What you most like about the USA ?

Actually, I would rather have other countries respect us for what we do rather than fear us because we have the largest military.

As far as number one in food? That title could be held by a lot of countries, because the chow in Italy and Greece is FANTASTIC if you get to the local mom and pop eateries.

Paris being the most romantic? Well, there are many places in the Med that could possibly rival it. Palma Mallorca during the summer evenings comes readily to mind.

And yeah, even though there are people here in the USA that don't want to hear it, but I've been to other countries that in some ways are much better than here.
I am French, and I know that many people find our food very good well a lot better than the English. And in France it's romantic we have lost our splendor since the attacks in france. And I do not agree with you, you must keep your power as the first power of the army, that is my opinion.:)

I thought you were Québecoise?

Btw everybody's food is better than the English. That's why they built an empire -- to find good food.
Yes Pogo, I am from Quebec but i am French I have both nationality I now live in France for a long time already but I have not lost my dialect

So if your first language is Québec French --- does anyone in France understand you? ;)

You're trilingual now.

When I lived in France a friend's mother thought I was trilingual because I spoke French, English and American. :lol: I think the French of Québec and France are more dissimilar though.
Ha pogo sometimes I embrace with the French who do not understand me then I speak English with a Quebecker accent.:badgrin:
I often do it when I'm invited to an evening I speak English i say Fuck you :badgrin:

:rofl: You go girl. :thup:

I love that this country has a message board where we can say "fuck you".
Good evening, tell me what you love most about your country ?
Me there are several things so I start with everything related to the cinema and especially the Christmas movies with the Christmas decorations you are the best and the actors play very well not like in other countries.

Le Visiteur de Noël - Film 2002 de Christopher Leitch


A Christmas Commodity: SCROOGED | Jonathan Rosenbaum
your turn.

Yo, I love the Christmas Movies, the new ones every year, it brings you back to reality!!! Don`t care for the ones with Socialist Puppets trying to fake their way, who know nothing, or care about the Christmas Spirit!!! The ones on Hallmark, and Lifetime Channel, Merry Christmas To All True Americans!!! Phonies Can Kiss My Ass!!!

View attachment 129986
The spirit of Christmas is in American movies and only.:)
That we use our vast national assets at times to help people when disaster strikes, like an Earthquake or Tsunami, or flood. When our military aircraft are dropping tons of food to starving people rather than bombs. When refuges find refuge on our ships.

That during WW2 we armed and fed ourselves, the British, the Russians, the French, and anyone else that wanted to fight the horrific Nazis or Japanese. That during the first six months of WW2 we as well as the other allies were losing everywhere and the outcome of the war wasn't certain in any way and the US in it's creative way launched land based bombers from aircraft carriers from maximum distance to bomb Tokyo and other Japanese cities. Giving the entire free world a desperately needed lift when it needed it, exposing Japan as beatable. A month and a half later the Battle of Midway took place and we proved it.

That we went into space, walked there, went to the moon and walked there (and drove which is quite an American past time). That the entire human race was with us when these great events took place, it wasn't just us, and when the Challenger exploded the world mourned with us.

That we aren't perfect and never will be. But have a place here where wrongs can be righted, like the end of slavery and the poor treatment of women and minorities. Which is still ongoing.

Where the Statue of Liberty stands, a gift from our lifelong brother democracy France, with the words "I lift my lamp beside the golden door", and though that lamp flickers at times it has not gone out.
Damn hard to top that ^^

I like that despite our colonial background that brought Africans as slaves this country could turn that around into entirely new art forms, notably jazz, blues and rock 'n' roll. :eusa_dance:
1 - the right to carry a concealed pistol on my person everywhere I go.

2 - the right to own my own semi auto carbine and keep it in my car or home.

3 - the right to own and keep lots of ammo for the above.

4 - fresh foods and clean water.

5 - the right to vote on govt reps and leaders.

6 - my car and roads to travel with it on.

7 - my mountain bike and trails to ride it on.

8 - the wide open spaces to hike, backpack, hunt, and travel.

9 - tequila, moonshine, and wines.

My list pretty much follows Maslow's priorities:

1st -- safety

2nd -- basic needs

3rd -- pleasure
Last edited:
You know, there are lots of things to love about this country, but there are also a few things about this country that suck........................

One of them is the puritan attitude that a lot of people have in this country. One of the things I liked best about going overseas is that ALL the beaches over there are topless optional, meaning that if a woman doesn't want to wear a bikini top, she doesn't have to, and many don't.

Here? Not a chance unless you go to private beaches.
You know, there are lots of things to love about this country, but there are also a few things about this country that suck........................

One of them is the puritan attitude that a lot of people have in this country. One of the things I liked best about going overseas is that ALL the beaches over there are topless optional, meaning that if a woman doesn't want to wear a bikini top, she doesn't have to, and many don't.

Here? Not a chance unless you go to private beaches.
So you don't like public decency laws.

You can always start a petition drive and get enough signatures to put something on the ballot.

Then if it fails you simply need to be reconciled to how democracy works.

Majority rule is what the Founding Freemasons chose for the US Constitution. The various states pretty much follow that.

And there are beaches all over California where you can go butt naked.

So move.
I am French, and I know that many people find our food very good well a lot better than the English. And in France it's romantic we have lost our splendor since the attacks in france. And I do not agree with you, you must keep your power as the first power of the army, that is my opinion.:)

I thought you were Québecoise?

Btw everybody's food is better than the English. That's why they built an empire -- to find good food.
Yes Pogo, I am from Quebec but i am French I have both nationality I now live in France for a long time already but I have not lost my dialect

So if your first language is Québec French --- does anyone in France understand you? ;)

You're trilingual now.

When I lived in France a friend's mother thought I was trilingual because I spoke French, English and American. :lol: I think the French of Québec and France are more dissimilar though.
Ha pogo sometimes I embrace with the French who do not understand me then I speak English with a Quebecker accent.:badgrin:
I often do it when I'm invited to an evening I speak English i say Fuck you :badgrin:

:rofl: You go girl. :thup:

I love that this country has a message board where we can say "fuck you".
Pogo, yes and especially since many French do not appreciate you then there I do not hesitate to say it aloud Fuck you.Ok.:badgrin:
When one knows that they take themselves for the best in many fields they are not. Ok the food is good here but they are hypocritical of the Mcdo it always has a row of cars it works well the MCdo here and the Coca and Coca light. Even if Europe insists that American products do not cross the old continents, I think that France is a winner to do business with the Americans than the Europeans.
What I like is that the states have been reunited to become a great country and this could not have happened with Europe all states are completely different even though Europe claims it could be like the US it is wrong.
What I like is that the states have been reunited to become a great country and this could not have happened with Europe all states are completely different even though Europe claims it could be like the US it is wrong.

You know, I thought the same thing when they first started to talk about the EU. I was wondering how they would be able to create a coalition of states like what the USA has, because all the countries have their own version of how to do things, and since those countries have been in existence for a long time, they would have a hard time adjusting to a larger union.

The USA didn't have that problem, because we grew together as a country over time, and all the places that we settled were settled by people with a similar mindset.
What I like is that the states have been reunited to become a great country and this could not have happened with Europe all states are completely different even though Europe claims it could be like the US it is wrong.

You know, I thought the same thing when they first started to talk about the EU. I was wondering how they would be able to create a coalition of states like what the USA has, because all the countries have their own version of how to do things, and since those countries have been in existence for a long time, they would have a hard time adjusting to a larger union.

The USA didn't have that problem, because we grew together as a country over time, and all the places that we settled were settled by people with a similar mindset.
Yes, that true but the pressure is great here in Europe and Engela Merkel wants to pretend to a federal Europe and Macron is at her feet we call them the couple here which couple France and Germany with their history is rather a Divorce ? but it has no logic in this Europe Greece is almost in agony and the countires of the South go very badly financially because of the Euro and the 2008 Crisis is the bandages no longer enough and more more England left us to leave our neighbor to the French. Europe also wanted to make trouble for you with the Euro but it did not work .. it is worse for Europe now.

You know, I have to agree with you on that one. Ever seen Italian skin mags? They make Hustler and Cheri look like Playboy without the nude pics. Ran into those when I was in the Navy, and boy howdy were they disgusting!

I mean, is it really porn when you can see a girls tonsils from between her legs?
Good evening, tell me what you love most about your country ?
Me there are several things so I start with everything related to the cinema and especially the Christmas movies with the Christmas decorations you are the best and the actors play very well not like in other countries.

Le Visiteur de Noël - Film 2002 de Christopher Leitch


A Christmas Commodity: SCROOGED | Jonathan Rosenbaum
your turn.

If you're leading off with that, you need this:


By the way, some asshole killed that girl.

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