What Will Trump and his Supporters do Now ???

What choice will Trump and his supporters pick:

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The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
This post is to predict on the record how Trump and his supporters will play the AZ audit fail.

Now that the election fraud Big Lie has been debunked by the failed AZ audit, what will Trump and has merry band of Trash do now???

It was so obvious from the beginning, that there was no election fraud and Trump was lying like he did daily for 4 years, but now we know for a fact he was lying.

What options do these pathetic Trumpers have, here are some:

1) Man the fuck up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud.
I doubt they will do this, because then that means they would have to admit the Trump insurrection at the Capitol was also based on lies. And Trumpers can't man up and admit the truth, they need to live a lie because reality is too hard for them to accept.

2) Lie again and try to claim they found enough irregularities (even though the AZ audit concludes there was no fraud and Biden definitely 100% won), that they need to do more audits of all the other states, so they can then drag the Big Lie out further and avoid admitting the truth, that Biden won and there was no fraud.
They might try this, it would be very pathetic, but Trumpers are weak and pathetic. AZ audit concludes there was no fraud and Biden definitely 100% won, but lets do more audits !

3) Claim Cyber Ninjas are deep state or China funded.
They might try this as they tried to claim all the conservative judges and GOP election officials that already ruled there was no fraud, were deep state and China funded. Maybe then they would try to do another audit, who knows??

4) Create a total fabricated reality and say that the AZ audit does in fact show fraud and that Trump actually did win and that they are taking the case to court to overturn the election.
I think they will do this. Trumpers are so stupid and gullible, they will believe any lie they are told. If Trump and Fox news, and Alex Jones, and all their fake Conservative media, all tell these retards that the AZ audit did indeed show Trump won the election, they will go with it. These retard trumpers will have more insurrections, and try to claim the AZ audit shows Trump won, when it does not. Trumpers are that stupid, they will believe any lie you tell them. "Look at the Audit, it shows Trump won"

5) Pretend the AZ audit never happened.
The audit was a fail, but Trumpers are dumb as shit, Trump might just act like this failed AZ audit never happened and he will just keep repeating the Big Lie. If you tell Trumpers a lie enough times they will believe it, Trumpers will now ignore the AZ audit and still cry like bitches about election fraud, despite there being not a shred of evidence.

This is why you don't tell lies. When they blow up in your face, you look dumb as fuck. Trump and his trash trumpers look pathetic and stupid right now, and they only have themselves to blame. You trash have dug yourselves into a big hole, and you have no way out.

Make your prediction for the record.



I predict Trump will claim, and the rube herd will parrot, all of the alleged "illegal" ballots the clown show audit found were Biden votes.

The audit report says no such thing. They went out of their way to avoid saying how many were Trump votes and how many were Biden votes.
This post is to predict on the record how Trump and his supporters will play the AZ audit fail.

Now that the election fraud Big Lie has been debunked by the failed AZ audit, what will Trump and has merry band of Trash do now???

It was so obvious from the beginning, that there was no election fraud and Trump was lying like he did daily for 4 years, but now we know for a fact he was lying.

What options do these pathetic Trumpers have, here are some:

1) Man the fuck up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud.
I doubt they will do this, because then that means they would have to admit the Trump insurrection at the Capitol was also based on lies. And Trumpers can't man up and admit the truth, they need to live a lie because reality is too hard for them to accept.

2) Lie again and try to claim they found enough irregularities (even though the AZ audit concludes there was no fraud and Biden definitely 100% won), that they need to do more audits of all the other states, so they can then drag the Big Lie out further and avoid admitting the truth, that Biden won and there was no fraud.
They might try this, it would be very pathetic, but Trumpers are weak and pathetic. AZ audit concludes there was no fraud and Biden definitely 100% won, but lets do more audits !

3) Claim Cyber Ninjas are deep state or China funded.
They might try this as they tried to claim all the conservative judges and GOP election officials that already ruled there was no fraud, were deep state and China funded. Maybe then they would try to do another audit, who knows??

4) Create a total fabricated reality and say that the AZ audit does in fact show fraud and that Trump actually did win and that they are taking the case to court to overturn the election.
I think they will do this. Trumpers are so stupid and gullible, they will believe any lie they are told. If Trump and Fox news, and Alex Jones, and all their fake Conservative media, all tell these retards that the AZ audit did indeed show Trump won the election, they will go with it. These retard trumpers will have more insurrections, and try to claim the AZ audit shows Trump won, when it does not. Trumpers are that stupid, they will believe any lie you tell them. "Look at the Audit, it shows Trump won"

5) Pretend the AZ audit never happened.
The audit was a fail, but Trumpers are dumb as shit, Trump might just act like this failed AZ audit never happened and he will just keep repeating the Big Lie. If you tell Trumpers a lie enough times they will believe it, Trumpers will now ignore the AZ audit and still cry like bitches about election fraud, despite there being not a shred of evidence.

This is why you don't tell lies. When they blow up in your face, you look dumb as fuck. Trump and his trash trumpers look pathetic and stupid right now, and they only have themselves to blame. You trash have dug yourselves into a big hole, and you have no way out.

Make your prediction for the record.

What the eff is wrong with you?
This post is to predict on the record how Trump and his supporters will play the AZ audit fail.

Now that the election fraud Big Lie has been debunked by the failed AZ audit, what will Trump and has merry band of Trash do now???

It was so obvious from the beginning, that there was no election fraud and Trump was lying like he did daily for 4 years, but now we know for a fact he was lying.

What options do these pathetic Trumpers have, here are some:

1) Man the fuck up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud.
I doubt they will do this, because then that means they would have to admit the Trump insurrection at the Capitol was also based on lies. And Trumpers can't man up and admit the truth, they need to live a lie because reality is too hard for them to accept.

2) Lie again and try to claim they found enough irregularities (even though the AZ audit concludes there was no fraud and Biden definitely 100% won), that they need to do more audits of all the other states, so they can then drag the Big Lie out further and avoid admitting the truth, that Biden won and there was no fraud.
They might try this, it would be very pathetic, but Trumpers are weak and pathetic. AZ audit concludes there was no fraud and Biden definitely 100% won, but lets do more audits !

3) Claim Cyber Ninjas are deep state or China funded.
They might try this as they tried to claim all the conservative judges and GOP election officials that already ruled there was no fraud, were deep state and China funded. Maybe then they would try to do another audit, who knows??

4) Create a total fabricated reality and say that the AZ audit does in fact show fraud and that Trump actually did win and that they are taking the case to court to overturn the election.
I think they will do this. Trumpers are so stupid and gullible, they will believe any lie they are told. If Trump and Fox news, and Alex Jones, and all their fake Conservative media, all tell these retards that the AZ audit did indeed show Trump won the election, they will go with it. These retard trumpers will have more insurrections, and try to claim the AZ audit shows Trump won, when it does not. Trumpers are that stupid, they will believe any lie you tell them. "Look at the Audit, it shows Trump won"

5) Pretend the AZ audit never happened.
The audit was a fail, but Trumpers are dumb as shit, Trump might just act like this failed AZ audit never happened and he will just keep repeating the Big Lie. If you tell Trumpers a lie enough times they will believe it, Trumpers will now ignore the AZ audit and still cry like bitches about election fraud, despite there being not a shred of evidence.

This is why you don't tell lies. When they blow up in your face, you look dumb as fuck. Trump and his trash trumpers look pathetic and stupid right now, and they only have themselves to blame. You trash have dug yourselves into a big hole, and you have no way out.

Make your prediction for the record.

It's too early for me to vote. I have not read the final audit report yet.

My understanding is that what was leaked is a partial draft report. I have not bothered to read it yet, since it is draft and partial. If the final is out, I have not seen it yet (been busy).

I did read that there are a suspect 55,000 votes as a result of the audit, according to the draft, and also that Biden actually gained votes if you don't throw out the suspect ones.

When the final report comes out, I will respect the results for the following reasons:
- The audit was reportedly extensive
- The audit was reportedly performed by an independent non-partisan firm

I will vote later.

Notice that I don't jump to conclusions without facts. I think a lot of Lefties claimed the Cyber Ninjas would release a load of malarkey, and now they are trumpeting the "final absolute proof."



PS: I am still Trump's biggest fan. He could "Save America" and "Make America Great Again"
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This post is to predict on the record how Trump and his supporters will play the AZ audit fail.

Now that the election fraud Big Lie has been debunked by the failed AZ audit, what will Trump and has merry band of Trash do now???

It was so obvious from the beginning, that there was no election fraud and Trump was lying like he did daily for 4 years, but now we know for a fact he was lying.

What options do these pathetic Trumpers have, here are some:

1) Man the fuck up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud.
I doubt they will do this, because then that means they would have to admit the Trump insurrection at the Capitol was also based on lies. And Trumpers can't man up and admit the truth, they need to live a lie because reality is too hard for them to accept.

2) Lie again and try to claim they found enough irregularities (even though the AZ audit concludes there was no fraud and Biden definitely 100% won), that they need to do more audits of all the other states, so they can then drag the Big Lie out further and avoid admitting the truth, that Biden won and there was no fraud.
They might try this, it would be very pathetic, but Trumpers are weak and pathetic. AZ audit concludes there was no fraud and Biden definitely 100% won, but lets do more audits !

3) Claim Cyber Ninjas are deep state or China funded.
They might try this as they tried to claim all the conservative judges and GOP election officials that already ruled there was no fraud, were deep state and China funded. Maybe then they would try to do another audit, who knows??

4) Create a total fabricated reality and say that the AZ audit does in fact show fraud and that Trump actually did win and that they are taking the case to court to overturn the election.
I think they will do this. Trumpers are so stupid and gullible, they will believe any lie they are told. If Trump and Fox news, and Alex Jones, and all their fake Conservative media, all tell these retards that the AZ audit did indeed show Trump won the election, they will go with it. These retard trumpers will have more insurrections, and try to claim the AZ audit shows Trump won, when it does not. Trumpers are that stupid, they will believe any lie you tell them. "Look at the Audit, it shows Trump won"

5) Pretend the AZ audit never happened.
The audit was a fail, but Trumpers are dumb as shit, Trump might just act like this failed AZ audit never happened and he will just keep repeating the Big Lie. If you tell Trumpers a lie enough times they will believe it, Trumpers will now ignore the AZ audit and still cry like bitches about election fraud, despite there being not a shred of evidence.

This is why you don't tell lies. When they blow up in your face, you look dumb as fuck. Trump and his trash trumpers look pathetic and stupid right now, and they only have themselves to blame. You trash have dug yourselves into a big hole, and you have no way out.

Make your prediction for the record.

trump supporters don't have any connection to reality or the truth so they'll just make something up.

trump supporters will say that Joe Biden paid the Cyber Ninjas off to give fake election audit results.

Or something like that.

trump supporters will always believe trump won.
This post is to predict on the record how Trump and his supporters will play the AZ audit fail.

Now that the election fraud Big Lie has been debunked by the failed AZ audit, what will Trump and has merry band of Trash do now???

It was so obvious from the beginning, that there was no election fraud and Trump was lying like he did daily for 4 years, but now we know for a fact he was lying.

What options do these pathetic Trumpers have, here are some:

1) Man the fuck up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud.
I doubt they will do this, because then that means they would have to admit the Trump insurrection at the Capitol was also based on lies. And Trumpers can't man up and admit the truth, they need to live a lie because reality is too hard for them to accept.

2) Lie again and try to claim they found enough irregularities (even though the AZ audit concludes there was no fraud and Biden definitely 100% won), that they need to do more audits of all the other states, so they can then drag the Big Lie out further and avoid admitting the truth, that Biden won and there was no fraud.
They might try this, it would be very pathetic, but Trumpers are weak and pathetic. AZ audit concludes there was no fraud and Biden definitely 100% won, but lets do more audits !

3) Claim Cyber Ninjas are deep state or China funded.
They might try this as they tried to claim all the conservative judges and GOP election officials that already ruled there was no fraud, were deep state and China funded. Maybe then they would try to do another audit, who knows??

4) Create a total fabricated reality and say that the AZ audit does in fact show fraud and that Trump actually did win and that they are taking the case to court to overturn the election.
I think they will do this. Trumpers are so stupid and gullible, they will believe any lie they are told. If Trump and Fox news, and Alex Jones, and all their fake Conservative media, all tell these retards that the AZ audit did indeed show Trump won the election, they will go with it. These retard trumpers will have more insurrections, and try to claim the AZ audit shows Trump won, when it does not. Trumpers are that stupid, they will believe any lie you tell them. "Look at the Audit, it shows Trump won"

5) Pretend the AZ audit never happened.
The audit was a fail, but Trumpers are dumb as shit, Trump might just act like this failed AZ audit never happened and he will just keep repeating the Big Lie. If you tell Trumpers a lie enough times they will believe it, Trumpers will now ignore the AZ audit and still cry like bitches about election fraud, despite there being not a shred of evidence.

This is why you don't tell lies. When they blow up in your face, you look dumb as fuck. Trump and his trash trumpers look pathetic and stupid right now, and they only have themselves to blame. You trash have dug yourselves into a big hole, and you have no way out.

Make your prediction for the record.

They will keep on lying and grifting!
This post is to predict on the record how Trump and his supporters will play the AZ audit fail.

Now that the election fraud Big Lie has been debunked by the failed AZ audit, what will Trump and has merry band of Trash do now???

It was so obvious from the beginning, that there was no election fraud and Trump was lying like he did daily for 4 years, but now we know for a fact he was lying.

What options do these pathetic Trumpers have, here are some:

1) Man the fuck up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud.
I doubt they will do this, because then that means they would have to admit the Trump insurrection at the Capitol was also based on lies. And Trumpers can't man up and admit the truth, they need to live a lie because reality is too hard for them to accept.

2) Lie again and try to claim they found enough irregularities (even though the AZ audit concludes there was no fraud and Biden definitely 100% won), that they need to do more audits of all the other states, so they can then drag the Big Lie out further and avoid admitting the truth, that Biden won and there was no fraud.
They might try this, it would be very pathetic, but Trumpers are weak and pathetic. AZ audit concludes there was no fraud and Biden definitely 100% won, but lets do more audits !

3) Claim Cyber Ninjas are deep state or China funded.
They might try this as they tried to claim all the conservative judges and GOP election officials that already ruled there was no fraud, were deep state and China funded. Maybe then they would try to do another audit, who knows??

4) Create a total fabricated reality and say that the AZ audit does in fact show fraud and that Trump actually did win and that they are taking the case to court to overturn the election.
I think they will do this. Trumpers are so stupid and gullible, they will believe any lie they are told. If Trump and Fox news, and Alex Jones, and all their fake Conservative media, all tell these retards that the AZ audit did indeed show Trump won the election, they will go with it. These retard trumpers will have more insurrections, and try to claim the AZ audit shows Trump won, when it does not. Trumpers are that stupid, they will believe any lie you tell them. "Look at the Audit, it shows Trump won"

5) Pretend the AZ audit never happened.
The audit was a fail, but Trumpers are dumb as shit, Trump might just act like this failed AZ audit never happened and he will just keep repeating the Big Lie. If you tell Trumpers a lie enough times they will believe it, Trumpers will now ignore the AZ audit and still cry like bitches about election fraud, despite there being not a shred of evidence.

This is why you don't tell lies. When they blow up in your face, you look dumb as fuck. Trump and his trash trumpers look pathetic and stupid right now, and they only have themselves to blame. You trash have dug yourselves into a big hole, and you have no way out.

Make your prediction for the record.

Nothing. I did nothing yesterday, as I will do nothing today or tomorrow. Because it's not worth caring for when it's already done and over with, is it?
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