When 10s of thousands of people protest in one day, one has to wonder why Trump supporters...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
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...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, narcissistic, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

10s of thousands all out in the street........

Providing me endless entertainment at absolutely no charge!

What's not to love??????
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, narcissistic, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

10s of thousands all out in the street........

Providing me endless entertainment at absolutely no charge!

What's not to love??????
Well sure that's easy when you have dementia.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.

He won the election.

He is the president.

It's you that should quit trying to pretend otherwise.

You are the head pussy. All you can do is whine and complain.

You lost.

Suck on it.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
I don't think they are fooled by the fact that the election is still what ails ya and these protests are nothing more than an expression of that unrelenting pain the left feels over it...your post actually screams that you are still suffering from it.

Keep it up. You all look like the unhinged fools that you are.
10s of thousands of people are all unhinged huh?
I would think the number is quite a bit higher than that, in fact I would be disappointed to find out it isn't, it would mean not enough people were affected enough to suit me...hillary's defeat has rocked the left to its foundation.
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...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.

This tells me he's not popular with wetbacks, weirdos, bottom feeders or criminals...and unfortunately the United States is jam-packed full of the aforementioned these days.
He's got the worst of of us scared shitless that we may have to be better and do better...It's time to act and become legitimate...that's all. Stop being so terrified of becoming a higher grade society.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.

Agree, this is the first President that had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower upon the announcement that he won, and his communication with the outside world was reduced to a tweeter account. Since then there's been massive protests.

But is interesting is what is going on at Republican Town Hall meetings across this country. This is Salt Lake City, and I doubt you could count 30 Democrats that live there. IOW--Republicans are pissed too.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

What Republicans have done is awoken a sleeping Giant and it's pissed. Paybacks are coming in 2018 and again in 2020. It's going to be 2010 all over again, except this time it's going to be all BLUE.
Take a hard look at these "protesters". They are millennial scum bags who have been socialized in school to be mindless, leftist turds. Plus, they clearly are unemployed.
Take a hard look at these "protesters". They are millennial scum bags who have been socialized in school to be mindless, leftist turds. Plus, they clearly are unemployed.

And I love it! Because hard working middle class are seeing these butt hurting never ending whinefests full of loser parasite libtardz for the losers they are. I predict the mid terms will be an even bigger turn out for conservatives as a result.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.

He won the election.

He is the president.

It's you that should quit trying to pretend otherwise.

You are the head pussy. All you can do is whine and complain.

You lost.

Suck on it.
I think the OPs point is that there is more going on than simple partisan political posturing or poor sportsmanship from losing an election. There is a level of moral outrage and fear that has not been seen at this level post election in our lifetimes. Not that many of you give a shit as it sounds like many of you are the "rub it in" and "kick em when they're down" types. But it is a pretty historic movement that is going on.

I personally think the Dems and the MSM are shooting themselves he foot by over reacting and over demonstrating to Trump. They are playing right into his hands. They have to be smarter and play the long game.

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