When are we going to get serious?

I love the way people are jealous of people with EBT cards.
I love the way you have a one track narrow mind. Reminds me of that bitch I divorced.

I'm sure you were a joy to be around for her. She must have been devastated.
She married me IN PRISON believe it or not. She was pregnant with a crackheads child (my oldest daughter) when I asked her to move back to Kansas and wait for me. She did & we had a pretty good run for 16 years. Then God showed up and I couldn't take it. To her credit she never told her ex and my daughter has no interest in looking him up.
Not sure why I tell you this other than to fuck up you "rw" meme. Not everyone fits into your little predetermined box.
I love the way people are jealous of people with EBT cards.
I love the way you have a one track narrow mind. Reminds me of that bitch I divorced.

I'm sure you were a joy to be around for her. She must have been devastated.
She married me IN PRISON believe it or not. She was pregnant with a crackheads child (my oldest daughter) when I asked her to move back to Kansas and wait for me. She did & we had a pretty good run for 16 years. Then God showed up and I couldn't take it. To her credit she never told her ex and my daughter has no interest in looking him up.
Not sure why I tell you this other than to fuck up you "rw" meme. Not everyone fits into your little predetermined box.

Of course. You used your ex as the basis for an insult on an anonymous message board. That's fucking up my meme.
I love the way people are jealous of people with EBT cards.
I love the way you have a one track narrow mind. Reminds me of that bitch I divorced.

I'm sure you were a joy to be around for her. She must have been devastated.
She married me IN PRISON believe it or not. She was pregnant with a crackheads child (my oldest daughter) when I asked her to move back to Kansas and wait for me. She did & we had a pretty good run for 16 years. Then God showed up and I couldn't take it. To her credit she never told her ex and my daughter has no interest in looking him up.
Not sure why I tell you this other than to fuck up you "rw" meme. Not everyone fits into your little predetermined box.

Of course. You used your ex as the basis for an insult on an anonymous message board. That's fucking up my meme.
There was no insult either implied or direct. Next time you feel Speechless stay that way
Defund public television?

Yes why would anyone want to see documentaries on the Pyramids or wildlife all over the globe. Why do children need educational programs.

This is one of those bizarre things conservative whine about all the time that makes absolutely no sense. Other than they get self-conscious when watching an hour long program on the Revolution because they find out they really don't know anything about the Revolution. Or the Civil War. Or the Space Race.

Anything that has to do with knowledge is seen as a negative for some. And those people we need to ignore.
I bet I could beat you in a debate on Egypt, the universe, the Myan empire, possibly Roman Empire, super volcanoes, and quite a few other scientific categories and I've never seen a single episode of "educational" television on those matters. That type of stuff is on tv almost every day and is in endless supply on the internet, which is where this generation gets its entertainment. Cable TV is rapidly approaching extinction with the younger generation. And you're talking about public tv which you can no longer receive without a cable subscription or a digital antenna receiver. Over the air basic reception which public television relied of is a dinosaur.
Your age & a bit of ignorance is showing

You have an answer and a meme for every contingency. The poor use broadcast television. Again conservatives have some inborn desire to f@#k with the poor. The easiest target there is.

You don't like it , don't watch. Don't like your 1 cent of taxes going to public television, call your congressman and whine about it.

And who exactly 'debates' egypt or super volcanoes. Why don't you instead try having a conversation with the other humans rather than looking at them all as adversaries.

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