When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.

Dale Smith, post: 20511714
Mexico will pay for it in a loss of remittances back to Mexico

Trumpo has not promoted this hairbrained scheme because it won’t work for many reasons.

Here is just one per the CATO institute.

“Illegal immigrant remitters will also be able to rely on their American citizen or legal immigrant friends and family members to transfer funds through wire services. About 16.6 million people live in households with the 11 to 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States. Many of those legal immigrants or U.S.-natives would be happy to remit money for their illegal immigrants family members.

A Tax on Remittances Won't Pay for a Border Wall

Read the entire link if you want to know why the remittance tax won’t work.

Besides that tax scheme won’t be the Mexican Government ousting for the Wall all. It will be poor people in Mexico having less money to live on.

Probably drive more people north via getting around the stupid Trumpbwalk.
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Dale Smith, post: 20511689
I am fine with paying my part to have the wall built because it will pay for itself in a few years.

It would be nice if you granted the same courtesy to the ACA since the rising costs of healthcare have been cut significantly since its enactment. The rate of growth in healthcare costs has been reduced. The vast majority of insured keep their doctors. The ACA has stayed within CBO projections despite GOP acts of sabotage against it. So many have benefited greatly from that law that remains in effect during the fabulous and greatest Trumpo economic period in American history. Amazing since the ACA was supposed to be a great jobs killer.

However, It appears It’s no longer important to you to hold a President accountable for promises made that largely impact their ability to win that office?

Trump’s promise to you was not one that requires anything from Congress or the US taxpayer. It was all on him. He is supposed to make Mexico pay for his Great Wall.

I’m marking his words as he asked:

"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."

Obama was called a liar for the keep your doctors promise during his campaign.

I’m just asking why all those now attending Trumpo ‘worship me’ rallies pretend that Trumpo is keeping his promise for his Mexico funded wall when he is not anywhere close.

Like them you still dodge my point.

Your out seems to be the same snake oil sales pitch that got you from the start. Now you believe by faith alone or perhaps by studies from some right wing propaganda think tank that Yrumpi’s wall won’t increase the Federal Debt or cost the taxpayer anything in the long run.

Very convenient.

2,700 pages of pork filled legislation along with 50,000 rules and regulations that necessitated the stealing of billions from medi-care and medicaid. It required the stealing of funds from GSEs like Fannie and Freddie to keep it afloat and people were NOT alllowed to keep their plan if it didn't pass the ACA "sniff test" resulting in the raising of premiums for those that did not qualify for a "gubermint" subsidy. For every one person it may have helped, it fucked over five.

Mexico will pay for the wall....one way or the other and that is a fact.
Dale Smith, post: 20511714
Mexico will pay for it in a loss of remittances back to Mexico

Trumpo has not promoted this hairbrained scheme because it won’t work for many reasons.

Here is just one per the CATO institute.

“Illegal immigrant remitters will also be able to rely on their American citizen or legal immigrant friends and family members to transfer funds through wire services. About 16.6 million people live in households with the 11 to 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States. Many of those legal immigrants or U.S.-natives would be happy to remit money for their illegal immigrants family members.

A Tax on Remittances Won't Pay for a Border Wall

Read the entire link if you want to know why the remittance tax won’t work.

LMAO! If illegals can't come over here and squirt out an anchor baby and take advantage of the entitlement programs? The wall will pay for itself in no time. No chain migration allowed will also help pay for the wall. You WANT illegal immigration and an act giving them amnesty because they are the next democrat underclass voting base....admit it.
Mexico will pay for the wall....one way or the other and that is a fact.

That is not a fact. That is a makeshift crutch to hold up your crippled lying Great White Hope who can’t put his money where his mouth was - mark my words - Mexico will pay for my wall.

Dance Dale Dance. You are going to need even more fancy footwork as the months of the Trumpo Clown presidency rolls on.
Dale Smith, post: 20511845
LMAO! If illegals can't come over here and squirt out an anchor baby and take advantage of the entitlement programs? The wall will pay for itself in no time

Have you run any numbers on that? You will find worse economic results for Trumpo wall payment with that than the Remittance tax plan fiasco.

Are you giving up on the crazy Remittance scheme already?
Mexico will pay for the wall....one way or the other and that is a fact.

That is not a fact. That is a makeshift crutch to hold up your crippled lying Great White Hope who can’t put his money where his mouth was - mark my words - Mexico will pay for my wall.

Dance Dale Dance. You are going to need even more fancy footwork as the months of the Trumpo Clown presidency rolls on.

These are tough times to be a leftard......and it's not gonna get any better.

Smith, post: 20511838,
For every one person it may have helped, it fucked over five.

That’s a lie.

If it were true I doubt this would be possible:

he February Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds a slight increase in the share of the public who say they have a favorable view of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), from 50 percent in January 2018 to 54 percent this month. This is the highest level of favorability of the ACA measured in more than 80 Kaiser Health Tracking Polls since 201

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll – February 2018: Health Care and the 2018 Midterms, Attitudes Towards Proposed Changes to Medicaid

If five out of six Americans were fucked over by the Affordable Care Act , how did it’s favorably jump from from 50 percent in January 2018 to 54 percent the following month?

Explain that.
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Dale Smith, post: 20511894
These are tough times to be a leftard......and it's not gonna get any better.

Taking the House would be better, right?

And how tough will the upcoming recession be on Democrats? This is The Trumpo GOP. economy, right?

Trumpi’s SCOTUS picks won’t save him when the recession hits. He’s got nothing but Obana’s Economics recovery to ride on right now. He will take the hit during the recession.
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Dale Smith, post: 20511845
LMAO! If illegals can't come over here and squirt out an anchor baby and take advantage of the entitlement programs? The wall will pay for itself in no time

Have you run any numbers on that? You will find worse economic results for Trumpo wall payment with that than the Remittance tax plan fiasco.

Are you giving up on the crazy Remittance scheme already?

So you have not and will not run the numbers on that?
“I will build a great, great wall on our southern border.... “ was ‘in jest” according to BrokeLoser and the ‘cockroaches’ could never pay for it anyway.

BrokeLoser, post: 20511324 So was this entire campaign promise by Trumpo “in jest” or do we have to cherry pick apart every one of Trumpo’ statements to determine what is serious and what is nonsense?

"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."

Why do you expect your Trumpty Dumpty to build a Great Wall when the promise was in jest anyway?

The wall is being built and Mexico is going to pay for it in one form or another...the loss of remittances to Mexico is a plus for America. You hate the wall because it will stop the flow of another underclass for leftards to pander too.
Is mexico going to pay the $2 billion every week?

Illegals cost this country up to 630 billion dollars a year......shutting down "da federal gubermint" doesn't bother me in the slightest. It's jurisdiction is only within the District of Columbia anyway.
The amount was $130 billion, and its rated mostly false. So you're doubly wrong.
Because social security gets billions a year which can never be paid out.

LMAO! The cost for incarceration of illegals, the cost of the anchor babies that are squirted out in county hospitals, the healthcare and education costs of illegals along with their taking advantage of the benefits programs like subsidized housing, EBT cards and the EITC that allows them to get back thousands more than they paid in for filing an income tax return where they only worked a small portion of the year on the books while spending the rest of the year working "under the table" . The healthcare system that requires everyone must be treated....yeah, I would say that illegal immigrants cost at LEAST 630 BILLION dollars....
Prove it.
I called out your bullshit with proof.
But you provide no reference for your claim.
While I think we need a wall, I also know they can get over it, under it or through it. Hell, as long as the right has ANY chance for power and control, the Left will make sure they get in.

Unfortunately there is only ONE way to stop the invasion.....and we are too PC a country to take the only effective step that would really stop the invasion.

What does that mean? It can only mean one thing ultimately.

-- THE END --

SanFranciso, Chicago, LosAngeles already are there....
Immigrants have always come from poverty

They do not bring it here...they are here to escape it
The funniest part is the fact that all these people are MORE interested in the fact that Mexico hasn't started paying for the wall yet after only a year and a half on an issue that has been bantered on upwards of SIXTY years with no movement, than they are with the fact that they finally have a president actually serious on protecting our borders and national integrity!

Did you ever stop to think that your ideas about protecting our southern border are just plain stupid and that your unbridled fondness for the Great White Wall Builder is based upon that unrelenting ignorance and fear-mongered response to dogwhistle politics.

Trumpo is not serious about this. BrokeLoser has explained how Trumpo’s wall talk was mostly in jest.

Your basic argunent is that you Trumporoids are right and anyone not stuck to his great white fat ass is wrong. You are in a deplorable position.

Great White Wall Builder
dogwhistle politics
great white fat ass

Oh, the bitter election envy lives on greatly in you!
You seem to have no clue really. If they can't get work here they won't come. Put large fines on any company caught employing illegals.

One more time....

People come here legally and illegally from Mexico. THEY get work visas or use fake ID's as contractors and contract to do work such as construction.
They seem legitimate.
They then bring in other Mexicans (a crew) and pay them wages far below minimum wage but because they are under the "care" of the boss, they just do the work until they are taken back to Mexico or turned out. Some are exploited and threatened. Some are promised American citizenship. There are cartels that are making millions this way. Oh, you thought only women and girls could be exploited?
Yes they are being exploited by the rich. Put large fines on the employers and they won't come.
Why do I see so many of them out there working hard then? What free healthcare are they really getting?

What you see is EXPLOITATION.
"Bosses" from their country here illegally organize work crews and bring them here to work and extort money from them.
The criminals end up getting big money, the workers get very little.

You have no clue do you?
You seem to have no clue really. If they can't get work here they won't come. Put large fines on any company caught employing illegals.

We love and embrace that idea...the problem is, filthy Mexicrats have written policy which prohibits employers from asking the cockroaches to prove citizenship. You didn’t know this?
You seem to have no clue really. If they can't get work here they won't come. Put large fines on any company caught employing illegals.

One more time....

People come here legally and illegally from Mexico. THEY get work visas or use fake ID's as contractors and contract to do work such as construction.
They seem legitimate.
They then bring in other Mexicans (a crew) and pay them wages far below minimum wage but because they are under the "care" of the boss, they just do the work until they are taken back to Mexico or turned out. Some are exploited and threatened. Some are promised American citizenship. There are cartels that are making millions this way. Oh, you thought only women and girls could be exploited?
Yes they are being exploited by the rich. Put large fines on the employers and they won't come.

“Exploited by the rich”...huh?
Here in south Mexifornia where the majority of the cockroaches are they work for Gustavo’s Landscape Service, Gonzalez Drywall, and Juan’s Auto Body.
Are these employers “rich”?
“Exploited by the rich”...huh?
Here in south Mexifornia where the majority of the cockroaches are they work for Gustavo’s Landscape Service, Gonzalez Drywall, and Juan’s Auto Body.
Are these employers “rich”?


What a fine human being you are.
How do you refer to criminals whom fuck you over?

You whiney little bitch!

Please tell us all how you've been "fucked over".

I don’t have the patience to talk in circles with ignorant fools...let’s cut to the chase....stop and think bud...are you implying that illegal aliens don’t fuck good Americans over? Let’s start here. Your turn. Don’t be scared.
The majority of Americans voted against Trump and against the wall

Haha...NEGATIVE....REAL Americans voted for the Wall. Let’s be honest, Mexifornia and those here by illegal means are against the Wall....Hmmm, I wonder why?

No. Real Americans voted against the wall. They voted against a ridiculous waste of money that doesn’t solve anything. It doesn’t stop illegal immigration because the southern border isn’t the primary source of illegal immigration.

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