What's One Thing Obama Has Done to Help You Personally?

President Barack Obama travels to lower Manhattan on Thursday afternoon to thank the NYPD for its heroic thwarting of an attempted Times Square bombing — but the photo op may not go according to plan.

The Department of Homeland Security told congressional officials Wednesday that it's moving to make cuts in planned anti-terror funding to New York City, less than two weeks after cops helped thwart and attempted car bombing in Times Square — an effort the White House has since pinned on the Pakistani Taliban.

The cuts, lawmakers were told, amount to about 25 percent for port security, and another 27 percent for transit security, according to several reports.

But the White House Thursday morning pushed back strongly and insisted the reports were based on misinformation and were "wrong," adding that the net funding to New York will actually increase this year over last year.

"The reports are wrong," said White House spokesman Nick Shapiro of the planned cuts from a specific funding stream, which were initially announced about four months ago. "When all federal funding is totaled, NYC has received a net increase of $47 million for port and transit security over the previous year's budget, which was signed into law by the Bush Administration."

Still, New York officials took aim over the issue.

It "just makes no sense at all, particularly in light of recent events," Sen. Charles Schumer told cable station NY1's "Inside City Hall." "The worst nightmare we probably face is some kind nuclear device placed in a container in the ship in the harbor and exploding ... we need all the help we can get."

Schumer criticized the cut, but didn't blast the president — saying Obama understands the need for the funds and blaming Washington bean-counters.

The actual scope of the cuts wasn't immediately clear, but the move drew instant backlash from top New York lawmakers and presented poor optics for the president on the eve of his trip.

Pete King said there were suggestions in December that the cuts would be deep, but that the final figures were revealed today in briefings.

"It's absolutely disgraceful," he said. "This was bad news ... what we can do, though, is press DHS as much as we can."

Mayor Bloomberg demurred when asked about the cuts by reporters, saying he hadn't been officially informed of anything. But the mayor has been among the chief advocates for maintaining anti-terror funding levels to the city.

On May 1, NYPD — responding to a street vendor's observation that an abandoned sport utility vehicle in Times Square was smoking — intervened in the attemped bombing, which Attorney General Eric Holder last Sunday said was aided by Pakistani Taliban.

DHS cuts New York funds as President Obama visits - Maggie Haberman - POLITICO.com
House Democrats had to scrap their only substantive bill of the week Thursday after Republicans won a procedural vote that substantively altered the legislation with an anti-porn clause.

Democrats had labeled their COMPETES Act -- a bill to increase investments in science, research and training programs -- as their latest jobs bill. It was the only non-suspension bill Democrats brought up all week.

But the Republican motion to recommit the bill -- a parliamentary tactic that gives the minority one final chance to amend legislation -- contained language prohibiting federal funds from going "to salaries to those officially disciplined for violations regarding the viewing, downloading, or exchanging of pornography, including child pornography, on a federal computer or while performing official government duties."

That provision scared dozens of Democrats into voting with Republicans to approve the motion to recommit. After it became clear the GOP motion was going to pass, dozens of additional Democrats changed their votes from "no" to "yes." In the end, 121 Democrats voted with Republicans -- only four fewer than the number of Democrats who voted with their party.

But because of additional changes contained in the motion, Democrats decided to pull the bill from consideration immediately following the passage of the motion to recommit.

The GOP motion also stopped all funding authorizations in two years as opposed to the five years contained in the original bill, abolished each new program established through the legislation, and froze all existing programs at their current funding levels until the federal budget is balanced.

Democrats accused Republicans of playing politics with a bill designed to create jobs through investments in research and development.

"For anyone that is concerned about federal employees watching pornography, they just saw a pornographic movie. It's called; 'Motion to Recommit,'" Science Committee Chairman and bill author Rep. Bart Gordon (D-Tenn) said. "It was a cynical effort to undermine an important bill for my 9-year-old daughter, for your kids and your grandkids."

"It's absurd," Rep. Brian Baird (D-Wash.) said. "It's specious, and it's disgusting. And those are the nicest things I can say about it."

During a colloquy with House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.), Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Democrats would bring the COMPETES Act back to the floor next week.

Anti-porn provision sinks Dem jobs bill - TheHill.com
He's been an education in racism. Division, and partisan politics.. it has been vewy enlightening.
If there's anyone who's (BADLY) in-need of Enlightenment, it's definitely the Teabagger-spawn of:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxDgRr_Ynvc&feature=related]YouTube - Right America Feeling Wronged pt1[/ame]


I am convinced that in 20 years people will watch this video like they watch "Reefer Madness".
So far...

Passed the Healthcare Bill
Cut Taxes
Redirected the war on terror to go where the terrorists are
Stimulated the markets which restored my 401K
Kept America safe
Restored Americas image abroad
Cut nuclear weapons

Not bad for 15 months

Don't forget reforming the student loan process.

Yeah, Real great. The U.S Government will borrow the money for 2.8% and then turn around and lend it back at 6.8%. Then they will blow the profit per stundent on more Socialist bullshit and paying off the forgiven student loans that exceed 25 years of payments. Way to teach those students responsibility bro! ~BH
So far...

Passed the Healthcare Bill
Cut Taxes
Redirected the war on terror to go where the terrorists are
Stimulated the markets which restored my 401K
Kept America safe
Restored Americas image abroad
Cut nuclear weapons

Not bad for 15 months

Don't forget reforming the student loan process.

Yeah, Real great. The U.S Government will borrow the money for 2.8% and then turn around and lend it back at 6.8%. Then they will blow the profit per stundent on more Socialist bullshit and paying off the forgiven student loans that exceed 25 years of payments. Way to teach those students responsibility bro! ~BH

Obama cut the middle man out of the process to pass the savings directly to the students.

Another shining example of what Obama has done for us
You have not posted facts.. you have posted winger youtube videos.... opinion letters from wingers.. links to the Daily KOS and other winger sites... unsubstantiated numbers... and a bunch of stuff pulled straight out your ass... and when refuted with the actual statistics and facts, you duck and cover, only emerging to post more of your same crap... you are indeed a troll, and one I will expose every chance I get... you are in the realm with sillybozo, KMAN, and rdean.... the trolliest of the trolls

If the "white wingers" posted only a quarter of the links I provide supporting facts, we could possibly have a meaningful discussion.

Of course, it's the "white wingers" who refer to "Forbes" and "BusinessWeek" as "moonbat publications".

The "publications" they look at are, wait, what ARE they? They must read the same publications as "Sarah Palin".

lol......you have no idea the level of anger out there amongst white wingers s0n...........:lol::lol::lol:

you'll be seeing soon enough however...........and let me add that the limpwristed of America best give a wide berth:badgrin::badgrin:

The Founders wouldnt even bat an eyelash.............

What would you be referring too? I need to know cuz Im kinda gettin shaky.
Are you really this stupid??? I gave you more credit in the past, but now I have to make a mental note about this.

Integrity and liberals...... oil and water, what was I thinking?

I have an easy time putting "integrity" and "liberals" together. But when I think of Iraq, the Republican drug bill, the anti gay over-the-top rhetoric, "Confederate Month" and all the other Conservative rhetoric, "integrity" is the LAST word I would ever associate with "Republican" or "Conservative".
Those Democrats are a pretty cool bunch, eh?

“I do not regard the Negro as my equal, and positively deny that he is my brother, or any kin to me whatever." ....U.S. Senator Stephen Douglas (D-IL)

Confiscation Act received unanimous opposition from Democrats

Senate Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed with 94% of the Senate Repubhttp://www.usmessageboard.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=2283650#licans in favor and 27% of Senate Democrats opposing it


Amazing how change is. Thats the fantastic thing about being progressive.
And which previous POTUS did this?

None of them ever did and none of them ever will.

Business loves cheap labor and the business of America is business.

Seems the border states, and others are having a tough time affording the cheap labor. Crime has increased and so has the population of our prisons with the wetbacks.

PS my hispanic friend calls them "wetties"

So that makes it ok to call them wetbacks?
Don't forget reforming the student loan process.

Yeah, Real great. The U.S Government will borrow the money for 2.8% and then turn around and lend it back at 6.8%. Then they will blow the profit per stundent on more Socialist bullshit and paying off the forgiven student loans that exceed 25 years of payments. Way to teach those students responsibility bro! ~BH

Obama cut the middle man out of the process to pass the savings directly to the students.

Another shining example of what Obama has done for us

If they truly get lower interest rates, then that's good. However, Forgiving loans after 25 years does nothing to teach these young people the responsibility of paying off their debts. Typical ass wipe bullcrap. It just creates a generation of flakes. Nice sugar coat though bro. ~BH
Yeah, Real great. The U.S Government will borrow the money for 2.8% and then turn around and lend it back at 6.8%. Then they will blow the profit per stundent on more Socialist bullshit and paying off the forgiven student loans that exceed 25 years of payments. Way to teach those students responsibility bro! ~BH

Obama cut the middle man out of the process to pass the savings directly to the students.

Another shining example of what Obama has done for us

If they truly get lower interest rates, then that's good. However, Forgiving loans after 25 years does nothing to teach these young people the responsibility of paying off their debts. Typical ass wipe bullcrap. It just creates a generation of flakes. Nice sugar coat though bro. ~BH

The bigger issue is massive student debt. For our next generation to graduate they or their parents need to assume debt unheard of in our generation. I went to college for 4 years for a total of less than $10,000 (tuition, room and board)
Now students are paying $150,000
Not really sure what Obama has done for me personally, but I'll tell you what, Im 100% sure that he is in the process of burying this country in debt, and he doesnt give a flying fcukk.............and make no mistake, we're going the road of Greece................and soon.

But dont take my word for it.............apparently, its also the oopinion of the Bank of England as of today................

US faces same problems as Greece, says Bank of England

By Edmund Conway Economics Last updated: May 13th, 2010

31 Comments Comment on this article

Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, fears that America shares many of the same fiscal problems currently haunting Europe. He also believes that European Union must become a federalised fiscal union (in other words with central power to tax and spend) if it is to survive. Just two of the nuggets from one of the most extraordinary press conferences I have been to at the Bank.

What with all the excitement yesterday over our new Government, I never had time to remark on the Inflation Report press conference. Most of our attention was on what King said about the Government’s fiscal plans (a ringing endorsement). But, as Jeremy Warner has written in today’s paper, it was as if King had suddenly been unleashed. Bear in mind King is usually one of the most guarded policymakers in both British and central banking circles. Not yesterday.

It isn’t often one has the opportunity to get such a blunt and straightforward insight into the thoughts of one of the world’s leading economic players. Most of this stuff usually stays behind closed doors, so it’s worth taking note of. And I suspect that while George Osborne will have been happy to hear his endorsement of the new Government’s policies, Barack Obama and the European leaders will have been far less pleased with his frank comments on their predicament.
The transcript and video are online at the Bank’s website, but below are the extended highlights, all emphasis mine. Well worth checking out.

America, and many other large economies including the UK, share some of the same problems as Greece with its public finances:

Every country around the world is in a similar position, even the United States; the world’s largest economy has a very large fiscal deficit. And one of the concerns in financial markets is clearly – how will this enormous stock of public debt be reduced over the next few years? And it’s very important that governments, both here and elsewhere, get to grips with this problem, have a clear approach and a very clear and credible approach to reducing the size of those deficits over, in our case, the lifetime of this parliament, in order to convince markets that they should be willing to continue to finance the very large sums of money that will be needed to be raised from financial markets over the next few years, at reasonable interest rates.

On why Europe will have to become a federalised fiscal union:

I do not want to comment on a particular measure by a particular country, but I do want to suggest that within the Euro Area it’s become very clear that there is a need for a fiscal union to make the Monetary Union work. But if that is to happen there needs to be also a mechanism to enable other countries that have lost competitiveness to regain competitiveness. That requires actions, probably structural reforms, changes in wages and prices, in the countries that need to regain competitiveness. But it also needs a solid and expansionary state of domestic demand in the stronger economies in Europe.

On the deficit:

The most important thing now is for the new government ...........

US faces same problems as Greece, says Bank of England – Telegraph Blogs

Geez............seems Obama is pwned on a daily basis these days over at DRUDGE. This is the #1 Headline over there right now!!!!:oops::oops::funnyface::tomato:
The constitution, which he taught at the University level for 10 years.

Just because Republcians say something, doesn't make it true. Unless, you still believe Iraq worked with al Qaeda and had WMDs?

Bork taught some con law, too, didn't he? Now there's a fine liberal.

BO is the antithesis of liberalism. He's an authoritarian. A socialist. Probably a fascist - we'll see if he lasts long enough. And what the hell I'll throw in anti-American as well

Fuck him.

A socialist and a facist? You forgot some:

Boyking, Obama, a “boy” who is an empty suit, a racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ"?


Isn't that what your people say?

Why does the white wing want to destroy this great nation? Jesus is NOT coming back. He was never here.

Hold on one minute buddy....I must take offense to what youre saying here. I think Jesus was here at one time, probably. ;)
Or better yet, cut up 16 billion gallons of "floodwater".

Cut up hundreds of them too. It was an ice storm a couple of years back. No electricity for three or four days. Made some good money that time. If flooding was going to be the problem, I would probably use a backhoe to make some levees and help make sand bags. I tend to use the right tool for the job. Thing is, we work at solving our own problems. People in New Orleans are STILL waiting for help. The folks in Tennessee seem to have done quite a bit for themselves.

And they aren't be 'Forced' to help each other out. Imagine that? *THAT* is America.

So what youre saying is that we all live in America? Imagine that.
If you shove 3 skittles into a turd and ask me to eat it... I will still refuse, no matter how much I like skittles

But feel free to turd munch to your heart's content, winger

Really?? Is that why some republicans went home and tried to take credit for the jobs and money from the stimulus bill that they voted against, even thought they knew it would pass, so they could attack it for politcal gain later even as they try to take credit for it?? LOL So much for the turd analogy but thanks for showing where your mind is. LOL

furthermore, if you are talking about the helthcare bill based on what i have heard it is basically what the republicans proposed back in 93 when they were railing against hillarycare.

So their ideas and tactics are fine when they use them but in the hands of a democrat they are unconstitutional or worse. LOL

Face it republicans don't want anything to pass because the statis quo benefits them which is why they stall and try to stop everything even IF they once agreed with what is being discussed. For an example of this you need only look at the group of republicans who were co-sponsors of a bill but then voted against when it was apparent that it would have passed with their votes.

1 talking point/slogan to the next, eh??

Your first assertion is blown out of the water...

Face it... many politicians and people on many parts of the non-left-wing spectrum don't want a lot of this legislation to pass for MANY different reasons... because of the increased government control, because of the entitlement mantra, because of the expense, because of more and more things we can continually list

But you'll just go to your next hyper-partisan talking point...

You cant even respond to him. You lost.
Obama cut the middle man out of the process to pass the savings directly to the students.

Another shining example of what Obama has done for us

If they truly get lower interest rates, then that's good. However, Forgiving loans after 25 years does nothing to teach these young people the responsibility of paying off their debts. Typical ass wipe bullcrap. It just creates a generation of flakes. Nice sugar coat though bro. ~BH

The bigger issue is massive student debt. For our next generation to graduate they or their parents need to assume debt unheard of in our generation. I went to college for 4 years for a total of less than $10,000 (tuition, room and board)
Now students are paying $150,000

rw, I don't like that either, So we agree on that. Take that up with the Bankers though bro, they rule both Parties anyway. You're smart enough to know that. ~BH
Don't forget reforming the student loan process.

Yeah, Real great. The U.S Government will borrow the money for 2.8% and then turn around and lend it back at 6.8%. Then they will blow the profit per stundent on more Socialist bullshit and paying off the forgiven student loans that exceed 25 years of payments. Way to teach those students responsibility bro! ~BH

Obama cut the middle man out of the process to pass the savings directly to the students.

Another shining example of what Obama has done for us

Obama is the middle man. That is the problem.
Obama cut the middle man out of the process to pass the savings directly to the students.

Another shining example of what Obama has done for us

If they truly get lower interest rates, then that's good. However, Forgiving loans after 25 years does nothing to teach these young people the responsibility of paying off their debts. Typical ass wipe bullcrap. It just creates a generation of flakes. Nice sugar coat though bro. ~BH

The bigger issue is massive student debt. For our next generation to graduate they or their parents need to assume debt unheard of in our generation. I went to college for 4 years for a total of less than $10,000 (tuition, room and board)
Now students are paying $150,000

And who benefits from the price gouging tuitions and expenses more than the Fed., the State, and the Institution? Who's rules govern these practices? Who dropped the ball?
If they truly get lower interest rates, then that's good. However, Forgiving loans after 25 years does nothing to teach these young people the responsibility of paying off their debts. Typical ass wipe bullcrap. It just creates a generation of flakes. Nice sugar coat though bro. ~BH

The bigger issue is massive student debt. For our next generation to graduate they or their parents need to assume debt unheard of in our generation. I went to college for 4 years for a total of less than $10,000 (tuition, room and board)
Now students are paying $150,000

And who benefits from the price gouging tuitions and expenses more than the Fed., the State, and the Institution? Who's rules govern these practices? Who dropped the ball?

You got me....you are going to have to explain how the Fed and State benefit from college tuitions and expenses

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