When did the media lose "it"


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
1984. I saw how some random white guy driving a bus doing his job sorta accidentally hit and killed a old alcoholic black guy. But the media in 1984 didn't actually interview all the witnesses, hells no. Instead the media chose to report anecdotal evidence by loudmouth black kids instead of asking all of us eye witnesses ...because "racism"...

They were always seriously biased before then, but their sheer slavish devotion to sniffing Barry Oboingo's farts and telling the world that they smelled like a pine forest in the spring, ended all pretense of their alleged "journalist" status.

They're now open cheerleaders for the Democrat Party, and any given neocon RINO tag-along.
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When Lester Holt of NBC news said: "Yet another outrage" leading into another cherry picked anti cop screed...I gave up. Like Noam Chomsky says, the media is a tool of the power elite.
guy driving a bus doing his job
That's a little bit too much work to be doing while simultaneously driving a bus.
sorta accidentally hit and killed
You know, that's just a little bit too premeditated and arranged. Like maybe there's a "God delusion" and it was preordained or something like that.
a old alcoholic black guy
It's the driver of the bus whose drinking we should be concerned about.

Alcohol doesn't excuse murder.

Four years of fashion show and enhanced money laundering coming up.


1984. I saw how some random white guy driving a bus doing his job sorta accidentally hit and killed a old alcoholic black guy. But the media in 1984 didn't actually interview all the witnesses, hells no. Instead the media chose to report anecdotal evidence by loudmouth black kids instead of asking all of us eye witnesses ...because "racism"...

I have bifurcated answer. The democratic masses make me think of The Fast and The Furious. The democratic leadership makes me think of The 40 Year Old Virgin.
1984. I saw how some random white guy driving a bus doing his job sorta accidentally hit and killed a old alcoholic black guy. But the media in 1984 didn't actually interview all the witnesses, hells no. Instead the media chose to report anecdotal evidence by loudmouth black kids instead of asking all of us eye witnesses ...because "racism"...

Yes, the 80's was probably the big turning point; 'Journalism' schools became factories for turning out hacks and 'social justice warriors' in the mid to late 70's, so those red diaper doper babies would be graduating then, all of them wanting to be The Next Hunter Thompson' or Abbie Hoffman.

The right wing was also going big into mindless self-indulgence as well, the Reagan Bubbles made a lot of criminals filthy rich with no interference from evul guvmint auditors and such, producing literally nothing while sucking up vast amounts of money with govt. subsidies for assorted Ponzi scams.
1984. I saw how some random white guy driving a bus doing his job sorta accidentally hit and killed a old alcoholic black guy. But the media in 1984 didn't actually interview all the witnesses, hells no. Instead the media chose to report anecdotal evidence by loudmouth black kids instead of asking all of us eye witnesses ...because "racism"...

They only put forth the agenda that the Powers That Be want you to believe and I did a good thread on that here.

The Internet has destroyed print newspapers.

Thousands of journalists have lost their jobs.

Even the once mighty New York Times was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Then a certain man appeared on the scene, and he alone saved the Times, when it reinvented itself as the leader of the Resistance against that certain man.

When his civil and criminal trials are over, and he is either a free man or a convict, the media will again be in dire straits.

Maybe even the Times (happily) will go out of business.

American journalism is dead.

What we now have is basically a state-run media similar to China's. (CNN even announced that it will be going easy on that man from Delaware. And when that lady from California takes over, the media will really be in the pocket of the Dems.)
"Freedom of the press belongs to those who own the presses."- I can't remember who said it, and don't feel like looking it up at the moment. Ah, now I remember, it was Liebling.

If the right wing press wasn't also indulging in partisan propaganda, they would have more influence today. but instead they just crank out fake news and lie by omission as well, so of course now they can't even help defeat commies sociopaths or the most bizarre and sick sexual deviant gimps in elections any more. They all need to die, left or right.
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CNN is so lame. It's the same stories repeated by Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer and Erin Burnett and Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon over and over and over each night.

I find it remarkable that with the Democrats holding control over the House, Senate and Executive Branch they are still talking about Trump. Enough already. All you are doing is giving a narcissist attention which is what he craves. You want to drive him nuts? Don't cover him and in 6 months nobody would remember him.

You have a lame approach to news CNN. And it is all embellished and one sided. Just as bad as FOX only polar opposites.
When did the media lose "it"-TopicTitle

1987. Fox News was created 10 years later, and the rest is history. The right wing is now a buncha psychopaths yelling about random outrages each day.

FCC fairness doctrine - Wikipedia
The FCC eliminated the policy in 1987 and removed the rule that implemented the policy from the Federal Register in August 2011. ... In 1969 the United States Supreme Court, in Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, upheld the FCC's general right to enforce the fairness doctrine where channels were limited.
FCC fairness doctrine

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