What's Fair For One Should Be Fair For All


Gold Member
Aug 20, 2015
It was perfectly fine when President George W. Bush used Air Force One in a completely political manner to raise money for the Republican National Committee. It was perfectly above board for Ronald Reagan to campaign for reelection on the taxpayer dime back in 1984. But when President Obama holds policy events about student loan interest rates, the RNC demands an investigation?

What the RNC is really up to is that they are trying to sell the not so subtle racial stereotype that the nation’s first African American president is abusing Air Force One, because he is not entitled and not worthy of the presidency.

It was fine for a white Republican president to misuse Air Force One to raise money for the RNC, but when Obama holds official events in order to turn up the heat on Congress it is a crime against the taxpayers.

It would be wise for Mr. Priebus and the RNC to remind themselves of the old adage about people who live in glass houses and throw stones, because the allegations that they made against this president just shattered a few of their own windows.

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