When did the Right embrace 'Class Warfare'?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Isn't that how Trump won? Didn't Trump pit working class, blue collar Americans against the elites, the rich?

Jobs going overseas perpetrated by Big Business, the corporations?

It was class warfare when Bernie Sanders did the same thing...
Isn't that how Trump won? Didn't Trump pit working class, blue collar Americans against the elites, the rich?

Jobs going overseas perpetrated by Big Business, the corporations?

It was class warfare when Bernie Sanders did the same thing...

Trump won because Hillary Clinton was a bought and paid for political insider running for office when Americans were sick and tired of Washington's ignoring their problems.
Isn't that how Trump won? Didn't Trump pit working class, blue collar Americans against the elites, the rich?

Jobs going overseas perpetrated by Big Business, the corporations?

It was class warfare when Bernie Sanders did the same thing...

Trump won because Hillary Clinton was a bought and paid for political insider running for office when Americans were sick and tired of Washington's ignoring their problems.

What? Trump won because working class voters in a few key states who wouldn't normally vote Republican voted Republican.

Trump made class warfare a central theme of his campaign.
Was it really class warfare, or was it more recognizing voters that have been ignored for decades by politicians eager to court other groups?
Isn't that how Trump won? Didn't Trump pit working class, blue collar Americans against the elites, the rich?

Jobs going overseas perpetrated by Big Business, the corporations?

It was class warfare when Bernie Sanders did the same thing...

Trump won because Hillary Clinton was a bought and paid for political insider running for office when Americans were sick and tired of Washington's ignoring their problems.

What? Trump won because working class voters in a few key states who wouldn't normally vote Republican voted Republican.

Trump made class warfare a central theme of his campaign.

Trump made JOB CREATION the major theme of his campaign! Hillary promised more of the same policies that Barack Obama gave us for eight years which produced economic growth of less than 2% for that entire period. That's not "class warfare"...it's recognizing that working class people were abandoned by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party!
Something I read this morning: Trump in 2014 laughing at the prospect of crashing the economy & rioting in the streets — his chief strategist doing the same

Two quotes you need to read side by side. 1. From Trump:


2. From Trump's chief strategist, Steve Bannon:

Isn't that how Trump won? Didn't Trump pit working class, blue collar Americans against the elites, the rich?

Jobs going overseas perpetrated by Big Business, the corporations?

It was class warfare when Bernie Sanders did the same thing...

Trump won because Hillary Clinton was a bought and paid for political insider running for office when Americans were sick and tired of Washington's ignoring their problems.

What? Trump won because working class voters in a few key states who wouldn't normally vote Republican voted Republican.

Trump made class warfare a central theme of his campaign.

He listened to what workers of America was saying.
While all others kept ignoring their voices for the last 20 years or so.
Bernie sold out...that's all that needs to be said

That doesn't make any sense. It was probably a case of too many working class voters who wanted Bernie first making Trump their second choice.

It's obvious that a fairly large portion of the "Sanders vote" didn't turn out for Hillary on election day, Carbineer! That's something that Hillary Clinton herself was responsible for...her and Debbie Wasserman Shultz. WikiLeaks revealing how corrupt the DNC was and how the Clinton camp screwed over their hero Bernie led to hundreds of thousands of liberal voters staying home on election day. Trump got about as many votes as Mitt Romney. Clinton's problem was that she didn't get close to as many votes as Barack Obama. Clinton thought that liberals would hold their noses and vote for her. Instead they didn't vote at all.
Isn't that how Trump won? Didn't Trump pit working class, blue collar Americans against the elites, the rich?

Jobs going overseas perpetrated by Big Business, the corporations?

It was class warfare when Bernie Sanders did the same thing...
Uuuummm, not really. He won because for the first time I can remember, a candidate running for the highest office in the land and that candidate's backers/political party attacked a massive segment of the electorate and pissed them off enough to drive them to the polls. Calling a huge section of the electorate deplorable and racist was most likely the biggest tactical mistake by any US politician/party in our history, you don't attack the electorate and claim you're bringing people together.
Isn't that how Trump won? Didn't Trump pit working class, blue collar Americans against the elites, the rich?

Jobs going overseas perpetrated by Big Business, the corporations?

It was class warfare when Bernie Sanders did the same thing...

Trump won because Hillary Clinton was a bought and paid for political insider running for office when Americans were sick and tired of Washington's ignoring their problems.

What? Trump won because working class voters in a few key states who wouldn't normally vote Republican voted Republican.

Trump made class warfare a central theme of his campaign.

Trump made JOB CREATION the major theme of his campaign! Hillary promised more of the same policies that Barack Obama gave us for eight years which produced economic growth of less than 2% for that entire period. That's not "class warfare"...it's recognizing that working class people were abandoned by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party!

You either don't know what class warfare is (or as it's portrayed by rightwing propaganda normally) or you're just in denial.
Isn't that how Trump won? Didn't Trump pit working class, blue collar Americans against the elites, the rich?

Jobs going overseas perpetrated by Big Business, the corporations?

It was class warfare when Bernie Sanders did the same thing...

Trump won because Hillary Clinton was a bought and paid for political insider running for office when Americans were sick and tired of Washington's ignoring their problems.

What? Trump won because working class voters in a few key states who wouldn't normally vote Republican voted Republican.

Trump made class warfare a central theme of his campaign.

He listened to what workers of America was saying.
While all others kept ignoring their voices for the last 20 years or so.

Bernie didn't? Bernie is the perfect example of a class warrior, if you ask the Right.
Bernie sold out...that's all that needs to be said

Face it, you guys are afraid to talk about this.

Trump is all about bringing jobs back to rust belt and rural (mostly white) and Trump only says what the religious conservatives want to hear because he needed their vote.

Trump's stimulus ideas -- infrastructure projects and military spending along with tax cuts -- the danger with this is the investment/wealthy class tends to move money off shore, out of our economy. They don't always reinvest their profits and gains and tax breaks back into the U.S. economy and stock market. Maybe a less regulated market will keep them here, but less regulated allows for more rigging of the market, schemes and fraud by the bad apples.

Also, Trumps ideas on trade have many corps very nervous. They're counting on Paul Ryan to block him on trade. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Trump said the three things they're going to start with are:

1. Health Care (notice he's stop talking about repeal)

2. Immigration (only deporting criminals) & the wall is now a fence in parts.

3. Major Tax bill, lower taxes. Simplifying. (he campaigned on cutting loopholes and tax breaks, let's see if he actually does this.)
Isn't that how Trump won? Didn't Trump pit working class, blue collar Americans against the elites, the rich?

Jobs going overseas perpetrated by Big Business, the corporations?

It was class warfare when Bernie Sanders did the same thing...
So you want to dictate to use what we can say and do and we must leave specific campaign tactics for your use entirely.

Well fuck you.
Something I read this morning: Trump in 2014 laughing at the prospect of crashing the economy & rioting in the streets — his chief strategist doing the same

Two quotes you need to read side by side. 1. From Trump:


2. From Trump's chief strategist, Steve Bannon:

I notice you left out your source.
Isn't that how Trump won? Didn't Trump pit working class, blue collar Americans against the elites, the rich?

Jobs going overseas perpetrated by Big Business, the corporations?

It was class warfare when Bernie Sanders did the same thing...

Trump won because Hillary Clinton was a bought and paid for political insider running for office when Americans were sick and tired of Washington's ignoring their problems.

What? Trump won because working class voters in a few key states who wouldn't normally vote Republican voted Republican.

Trump made class warfare a central theme of his campaign.

and Democrats wouldn't vote for HIllary in those states

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