When it is really a heartbeat.

It kills your argument you idiot leftist. The better argument is that pregnancy is a stressful time both on the mind and the body and who am I as a man to tell a woman that she has to put her body through that. Your retarded heartbeat argument is at best asinine.
There are several points to make The point in this thread is a direct response to the right wing lie that there is a beating heart at six weeks.
There are several points to make The point in this thread is a direct response to the right wing lie that there is a beating heart at six weeks.
It is considered a life after one second of a woman being considered pregnant so your heartbeat BS is a red herring.
It is considered a life after one second of a woman being considered pregnant so your heartbeat BS is a red herring.
All living cells are life. The appendix and tonsils are alive. Cancer cells are alive. The existance of life is not the same as a seperate, independent life. .
That's the same “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
We'll mark you down as another one who doesn't believe in science.

I believe in genuine science, not your twisted LIbtARd mockery thereof; which denies the humanity of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, and also asserts that a man can be a woman.
All living cells are life. The appendix and tonsils are alive. Cancer cells are alive. The existance of life is not the same as a seperate, independent life. .
Then why is it a double homicide when you kill a pregnant woman, leftist. Because that cell has a very good chance to become a human. Don’t play your stupid coy game.
I believe in genuine science, not your twisted LIbtARd mockery thereof; which denies the humanity of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, and also asserts that a man can be a woman.
Actually, it's not my science. It's the result of real research by real scientists at the University of Leeds, and you could change my mind quickly. As I have suggested to others, all you have to do is show that a heart, consisting of muscles, valves, chambers, and all the other requirements needed to produce a heartbeat are present at 6 weeks.
Then why is it a double homicide when you kill a pregnant woman, leftist. Because that cell has a very good chance to become a human. Don’t play your stupid coy game.
If you want to discuss laws, then you should start a thread on that. This thread is about scientific proof of when a heart is present. Try to stay on subject.
What? LOL
You didn't know that?

Wow. You must be kin to Baghdad Bob.
baby's heartbeat can be detected by transvaginal ultrasound as early as 3 to 4 weeks after conception, or 5 to 6 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period.

I mean, we are on the same side but your argument is faulty.
baby's heartbeat can be detected by transvaginal ultrasound as early as 3 to 4 weeks after conception, or 5 to 6 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period.

I mean, we are on the same side but your argument is faulty.
It's not my claim. It's the claim of scientists at the University of Leeds, and I post it as a direct refutation of the claim that there is a beating heart at 6 weeks.
Pre-1970s, almost nobody was saying abortion was murder. You've been played for a fool by your political cult.

It was primarily driven by the evangelicals. Up through the 1960s, they were using segregation as the issue to fire up their base. That become unpalatable to the nation, so their leaders needed a new issue to keep the ignorant rubes hysterical. They settled on abortion, and so they started pushing the "abortion is murder!" propaganda.

What you and the pro-lifers peddle here is rank historical revisionism, as well as scientific twaddle and a moral abomination. All because you're obeying your segregationist masters.
I believe we are not sure when life begins and you should be honest about it as well. I don’t talk about the history of abortio, I talk science because that is based on fact, yours ideas are based on justification. I won’t intrude with anyone’s right to have an abortion but I won’t sugar coat and justify it like you do.
It's not my claim. It's the claim of scientists at the University of Leeds, and I post it as a direct refutation of the claim that there is a beating heart at 6 weeks.
University of Leeds? LOL

Have you ever listened or seen an ultrasound?

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