When Americans were proud to be Nazis .... did you know this history?

Think for moments about our economy under FDR. What did he fight? He saw how Hitler improved the German economy and as much as he could do, FDR mimiced Hitler. Democrats loved hitler and created a nazi party in the USA under FDR.
Total bullshit.

You are seriously insane
That was about jobs, stupid. America was clawing ts way out of the Depression
Germany was in a deeper state of despair su, it was not only in a depression but also being pillaged after WWI by the english and french and like todays fascists the socialists of the day used it as cover to ignore the atrocities that were inevitably to follow.
Corrupt Democrats and lawfare.
Do you even know what lawfare is? Great economy before covid. Democrats exasperated covid to steal an election then promptly tore up Trump's investigation into China. They did this because Joe Biden has his hand in China's pocket.
seeked out the most bias and partisan historians in the world to write their ranking of presidents. I wouldn't even wipe my ass with the piece of paper it was written on.
Democrats instigated and set up January 6th for nefarious purposes. They lied during their committee on January 6th and hid evidence. They are despicable.
Fake impeachments, set up by lying Democrats.
Trump delivered significant tax cuts which helped us all and returned peace to the world and the Mideast.
Was and will be again the greatest president of our lifetimes, despite morons like you.

This is why I say - you are just another nutbag.

Facts you don't like? No problem you'll just cough up some half-baked conspiracy theories about dem-evil-demohrats to explain why your dear leader fucked up his presidency, got kicked the fuck out of office, is facing many crimnal charges and is judged by professional historians as a disaster.

Yes he managed to pass tax-cuts and rubber stamp some judges - any Republican with full majority would get that low hanging fruit. Everything else he failed at, from his healthcare promises, deficits, wall, jobs, foreign relations, infrastructure, economic growth, pandemic response. Even fundamental peaceful of transfer of power and basic secrecy law compliance this degenerate couldn't be trusted with.

Trump will remain on the bottom of the worst POTUS list well after know nothing dupes like you will move on and forget all about posting the silly, shortsighted, embarassing garbage that you did while you were carrying water for that degenerate.
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This is why I say - you are just another nutbag.

Facts you don't like? No problem you'll just cough up some half-baked conspiracy theories about dem-evil-demohrats to explain why your dear leader fucked up his presidency, got kicked the fuck out of office, is facing many crimnal charges and is judged by professional historians as a disaster.

Yes he managed to pass tax-cuts and rubber stamp some judges - any Republican with full majority would get that low hanging fruit. Everything else he failed at, from his healthcare promises, deficits, wall, jobs, foreign relations, infrastructure, economic growth, pandemic response. Even fundamental peaceful of transfer of power and basic secrecy law compliance this degenerate couldn't be trusted with.

Trump will remain on the bottom of the worst POTUS list well after know nothing dupes like you will move on and forget all about posting the silly, shortsighted, embarassing garbage that you did while you were carrying water for that degenerate.
That list was a sham written by people that hated Trump. Silly and shortsighted. You should be embarrassed.
We will be lucky to survive Biden's presidency, ill gained and disastrous.

You can't explain this. Trump has not been charged by anybody for the so called riot at the capitol.


He was indicted for his lies about the election and illicit attempts to overturn it's results that caused this violent attack on our government.

He was bi-partisanly impeached for abandoning his oath of office by refusing to tell his MAGAtards to stop breaking into the Capitol.
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You got your guts harmed by that video it seems to me. A video proving it was Democrats who were in love with slavery. Democrats in love with Jim Crow. Democrats now attacking and jailing Americans who followed the rules of protesting.

That documentary you just ignored. Because it proved Democrats were our version of the Nazis.

Hitler imprisoned Democrats after 1933.
This is why I say - you are just another nutbag.

Facts you don't like? No problem you'll just cough up some half-baked conspiracy theories about dem-evil-demohrats to explain why your dear leader fucked up his presidency, got kicked the fuck out of office, is facing many crimnal charges and is judged by professional historians as a disaster.

Yes he managed to pass tax-cuts and rubber stamp some judges - any Republican with full majority would get that low hanging fruit. Everything else he failed at, from his healthcare promises, deficits, wall, jobs, foreign relations, infrastructure, economic growth, pandemic response. Even fundamental peaceful of transfer of power and basic secrecy law compliance this degenerate couldn't be trusted with.

Trump will remain on the bottom of the worst POTUS list well after know nothing dupes like you will move on and forget all about posting the silly, shortsighted, embarassing garbage that you did while you were carrying water for that degenerate.
Hahaha the buffoon Biden

Interesting that you mention "class warfare" given that the USA was constituted to be a "classless society". Given that Republicans are now promoting the idea of a white Christian nationalist government where non-white votes don't count.
Minorities (women and colored people) put Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden in the White House. We'd be better off if they were never given the right to vote.
Hahaha the buffoon Biden

You are the buffoon, posting silly wahtabout memes.

Trump's many failures are not hinged on Biden, you are just going back to your usual safe-space when faced with uncomfortable facts about your Dear Leader.
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You are the buffoon, posting silly wahtaboutisms because you can't really refute what you quote.

Trump's many failures are not hinged on Biden in any way.
Biden has failed us at the southern border,


Trump had that problem fixed. Why did you fuck that up?

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