When it is really a heartbeat.

I don't have to shut up. Why is it any of your business??
You are here dictating to others, being a hypocrite.

Just pointing out how the people who kill babies are tyrannical nut jobs trying to shut everyone, as if we have no business doing what you do. Advocating.

Of course you do want death for babies, we want life.
Arcane anatomy discussions aside, would the left accept a ban on aborting unborn humans with a viable heartbeat?
Perhaps the right will make an honest claim that the heartbeat starts at 20 weeks, like science proved, insteat of six weeks, which is a lie, and we will see what the response is.
I understand what the abortion debate is about. The claim of a beating heart at six weeks was made to support one side of that debate. That particular claim has been debunked. Repeating debunked claims is lying. Is your belief so weak till you have to lie?
If you understand the debate then draw your line, and support it.
Freedom remember!!
This has nothing to do with what I said.

When you want to kill something, a human, a village, an ethnic group; the one thing that always happens is those who will be doing the killing will brainwash their followers into thinking that those they are going to kill are not even human. It is even done to justify slavery.

Abortion is no different. For the sake of convenience, those who murder the most innocent of life justify it by dehumanizing it.
Are you just naturally dumb or do you take stupid pills?
Read this slowly.

What is your definition of life? What makes a baby born at 10 am a life but the same baby not a life at 9:59:59 am?
You are making absurd and uninformed assumptions about when I believe a distinct human life begins. Your assumptions are wrong. This thread is not about the definition of life. It's about whether a beating heart exists at six weeks into the pregnancy. If you want to discuss the definition of life, then start a thread on it. I'll probably join that discussion. I suspect there is much we would agree on in that discussion.
I believe the science not an opinion, it is a fact proven by science, so your point is moot, because whether the heart is beating or not, it is still a life.
Anti abortionists pressed the claim that there was a beating heart at six weeks. Why do you think they decided to lie to support their goal? Is their case so weak till they have to lie?
Surely, the most essential function of any civilized society is to protect each person from those who would unjustly cause them harm.

What crime is there, that cannot equally be dismissed by your cries of “How is it any of YOUR BUSINESS?”

How is it any of YOUR BUSINESS
if someone wants to break into your home, and kill you and your family?

Uh, Mormon Bob, we have pretty much universal agreement that breaking into someone's home and killing them is bad. I mean, not enough where we make it harder for criminals to get guns or doing something about poverty... but when it happens, we all agree it should be punished.

The problem with all you guys who want to ban a woman from choosing is that you never say what you are going to do once you get that law.

Throw women in jail? Honestly, good luck with that. They never put women in jail for having abortions before Roe. Prosecutors didn't bring charges, police didn't arrest people, juries wouldn't convict then, they certainly won't now.

I've said, If I ever found myself on a jury on an abortion case, I'd vote to acquit, I wouldn't care if they had film of the abortion being performed and the doctor throwing the fetus across the room for a three pointer into the medical waste container.

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