Complex Numbers


Gold Member
Oct 16, 2017
Veritasium claims "This problem broke math" and brought us quantum mechanics. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but.. I'm sure he's said that last bit about quite a few things and I think math has survived just fine. Somehow modern physicists always portray QM as both the inevitable source and result of everything we now understand about the universe. It's gotten so far over-the-top the stink of desperation seems pretty gross.. to me anyway.

A master presenter. Fascinating history. Why does it piss me off so much? Foremost, he often reminds of that old, never spoken, but barely below the surface drumbeat from all of my schooling: "Don't think, just memorize. Everything important has long been figured out by your betters. Just plug the numbers properly into their formulas and voila!" Second, I (obviously) don't buy his conclusions. Rather than nothing, impossible, or quantum mechanics, what "imaginary" or "complex" numbers immediately suggest to me is counterspace. But, of course, one can't say such things in polite company.

We're not really allowed to think outside the box. Far too incommensurate!
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You confuse me. I thought all math was good for was putting probability statistics together based on observation. Its not good for anything else and is an estimate in all cases. Equations have to be based on reality which constantly wobbles and changes and things. Can you name a single instance where it is otherwise useful?
You confuse me. I thought all math was good for was putting probability statistics together based on observation. Its not good for anything else and is an estimate in all cases. Equations have to be based on reality which constantly wobbles and changes and things. Can you name a single instance where it is otherwise useful?
Um, I have no idea where you get such notions but if it's just weed or mushrooms or something.. I hope it's enjoyable, worth it to you, and causes no permanent brain damage.

Math and probability are unavoidable, rendering "useful" moot. A single instance? Have you never shopped and compared prices per unit of quantity? Used math while doing your taxes?
Nice video! I don't quite understand the OP's rant about it though. We are all free to "think outside the box."
Nice video! I don't quite understand the OP's rant about it though. We are all free to "think outside the box."
Legally, sure. But discouraged from doing so constantly. You can't honestly say you weren't pressured in school to simply memorize crap and regurgitate it on the tests and quizzes. That's what the expression is really about. Vote for those appearing to be going where you want us to go, not based on any party affiliation. That sort of thing. See how much abuse your kid or grandkid takes for just mentioning "counterspace" or "the Aether" in their math or physics class. Make sure everyone knows you're an atheist at the next big party, funeral, or wedding you've been invited to attend.
Um, I have no idea where you get such notions but if it's just weed or mushrooms or something.. I hope it's enjoyable, worth it to you, and causes no permanent brain damage.

Math and probability are unavoidable, rendering "useful" moot. A single instance? Have you never shopped and compared prices per unit of quantity? Used math while doing your taxes?
are you an accountant or something? Your still not getting precisely the stated quantity when you shop for something, and people estimate on there taxes.
So? You're still using math in real life for very practical purposes in any case. Have you forgotten your supposed point already?
I thought all math was good for was putting probability statistics together based on observation. Its not good for anything else and is an estimate in all cases. Equations have to be based on reality which constantly wobbles and changes and things. Can you name a single instance where it is otherwise useful?
How does two 12 oz. cans of beans totaling 24 oz. of beans "wobble"?
So? You're still using math in real life for very practical purposes in any case. Have you forgotten your supposed point already?

How does two 12 oz. cans of beans totaling 24 oz. of beans "wobble"?

Sorry I just hold a bias against math. What do you think of people saying you need math's to back up your theory's? I suppose the rave of saying that comes from Einstein, though he valued imagination. Is all of physics just theory's that are flawed?
What do you think of people saying you need math's to back up your theory's? I suppose the rave of saying that comes from Einstein, though he valued imagination.
Not sure what that means. Need factual or logical premises maybe.. "math's"??
Is all of physics just theory's that are flawed?
Inventions perpetually in progress. Ever inviting more questions. Never purporting to know things absolutely. Consensus is the best we'll likely ever manage in terms of certainty. But that's physics. Just a bunch of "laws" begging to be broken.

Math is a whole nuther animal. As real as real gets. Probability included. Not theory. Not a spectator sport. Abstract tools that we continue to discover, learn, and further develop which help us better understand things.. like physics..

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