When Americans were proud to be Nazis .... did you know this history?

No. He was a Republican
Think for moments about our economy under FDR. What did he fight? He saw how Hitler improved the German economy and as much as he could do, FDR mimiced Hitler. Democrats loved hitler and created a nazi party in the USA under FDR.
Have you been stupid all your life or do you just play an idiot on here?
Here is what you were replying to:

Trump's "results":

1 term
twice impeached
historic recession and failed leadership during pandemic.
Failed to deliver on almost all major campaign promises.
Incited violent attack on Congress trying to illitcly overturn election result.
90+ criminal charges in 4 separate criminal trials.

Ranked by historians as the worst president of the United States.

Can refute even a single word of that? No you can't, so get lost.
sure, run along nutbag.
Let's list the crowning achievements of Democrats.
Adored Slavery.
Adored Jim Crow laws.
Adored the KKK.
FDR loathed the Jews.
FDR created the Tuskegee Airmen, and at the time kept blacks out of combat. Figured they were inferior.
Truman is the sole president to use nuclear bombs on a nation that America locked up in concentration camps in Western states.
Democrats formed a Nazi party in the USA as proven by the video I showed all here.

Why do you want to be a Democrat?
Right. In the beginning only male landowners could vote. MAGA Macho isn't very bright.
Why did women need to vote? I don't object to them voting, but why would married women vote? With their pussy, they can intimidate their husbands to vote as they want him to vote.
Here is what you were replying to:

Trump's "results":

1 term
twice impeached
historic recession and failed leadership during pandemic.
Failed to deliver on almost all major campaign promises.
Incited violent attack on Congress trying to illitcly overturn election result.
90+ criminal charges in 4 separate criminal trials.

Ranked by historians as the worst president of the United States.

Can refute even a single word of that? No you can't, so get lost.
So you think Clinton was shitty because he got impeached? That your story?

States caused the recession not Trump. Trump did not incite what happened on Jan 6. Democrats would have him in prison for that by now if he was guilty.
Here is what you were replying to:

Trump's "results":

1 term
twice impeached
historic recession and failed leadership during pandemic.
Failed to deliver on almost all major campaign promises.
Incited violent attack on Congress trying to illitcly overturn election result.
90+ criminal charges in 4 separate criminal trials.

Ranked by historians as the worst president of the United States.

Can refute even a single word of that? No you can't, so get lost.
Corrupt Democrats and lawfare.
Do you even know what lawfare is? Great economy before covid. Democrats exasperated covid to steal an election then promptly tore up Trump's investigation into China. They did this because Joe Biden has his hand in China's pocket.
They seeked out the most bias and partisan historians in the world to write their ranking of presidents. I wouldn't even wipe my ass with the piece of paper it was written on.
Democrats instigated and set up January 6th for nefarious purposes. They lied during their committee on January 6th and hid evidence. They are despicable.
Fake impeachments, set up by lying Democrats.
Trump delivered significant tax cuts which helped us all and returned peace to the world and the Mideast.
Was and will be again the greatest president of our lifetimes, despite morons like you.

Au contraire Spanky. You don't have the first clue as to what fascism is at all. It's just an insult you toss out at anyone you disagree with. You can't define fascism and don't have the first clue what it means or how it differs from other forms of authoritarian behaviour.

It's just the latest word the Cult uses and now everyone is a "fascist" to you fools.

Projection piglet.
And the OP should take note of the similarities of those American Nazis to HIS Party of Trump.

The xenophobia? The hatred of “non-aryan” (white) folks?

Hell they even called themselves the America First movement.

And looked away from the Hitler’s expansionist attacks on his neighbors much like Trumpers look away from Putin doing the same

The OP is an old wannabe Nazi racist. We’ve seen that in so many of his posts

Put the bottle down Lush. There are no Nazi's under your bed.
Trump spent his entire administration investigating and trying to jail Obama, Clinton, McCabe, Comey, and Biden. The problem being he couldn't find a single crime they coommitted to prosecute them on.

Hillary should have been locked up. Obama illegally spied on Trump, he should have be locked up for that. Biden should have been locked up for stealing the election

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