“When I think climate change, I think jobs.”


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Biden framed his agenda in terms of jobs and helping the middle class, but his bills represent a far-left giveaway to Democratic constituencies and they’d cost far more than Biden plans to raise in new taxes — supposedly only for people who make $400,000 or more.

Biden cunningly framed his agenda in terms of jobs “rebuilding” America. He even characterized the increased regulations on cheap and effective forms of energy as a jobs program.

“For too long, we have failed to use the most important word when it comes to meeting the climate crisis: jobs, jobs, jobs,” the president said. “When I think climate change, I think jobs.”

ME: [When I think climate change, I think bullshit! Climate change is all about politics and redistribution of wealth]

He made a similar statement later on in the speech. While Biden admitted that the U.S. only accounts for less than 15 percent of global carbon emissions, he said he rejoined the Paris Accord to build a consensus that “if we act to save the planet, we can create millions of jobs, economic growth and opportunity, and raise the standard of living for most everyone in the world.”

ME: [The planet doesn't need saving, it'll keep on going no matter what until the sun runs out of fuel.]

Biden did not address the jobs that he destroyed on his first day in office by canceling the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and the border wall. He did not address the millions of jobs that would disappear if he raised the minimum wage to $15/hour. He did not address the jobs that will be lost due to his ban of drilling for oil on federal lands.

Biden did, however, take credit for the jobs created during his first 100 days. “The economy created more than 1.3 million new jobs in 100 days, more new jobs in the first 100 days than any president on record.”

The president did not note that those jobs came back due to the abatement of the COVID-19 pandemic, an abatement due in large part to the historic vaccines President Donald Trump helped to launch through Operation Warp Speed.

ME: [Those weren't new jobs, those were existing jobs that came back, and no thanks to the democrats.]

It's hard to understand how the democrats can be for jobs when they won't do anything to stem the flow of illegals into the US, the very people who take jobs away rom US citizens.
If the old fool Obiden mandates all electric cars by 2030, it will cause massive unemployment in the oil business and retail gasoline stations and convenient stores....etc
BTW, LWCP Obiden is purposely driving up the cost of gasoline to make electric cars more competitive.
Biden framed his agenda in terms of jobs and helping the middle class, but his bills represent a far-left giveaway to Democratic constituencies and they’d cost far more than Biden plans to raise in new taxes — supposedly only for people who make $400,000 or more.

Biden cunningly framed his agenda in terms of jobs “rebuilding” America. He even characterized the increased regulations on cheap and effective forms of energy as a jobs program.

“For too long, we have failed to use the most important word when it comes to meeting the climate crisis: jobs, jobs, jobs,” the president said. “When I think climate change, I think jobs.”

ME: [When I think climate change, I think bullshit! Climate change is all about politics and redistribution of wealth]

He made a similar statement later on in the speech. While Biden admitted that the U.S. only accounts for less than 15 percent of global carbon emissions, he said he rejoined the Paris Accord to build a consensus that “if we act to save the planet, we can create millions of jobs, economic growth and opportunity, and raise the standard of living for most everyone in the world.”

ME: [The planet doesn't need saving, it'll keep on going no matter what until the sun runs out of fuel.]

Biden did not address the jobs that he destroyed on his first day in office by canceling the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and the border wall. He did not address the millions of jobs that would disappear if he raised the minimum wage to $15/hour. He did not address the jobs that will be lost due to his ban of drilling for oil on federal lands.

Biden did, however, take credit for the jobs created during his first 100 days. “The economy created more than 1.3 million new jobs in 100 days, more new jobs in the first 100 days than any president on record.”

The president did not note that those jobs came back due to the abatement of the COVID-19 pandemic, an abatement due in large part to the historic vaccines President Donald Trump helped to launch through Operation Warp Speed.

ME: [Those weren't new jobs, those were existing jobs that came back, and no thanks to the democrats.]

It's hard to understand how the democrats can be for jobs when they won't do anything to stem the flow of illegals into the US, the very people who take jobs away rom US citizens.
Jobs funded by increased taxes on the middle class are not jobs.....they are just another form of welfare. The true jobs are chased overseas because of the abuse placed on corporations
Fine Biden you blithering idiot retard. FIRST deliver the green jobs you are promising BEFORE you destroy oil, gas and coal jobs and put working Americans out of work you lifelong taxpayer mooching loser.

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