Whats wrong with Newt Gingrich's immigration stance?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
“I am not for amnesty for 11 million people. I’m actually not for amnesty for anyone. I’m not for a path to citizenship for any people who are out here illegally, ” Gingrich said forcefully at a town hall event in Naples, Florida. “But I am for a path to legality for those people whose ties run so deeply in America that it would truly be a tragedy to try and rip their family apart.”

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Is there actually anyone here who would deport a 30 year old who has been here since he was 3?

It doesn't make sense to take a stand that your base will rail against. Repubs hate this idea.
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It doesn't make sense to take a stand that your base will rail against. Repubs hate this idea.

It's a reasonable and moderate solution to a terribly large and complicated problem. I fail to see why anyone, including the gop wouldn't accept it. The solution doesn't help either party over the other. It would bring tax revenue out from under the black market. It could prevent crimes from going unpunished thus not leaving criminals roaming the streets.
I just don't see the downside unless we don't lock the border down. Not to mention it could help increase payscales in the agriculture and construction industries.
“I am not for amnesty for 11 million people. I’m actually not for amnesty for anyone. I’m not for a path to citizenship for any people who are out here illegally, ” Gingrich said forcefully at a town hall event in Naples, Florida. “But I am for a path to legality for those people whose ties run so deeply in America that it would truly be a tragedy to try and rip their family apart.”

CNN Political TickerAll politics, all the time - CNN.com Blogs

Is there actually anyone here who would deport a 30 year old who has been here since he was 3?

He had 27 years to apply for citizenship. His problem.
“I am not for amnesty for 11 million people. I’m actually not for amnesty for anyone. I’m not for a path to citizenship for any people who are out here illegally, ” Gingrich said forcefully at a town hall event in Naples, Florida. “But I am for a path to legality for those people whose ties run so deeply in America that it would truly be a tragedy to try and rip their family apart.”

CNN Political TickerAll politics, all the time - CNN.com Blogs

Is there actually anyone here who would deport a 30 year old who has been here since he was 3?


yes I think there are...as crazy as that sounds. Newt's point was that if you've been a law-abiding citizen (other than immigration status), have roots here, and have been a beneficial part of society-you should not be deported, and he's 100% right.
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“I am not for amnesty for 11 million people. I’m actually not for amnesty for anyone. I’m not for a path to citizenship for any people who are out here illegally, ” Gingrich said forcefully at a town hall event in Naples, Florida. “But I am for a path to legality for those people whose ties run so deeply in America that it would truly be a tragedy to try and rip their family apart.”

CNN Political TickerAll politics, all the time - CNN.com Blogs

Is there actually anyone here who would deport a 30 year old who has been here since he was 3?

He had 27 years to apply for citizenship. His problem.

Right, and hope he wasn't deported for showing his face. Or should he have applied when he was 9? Or better yet when he was 5.
Gingrich using the sanctity of the family to rationalize the "inhumanity" of not rewarding lawbreakers who disrespect U.S. sovereignty with a free pass & squater's rights.

Gingrich is a long time proponent of amnesty for illegals, high levels of chain migration, & unlimited Green Card distribution throughout Latin America. Gingrich voted for the 1986 amnesty bill.

"Get here, Stay here" has been Gingrich's bottom line for decades.
“I am not for amnesty for 11 million people. I’m actually not for amnesty for anyone. I’m not for a path to citizenship for any people who are out here illegally, ” Gingrich said forcefully at a town hall event in Naples, Florida. “But I am for a path to legality for those people whose ties run so deeply in America that it would truly be a tragedy to try and rip their family apart.”

CNN Political TickerAll politics, all the time - CNN.com Blogs

Is there actually anyone here who would deport a 30 year old who has been here since he was 3?


Attrition Through Enforcement Is the True Middle-ground Solution

The open borders crowd constantly tell the American people that there are only two solutions to our nation's illegal alien crisis – give illegal aliens amnesty or round them up and deport them. This is a diversionary tactic to draw public attention away from the most effective and efficient solution – Attrition Through Enforcement.

The principle behind Attrition Through Enforcement is that living illegally in the United States will become more difficult and less satisfying over time when the government – at ALL LEVELS – enforces all of the laws already on the books. It is also imperative that the government with the full cooperation of the private sector, implements certain workplace enforcement measures. The goal is to make it extremely difficult for unauthorized persons to live and work in the United States. There is no need for taxpayers to watch the government spend billions of their dollars to round up and deport illegal aliens; they will buy their own bus or plane tickets back home if they can no longer earn a living here.

We know Attrition Through Enforcement will work because, until recently, it has been shown to work even with little or no enforcement. As it currently stands, almost 200,000 illegal aliens self-deport from the United States every year, but imagine how many more would leave if our government refused to award illegal aliens another amnesty, mandated all employers to verify a person’s eligibility to work here, cracked down on identity fraud, and enabled local police to easily transfer illegal aliens in their custody to the feds.
“I am not for amnesty for 11 million people. I’m actually not for amnesty for anyone. I’m not for a path to citizenship for any people who are out here illegally, ” Gingrich said forcefully at a town hall event in Naples, Florida. “But I am for a path to legality for those people whose ties run so deeply in America that it would truly be a tragedy to try and rip their family apart.”

CNN Political TickerAll politics, all the time - CNN.com Blogs

Is there actually anyone here who would deport a 30 year old who has been here since he was 3?


Attrition Through Enforcement Is the True Middle-ground Solution

The open borders crowd constantly tell the American people that there are only two solutions to our nation's illegal alien crisis – give illegal aliens amnesty or round them up and deport them. This is a diversionary tactic to draw public attention away from the most effective and efficient solution – Attrition Through Enforcement.

The principle behind Attrition Through Enforcement is that living illegally in the United States will become more difficult and less satisfying over time when the government – at ALL LEVELS – enforces all of the laws already on the books. It is also imperative that the government with the full cooperation of the private sector, implements certain workplace enforcement measures. The goal is to make it extremely difficult for unauthorized persons to live and work in the United States. There is no need for taxpayers to watch the government spend billions of their dollars to round up and deport illegal aliens; they will buy their own bus or plane tickets back home if they can no longer earn a living here.

We know Attrition Through Enforcement will work because, until recently, it has been shown to work even with little or no enforcement. As it currently stands, almost 200,000 illegal aliens self-deport from the United States every year, but imagine how many more would leave if our government refused to award illegal aliens another amnesty, mandated all employers to verify a person’s eligibility to work here, cracked down on identity fraud, and enabled local police to easily transfer illegal aliens in their custody to the feds.

That will never work and ill tell you why.

Mexicans live in complete poverty and fear in their own country. Even the worst conditions here pale in comparison. If I lived in Mexico I would be trying to come here every chance I got.
“I am not for amnesty for 11 million people. I’m actually not for amnesty for anyone. I’m not for a path to citizenship for any people who are out here illegally, ” Gingrich said forcefully at a town hall event in Naples, Florida. “But I am for a path to legality for those people whose ties run so deeply in America that it would truly be a tragedy to try and rip their family apart.”

CNN Political TickerAll politics, all the time - CNN.com Blogs

Is there actually anyone here who would deport a 30 year old who has been here since he was 3?


I would, but I expect that someone that was in leadership like Gingrich would be far to my left on this issue. So it doesn't suprise. As long as we elect more tea party conservatives in 2012--- we won't have a bill on newts desk to give amnesty!
“I am not for amnesty for 11 million people. I’m actually not for amnesty for anyone. I’m not for a path to citizenship for any people who are out here illegally, ” Gingrich said forcefully at a town hall event in Naples, Florida. “But I am for a path to legality for those people whose ties run so deeply in America that it would truly be a tragedy to try and rip their family apart.”

CNN Political TickerAll politics, all the time - CNN.com Blogs

Is there actually anyone here who would deport a 30 year old who has been here since he was 3?


Attrition Through Enforcement Is the True Middle-ground Solution

The open borders crowd constantly tell the American people that there are only two solutions to our nation's illegal alien crisis – give illegal aliens amnesty or round them up and deport them. This is a diversionary tactic to draw public attention away from the most effective and efficient solution – Attrition Through Enforcement.

The principle behind Attrition Through Enforcement is that living illegally in the United States will become more difficult and less satisfying over time when the government – at ALL LEVELS – enforces all of the laws already on the books. It is also imperative that the government with the full cooperation of the private sector, implements certain workplace enforcement measures. The goal is to make it extremely difficult for unauthorized persons to live and work in the United States. There is no need for taxpayers to watch the government spend billions of their dollars to round up and deport illegal aliens; they will buy their own bus or plane tickets back home if they can no longer earn a living here.

We know Attrition Through Enforcement will work because, until recently, it has been shown to work even with little or no enforcement. As it currently stands, almost 200,000 illegal aliens self-deport from the United States every year, but imagine how many more would leave if our government refused to award illegal aliens another amnesty, mandated all employers to verify a person’s eligibility to work here, cracked down on identity fraud, and enabled local police to easily transfer illegal aliens in their custody to the feds.

That will never work and ill tell you why.

Mexicans live in complete poverty and fear in their own country. Even the worst conditions here pale in comparison. If I lived in Mexico I would be trying to come here every chance I got.

It already is working. Thousands of illegals have been going back to Mexico because our economy is bad and they can't find jobs.

Don't you follow the news? The media has been talking about it for months! :rolleyes:

“I am not for amnesty for 11 million people. I’m actually not for amnesty for anyone. I’m not for a path to citizenship for any people who are out here illegally, ” Gingrich said forcefully at a town hall event in Naples, Florida. “But I am for a path to legality for those people whose ties run so deeply in America that it would truly be a tragedy to try and rip their family apart.”

CNN Political TickerAll politics, all the time - CNN.com Blogs

Is there actually anyone here who would deport a 30 year old who has been here since he was 3?


I would, but I expect that someone that was in leadership like Gingrich would be far to my left on this issue. So it doesn't suprise. As long as we elect more tea party conservatives in 2012--- we won't have a bill on newts desk to give amnesty!

You know its hardline position like yours that keeps us stuck in this rut. So rather than closing the boarder and trying to find a compromise that can get through dc you would rather just have.....

Our schools underfunded because of illegals
Our hospitals giving free care to non legals that never pay it back
Crime that goes unreported and unpunished
Agriculture and construction wages stagnant because of low illegal wages
Tax money wasted on people who contribute very little
A never ending flow over our border
Americans losing jobs to illegals

And the list goes on and on.

Your racial hatred of minorities will cost us money in the long run
It doesn't make sense to take a stand that your base will rail against. Repubs hate this idea.

It's a reasonable and moderate solution to a terribly large and complicated problem. I fail to see why anyone, including the gop wouldn't accept it. The solution doesn't help either party over the other. It would bring tax revenue out from under the black market. It could prevent crimes from going unpunished thus not leaving criminals roaming the streets.
I just don't see the downside unless we don't lock the border down. Not to mention it could help increase payscales in the agriculture and construction industries.
Since when have "reasonable" & "moderate" been words associated w/ contemporary Repubs? :eusa_eh: They have been all hellfire & brimstone for years now especially regarding immigration.
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It doesn't make sense to take a stand that your base will rail against. Repubs hate this idea.

It's a reasonable and moderate solution to a terribly large and complicated problem. I fail to see why anyone, including the gop wouldn't accept it. The solution doesn't help either party over the other. It would bring tax revenue out from under the black market. It could prevent crimes from going unpunished thus not leaving criminals roaming the streets.
I just don't see the downside unless we don't lock the border down. Not to mention it could help increase payscales in the agriculture and construction industries.
Since when have "reasonable" & "moderate" been words associated w/ contemporary Repubs? :eusa_eh: They have been all hellfire & brimstone for years now especially regarding immigration.

Um, you must have seen a different 08 election process than I did.
There clearly are people who would dislike Gingrich's position and would favor deporting they hypothetical 30 year old man: Immigration. 31% of voters polled opposed giving such a man citizenship, and surely a substantial fraction of those would favor deporting him rather than granting him legal residency.

My main problem with Gingrich's position on immigration is that he seems to wish to eliminate much of government's role. In the debate he said that he wanted to create citizen review boards to make decisions about whether to deport individual immigrants based on factors such as church membership. His website suggests hiring MasterCard to run a guest worker program. Neither of these "solutions" strike me as practical, even in comparison to our current rather impractical system.
“I am not for amnesty for 11 million people. I’m actually not for amnesty for anyone. I’m not for a path to citizenship for any people who are out here illegally, ” Gingrich said forcefully at a town hall event in Naples, Florida. “But I am for a path to legality for those people whose ties run so deeply in America that it would truly be a tragedy to try and rip their family apart.”

CNN Political TickerAll politics, all the time - CNN.com Blogs

Is there actually anyone here who would deport a 30 year old who has been here since he was 3?


I would, but I expect that someone that was in leadership like Gingrich would be far to my left on this issue. So it doesn't suprise. As long as we elect more tea party conservatives in 2012--- we won't have a bill on newts desk to give amnesty!

You know its hardline position like yours that keeps us stuck in this rut. So rather than closing the boarder and trying to find a compromise that can get through dc you would rather just have.....

Our schools underfunded because of illegals
Our hospitals giving free care to non legals that never pay it back
Crime that goes unreported and unpunished
Agriculture and construction wages stagnant because of low illegal wages
Tax money wasted on people who contribute very little
A never ending flow over our border
Americans losing jobs to illegals

And the list goes on and on.

Your racial hatred of minorities will cost us money in the long run

I simply want them deported. :eusa_whistle: There wouldn't be any underfunded schools, hospitals. Crime within my America would be low!
I would, but I expect that someone that was in leadership like Gingrich would be far to my left on this issue. So it doesn't suprise. As long as we elect more tea party conservatives in 2012--- we won't have a bill on newts desk to give amnesty!

You know its hardline position like yours that keeps us stuck in this rut. So rather than closing the boarder and trying to find a compromise that can get through dc you would rather just have.....

Our schools underfunded because of illegals
Our hospitals giving free care to non legals that never pay it back
Crime that goes unreported and unpunished
Agriculture and construction wages stagnant because of low illegal wages
Tax money wasted on people who contribute very little
A never ending flow over our border
Americans losing jobs to illegals

And the list goes on and on.

Your racial hatred of minorities will cost us money in the long run

I simply want them deported. :eusa_whistle: There wouldn't be any underfunded schools, hospitals. Crime within my America would be low!
They won't be, never will happen, and you won't get anything you say you want as long as you have enough fellow adherents to this already failed dogma.

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