What's the deal with FB and Huff Post?


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
I read HP often, and sometimes I want to comment, but I can't...unless I register through FB. I don't "do" FB. I have noticed other places as well that ask you to sign in or register on websites and they push for you to log in or join through FB.

WTF??? The world does not rise and set on FB so why it is being forced on those that don't want to join FB at all??

What's next? Can't open a bank account, buy groceries, get gas, see a movie, go out to dinner, see a doctor or dentis unless you use a FB cc or something?
I read HP often, and sometimes I want to comment, but I can't...unless I register through FB. I don't "do" FB. I have noticed other places as well that ask you to sign in or register on websites and they push for you to log in or join through FB.

WTF??? The world does not rise and set on FB so why it is being forced on those that don't want to join FB at all??

What's next? Can't open a bank account, buy groceries, get gas, see a movie, go out to dinner, see a doctor or dentis unless you use a FB cc or something?

Okay, that's irritating. I logged out, tried to create a new account - not an option. Not without FB.
This stinks. Guess I won't be reading HP any more. It shows me as logged in and I can read...but I can't comment unless I goosestep. Heil Zuckenbuwhateverhisnameis.
Fuck 'em. There are other news sources.

I just don't "get it" why people trust Zuckwhatever. He was a hacker, is a hacker and stole the whole idea from those two guys in college. And now he is Mr Hotshot with millions of people goosestepping to whatever he says, along with websites wanting in on the action. Not everyone has a cell phone (me), not everyone texts (me) and not everyone is willing to give up their privacy (me). Hell, I don't even have a credit card. I pay cash for everything I need or want, IF i have spare money. Pretty soon, you won't even be able to buy anything without flashing a FB card and cash will be worthless. Your whole life, that the whole world will be able to see, willl be out there in internet land...and it is close to being monopolized by Mr. Hacker Scumbag and his scuzzy company. Privatize your FB account. Yeah. Right. And I am snow white.
Expect them to lose a lot of traffic from the stunt. Poor business decision on HP's part.
I read HP often, and sometimes I want to comment, but I can't...unless I register through FB. I don't "do" FB. I have noticed other places as well that ask you to sign in or register on websites and they push for you to log in or join through FB.

WTF??? The world does not rise and set on FB so why it is being forced on those that don't want to join FB at all??

What's next? Can't open a bank account, buy groceries, get gas, see a movie, go out to dinner, see a doctor or dentis unless you use a FB cc or something?

It is about tracking you for advertising purposes.
I read HP often, and sometimes I want to comment, but I can't...unless I register through FB. I don't "do" FB. I have noticed other places as well that ask you to sign in or register on websites and they push for you to log in or join through FB.

WTF??? The world does not rise and set on FB so why it is being forced on those that don't want to join FB at all??

What's next? Can't open a bank account, buy groceries, get gas, see a movie, go out to dinner, see a doctor or dentis unless you use a FB cc or something?

It is about tracking you for advertising purposes.

face book is every where now.it use to be when i joined at the start just played games.now its on every thing.all job places or anything has it.i use it only to stay in contact with family and friends.no more game playing.
My family and friends know my email. Or rather, family and friends that I WANT to know what I'm doing and me wanting to know what THEY are doing in day to day life.
My family and friends know my email. Or rather, family and friends that I WANT to know what I'm doing and me wanting to know what THEY are doing in day to day life.

they have privet settings only family friends see what you do or post.you can have public.i dont.talking on chat live .but i also respect your view gracie
I never sign in with my Facebook account to any site...I advise anybody the same.
To do so, means they will make a post on your wall on Facebook that you "joined HP".
Facebook will also use the info to produce ads on your site that they believe are of interest to you.
If any of your FB contacts join the site, they will receive a post that you are also a member.
HP, along with other sites, are requiring FB logins so as to do away with anonymous posters who make ridiculous and downright libelous posts.

Live with it!

Bugs hell out of me 'cause I don't and won't have a FB account!! :mad:
This is a web wide effort to return to civil discourse. I have My facebook set to family only, and I get to pick who is family.

However, this is becoming more and more common as bloggers, websites, and news agencies disable the comments portion of their software because people cannot seem to disagree without the vile and vitriolic attacks that seem to have become prevalent in the world. By using an account that can identify you, they are ensuring that if you make threats or other slanderous remarks, you can be held accountable for them.

It is their websites, their property and they have the right to do this.

Simply don't use their services if you disagree with their policy.
I also wonder if they're going to allow Google+ which seems to becoming a popular way to comment and still be identified.
This is a web wide effort to return to civil discourse. I have My facebook set to family only, and I get to pick who is family.

However, this is becoming more and more common as bloggers, websites, and news agencies disable the comments portion of their software because people cannot seem to disagree without the vile and vitriolic attacks that seem to have become prevalent in the world. By using an account that can identify you, they are ensuring that if you make threats or other slanderous remarks, you can be held accountable for them.

It is their websites, their property and they have the right to do this.

Simply don't use their services if you disagree with their policy.

I don't agree and they don't get the traffic or legitimate business from me as a result of their policies.
I know what you mean, Gracie. I don't even have my own email address. I use my girlfriend's email, and to receive snail mail, i have a PO box, and many times i surf the web with a vpn. I have never had a facebook account. And i never will. I use prepaid creditcards and cash. I'm glad i'm not the only one who does this.
Fuck 'em. There are other news sources.

I just don't "get it" why people trust Zuckwhatever. He was a hacker, is a hacker and stole the whole idea from those two guys in college. And now he is Mr Hotshot with millions of people goosestepping to whatever he says, along with websites wanting in on the action. Not everyone has a cell phone (me), not everyone texts (me) and not everyone is willing to give up their privacy (me). Hell, I don't even have a credit card. I pay cash for everything I need or want, IF i have spare money. Pretty soon, you won't even be able to buy anything without flashing a FB card and cash will be worthless. Your whole life, that the whole world will be able to see, willl be out there in internet land...and it is close to being monopolized by Mr. Hacker Scumbag and his scuzzy company. Privatize your FB account. Yeah. Right. And I am snow white.

Totally agree. I've seen this on other sites. Forced facebook is fucked up.

Mark Zuckerberg was a voyeur. That's what he's getting rewarded for. And fuck him royally. I can't comprehend why anyone gives his silly idea the proverbial time of day.


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