What's The Most Important Invention?

What is the most important invention ever?

  • Telephone

  • The wheel

  • printing press

  • internal combustion engine

  • microwave oven

  • cellular telephone

  • personal computer

  • radio

  • television

  • air fryer

  • Other (explain)

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Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
There's an existing similar thread, but the choices were sort of tongue-in-cheek, and I'd rather get a sense of what people think has been really important and take a somewhat more serious approach to it.

Of course, something like the wheel was a game changer. But was it as big a game changer when invented as, say, the cellular phone was when it was invented? Basically, which had the greatest positive impact on society when it was invented?

So, what do you believe is the most important invention of all time, and why? There are no right or wrong answers here.
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I'm thinking the cellular telephone.

All you have to do is look at how far the cellular phone has come since it was invented. Damn near everyone has one; even little kids are running around with them. It's gotten to the point where companies will actually give you a phone if you sign up for their service.

The personal computer runs a close second for me, but smart phones kinda' have that covered, as well...
Couldn't have a modern printing press without the use of a wheel
I don't know how to quantify one invention to be more important than another.
I don't know how to quantify one invention to be more important than another.

That's the fun of it!

That's also why I said there are no wrong answers. I honestly don't think you could make such an objective determination. It's all opinion!
There's an existing similar thread, but the choices were sort of tongue-in-cheek, and I'd rather get a sense of what people think has been really important and take a somewhat more serious approach to it.

Of course, something like the wheel was a game changer. But was it as big a game changer when invented as, say, the cellular phone was when it was invented? Basically, which had the greatest positive impact on society when it was invented?

So, what do you believe is the most important invention of all time, and why? There are no right or wrong answers here.
Farming made everything we know possible.
The internet.
It has radically changed
  • politics,
  • information on science, medicine, how to fix things, shopping.....
  • theft, extortion, scamming ....
  • finance, banking, stock market .....
  • etc.


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