What's wrong with the gay pride movement is not the "gay" it's the "pride"...


So when the show is about straight people, a token gay character comes in to mouth off gay propaganda.

Or he's a "gay best friend" and the straight character uses him as sounding board to do an info dump.

Mostly because of lazy writing. Usually, when a writer does that, he wants a female character to talk about her love interest with a male where there is no sexual tension. Talking about him with a straight dude doesn't work quite the same way.

Here's the problem I have with the way most TV is written. They actually think sexual tension is more interesting than sex, which is why you have main characters who are love interests who go WHOLE SEASONS without sleeping together. So you have how many seasons of a show like the X-Files or Castle or Elementary where the two leads don't have sex even though the audience is waiting for that payoff.

I would think gays control Hollywood, because they have a lot more power than Christians in what's in the movies and TV shows.

You don't see a "Christian best friend" saying, hey, why are you having pre-marital sex with your boyfriend?

Mostly, because no one wants to listen to a sermon, ever. The thing you Christians don't get is that those of us who aren't religious nuts don't really want to hear about your nuttery.

The thing is, if the gay characters you whine about did the same thing you suggest, they'd be trying to talk the straight characters into doing gay sex. Never seen that happen, and doubt I will, unless it's a comedy where "wrong signals were sent".
The "gay best friend" popped up in a TV show which used the "Archie" characters, but turned it into a sinister murder mystery story.

They've got Archie having sex with a teacher, which is a disgusting abuse of the comic book character.

Betty has a "gay best friend" who nowhere appears in the comic book, hanging around her room late at night, talking about her feelings about Archie.

Moose has also been turned gay. In the comic book he had a girlfriend.

Okay, they bastardized the source material in a lot of ways, so what is your point?

Then again, a true to source material Archie show would be dull to children.
Faith is about letting someone else tell you what to think because they terrify you into compliance.
Good Allah you're an idiot.

I see you miss the point.

Let's say the Pope announced tomorrow that, "Naw, we were just kidding, there's no afterlife. No Heaven or Hell, you just cease to be when you die. But keep sending us money!"

How many people do you think would show up to church and listen to sermons if that became the dogma of the church.
there is no such thing as sin
humans were made to ''sin''
humans naturally eat too much/fornicate/hate/etc
you even said it--- ''we are all sinners''
Assholes abound in every segment. I'm not real fond of atheists getting up in my biz either, certainly not the ones that don't have the first clue what faith is all about

Most Atheists started out as belonging to a religion. We know exactly what faith is about. Faith is about letting someone else tell you what to think because they terrify you into compliance.

No it isn't you retarded moron.

You continually embarrass yourself on here
No it isn't you retarded moron.

You continually embarrass yourself on here

again, if Religion was valid, you guys wouldn't need to go around threatening people with Hell to enforce compliance.
-------------------------------------- no threat , no violence just giving out an OPINION about what some religious people Believe JoeB. [Free Speech isn't it JoeB ??]
no threat , no violence just giving out an OPINION about what some religious people Believe JoeB. [Free Speech isn't it JoeB ??]

Here's the thing about that.

If that opinion is so valid, why do they indoctrinate children with it?

Everything I learned about Catholic Dogma I learned between ages 6-18, when they pretty much drummed this stuff into kids.

Do you think you could sell this stuff to adults who were never introduced to the concept? Of course not.

Now, even when I was a kid, I asked questions. Like why a supposedly "good" God would drown every baby in the world.

"Because they were WICKED babies. WICKED!!!!!"

This was actually said by a nun at my Grammar School in 1972.
as i said and its MY opinion that some religious people give out their OPINIONS . Same for some religious institutions that parents send THEIR kids to JoeB .
i see NO violence . all i see is religious people giving out their opinions and beliefs and thats fine with me JoeB .
...it's one thing to be weak, and have sinful tendencies, and to succumb to temptation.

We all do that. We're all sinners, and we all need redemption.

The problem with "gay pride" is the idea that one need not seek redemption, because the sin is not a sin, but a aspect of your life to be "proud" of.

It would be like an adulterer, or a thief, or a murderer, insisting that they are "proud" of what they do.

But that's not happening.

Do you have to resist the temptation of gay sex?

Many people do not think homosexuality is a sin so being proud of something one does not consider to be sinful is hardly the same as pride in murder or theft or even adultery.

I know all these gay people in movies really restrict your rights and all, but maybe if you left gay people alone, they’d leave you alone, too.

If that’s what you really want?
What I want is for gays to stop demanding center stage in every movie and TV show. It's getting to the point where as soon as it happens, I switch it off.

Yeah, the Gay Media Mafia sure is demanding!
i see NO violence . all i see is religious people giving out their opinions and beliefs and thats fine with me JoeB .

Really? I seem to remember being hit with a lot of wooden rulers and paddles during my unfortunate dealing with Catholicism...

But threatening kids with Hell? That's really fucking them up. Imagine some poor gay kid having to hear THAT bullshit.
This must be this weeks whiniest thread. Characters on tv shows have gay friends shocker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In real life we all have gay friends so what is your problem ?
Homos make up WHAT percentage of the population? So, no.

I can assure you those percentages are quite misleading. As a Kriminalassistentanwärter in the Gaystapo™ the numbers are much higher when you include our allies, dupes, and vassals. We are everywhere and we have our well manicured hands in many sinister soups. :eek:
i see NO violence . all i see is religious people giving out their opinions and beliefs and thats fine with me JoeB .

Really? I seem to remember being hit with a lot of wooden rulers and paddles during my unfortunate dealing with Catholicism...

But threatening kids with Hell? That's really fucking them up. Imagine some poor gay kid having to hear THAT bullshit.
----------------------------------- you are crazy , some religion gives out it opinions and thats fine with . Slaps with rulers are probably fine with the parents of the kids JoeB . ------------------ Rulers , thats just a silly comment you made JoeB .
----------------------------------- you are crazy , some religion gives out it opinions and thats fine with . Slaps with rulers are probably fine with the parents of the kids JoeB . ------------------ Rulers , thats just a silly comment you made JoeB .

Using child abuse to impose conformance is okay in your world.

Keep in mind, this same church engaged in a 50 year effort to sheild and cover up pedophile priests... you don't get that without beating children into submission.

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