What would FDR do if had to deal with this?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
FDR was preparing for WWII for over seven years before Pearl Harbor. Rwo of xhe most modern aircraft carriers in the world had been designed, developed and were being built when Pearl Harbor occurred. All three major aircraft were developed and many were being produced in limited numbers. B-17's were in the air on Dec. 7. Even three M1 Garand was being produced. All that was needed was a Declaration of War and Congress to give the go-ahead and American manufacturing kicked in.
Unlike Trump, FDR had vast experience and vision. As an Assistant Secretary of the Navy during WW1, he knew how important it was for developing modern weapons. Also, FDR was noted as choosing the best advisors and staff with no concern about which party affiliation they chose. Loyalty pledges were never needed with FDR. Getting the job done was all that mattered.

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