health care. The Republicans are determined to turn this country into an impoverished and polluted shit-hole, while schooling us about "religion."
It's all just so hilarious. I just love watching kids go hungry and watching people die for want of a medication. Just too funny.
You are the drama queen, young and nieve, just so annoying...
It's a great bill, I am sure he will vote for it, and afterwards he will vote for the coming spending cuts, the budget will be balanced.

Just how the FUCK do you know it's a great bill given the GPO doesn't even have valid copy to print so the damn thing can be read like, I don't know, the House and Senate bodies need to so they can vote on the bloody thing! They're still in the process of making the 'sausage', dummy! What a fucking MORON you remain to be!

Here goes you Zealot Dummy...

Unlike obama care we won't have to

vote for it to see what's in it...

We know the rates are coming down

and we know Washington will have

less of our money to waste...

You are the Moron....
Deno, cutting taxes on the rich does not balance the budget, does not bring down the deficit.

It's a great bill, I am sure he will vote for it, and afterwards he will vote for the coming spending cuts, the budget will be balanced.

Just how the FUCK do you know it's a great bill given the GPO doesn't even have valid copy to print so the damn thing can be read like, I don't know, the House and Senate bodies need to so they can vote on the bloody thing! They're still in the process of making the 'sausage', dummy! What a fucking MORON you remain to be!

Here goes you Zealot Dummy...

Unlike obama care we won't have to

vote for it to see what's in it...

We know the rates are coming down

and we know Washington will have

less of our money to waste...

You are the Moron....
Deno, cutting taxes on the rich does not balance the budget, does not bring down the deficit.
It's a great bill, I am sure he will vote for it, and afterwards he will vote for the coming spending cuts, the budget will be balanced.

Just how the FUCK do you know it's a great bill given the GPO doesn't even have valid copy to print so the damn thing can be read like, I don't know, the House and Senate bodies need to so they can vote on the bloody thing! They're still in the process of making the 'sausage', dummy! What a fucking MORON you remain to be!

Here goes you Zealot Dummy...

Unlike obama care we won't have to

vote for it to see what's in it...

We know the rates are coming down

and we know Washington will have

less of our money to waste...

You are the Moron....
Deno, cutting taxes on the rich does not balance the budget, does not bring down the deficit.

It's always the same lame ole class warfare

shit from liberals. The rich actually pay

most of the taxes. If the rich can keep more

of their money, they have more money to

spend and or invest in their businesses.

In the long run this will be better for all of us.

The best way to cut the deficit is for the government

to cut spending and crack down on fraud and waste.

There was a lawyer here in KY that defrauded

social security out of 550 million. This is just one

case that we know of.....

We sure as hell don't need higher taxes...

Fugitive Kentucky lawyer embroiled in massive Social Security fraud case captured in Honduras
Conservative idiot... trickle down economy has never worked.... trickle down economy doesn’t trickle down.

Hey Dick brain....

It sure as hell ain't going to trickle up.....
We've been cutting taxes since that bastard reagan. Now we're in debt, no thanks to the ignorant and greedy invasion of Iraq. How much did that cost again? Still counting? Continuously cutting the revenue stream makes no sense at all, particularly since we have so many unaddressed needs here at home, from crumbling infrastructure to the millions of people without health care. The Republicans are determined to turn this country into an impoverished and polluted shit-hole, while schooling us about "religion."
We are in debt because our gov on both sides spends more than we bring in consistently.
We reduce our revenue while maintaining the same spending
We've been cutting taxes since that bastard reagan. Now we're in debt, no thanks to the ignorant and greedy invasion of Iraq. How much did that cost again? Still counting? Continuously cutting the revenue stream makes no sense at all, particularly since we have so many unaddressed needs here at home, from crumbling infrastructure to the millions of people without health care. The Republicans are determined to turn this country into an impoverished and polluted shit-hole, while schooling us about "religion."

Only a moron thinks we are in debt

because our taxes aren't high enough.

We are in debt because of government

spending and waste.

You liberals always leave out the fact

that you voted to go into Iraq.....

What about obama's stimulus plan?

Where did all that money go?

It's liberals that want everyone on welfare

while trying to make everyone else march

to their socialist band......

You liberals are the real racist and bigots.....
We know why we are in debt. When Bush became president, there was almost none.

Republicans took power just like they are now.

Then the deficit creating three trillion Bush Tax cuts.

Two unpaid for wars costing trillions more.

Then rebuilding Iraq.

Also during that time, millions lost their jobs because of automation.

A couple million more jobs moved overseas.

No investment in education.

Then the GOP deregulation which led directly to economy destroying derivatives.

Then by the time the country was losing 750,000 jobs a month, the GOP handed everything over to Obama and said, here, this is yours.

Then, without any GOP help, Obama and the Democrats pretty much saved the economy. And we had 8 years of no drama under Obama. Only GOP conspiracies.

Now, we have lies, the threat of war, a redistribution of wealth to the top 1%, Russian collusion and 6 million unfilled jobs and the threat of millions losing healthcare, which will probably happen.

Can't blame Obama anymore. It's been a year. He's gone.

But Trump is a disaster that just hasn't caught up yet. But when it does? Oh, are we fuked.

liberal bull shit...

You liberals can all fuke yourselves..
Deno, stop ranting and tell us what you are trying to say, please.

This tax bill does not cut the budget or the deficit; it will increase both.
You need to stop and take a breath....You are incoherent...
That incoherent person in the mirror who is ranting is you.

Now, sit down, calm down, and tell us what you are trying to say?

Cutting taxes is not going to make government spending better with the crew there. There will use the government credit card.

What a hoot when you look at how

obama spent like a drunken sailor

with his quantitative easing..

Were you upset with this?

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
What did Obama spend money on?

The Bush Tax Cuts?

Two unpaid for wars?


Deregulated Wall Street that gave us derivatives and a terrible recession?


Trying to keep the country from going under after 8 years of GOP?

Can you say stimulus plan Dumb ass?

That was nothing more than a democratic

slush fund.. The debt went up 9 trillion

under obama, more than any other President in history.
The overwhelming debt we are in began with GWB's unwise decisions to wage massive warfare on the credit card and off the budget in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Hey dumb ass...
Your side voted for it.....
Thank you for agreeing that it was an unwise decision. Deno is angry here. Why? It's a Board, only a Board.
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