What would happen if Trump handled being attacked, like 9/11, the way he is handling corona virus

What would happen if Trump handled being attacked, like 9/11, the way he is handling corona virus?
Obl would have been killed within a month while Al queda itself would have been bombed into nothingness. Trump wouldnt play around like Bush and Obama do when going to war---Trump would be using our big bombs to end the problem as quick as possible and thusly also protecting our troops. Trump's aim would be to send a message to not mess with the US, while Bush and Obama was how do we draw this out making the most money for our political puppet masters which include the sauds.
Bush united the country after 9-11

Trump would have blamed Democrats
What would happen if Trump handled being attacked, like 9/11, the way he is handling corona virus?
Trump has kept the number of dead under 220,000 when over 2 million was predicted to die.....the nations red states are opening back up and their kids are back in school.....
So trying to say he blew it will not work....blue state leaders blew it and are still fucking up on purpose.....and the the people know it.....I would not be surprised if CA goes for Trump....the folks in CA are pissed at Gruesome Newsome.....And Ice Cream Nancy....so Joe the Finger could lose CA......
Bush united the country after 9-11

Trump would have blamed Democrats

The Democrats blamed Dubya for 9/11, they said that the intelligence establishment warned him and he ignored it.

The country wasn't "united", the libs tried to make political hay of it.
Democrat’s gave Bush a free pass after 9-11

I doubt if Republicans would have done the same. They investigated Benghazi for four years
Trump has kept the number of dead under 220,000 when over 2 million was predicted to die...

The US has 4 percent of the worlds population. The world has 1.1 million COVID deaths. By population, we should have 44,000 deaths.

Trumps leadership has gotten us five times the number of deaths our population would warrant
Trump has kept the number of dead under 220,000 when over 2 million was predicted to die...

The US has 4 percent of the worlds population. The world has 1.1 million COVID deaths. By population, we should have 44,000 deaths.

Trumps leadership has gotten us five times the number of deaths our population would warrant

ALL the experts said we were looking at 2 million deaths. Trumps actions have kept that to a tenth of that number. YOUR hero wanted us to keep all travel to china open.

YOUR hero would have killed well over 2 million.
Trump has kept the number of dead under 220,000 when over 2 million was predicted to die...

The US has 4 percent of the worlds population. The world has 1.1 million COVID deaths. By population, we should have 44,000 deaths.

Trumps leadership has gotten us five times the number of deaths our population would warrant
Our nation is a nation of individual states...we are unique in this.....Trump tried to handle this from the federal government and the governors screamed no way...so comparing us to nations with one governing body is the wrong way to look at the numbers....for example...if Cuomo and five other blue state governors had listened to the federal nursing home guidelines for covid like they did in Florida we would not have had so many deaths.....
You can't blame Trump without blaming blue state governors too....
Trump has kept the number of dead under 220,000 when over 2 million was predicted to die...

The US has 4 percent of the worlds population. The world has 1.1 million COVID deaths. By population, we should have 44,000 deaths.

Trumps leadership has gotten us five times the number of deaths our population would warrant
You have no idea of what's happening in Europe as we speak, do you?


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