What would cause a Trump supporter to stop supporting him?


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
This is a serious question. Because I can't think of one thing that Trump could do, to make you just stop supporting him.

Things that would make anyone with common sense stop supporting a politician, Trump has far surpassed. Many of the things Trump has done, should've had him thrown under the bus by at least 80% of his supporters.

He spent as much in 4 years as Obama spent in 8. Doubling Obama's average per year.
Greatest increase of our national debt in history. Outspending all but on other president, combined.
Suspended the debt ceiling after raising it twice.

His reparations plan to blacks. The Platinum Plan. $500 billion to black communities just because they were black communities. That's over $400 billion more than even California is proposing.
Banning bump stocks. I admit, most folks don't have one. Some never even heard of them. They're not essential. But now you can't buy one. Now they're illegal.
He funded Gender studies.
He's buddied up with Lindsey Graham.
He's sided with Disney.
He's bashing the best governor in the USA.
Shoved the vaccines down our throats and forced EVERYONE of us to pay for everyone elses shot.

I'm looking at all this as if it was some ploy by the democrats to turn the country even more left than it already is. If that's their sneaky plan, they're doing a good job of it.
Get a life long democrat to switch parties, the force a bunch of leftist crap down their throats and call it conservatism so they can't argue about it.

I used to laugh when the democrats called Trump supporters a cult. The left usually says things that are retarded like that. But man oh man, I think they're pretty spot on.

So what's it going to take for Trump supporters to realize just how much of a leftist Trump really is? Is there anything he can do? Or does your loyalty to this politician know no bounds?
Despite appearances conservatives can be shockingly fickle. They would dump him in a second for another dear leader with a better line of bullshit.

A line of BS is all Trump has, really? Nearly everything he's shoved down our throats is leftst. But the line of BS he's been putting out, has somehow convinced Republicans that what he's doing is republican.

If Biden had did anything like the Platinum Plan or banned bump stocks, Republicans would've lost their shit. (and for good reason). But since Trump did it, then it's OK by them.

I don't get it.
This is a serious question. Because I can't think of one thing that Trump could do, to make you just stop supporting him.

Things that would make anyone with common sense stop supporting a politician, Trump has far surpassed. Many of the things Trump has done, should've had him thrown under the bus by at least 80% of his supporters.

He spent as much in 4 years as Obama spent in 8. Doubling Obama's average per year.
Greatest increase of our national debt in history. Outspending all but on other president, combined.
Suspended the debt ceiling after raising it twice.

His reparations plan to blacks. The Platinum Plan. $500 billion to black communities just because they were black communities. That's over $400 billion more than even California is proposing.
Banning bump stocks. I admit, most folks don't have one. Some never even heard of them. They're not essential. But now you can't buy one. Now they're illegal.
He funded Gender studies.
He's buddied up with Lindsey Graham.
He's sided with Disney.
He's bashing the best governor in the USA.
Shoved the vaccines down our throats and forced EVERYONE of us to pay for everyone elses shot.

I'm looking at all this as if it was some ploy by the democrats to turn the country even more left than it already is. If that's their sneaky plan, they're doing a good job of it.
Get a life long democrat to switch parties, the force a bunch of leftist crap down their throats and call it conservatism so they can't argue about it.

I used to laugh when the democrats called Trump supporters a cult. The left usually says things that are retarded like that. But man oh man, I think they're pretty spot on.

So what's it going to take for Trump supporters to realize just how much of a leftist Trump really is? Is there anything he can do? Or does your loyalty to this politician know no bounds?

He governed as Consevatively as is possible in a system with checks and balances.
Take your bullshit somewhere else.
Trump has been framed by democrats and the "justice" Dept half a dozen times with bogus charges and faked documents. It's clear that the media is in the tank for Biden and Trump will never get a fair shake. On the other hand it's clear that Biden has become increasingly mentally incapacitated and is no longer able to do the job and polling is in the toilet. What would it take for loyal supporters to throw in the towel?
This is a serious question. Because I can't think of one thing that Trump could do, to make you just stop supporting him.

Things that would make anyone with common sense stop supporting a politician, Trump has far surpassed. Many of the things Trump has done, should've had him thrown under the bus by at least 80% of his supporters.

He spent as much in 4 years as Obama spent in 8. Doubling Obama's average per year.
Greatest increase of our national debt in history. Outspending all but on other president, combined.
Suspended the debt ceiling after raising it twice.

His reparations plan to blacks. The Platinum Plan. $500 billion to black communities just because they were black communities. That's over $400 billion more than even California is proposing.
Banning bump stocks. I admit, most folks don't have one. Some never even heard of them. They're not essential. But now you can't buy one. Now they're illegal.
He funded Gender studies.
He's buddied up with Lindsey Graham.
He's sided with Disney.
He's bashing the best governor in the USA.
Shoved the vaccines down our throats and forced EVERYONE of us to pay for everyone elses shot.

I'm looking at all this as if it was some ploy by the democrats to turn the country even more left than it already is. If that's their sneaky plan, they're doing a good job of it.
Get a life long democrat to switch parties, the force a bunch of leftist crap down their throats and call it conservatism so they can't argue about it.

I used to laugh when the democrats called Trump supporters a cult. The left usually says things that are retarded like that. But man oh man, I think they're pretty spot on.

So what's it going to take for Trump supporters to realize just how much of a leftist Trump really is? Is there anything he can do? Or does your loyalty to this politician know no bounds?
maybe if someone took a pic of trump drinking some of that queer beer the democrats love so much
Joe Biden is at 36% job approval... lowest is presidential history a year and a half before an election.... and if the election were held today Trump would win... Trump leads Biden by 7 pts in multiple polls....
Trump has been framed by democrats and the "justice" Dept half a dozen times with bogus charges and faked documents. It's clear that the media is in the tank for Biden and Trump will never get a fair shake. On the other hand it's clear that Biden has become increasingly mentally incapacitated and is no longer able to do the job and polling is in the toilet. What would it take for loyal supporters to throw in the towel?

It's a Cult.
They will never throw in the towell.
Joe Biden is at 36% job approval... lowest is presidential history a year and a half before an election.... and if the election were held today Trump would win... Trump leads Biden by 7 pts in multiple polls....

So what? Biden is a demented old kook. But this isn't about Biden. Replacing a democrat leftist with a republican leftist, you still get a leftist.
Trump grew the size and scope of government. Is that conservative?
Does it make it easier to swallow if it's a Republican leftist? Seriously, what are Republican wanting? Just to have a president with an R before his name? Or someone that's actually going to cut spending, fully support the 2A, reduce the debt and deficit and veto those BS omnibus bills?
Religious nuts. Religious nuts are the answer. If you could get the religious nuts to quit comparing him to Jesus, and quit saying trump is god's chosen one, he would disappear into a cloud of smoke.
This is a serious question. Because I can't think of one thing that Trump could do, to make you just stop supporting him.

Things that would make anyone with common sense stop supporting a politician, Trump has far surpassed. Many of the things Trump has done, should've had him thrown under the bus by at least 80% of his supporters.

He spent as much in 4 years as Obama spent in 8. Doubling Obama's average per year.
Greatest increase of our national debt in history. Outspending all but on other president, combined.
Suspended the debt ceiling after raising it twice.

His reparations plan to blacks. The Platinum Plan. $500 billion to black communities just because they were black communities. That's over $400 billion more than even California is proposing.
Banning bump stocks. I admit, most folks don't have one. Some never even heard of them. They're not essential. But now you can't buy one. Now they're illegal.
He funded Gender studies.
He's buddied up with Lindsey Graham.
He's sided with Disney.
He's bashing the best governor in the USA.
Shoved the vaccines down our throats and forced EVERYONE of us to pay for everyone elses shot.

I'm looking at all this as if it was some ploy by the democrats to turn the country even more left than it already is. If that's their sneaky plan, they're doing a good job of it.
Get a life long democrat to switch parties, the force a bunch of leftist crap down their throats and call it conservatism so they can't argue about it.

I used to laugh when the democrats called Trump supporters a cult. The left usually says things that are retarded like that. But man oh man, I think they're pretty spot on.

So what's it going to take for Trump supporters to realize just how much of a leftist Trump really is? Is there anything he can do? Or does your loyalty to this politician know no bounds?
The "best Governor" Now that makes me laugh...

LMAO.. "But Biden did it to," as if that's supposed to make what Trump did ok. SMFH!!!!!!!!

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