What will Trump do next?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Seriously, what do you expect? In sincerely soliciting your opinion, I proffer a tentative scenario:

When Lardass is finally extracted from the People's House by popular demand, some see him as a flight risk, stripped of immunity and subject to multiple criminal charges. Given Biden's understandable preference that he be ignored and not continue as an attention-craving distraction from the nation's dire needs, what do you think he's going to do?

In the befouled wake of the Loser’s monumental failures - such as his “immediately repeal!” of 'ObamaCare’ and its replacement with “something terrific!” that “covers everybody!” at “less cost!”, and that awesome display of impotence in achieving his erection at the Southern border of which he continually boasted (Steve ‘Trump’s Viagra’ Bannon is still accepting the pesos of True Believer Trumpies eager to pretend they’re Mexico), what is on the agenda for the failed casino operator, faded reality-tv performer, and resounding reject of the American electorate in 2020?​
My guess:
Fear not! The twitter twit will persist in bitchytweets aplenty, and his dissonant cult chorus will chirp the inharmonious antiphon to his most ridiculous, self-serving emissions (as they patiently await his agents’ report from Hawaii: “I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding!”)

Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at 7.44.22 AM.png
“We’re going to whine! We’re going to whine so much…
We’re going to whine so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of whining,
you’re going to come to me and go ‘Please, please, we can’t whine anymore…
Please, we beg you sir, we don’t want to whine anymore. It’s too much! …
And I’m going to say ‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to keep

whining, whining, whining, whining!”

Crapping on America is what he does. The choice of 80 million Americans desperate for national leadership will only serve as a powerful purgative to sustain his performance.

Be prepare for four more years, four more years, four more years.

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"You can run in 2024 on the astronomical national debt we racked up!
Those fiscally conservative Republicans
who fought the RINOs of Trumpery

will love it!"
Alternative scenarios are welcome, of course.
Reality? He slinks back to Florida and tries to start a media empire. However, it soon becomes apparent that the SDNY, the Manhattan DA, and the NYS AG have been lining up to bring legal action against him, his family, and his companies. He spends the rest of his life in court fending off legal issues and civil lawsuits. Everyone forgets him, except for the occasional rage tweet.
Seriously, what do you expect? In sincerely soliciting your opinion, I proffer a tentative scenario:

When Lardass is finally extracted from the People's House by popular demand, some see him as a flight risk, stripped of immunity and subject to multiple criminal charges. Given Biden's understandable preference that he be ignored and not continue as an attention-craving distraction from the nation's dire needs, what do you think he's going to do?

In the befouled wake of the Loser’s monumental failures - such as his “immediately repeal!” of 'ObamaCare’ and its replacement with “something terrific!” that “covers everybody!” at “less cost!”, and that awesome display of impotence in achieving his erection at the Southern border of which he continually boasted (Steve ‘Trump’s Viagra’ Bannon is still accepting the pesos of True Believer Trumpies eager to pretend they’re Mexico), what is on the agenda for the failed casino operator, faded reality-tv performer, and resounding reject of the American electorate in 2020?​
My guess:
Fear not! The twitter twit will persist in bitchytweets aplenty, and his dissonant cult chorus will chirp the inharmonious antiphon to his most ridiculous, self-serving emissions (as they patiently await his agents’ report from Hawaii: “I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding!”)

“We’re going to whine! We’re going to whine so much…

We’re going to whine so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of whining,

you’re going to come to me and go ‘Please, please, we can’t whine anymore…

Please, we beg you sir, we don’t want to whine anymore. It’s too much! …

And I’m going to say ‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to keep

whining, whining, whining, whining!”

Crapping on America is what he does. The choice of 80 million Americans desperate for national leadership will only serve as a powerful purgative to sustain his performance.

Be prepare for four more years, four more years, four more years.

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View attachment 420919
"You can run in 2024 on the astronomical national debt we racked up!
Those fiscally conservative Republicans
who fought the RINOs of Trumpery

will love it!"
Alternative scenarios are welcome, of course.
You still have your focus on "orange man bad" and that isnt who you should be looking at. Slaves of the progressive masters like you, have done your do diligence to piss off 73 million people who went and voted for the President who not only got US self sufficient energy, but had up to Jan of this year, let all races enjoy the fruits of the United States by finding well paying jobs, until Joe XiBiden colluding with China on releasing the Kung Flu upon US, and having prog Masters of blue states put those infected people in with the elderly thus killing 10s of thousands of them in one fell swoop.
Reality? He slinks back to Florida and tries to start a media empire. However, it soon becomes apparent that the SDNY, the Manhattan DA, and the NYS AG have been lining up to bring legal action against him, his family, and his companies. He spends the rest of his life in court fending off legal issues and civil lawsuits. Everyone forgets him, except for the occasional rage tweet.
Yeah, so much for Joe Bite Me's call for unity......
I think he will do nothing...

He ran because as an advertisement campaign. He has lived four years of hell trying to do a job he is plainly not qualified to do. He has done it... He gets to play golf and soak in adoration in Florida... Why would he want to anything more...

Best we could do is ignore him for a while (a month) and get things back to normal... Let the politics go back to being boring... Boring is good. Professionals doing there jobs properly... GOP should pay a price for enabling a bunch of misfits in the White House but they won't...
Fear not! The twitter twit will persist in bitchytweets aplenty,

Not after Twitter bans him for wildly and repeatedly violating the ToS. He got a special exemption to do that because he was president. Once he's a civilian, no more exemption.

And his media empire? Bankrupt within a year. Everything Trump touches turns to shit.
Reality? He slinks back to Florida and tries to start a media empire. However, it soon becomes apparent that the SDNY, the Manhattan DA, and the NYS AG have been lining up to bring legal action against him, his family, and his companies. He spends the rest of his life in court fending off legal issues and civil lawsuits. Everyone forgets him, except for the occasional rage tweet.
Yeah, so much for Joe Bite Me's call for unity......

We're talking about Trump. The rest of the country can get back to normal but I have a feeling there will be no more normal for Trump.
Unity? Not where it concerns all of Trump's enablers, his legal D-Team, and the Republicans like Lindsey Graham who allowed this man to
stage what amounts to theft of a free and fair election. That happens in banana republics and third world countries. Not here.
You still have your focus on "orange man bad" and that isnt who you should be looking at...
The individual you call "orange bad man" will undoubtedly persist in seeking attention.

How do you think he will do that?
Reality? He slinks back to Florida and tries to start a media empire. However, it soon becomes apparent that the SDNY, the Manhattan DA, and the NYS AG have been lining up to bring legal action against him, his family, and his companies. He spends the rest of his life in court fending off legal issues and civil lawsuits. Everyone forgets him, except for the occasional rage tweet.

Well, like most small children, he does have a short attention span. And his "Kingdom" is in serious trouble when the notes are all called in. I can see one hell of an Estate Auction. i wonder if he is going to try and sell Eric to attempt to keep at least one Hotel or Golf Course. He's going to be the first Ex President on food stamps when the garnishee his Presidential Retirement Pay.
Fear not! The twitter twit will persist in bitchytweets aplenty,

Not after Twitter bans him for wildly and repeatedly violating the ToS. He got a special exemption to do that because he was president. Once he's a civilian, no more exemption.

And his media empire? Bankrupt within a year. Everything Trump touches turns to shit.
Do you expect him to hold raucous pep rallies?
Just get the fuck out.

And I wish he'd get the fuck out now. It's clear he has no interest in doing the job. Thousand dying each day, an economy in shambles, aid about to run out for people...honestly, just leave.
1000s dying every day, seems that with Governor Cujo the butcher of NY and other prog masters, when they murdered the elderly in the 10s of thousands, you didnt give a rats ass about that, now did ya? Fucking commie prick....slave..
Reality? He slinks back to Florida and tries to start a media empire. However, it soon becomes apparent that the SDNY, the Manhattan DA, and the NYS AG have been lining up to bring legal action against him, his family, and his companies. He spends the rest of his life in court fending off legal issues and civil lawsuits. Everyone forgets him, except for the occasional rage tweet.

Well, like most small children, he does have a short attention span. And his "Kingdom" is in serious trouble when the notes are all called in. I can see one hell of an Estate Auction. i wonder if he is going to try and sell Eric to attempt to keep at least one Hotel or Golf Course. He's going to be the first Ex President on food stamps when the garnishee his Presidential Retirement Pay.
Talking about a short attention span, have you figured out on the map where Austria and Australia are yet?
Reality? He slinks back to Florida and tries to start a media empire. However, it soon becomes apparent that the SDNY, the Manhattan DA, and the NYS AG have been lining up to bring legal action against him, his family, and his companies. He spends the rest of his life in court fending off legal issues and civil lawsuits. Everyone forgets him, except for the occasional rage tweet.

Well, like most small children, he does have a short attention span. And his "Kingdom" is in serious trouble when the notes are all called in. I can see one hell of an Estate Auction. i wonder if he is going to try and sell Eric to attempt to keep at least one Hotel or Golf Course. He's going to be the first Ex President on food stamps when the garnishee his Presidential Retirement Pay.
Maybe, Bam Bam Bannon will organize a "GoFundMe" initiative from prison.
Fear not! The twitter twit will persist in bitchytweets aplenty,

Not after Twitter bans him for wildly and repeatedly violating the ToS. He got a special exemption to do that because he was president. Once he's a civilian, no more exemption.

And his media empire? Bankrupt within a year. Everything Trump touches turns to shit.
Do you expect him to hold raucous pep rallies?

Yah, he's going to need to hold ralleys to pay for his new ex-wife. She may have been cheap before he married her but she damned sure isn't going to be cheap after the Divorce.
1000s dying every day, seems that with Governor Cujo the butcher of NY and other prog masters, when they murdered the elderly in the 10s of thousands, you didnt give a rats ass about that, now did ya? Fucking commie prick....slave..
Yes, I already predicted the inveterate whining, and the desperate attempts at diversion are a given, but what else do you think Donald John Trump will do?

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