When it comes to African-Americans and police bias, both sides are to blame


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I’m going to do my best and not have this post moved to the badlands.

Black people - more than any race in America - are more prone to committing crime. Why this is important, but I don’t want to go too deep into the subject besides saying it is because they are discriminated against which creates more poverty for their population AND because many African Americans as a subculture are violent, disruptive people...kind of naturally. I don’t of course want to generalize black people as being all the same. There are a lot of great black people I’ve met over the years as well as there being great, black public figures we all know. It’s just that I can’t help but think the left is in denial to an extent about black people as well as they are toward Muslims. Black people need to take more responsibility for their role in society. Part of the problem is repulsive gangster rap that many black people are raised on. That’s worth noting.

On the flip side, police who may be bored on patrol will target black people because they can assume the black person has done something illegal or has a warrant. The problem is that they target law abiding black people as well who understandably feel as though the police are racist. It’s completely unfair and it make the race debate more complicated.

My overall point is that both sides need to take responsibility for their actions. It also makes me speculate on the chicken or the egg argument.
I’m going to do my best and not have this post moved to the badlands.

Black people - more than any race in America - are more prone to committing crime. Why this is important, but I don’t want to go too deep into the subject besides saying it is because they are discriminated against which creates more poverty for their population AND because many African Americans as a subculture are violent, disruptive people...kind of naturally. I don’t of course want to generalize black people as being all the same. There are a lot of great black people I’ve met over the years as well as there being great, black public figures we all know. It’s just that I can’t help but think the left is in denial to an extent about black people as well as they are toward Muslims. Black people need to take more responsibility for their role in society. Part of the problem is repulsive gangster rap that many black people are raised on. That’s worth noting.

On the flip side, police who may be bored on patrol will target black people because they can assume the black person has done something illegal or has a warrant. The problem is that they target law abiding black people as well who understandably feel as though the police are racist. It’s completely unfair and it make the race debate more complicated.

My overall point is that both sides need to take responsibility for their actions. It also makes me speculate on the chicken or the egg argument.

Your overall is that you have never read the FBI Annual UCR and your OP is simply your racism expressing itself in typed form.
I’m going to do my best and not have this post moved to the badlands.

Black people - more than any race in America - are more prone to committing crime. Why this is important, but I don’t want to go too deep into the subject besides saying it is because they are discriminated against which creates more poverty for their population AND because many African Americans as a subculture are violent, disruptive people...kind of naturally. I don’t of course want to generalize black people as being all the same. There are a lot of great black people I’ve met over the years as well as there being great, black public figures we all know. It’s just that I can’t help but think the left is in denial to an extent about black people as well as they are toward Muslims. Black people need to take more responsibility for their role in society. Part of the problem is repulsive gangster rap that many black people are raised on. That’s worth noting.

On the flip side, police who may be bored on patrol will target black people because they can assume the black person has done something illegal or has a warrant. The problem is that they target law abiding black people as well who understandably feel as though the police are racist. It’s completely unfair and it make the race debate more complicated.

My overall point is that both sides need to take responsibility for their actions. It also makes me speculate on the chicken or the egg argument.

Your overall is that you have never read the FBI Annual UCR and your OP is simply your racism expressing itself in typed form.
Why would reading that dramatically change my world view? I’m willing to read it, but I don’t see how it would turn my world upside down.

And yeah, you’re right I am a little racist. I guess I can’t help it.
I’m going to do my best and not have this post moved to the badlands.

Black people - more than any race in America - are more prone to committing crime. Why this is important, but I don’t want to go too deep into the subject besides saying it is because they are discriminated against which creates more poverty for their population AND because many African Americans as a subculture are violent, disruptive people...kind of naturally. I don’t of course want to generalize black people as being all the same. There are a lot of great black people I’ve met over the years as well as there being great, black public figures we all know. It’s just that I can’t help but think the left is in denial to an extent about black people as well as they are toward Muslims. Black people need to take more responsibility for their role in society. Part of the problem is repulsive gangster rap that many black people are raised on. That’s worth noting.

On the flip side, police who may be bored on patrol will target black people because they can assume the black person has done something illegal or has a warrant. The problem is that they target law abiding black people as well who understandably feel as though the police are racist. It’s completely unfair and it make the race debate more complicated.

My overall point is that both sides need to take responsibility for their actions. It also makes me speculate on the chicken or the egg argument.

Your overall is that you have never read the FBI Annual UCR and your OP is simply your racism expressing itself in typed form.
Why would reading that dramatically change my world view? I’m willing to read it, but I don’t see how it would turn my world upside down.

And yeah, you’re right I am a little racist. I guess I can’t help it.

No need to apologise, IM2 is one of the biggest racist here.

Your overall is that you have never read the FBI Annual UCR and your OP is simply your racism expressing itself in typed form.

"It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white."

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

And since males commit the vast majority of murders...we're really taking about 7% of the population commiting 52% of murders in the US.
On the flip side, police who may be bored on patrol

I can't remember the last time I was bored on patrol.

Even in the worst weather or latest nights there is a never ending supply of idiots to occupy my time.

There are lots of subtle, and not so subtle, clues that someone may be NQR. None of them are exclusive to race.
Black people - more than any race in America - are more prone to committing crime. Why this is important, but I don’t want to go too deep into the subject besides saying it is because they are discriminated against which creates more poverty for their population AND because many African Americans as a subculture are violent, disruptive people...kind of naturally
There is no chicken or egg analogy. In order for you to have arrived at the conclusion that "Black people - more than any race in America - are more prone to committing crime...AND because many African Americans as a subculture are violent, disruptive people...kind of naturally" you would have had to overlook the "natural" violence and lack of any type of moral compass of the white people who captured, enslaved, whipped, raped, lynched and bought & sold other human beings FOR PROFIT. That's a whole lot of crime, committed by white people against black people that they all got a pass on.

Then once the whites were no longer legally allowed to enslave black people they came up with a scheme that effectively stll kept them in bondage, with any stepping out of line, real or imagined resulting in them being returned back to the physical bondage that they had just escaped but this time as "punishment". When has it never been about punishment?

There were laws that criminalized specific behaviors when committed by blacks but not when the same behaviors were committed by whites (gee you think that might bump up the crime statistics on the side of blacks?) while serious crimes against blacks such as assaults, rapes, cross burnings, lynchings and murders went uninvestigated let alone prosecuted. Or in the case of the church bombing in Birmingham which killed 4 young girls, it took damn near 40 years to get a conviction. Forty damn years for the death of 4 children.

No this is not happening from both sides, it's nothing more than the continuation of the state of mind that created slavery and the slave patrols to enforce the law

Slave patrols called patrollers, patterrollers, pattyrollers or paddy rollers[citation needed], by the slaves, were organized groups of predominantly white men who monitored and enforced discipline upon black slaves in the antebellum U.S. southern states. The slave patrols' function was to police slaves, especially runaways and defiant slaves. They also formed river patrols to prevent escape by boat. Slave patrols were first established in South Carolina in 1704, and the idea spread throughout the colonies.
Slave patrol - Wikipedia
Black people - more than any race in America - are more prone to committing crime. Why this is important, but I don’t want to go too deep into the subject besides saying it is because they are discriminated against which creates more poverty for their population AND because many African Americans as a subculture are violent, disruptive people...kind of naturally
There is no chicken or egg analogy. In order for you to have arrived at the conclusion that "Black people - more than any race in America - are more prone to committing crime...AND because many African Americans as a subculture are violent, disruptive people...kind of naturally" you would have had to overlook the "natural" violence and lack of any type of moral compass of the white people who captured, enslaved, whipped, raped, lynched and bought & sold other human beings FOR PROFIT. That's a whole lot of crime, committed by white people against black people that they all got a pass on.

Then once the whites were no longer legally allowed to enslave black people they came up with a scheme that effectively stll kept them in bondage, with any stepping out of line, real or imagined resulting in them being returned back to the physical bondage that they had just escaped but this time as "punishment". When has it never been about punishment?

There were laws that criminalized specific behaviors when committed by blacks but not when the same behaviors were committed by whites (gee you think that might bump up the crime statistics on the side of blacks?) while serious crimes against blacks such as assaults, rapes, cross burnings, lynchings and murders went uninvestigated let alone prosecuted. Or in the case of the church bombing in Birmingham which killed 4 young girls, it took damn near 40 years to get a conviction. Forty damn years for the death of 4 children.

No this is not happening from both sides, it's nothing more than the continuation of the state of mind that created slavery and the slave patrols to enforce the law

Slave patrols called patrollers, patterrollers, pattyrollers or paddy rollers[citation needed], by the slaves, were organized groups of predominantly white men who monitored and enforced discipline upon black slaves in the antebellum U.S. southern states. The slave patrols' function was to police slaves, especially runaways and defiant slaves. They also formed river patrols to prevent escape by boat. Slave patrols were first established in South Carolina in 1704, and the idea spread throughout the colonies.
Slave patrol - Wikipedia
I’m not trying to rationalize history - I’m only trying to explain contemporary relations. You’re definitely right that black people have always been at a disadvantage through out American history. There is no denying the shameful past of slavery and separation in this country, but the treatment of black people - legally speaking - is very much different today. Black people in today’s America have the same rights as anyone else. This is where the issue gets more complex.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Close you eyes for a moment and imagine being raised, nurtured and socialized in a mostly peaceful American community.

And then imagine becoming a police officer assigned to serve an American community where on a daily basis you speak with traumatized fellow citizens sharing their FEAR, emotional stress, as well as expressing genuine concerns for their family, friends, neighbors or co-workers SAFETY, as they tell you about the number of GUNSHOTS they witnessed or heard echoing through their community's residential neighborhood.

Unfortunately, based on my personal experiences, I can safely say not all police officers possess the people skills, maturity, compassion and empathy required to serve American communities populated by large numbers of emotionally ill or troubled fellow American citizens.

"My Brooklyn, NY Rookie Cop Ignorance"

My Brooklyn, NY Rookie Cop Ignorance

"Mental illness in Black Communities" Published on Nov 10, 2010 by www.dawsondenise.com

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost Killed Me" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

"How black Women sabotage their sons," ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

"Kendrick Lamar Talks About ‘u,’ His Depression & Suicidal Thoughts (Pt. 2)" | MTV News Published on Apr 1, 2015

I DO NOT make excuses for dysfunctional human behavior, I try to understand it.

Perhaps the time has come for all American and foreign born citizens to seek and embrace "understanding?"


_Belinda Pittman-McGee Oprah Winfrey_02.jpg

_tupac dr nadine burke harris common.jpg

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

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