When is Mexico going to pay for the wall?

I have this amazing technology that detects proximity to other objects. I call it "my eyes".

What the fuck "Blue Tooth" [sic] has to do with driving, eludes me. Ditto dashboards.
And I have a GPS; it comes out and goes in the other car, or any car, whenever I want.
Heres my thoughts. Someone saw this idiot coming and talked him into a lease. :21:

I understand there's a leaser born every minute.
How long do you hold onto a car.
Leasing has almost zero effect on my budget.

As long as it lasts.
Thinking about changing soon; my ride's going on 300,000 miles. Might be about time.

The last Saturn I had went well over 400k.
I thought Saturn went under.

It did. They couldn't keep making cars without planned obsolescence. Needles to say there's a goodly number still on the road.
If those 100,00 are leasing like you because of technology I would have to agree they are idiots unless they own businesses and can right off the lease.
You win!!!!
I wasnt trying to win. I honestly wanted to know how you could be that stupid? First you ask who buys cars then you act like you are smart for leasing your car when you get no benefit from leasing. Your reason? Technology. :laughing0301:
No one I know at work or my community owns a car except for the lower income people.
My Black neighbor leases 3 vehicles.
You must live in a area full of stupid and or vain people. It makes zero sense to lease unless you can write it off.
My friend across the street used to say the same until leasing became dirt cheap.
Now he leases.
So youre saying that its cheaper to lease a car than to pay a car note?
And you’ll buy a new car in 3 years?
Depends. I cant think of a reason I would unless they lower the cost of self driving cars. There is no technology that is going to make significant advances in 3 years. You havent answered what improved with the Bluetooth technology.
My current car allows me to access my entire iPhone and it never loses the connection.
It also connects to several phones and my last car only connected to 1.
Sometimes my wife and I switch during rides.
It shouldnt lose the connection.

You do realize if youre driving and you switch all you have do is turn off the Bluetooth on your phone and let hers connect to the car right? You pay thousands more just for that?
Where am I paying thousands more?
I have an excellent credit rating.
Because the car is new vs an older car? Do you understand that a new car costs thousands more than a older car even if youre just leasing?
Not according to my friend across the street who has had his own business for 30 years.
No money down and less than $200.00/month.
I’m missing your point.
You win!!!!
I wasnt trying to win. I honestly wanted to know how you could be that stupid? First you ask who buys cars then you act like you are smart for leasing your car when you get no benefit from leasing. Your reason? Technology. :laughing0301:
No one I know at work or my community owns a car except for the lower income people.
My Black neighbor leases 3 vehicles.
You must live in a area full of stupid and or vain people. It makes zero sense to lease unless you can write it off.
My friend across the street used to say the same until leasing became dirt cheap.
Now he leases.
So youre saying that its cheaper to lease a car than to pay a car note?
Depends. I cant think of a reason I would unless they lower the cost of self driving cars. There is no technology that is going to make significant advances in 3 years. You havent answered what improved with the Bluetooth technology.
My current car allows me to access my entire iPhone and it never loses the connection.
It also connects to several phones and my last car only connected to 1.
Sometimes my wife and I switch during rides.
It shouldnt lose the connection.

You do realize if youre driving and you switch all you have do is turn off the Bluetooth on your phone and let hers connect to the car right? You pay thousands more just for that?
Where am I paying thousands more?
I have an excellent credit rating.
Because the car is new vs an older car? Do you understand that a new car costs thousands more than a older car even if youre just leasing?
Not according to my friend across the street who has had his own business for 30 years.
No money down and less than $200.00/month.
I’m missing your point.
I think you missed mine. Actually you missed both my points. You just said he owns his business so its a write off for him. Secondly if you lease a new car vs an older car you are going to pay more for the newer car.
I wasnt trying to win. I honestly wanted to know how you could be that stupid? First you ask who buys cars then you act like you are smart for leasing your car when you get no benefit from leasing. Your reason? Technology. :laughing0301:
No one I know at work or my community owns a car except for the lower income people.
My Black neighbor leases 3 vehicles.
You must live in a area full of stupid and or vain people. It makes zero sense to lease unless you can write it off.
My friend across the street used to say the same until leasing became dirt cheap.
Now he leases.
So youre saying that its cheaper to lease a car than to pay a car note?
Can you elaborate?
My current car allows me to access my entire iPhone and it never loses the connection.
It also connects to several phones and my last car only connected to 1.
Sometimes my wife and I switch during rides.
It shouldnt lose the connection.

You do realize if youre driving and you switch all you have do is turn off the Bluetooth on your phone and let hers connect to the car right? You pay thousands more just for that?
Where am I paying thousands more?
I have an excellent credit rating.
Because the car is new vs an older car? Do you understand that a new car costs thousands more than a older car even if youre just leasing?
Not according to my friend across the street who has had his own business for 30 years.
No money down and less than $200.00/month.
I’m missing your point.
I think you missed mine. Actually you missed both my points. You just said he owns his business so its a write off for him. Secondly if you lease a new car vs an older car you are going to pay more for the newer car.
My bad.
He gave up his business about 3 yeas ago and started leasing because it’s much cheaper than it used to be.
No one I know at work or my community owns a car except for the lower income people.
My Black neighbor leases 3 vehicles.
You must live in a area full of stupid and or vain people. It makes zero sense to lease unless you can write it off.
My friend across the street used to say the same until leasing became dirt cheap.
Now he leases.
So youre saying that its cheaper to lease a car than to pay a car note?
Can you elaborate?
Not off hand; my neighbor did the numbers and he said it was worth it if one wants a new car every 3 years.
And this guy is one of the cheapest bastards I know.
It shouldnt lose the connection.

You do realize if youre driving and you switch all you have do is turn off the Bluetooth on your phone and let hers connect to the car right? You pay thousands more just for that?
Where am I paying thousands more?
I have an excellent credit rating.
Because the car is new vs an older car? Do you understand that a new car costs thousands more than a older car even if youre just leasing?
Not according to my friend across the street who has had his own business for 30 years.
No money down and less than $200.00/month.
I’m missing your point.
I think you missed mine. Actually you missed both my points. You just said he owns his business so its a write off for him. Secondly if you lease a new car vs an older car you are going to pay more for the newer car.
My bad.
He gave up his business about 3 yeas ago and started leasing because it’s much cheaper than it used to be.
He doesnt mind paying all that money and getting nothing back?
You must live in a area full of stupid and or vain people. It makes zero sense to lease unless you can write it off.
My friend across the street used to say the same until leasing became dirt cheap.
Now he leases.
So youre saying that its cheaper to lease a car than to pay a car note?
Can you elaborate?
Not off hand; my neighbor did the numbers and he said it was worth it if one wants a new car every 3 years.
And this guy is one of the cheapest bastards I know.
You get your car from the same guy he got his from?
Where am I paying thousands more?
I have an excellent credit rating.
Because the car is new vs an older car? Do you understand that a new car costs thousands more than a older car even if youre just leasing?
Not according to my friend across the street who has had his own business for 30 years.
No money down and less than $200.00/month.
I’m missing your point.
I think you missed mine. Actually you missed both my points. You just said he owns his business so its a write off for him. Secondly if you lease a new car vs an older car you are going to pay more for the newer car.
My bad.
He gave up his business about 3 yeas ago and started leasing because it’s much cheaper than it used to be.
He doesnt mind paying all that money and getting nothing back?
But what money?
$159.00/month with a 3 year turn around?
My friend across the street used to say the same until leasing became dirt cheap.
Now he leases.
So youre saying that its cheaper to lease a car than to pay a car note?
Can you elaborate?
Not off hand; my neighbor did the numbers and he said it was worth it if one wants a new car every 3 years.
And this guy is one of the cheapest bastards I know.
You get your car from the same guy he got his from?
No. The deals are the same everywhere.
Because the car is new vs an older car? Do you understand that a new car costs thousands more than a older car even if youre just leasing?
Not according to my friend across the street who has had his own business for 30 years.
No money down and less than $200.00/month.
I’m missing your point.
I think you missed mine. Actually you missed both my points. You just said he owns his business so its a write off for him. Secondly if you lease a new car vs an older car you are going to pay more for the newer car.
My bad.
He gave up his business about 3 yeas ago and started leasing because it’s much cheaper than it used to be.
He doesnt mind paying all that money and getting nothing back?
But what money?
$159.00/month with a 3 year turn around?
Thats $159 dollars down the drain every month. Then he has to turn it in. I can sell my car and get some money back or use it to trade in for a new one.
Not according to my friend across the street who has had his own business for 30 years.
No money down and less than $200.00/month.
I’m missing your point.
I think you missed mine. Actually you missed both my points. You just said he owns his business so its a write off for him. Secondly if you lease a new car vs an older car you are going to pay more for the newer car.
My bad.
He gave up his business about 3 yeas ago and started leasing because it’s much cheaper than it used to be.
He doesnt mind paying all that money and getting nothing back?
But what money?
$159.00/month with a 3 year turn around?
Thats $159 dollars down the drain every month. Then he has to turn it in. I can sell my car and get some money back or use it to trade in for a new one.
To each his own.
It's already been started, :290968001256257790-final:.

Aw shit, did I interrupt a regressive grope?


Great, so the check from Mexico cleared?

Another idiot, see post number 10 for the answer to your lame question.


So dupe, not a single peso from Mexico, color me shocked.

Why should they pay for a job that isn't finished? Would you?


So no money down on a massive construction project like this, really?

Countries can get away with that, deadbeat regressives like you, not so much.

It's already been started, :290968001256257790-final:.

Aw shit, did I interrupt a regressive grope?

Mexico started paying for the wall?

Never ran a business have ya? You don't bill a job till you know what the cost is. Wow another :290968001256257790-final:.

So Mexico hasnt started paying for the wall?

See post 28. It's funny how you regressives come up with the same stupid responses, you all must be part of the Boruge. LMAO

Post 28 says Mexico has not paid a dime. So you admit Mexico hasnt paid nor will they ever pay for a wall?

You're just a plain old LIAR, this is what post 28 says.
Why should they pay for a job that isn't finished? Would you?

You havent heard? Drumpf didnt actually say that and if he did he was joking. The "deep state" media edited his words. Cant you hear the slight change in pitch?
It's no joke. Trump has said it several times, this year in fact.
Wait...so now the idiot Trumpers are claiming that we're going to build the wall and then bill Mexico?

A. It ain't happening

B. There's be ZERO chance Mexico would pay even if we did ever build your fantasy wall
Mexico already paid for the wall, Trump put the squeeze on them during the trade negotiations. Now Trump just needs congress to cough up the money, those dicks will probably spend it on something else.
Those trade negotiation which are changes to NAFTA are still not approved. They also will not transfer a single penny from Mexico to the US. In fact it's the very opposite. Trump has put tariffs on Mexican goods entering the US which will be paid by the American consumer. Those tariffs force Mexico to put tariffs on US imports into Mexico making US goods in Mexico higher in price and less desirable. Pretty much of a loser all the way around.

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