When Dogs Attack

That little girl was lucky thier were a few white men around .....arent we the best :04:

Unless that lady pulled out a knife or a gun she wasn't getting that dog off her fer nuttin
well as an x letter carrier i can relate to that attack.....been attacked more than once...not fun.........
Try a bull. Even with the horns cut. 50's are great
This terrible dog was outlawed in the state. I hope the guy spends some serious prison time.
well as an x letter carrier i can relate to that attack.....been attacked more than once...not fun.........
I have a yellow lab. As a letter carrier and stories from others, do labs ever attack?
here is my experience with labs.....the black ones were 50/50....some friendly some not so.....the yellow ones that can remember 3 in the same area, were all nice friendly dogs....Golden Retrievers were real friendly too....
I liked the way the article said dog was “lunging at” bullshit! He was honed in and full bore attacked her.
The dog homed in like it was guided to that child. Bizarre! Thank goodness those men were right there.
The dog homed in like it was guided to that child. Bizarre! Thank goodness those men were right there.

I looked it up. It’s called a prey response I think. He picked her out because she was the youngest, smallest, most vulnerable.
Rescued a Springer about 94. Kept attacking their kid, he was 5. Vet said destroy it, I figured it was the kid and took him in. Beautiful, over 70#, back when they were bred baggie eyes, large. They also had what was called "rage syndrome" "or physco motor seizures" Till they were bred different, smaller, less mental probs.

Anyway, he went off on me one day. Chewed me over 5 min. Both hands chewed thru, wrist opened, bicep has a slask looks like a 50 cal MG bullet grazed it (yea he was that big I'm 5 10) Took surgeons 1.5 hrs to put me back together. Still love him though.

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