What would Africa be like if it were never colonized by Europeans?

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We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...

Whites stole that land facaltenn you don't seem to have the moral clarity to understand that. I'm not overreacting, nor where the people of Zimbabwe. I am reacting properly. Maybe if you whites had not decided to invade and take from people that was not yours countries like Zimbabwe would be far better off than they are now.

The fucking past caused the current condition you stiupid m- f.
So let me get this straight. It's whitey's fault (that's what you mean by colonialism) that Zimbabwe is a shithole, which is why it became MORE of a shithole following decades of Mugabe's negro rule?

Sometimes whites like those here must be taught stern lessons.
So how come blacks are so dumb today? Their countries are shitholes, they lead the crime stats on a per capita basis, they do poorly on tests, etc...

Did they all self-lobotomize somewhere around the time when your "stern lesson" ends and reality begins?

Because none of that is t rue. You keep talking about per capita which shows you can't deal with the total true numbers were whites lead in crime and that means all crime. What tests do blacks do poorly on? All tests? SAT Tests are going away because they don't prove anything dumb ass. Seems to me that you are the stupid one. .All black countries are shitholes? Really? I'd rather live in Zimbabwe than Poland or Romania. You are dumb ass racist white piece of t rash. who really doesn't know what the hell you are talking about.
We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.
Many negro countries are governed by negroes. The only way the politics can be "controlled" by whites is if the NEGRO leaders PERMIT it. So what are you saying? That even when a negro does something, it's still whitey's fault?

You need to educate yourself about colonization and current day Africa. Maybe whites just move completely out of Africa and give blacks complete control of the corporations whites have that are still in Africa and then you can talk.
Sure, look what happened to Zimbabwe when the whites moved out. Even the ANC wasn't stupid enough to try it in SA.
We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...

This is the kind of garbage that angers me about white conservatives. Here we have an idiot talking about Zimbabwe with no real clue of what happened. Then he conflates his racist views to an opinion of he entire continent. He's too much of a coward to discuss what colonialism actually entailed so he takes the lazy white mans way out and ignores that then blames the current black power structure like everything was OK in that country until the blacks took it over.

I don't realize you claims. Mainly because I've been to Zimbabwe and I reject your idiotic white racist opinion of Africa. Do you think things were .so much better there under Apartheid or something? That was white minority rule by force fool. Are fucking retarded? Assets? Really? Were you dropped on your head at birth? Are you so stupid as to not think there was graft and nepotism involved in the white run colonial system? So how many white nations have been ruined or devastated by white leadership flacaltenn? Can you name the countries, specify the leaders and what they did? You say the entire continent of Africa is going no where because the entire continent has never placed a value on leadership and vision. That's a a fucked up lie and only an idiot could make that kind of assessment. You really need to shut the fuck up about Africa and issues pertaining to blacks in America. You are a total idiot on these matters with no clue.

Do you not understand that when he first took office after being elected Mugabe tried racial reconciliation? You need to research before you run your damn mouth. Whites stole that land facaltenn you don't seem to have the moral clarity to understand that. I'm not overreacting, nor where the people of Zimbabwe. I am reacting properly. Maybe if you whites had not decided to invade and take from people that was not yours countries like Zimbabwe would be far better off than they are now.

The fucking past caused the current condition you stiupid m- f.

You are truly deluded. Mugabe didn't waste banishing the white farmers. At times FORBIBLY and handing out the land to his nephews and other cronies. It all went downhill from the very start of his Marxist inspired corruptocracy.. Whites may have acquired land. Most of it was UNDEVELOPED AND STOLEN FROM NO ONE.

I'm no fan of Imperialism. .But a vehement critic of corrupt, violent, and incompetent govt with totally unqualified leadership.. The country has been an economic basket case for over 15 years now. Folks have NO FUTURE with that kind of dictatorial rule..

Go ahead. Re-write EVERY BIT of recent history. No one believes you..
Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

I think this is beautiful. I think it makes our modern day structures look weak by comparison.

Sure -- it looks great for a place that was renovated in 1917.. I just read the history of it's occupants. Basically they butchered and killed each other for centuries.

Cameroon: The Royal Palace of Foumban is one the oldest Palace in Africa | NationalTurk

The Royal Palace of Foumban in Cameroon is one of the oldest palace in the history of Africa in ancient times dating back from many centuries back.
Foumban / NationalTurk – The Palace is located in the town of Foumban is the North-East of the Western Regional capital city of Bafoussam in the Republic of Cameroon.

The Royal Palace of Foumban is currently inhabited by the sultan (King), who is the 19th ruler of the Bamoun dynasty which dates back from the 14th century in history.

The Palace was renovated and completed in 1917 after which the belongings of previous Sultans were arranged and kept for tourist attraction.

Would be great to actually see what it looked like 300 years ago...
Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

I think this is beautiful. I think it makes our modern day structures look weak by comparison.

Sure -- it looks great for a place that was renovated in 1917.. I just read the history of it's occupants. Basically they butchered and killed each other for centuries.

Cameroon: The Royal Palace of Foumban is one the oldest Palace in Africa | NationalTurk

The Royal Palace of Foumban in Cameroon is one of the oldest palace in the history of Africa in ancient times dating back from many centuries back.
Foumban / NationalTurk – The Palace is located in the town of Foumban is the North-East of the Western Regional capital city of Bafoussam in the Republic of Cameroon.

The Royal Palace of Foumban is currently inhabited by the sultan (King), who is the 19th ruler of the Bamoun dynasty which dates back from the 14th century in history.

The Palace was renovated and completed in 1917 after which the belongings of previous Sultans were arranged and kept for tourist attraction.

Would be great to actually see what it looked like 300 years ago...

Ever wonder what America would look like without slavery?
We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...

Whites stole that land facaltenn you don't seem to have the moral clarity to understand that. I'm not overreacting, nor where the people of Zimbabwe. I am reacting properly. Maybe if you whites had not decided to invade and take from people that was not yours countries like Zimbabwe would be far better off than they are now.

The fucking past caused the current condition you stiupid m- f.
So let me get this straight. It's whitey's fault (that's what you mean by colonialism) that Zimbabwe is a shithole, which is why it became MORE of a shithole following decades of Mugabe's negro rule?


Oh, OK. I understand your argument now. It's based on the idea that whites are responsible for everything bad, even when a negro does it!

Sometimes whites like those here must be taught stern lessons.
So how come blacks are so dumb today? Their countries are shitholes, they lead the crime stats on a per capita basis, they do poorly on tests, etc...

Did they all self-lobotomize somewhere around the time when your "stern lesson" ends and reality begins?

Because none of that is t rue. You keep talking about per capita which shows you can't deal with the total true numbers were whites lead in crime and that means all crime.
But even YOU use per capita statistics, dumbass! I guess it's OK for you, but not OK for me?
What tests do blacks do poorly on? All tests? SAT Tests are going away because they don't prove anything dumb ass.
Try IQ tests, you stupid shitskin ape!
Seems to me that you are the stupid one. .All black countries are shitholes? Really? I'd rather live in Zimbabwe than Poland or Romania. You are dumb ass racist white piece of t rash. who really doesn't know what the hell you are talking about.

Can you PLEASE move to Zimbabwe?

We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.
Many negro countries are governed by negroes. The only way the politics can be "controlled" by whites is if the NEGRO leaders PERMIT it. So what are you saying? That even when a negro does something, it's still whitey's fault?

You need to educate yourself about colonization and current day Africa. Maybe whites just move completely out of Africa and give blacks complete control of the corporations whites have that are still in Africa and then you can talk.

If whites were allowed to stay in Zimbabwe, it's because the negro government allowed it, idiot!

Why do you think moving whites out is going to improve it? The trend is pretty much always like this: whites move out, negroes move in, place turns to shit. It's like that in Apefreaka and it's like that in US cities.
Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

I think this is beautiful. I think it makes our modern day structures look weak by comparison.

Sure -- it looks great for a place that was renovated in 1917.. I just read the history of it's occupants. Basically they butchered and killed each other for centuries.

Cameroon: The Royal Palace of Foumban is one the oldest Palace in Africa | NationalTurk

The Royal Palace of Foumban in Cameroon is one of the oldest palace in the history of Africa in ancient times dating back from many centuries back.
Foumban / NationalTurk – The Palace is located in the town of Foumban is the North-East of the Western Regional capital city of Bafoussam in the Republic of Cameroon.

The Royal Palace of Foumban is currently inhabited by the sultan (King), who is the 19th ruler of the Bamoun dynasty which dates back from the 14th century in history.

The Palace was renovated and completed in 1917 after which the belongings of previous Sultans were arranged and kept for tourist attraction.

Would be great to actually see what it looked like 300 years ago...

Ever wonder what America would look like without slavery?

Look at Detroit before the negroes moved in. Lower violent crime, etc...
Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

I think this is beautiful. I think it makes our modern day structures look weak by comparison.

Sure -- it looks great for a place that was renovated in 1917.. I just read the history of it's occupants. Basically they butchered and killed each other for centuries.

Cameroon: The Royal Palace of Foumban is one the oldest Palace in Africa | NationalTurk

The Royal Palace of Foumban in Cameroon is one of the oldest palace in the history of Africa in ancient times dating back from many centuries back.
Foumban / NationalTurk – The Palace is located in the town of Foumban is the North-East of the Western Regional capital city of Bafoussam in the Republic of Cameroon.

The Royal Palace of Foumban is currently inhabited by the sultan (King), who is the 19th ruler of the Bamoun dynasty which dates back from the 14th century in history.

The Palace was renovated and completed in 1917 after which the belongings of previous Sultans were arranged and kept for tourist attraction.

Would be great to actually see what it looked like 300 years ago...

The problem with your idiocy is that whites in Europe butchered and killed each her for centuries too.
We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...

This is the kind of garbage that angers me about white conservatives. Here we have an idiot talking about Zimbabwe with no real clue of what happened. Then he conflates his racist views to an opinion of he entire continent. He's too much of a coward to discuss what colonialism actually entailed so he takes the lazy white mans way out and ignores that then blames the current black power structure like everything was OK in that country until the blacks took it over.

I don't realize you claims. Mainly because I've been to Zimbabwe and I reject your idiotic white racist opinion of Africa. Do you think things were .so much better there under Apartheid or something? That was white minority rule by force fool. Are fucking retarded? Assets? Really? Were you dropped on your head at birth? Are you so stupid as to not think there was graft and nepotism involved in the white run colonial system? So how many white nations have been ruined or devastated by white leadership flacaltenn? Can you name the countries, specify the leaders and what they did? You say the entire continent of Africa is going no where because the entire continent has never placed a value on leadership and vision. That's a a fucked up lie and only an idiot could make that kind of assessment. You really need to shut the fuck up about Africa and issues pertaining to blacks in America. You are a total idiot on these matters with no clue.

Do you not understand that when he first took office after being elected Mugabe tried racial reconciliation? You need to research before you run your damn mouth. Whites stole that land facaltenn you don't seem to have the moral clarity to understand that. I'm not overreacting, nor where the people of Zimbabwe. I am reacting properly. Maybe if you whites had not decided to invade and take from people that was not yours countries like Zimbabwe would be far better off than they are now.

The fucking past caused the current condition you stiupid m- f.

You are truly deluded. Mugabe didn't waste banishing the white farmers. At times FORBIBLY and handing out the land to his nephews and other cronies. It all went downhill from the very start of his Marxist inspired corruptocracy.. Whites may have acquired land. Most of it was UNDEVELOPED AND STOLEN FROM NO ONE.

I'm no fan of Imperialism. .But a vehement critic of corrupt, violent, and incompetent govt with totally unqualified leadership.. The country has been an economic basket case for over 15 years now. Folks have NO FUTURE with that kind of dictatorial rule..

Go ahead. Re-write EVERY BIT of recent history. No one believes you..
No need to rewrite anything. He's pretty open about believing that when a black does something, it's a white's fault. That's a common theme with negroes. Everything is whitey's fault. They don't want to take responsibility for anything bad that they do no matter how obvious it is. He should change his name to "Dindu Nuffin."

Nah. I just studied what went on and the conflicts that have been created because of what went on.
Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

I think this is beautiful. I think it makes our modern day structures look weak by comparison.

Sure -- it looks great for a place that was renovated in 1917.. I just read the history of it's occupants. Basically they butchered and killed each other for centuries.

Cameroon: The Royal Palace of Foumban is one the oldest Palace in Africa | NationalTurk

The Royal Palace of Foumban in Cameroon is one of the oldest palace in the history of Africa in ancient times dating back from many centuries back.
Foumban / NationalTurk – The Palace is located in the town of Foumban is the North-East of the Western Regional capital city of Bafoussam in the Republic of Cameroon.

The Royal Palace of Foumban is currently inhabited by the sultan (King), who is the 19th ruler of the Bamoun dynasty which dates back from the 14th century in history.

The Palace was renovated and completed in 1917 after which the belongings of previous Sultans were arranged and kept for tourist attraction.

Would be great to actually see what it looked like 300 years ago...

The problem with your idiocy is that whites in Europe butchered and killed each her for centuries too.
Are you seeking to assign black failure to white history? Black failure is universal and they invariably form the underclass of societies wherever they are found with other races.
When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...

This is the kind of garbage that angers me about white conservatives. Here we have an idiot talking about Zimbabwe with no real clue of what happened. Then he conflates his racist views to an opinion of he entire continent. He's too much of a coward to discuss what colonialism actually entailed so he takes the lazy white mans way out and ignores that then blames the current black power structure like everything was OK in that country until the blacks took it over.

I don't realize you claims. Mainly because I've been to Zimbabwe and I reject your idiotic white racist opinion of Africa. Do you think things were .so much better there under Apartheid or something? That was white minority rule by force fool. Are fucking retarded? Assets? Really? Were you dropped on your head at birth? Are you so stupid as to not think there was graft and nepotism involved in the white run colonial system? So how many white nations have been ruined or devastated by white leadership flacaltenn? Can you name the countries, specify the leaders and what they did? You say the entire continent of Africa is going no where because the entire continent has never placed a value on leadership and vision. That's a a fucked up lie and only an idiot could make that kind of assessment. You really need to shut the fuck up about Africa and issues pertaining to blacks in America. You are a total idiot on these matters with no clue.

Do you not understand that when he first took office after being elected Mugabe tried racial reconciliation? You need to research before you run your damn mouth. Whites stole that land facaltenn you don't seem to have the moral clarity to understand that. I'm not overreacting, nor where the people of Zimbabwe. I am reacting properly. Maybe if you whites had not decided to invade and take from people that was not yours countries like Zimbabwe would be far better off than they are now.

The fucking past caused the current condition you stiupid m- f.

You are truly deluded. Mugabe didn't waste banishing the white farmers. At times FORBIBLY and handing out the land to his nephews and other cronies. It all went downhill from the very start of his Marxist inspired corruptocracy.. Whites may have acquired land. Most of it was UNDEVELOPED AND STOLEN FROM NO ONE.

I'm no fan of Imperialism. .But a vehement critic of corrupt, violent, and incompetent govt with totally unqualified leadership.. The country has been an economic basket case for over 15 years now. Folks have NO FUTURE with that kind of dictatorial rule..

Go ahead. Re-write EVERY BIT of recent history. No one believes you..
No need to rewrite anything. He's pretty open about believing that when a black does something, it's a white's fault. That's a common theme with negroes. Everything is whitey's fault. They don't want to take responsibility for anything bad that they do no matter how obvious it is. He should change his name to "Dindu Nuffin."

Nah. I just studied what went on and the conflicts that have been created because of what went on.
Tell us again how Hannibal, who was no sub-Saharan, kicked Alexander's ass. Btw, the other guy who used regale us with jungle bunny civilizations no longer does. Do you think you can pick it up. Not so much that everybody on Africa was black, but the sub-Saharan stuff.
We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...

This is the kind of garbage that angers me about white conservatives. Here we have an idiot talking about Zimbabwe with no real clue of what happened. Then he conflates his racist views to an opinion of he entire continent. He's too much of a coward to discuss what colonialism actually entailed so he takes the lazy white mans way out and ignores that then blames the current black power structure like everything was OK in that country until the blacks took it over.

I don't realize you claims. Mainly because I've been to Zimbabwe and I reject your idiotic white racist opinion of Africa. Do you think things were .so much better there under Apartheid or something? That was white minority rule by force fool. Are fucking retarded? Assets? Really? Were you dropped on your head at birth? Are you so stupid as to not think there was graft and nepotism involved in the white run colonial system? So how many white nations have been ruined or devastated by white leadership flacaltenn? Can you name the countries, specify the leaders and what they did? You say the entire continent of Africa is going no where because the entire continent has never placed a value on leadership and vision. That's a a fucked up lie and only an idiot could make that kind of assessment. You really need to shut the fuck up about Africa and issues pertaining to blacks in America. You are a total idiot on these matters with no clue.

Do you not understand that when he first took office after being elected Mugabe tried racial reconciliation? You need to research before you run your damn mouth. Whites stole that land facaltenn you don't seem to have the moral clarity to understand that. I'm not overreacting, nor where the people of Zimbabwe. I am reacting properly. Maybe if you whites had not decided to invade and take from people that was not yours countries like Zimbabwe would be far better off than they are now.

The fucking past caused the current condition you stiupid m- f.

You are truly deluded. Mugabe didn't waste banishing the white farmers. At times FORBIBLY and handing out the land to his nephews and other cronies. It all went downhill from the very start of his Marxist inspired corruptocracy.. Whites may have acquired land. Most of it was UNDEVELOPED AND STOLEN FROM NO ONE.

I'm no fan of Imperialism. .But a vehement critic of corrupt, violent, and incompetent govt with totally unqualified leadership.. The country has been an economic basket case for over 15 years now. Folks have NO FUTURE with that kind of dictatorial rule..

Go ahead. Re-write EVERY BIT of recent history. No one believes you..

I don't have to rewrite a damned thing. You seem to have a problem with realty.

History of Zimbabwe
History of Zimbabwe - Wikipedia

In the 2000s Zimbabwe's economy began to deteriorate due to various factors, including, the imposition of economic sanctions by western countries led by the United Kingdom,

You are simply wrong. The white farmers got that land by theft. It was not theirs to begin with. The Chimurengas did not happen for no reason. Apartheid was not a good system and Zimbabwe was not doing better under that system . Has it not been for colonization Zimbabwe would not be where it is now , it would be better off economically.

What you don't believe means nothing because you know nothing.
Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

I think this is beautiful. I think it makes our modern day structures look weak by comparison.

Sure -- it looks great for a place that was renovated in 1917.. I just read the history of it's occupants. Basically they butchered and killed each other for centuries.

Cameroon: The Royal Palace of Foumban is one the oldest Palace in Africa | NationalTurk

The Royal Palace of Foumban in Cameroon is one of the oldest palace in the history of Africa in ancient times dating back from many centuries back.
Foumban / NationalTurk – The Palace is located in the town of Foumban is the North-East of the Western Regional capital city of Bafoussam in the Republic of Cameroon.

The Royal Palace of Foumban is currently inhabited by the sultan (King), who is the 19th ruler of the Bamoun dynasty which dates back from the 14th century in history.

The Palace was renovated and completed in 1917 after which the belongings of previous Sultans were arranged and kept for tourist attraction.

Would be great to actually see what it looked like 300 years ago...

The problem with your idiocy is that whites in Europe butchered and killed each her for centuries too.
Are you seeking to assign black failure to white history? Black failure is universal and they invariably form the underclass of societies wherever they are found with other races.

Since that is not true there is no reason to answer fake questions.
We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...

This is the kind of garbage that angers me about white conservatives. Here we have an idiot talking about Zimbabwe with no real clue of what happened. Then he conflates his racist views to an opinion of he entire continent. He's too much of a coward to discuss what colonialism actually entailed so he takes the lazy white mans way out and ignores that then blames the current black power structure like everything was OK in that country until the blacks took it over.

I don't realize you claims. Mainly because I've been to Zimbabwe and I reject your idiotic white racist opinion of Africa. Do you think things were .so much better there under Apartheid or something? That was white minority rule by force fool. Are fucking retarded? Assets? Really? Were you dropped on your head at birth? Are you so stupid as to not think there was graft and nepotism involved in the white run colonial system? So how many white nations have been ruined or devastated by white leadership flacaltenn? Can you name the countries, specify the leaders and what they did? You say the entire continent of Africa is going no where because the entire continent has never placed a value on leadership and vision. That's a a fucked up lie and only an idiot could make that kind of assessment. You really need to shut the fuck up about Africa and issues pertaining to blacks in America. You are a total idiot on these matters with no clue.

Do you not understand that when he first took office after being elected Mugabe tried racial reconciliation? You need to research before you run your damn mouth. Whites stole that land facaltenn you don't seem to have the moral clarity to understand that. I'm not overreacting, nor where the people of Zimbabwe. I am reacting properly. Maybe if you whites had not decided to invade and take from people that was not yours countries like Zimbabwe would be far better off than they are now.

The fucking past caused the current condition you stiupid m- f.

You are truly deluded. Mugabe didn't waste banishing the white farmers. At times FORBIBLY and handing out the land to his nephews and other cronies. It all went downhill from the very start of his Marxist inspired corruptocracy.. Whites may have acquired land. Most of it was UNDEVELOPED AND STOLEN FROM NO ONE.

I'm no fan of Imperialism. .But a vehement critic of corrupt, violent, and incompetent govt with totally unqualified leadership.. The country has been an economic basket case for over 15 years now. Folks have NO FUTURE with that kind of dictatorial rule..

Go ahead. Re-write EVERY BIT of recent history. No one believes you..

I don't have to rewrite a damned thing. You seem to have a problem with realty.

History of Zimbabwe
History of Zimbabwe - Wikipedia

In the 2000s Zimbabwe's economy began to deteriorate due to various factors, including, the imposition of economic sanctions by western countries led by the United Kingdom,

You are simply wrong. The white farmers got that land by theft. It was not theirs to begin with. The Chimurengas did not happen for no reason. Apartheid was not a good system and Zimbabwe was not doing better under that system . Has it not been for colonization Zimbabwe would not be where it is now , it would be better off economically.

What you don't believe means nothing because you know nothing.
See also: Economy of Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe's economy has shrunk since 2000, in an atmosphere of political turmoil, capital flight, corruption and mismanagement. Inflation has spiralled out of control (peaking at 500 billion % in 2009) and the underpinnings of the economy in agriculture and industry have been dissipated.[13][14][15] Due to the state of the formal economy, many Zimbabweans have begun working in the informal economy. Because of this, it is estimated that by 2009 unemployment was nearer 10% than the official 90%.[16] As of the date of editing, the country is faced with a biting cash crisis, characterised by long queues at banks. Mobile money networks are worsening the situation with mobile money agencues demanding 20% on all transactions. The bond notes are in short supply and the US dollars has almost dissappeared from the market.
We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...

This is the kind of garbage that angers me about white conservatives. Here we have an idiot talking about Zimbabwe with no real clue of what happened. Then he conflates his racist views to an opinion of he entire continent. He's too much of a coward to discuss what colonialism actually entailed so he takes the lazy white mans way out and ignores that then blames the current black power structure like everything was OK in that country until the blacks took it over.

I don't realize you claims. Mainly because I've been to Zimbabwe and I reject your idiotic white racist opinion of Africa. Do you think things were .so much better there under Apartheid or something? That was white minority rule by force fool. Are fucking retarded? Assets? Really? Were you dropped on your head at birth? Are you so stupid as to not think there was graft and nepotism involved in the white run colonial system? So how many white nations have been ruined or devastated by white leadership flacaltenn? Can you name the countries, specify the leaders and what they did? You say the entire continent of Africa is going no where because the entire continent has never placed a value on leadership and vision. That's a a fucked up lie and only an idiot could make that kind of assessment. You really need to shut the fuck up about Africa and issues pertaining to blacks in America. You are a total idiot on these matters with no clue.

Do you not understand that when he first took office after being elected Mugabe tried racial reconciliation? You need to research before you run your damn mouth. Whites stole that land facaltenn you don't seem to have the moral clarity to understand that. I'm not overreacting, nor where the people of Zimbabwe. I am reacting properly. Maybe if you whites had not decided to invade and take from people that was not yours countries like Zimbabwe would be far better off than they are now.

The fucking past caused the current condition you stiupid m- f.

You are truly deluded. Mugabe didn't waste banishing the white farmers. At times FORBIBLY and handing out the land to his nephews and other cronies. It all went downhill from the very start of his Marxist inspired corruptocracy.. Whites may have acquired land. Most of it was UNDEVELOPED AND STOLEN FROM NO ONE.

I'm no fan of Imperialism. .But a vehement critic of corrupt, violent, and incompetent govt with totally unqualified leadership.. The country has been an economic basket case for over 15 years now. Folks have NO FUTURE with that kind of dictatorial rule..

Go ahead. Re-write EVERY BIT of recent history. No one believes you..

I don't have to rewrite a damned thing. You seem to have a problem with realty.

History of Zimbabwe
History of Zimbabwe - Wikipedia

In the 2000s Zimbabwe's economy began to deteriorate due to various factors, including, the imposition of economic sanctions by western countries led by the United Kingdom,
You do know what "economic sanctions" are, right? For instance, sanctions from the EU would prevent EU members from doing business with Mugabe. In other words, they would prevent whitey from giving stuff to Mugabe and dealing with him. To put it in simpler terms for your inferior negro brain, it would result in a lack of white involvement with Mugabe.

So now you're saying Zimbabwe was/is failing because whitey didn't have dealings with Mugabe/Zimbabwe?
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We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...

This is the kind of garbage that angers me about white conservatives. Here we have an idiot talking about Zimbabwe with no real clue of what happened. Then he conflates his racist views to an opinion of he entire continent. He's too much of a coward to discuss what colonialism actually entailed so he takes the lazy white mans way out and ignores that then blames the current black power structure like everything was OK in that country until the blacks took it over.

I don't realize you claims. Mainly because I've been to Zimbabwe and I reject your idiotic white racist opinion of Africa. Do you think things were .so much better there under Apartheid or something? That was white minority rule by force fool. Are fucking retarded? Assets? Really? Were you dropped on your head at birth? Are you so stupid as to not think there was graft and nepotism involved in the white run colonial system? So how many white nations have been ruined or devastated by white leadership flacaltenn? Can you name the countries, specify the leaders and what they did? You say the entire continent of Africa is going no where because the entire continent has never placed a value on leadership and vision. That's a a fucked up lie and only an idiot could make that kind of assessment. You really need to shut the fuck up about Africa and issues pertaining to blacks in America. You are a total idiot on these matters with no clue.

Do you not understand that when he first took office after being elected Mugabe tried racial reconciliation? You need to research before you run your damn mouth. Whites stole that land facaltenn you don't seem to have the moral clarity to understand that. I'm not overreacting, nor where the people of Zimbabwe. I am reacting properly. Maybe if you whites had not decided to invade and take from people that was not yours countries like Zimbabwe would be far better off than they are now.

The fucking past caused the current condition you stiupid m- f.

No. Mugabe made it progressively worse and dismantled any positive institutions and markets that would have moved Zimbabwe into the 21 Century..
Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

I think this is beautiful. I think it makes our modern day structures look weak by comparison.

Sure -- it looks great for a place that was renovated in 1917.. I just read the history of it's occupants. Basically they butchered and killed each other for centuries.

Cameroon: The Royal Palace of Foumban is one the oldest Palace in Africa | NationalTurk

The Royal Palace of Foumban in Cameroon is one of the oldest palace in the history of Africa in ancient times dating back from many centuries back.
Foumban / NationalTurk – The Palace is located in the town of Foumban is the North-East of the Western Regional capital city of Bafoussam in the Republic of Cameroon.

The Royal Palace of Foumban is currently inhabited by the sultan (King), who is the 19th ruler of the Bamoun dynasty which dates back from the 14th century in history.

The Palace was renovated and completed in 1917 after which the belongings of previous Sultans were arranged and kept for tourist attraction.

Would be great to actually see what it looked like 300 years ago...

The problem with your idiocy is that whites in Europe butchered and killed each her for centuries too.

Fine and true. But in the interim -- there was steady and documented improvement of life for the people in Europe.. Not a lot of backsliding and total meltdowns of economies and infrastructure from earlier plateaus. Greater industry, trade, and permanent investments in infrastructure.
Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

I think this is beautiful. I think it makes our modern day structures look weak by comparison.

Sure -- it looks great for a place that was renovated in 1917.. I just read the history of it's occupants. Basically they butchered and killed each other for centuries.

Cameroon: The Royal Palace of Foumban is one the oldest Palace in Africa | NationalTurk

The Royal Palace of Foumban in Cameroon is one of the oldest palace in the history of Africa in ancient times dating back from many centuries back.
Foumban / NationalTurk – The Palace is located in the town of Foumban is the North-East of the Western Regional capital city of Bafoussam in the Republic of Cameroon.

The Royal Palace of Foumban is currently inhabited by the sultan (King), who is the 19th ruler of the Bamoun dynasty which dates back from the 14th century in history.

The Palace was renovated and completed in 1917 after which the belongings of previous Sultans were arranged and kept for tourist attraction.

Would be great to actually see what it looked like 300 years ago...

Ever wonder what America would look like without slavery?

Don't have to wonder. The success of the South never really DID depend on slavery. By the time Reconstruction was at full tilt -- there was no longer any impact from the loss of slavery. Within 30 years from the Civil War -- it was CLEAR that slavery was not a prerequisite for any part of the American economy.

In fact, fewer and fewer slaveholders existed from the 1820s to the Civil War. It was winding down on its own.
When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...

This is the kind of garbage that angers me about white conservatives. Here we have an idiot talking about Zimbabwe with no real clue of what happened. Then he conflates his racist views to an opinion of he entire continent. He's too much of a coward to discuss what colonialism actually entailed so he takes the lazy white mans way out and ignores that then blames the current black power structure like everything was OK in that country until the blacks took it over.

I don't realize you claims. Mainly because I've been to Zimbabwe and I reject your idiotic white racist opinion of Africa. Do you think things were .so much better there under Apartheid or something? That was white minority rule by force fool. Are fucking retarded? Assets? Really? Were you dropped on your head at birth? Are you so stupid as to not think there was graft and nepotism involved in the white run colonial system? So how many white nations have been ruined or devastated by white leadership flacaltenn? Can you name the countries, specify the leaders and what they did? You say the entire continent of Africa is going no where because the entire continent has never placed a value on leadership and vision. That's a a fucked up lie and only an idiot could make that kind of assessment. You really need to shut the fuck up about Africa and issues pertaining to blacks in America. You are a total idiot on these matters with no clue.

Do you not understand that when he first took office after being elected Mugabe tried racial reconciliation? You need to research before you run your damn mouth. Whites stole that land facaltenn you don't seem to have the moral clarity to understand that. I'm not overreacting, nor where the people of Zimbabwe. I am reacting properly. Maybe if you whites had not decided to invade and take from people that was not yours countries like Zimbabwe would be far better off than they are now.

The fucking past caused the current condition you stiupid m- f.

You are truly deluded. Mugabe didn't waste banishing the white farmers. At times FORBIBLY and handing out the land to his nephews and other cronies. It all went downhill from the very start of his Marxist inspired corruptocracy.. Whites may have acquired land. Most of it was UNDEVELOPED AND STOLEN FROM NO ONE.

I'm no fan of Imperialism. .But a vehement critic of corrupt, violent, and incompetent govt with totally unqualified leadership.. The country has been an economic basket case for over 15 years now. Folks have NO FUTURE with that kind of dictatorial rule..

Go ahead. Re-write EVERY BIT of recent history. No one believes you..

I don't have to rewrite a damned thing. You seem to have a problem with realty.

History of Zimbabwe
History of Zimbabwe - Wikipedia

In the 2000s Zimbabwe's economy began to deteriorate due to various factors, including, the imposition of economic sanctions by western countries led by the United Kingdom,

You are simply wrong. The white farmers got that land by theft. It was not theirs to begin with. The Chimurengas did not happen for no reason. Apartheid was not a good system and Zimbabwe was not doing better under that system . Has it not been for colonization Zimbabwe would not be where it is now , it would be better off economically.

What you don't believe means nothing because you know nothing.
See also: Economy of Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe's economy has shrunk since 2000, in an atmosphere of political turmoil, capital flight, corruption and mismanagement. Inflation has spiralled out of control (peaking at 500 billion % in 2009) and the underpinnings of the economy in agriculture and industry have been dissipated.[13][14][15] Due to the state of the formal economy, many Zimbabweans have begun working in the informal economy. Because of this, it is estimated that by 2009 unemployment was nearer 10% than the official 90%.[16] As of the date of editing, the country is faced with a biting cash crisis, characterised by long queues at banks. Mobile money networks are worsening the situation with mobile money agencues demanding 20% on all transactions. The bond notes are in short supply and the US dollars has almost dissappeared from the market.

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