What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

Detroit's problems are a matter of "luck"? Seriously?

Read my post again. I said any recent improvements by Texas were just dumb luck, and if that much gas was found in Detroit, they would be doing pretty good as well.
What will happen when Texas flips democrook?

I'll have to buy an anti-aircraft weapon to go pig hunting.
They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.

Look at the bright side. We could get another Lyndon Baines Johnson.
Sorry buddy, but I'm lily white, and I assure you I'm not working against myself. Why don't you take your racist crap to a teabagger rally or perhaps a John Birch meeting. The rest of the country has evaluated your racist ideals, and found them to be disgusting.

Says the guy who belongs to a party with a lock on 96% of the black vote and 70% of the Hispanic vote but only 39% of the white vote and only 35% of the white male vote.

Why do you guys so turn off white males so that only losers white males stick with the party that is actively trying to harm them? Why is it racist for whites to find the race-neutrality of the Republicans better to their liking than the active racism of the Democrats which so appeals to blacks and Hispanics?

96% black support of Democrats = non-racism; 61% white support of Republicans = racism.

A better question for you to ask yourself is why do you only appeal to a single demographic when the country has so much diversity. It's not a matter of "If they have rights and representation, I don't". We all deserve an equal shot. In the past, there were enough whites till you didn't have to care about anybody else. It's not that way any more. Change or die is what your party should be thinking about.
Hispanics will find out Democrats are playing them for chumps too.

No they won't, for that presumes that in the future, absent blacks and Hispanics, some other group will be in charge of the Democrats.

As the proportion of black and Hispanic and Asian and other minorities grow in the party, the white flight will increase. For the last few decades the Democrats have lost1% of the the white electorate with each election. At some point in the future, blacks and Hispanics are going to want to lead the party which represents them, so there won't be much opportunity for an ambitious white politician within the Democrats Party.

Being white won't have nearly as much to do with it as the effort to represent everybody. Sounds like you think ethnicity is the only thing that counts. That is a mistake the right wing is making now, and one of the reasons they are slowly collapsing.

Didn't the press propagandize us with the instructions that Obama had a massive lead with women and with youth? That his policies were most beneficial to women and to youth?

Why did Romney win the majority of white women's votes and the majority of white youth votes? I thought Obama and his policies were best for women and for youth?

The Democrats harm whites. That Mexican who sneaks across the border qualifies for tuition subsidy as an in-state resident and qualifies to be admitted under affirmative action whereas the white applicant who is a CITIZEN doesn't qualify for either.

A white Democratic Party supporter with a small business is bidding against his Hispanic competitor for a government contract. That Hispanic small businessman will win the contract even though his bid is less competitive, he'll win because he's Hispanic. The white businessman is shit out of luck - he had the lowest bid but he wasn't Hispanic, so he loses the bid. The Democrats are actively working to harm white people.

Minority contractors have first dibs on open bid contracts.

The Democrats are actively working to harm white voters.

The cleaners called. Your hood and robe will be ready at 2:00.
The only way Texas flips is massive Voter fraud in Houston, where 3 or 4 million Democrats votes get cast

So you think that if everybody gets to vote, and they don't like you, it has to be fraud? What a silly goober you are.
i'll tell you one thing from watching the Democrats conspire in California, all of the great Texas job opportunities are going bye bye .
I knew something was wrong when I realized Texas has more environmental laws than California.
you have to earn a hazardous waste certification to take a piss out there.

Conservatives will move into the Mountains and live like Cloud William.

I'll help them move.
They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.

I see no data at all to back up your wild, outlandish claim, so I assume it is a bald-faced lie.
Really? You need to pull your head out of obama's ass once in a while and come up to reality Tell us how that detorit economy is doing?
and from my earlier post
How does the rich wealthy hollywood elite help the economy of a state with a high unemployment rate? 7.3
Food stamps recipients 4,434,106 one of the highest in the nation
Poverty level one of the highest in the nation

What does Detroit have to do with Texas? The Eagle Ford Shale (EFS) is quite possibly the largest single economic development in the history of the state of Texas and ranks as the largest oil & gas development in the world based on capital invested. Detroit would be doing pretty good by now if it had that kind of luck. Any expansion that Texas is enjoying right now has nothing to do with Mr. Oops Perry, or the teabaggers policies, and everything to do with dumb luck.
View attachment 33588
I wasn't the one who brought it up I just put the liberal bull shit to rest you insane bitch.
What will happen when Texas flips democrook?

I'll have to buy an anti-aircraft weapon to go pig hunting.

If you want an anti-aircraft gun, then you better buy it now while the NRA still controls the politicians. When Texas turns blue, everybody can keep their guns, but we will use a little bit of sanity with the gun laws/
What will happen when Texas flips democrook?

I'll have to buy an anti-aircraft weapon to go pig hunting.

If you want an anti-aircraft gun, then you better buy it now while the NRA still controls the politicians. When Texas turns blue, everybody can keep their guns, but we will use a little bit of sanity with the gun laws/

You're too stupid to justify any more attention. Consider a retroactive self abortion.

They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.

I see no data at all to back up your wild, outlandish claim, so I assume it is a bald-faced lie.
Really? You need to pull your head out of obama's ass once in a while and come up to reality Tell us how that detorit economy is doing?
and from my earlier post
How does the rich wealthy hollywood elite help the economy of a state with a high unemployment rate? 7.3
Food stamps recipients 4,434,106 one of the highest in the nation
Poverty level one of the highest in the nation

What does Detroit have to do with Texas? The Eagle Ford Shale (EFS) is quite possibly the largest single economic development in the history of the state of Texas and ranks as the largest oil & gas development in the world based on capital invested. Detroit would be doing pretty good by now if it had that kind of luck. Any expansion that Texas is enjoying right now has nothing to do with Mr. Oops Perry, or the teabaggers policies, and everything to do with dumb luck.
View attachment 33588
I wasn't the one who brought it up I just put the liberal bull shit to rest you insane bitch.

My tiger is fiercer than yours bitch

What will happen when Texas flips democrook?

I'll have to buy an anti-aircraft weapon to go pig hunting.

If you want an anti-aircraft gun, then you better buy it now while the NRA still controls the politicians. When Texas turns blue, everybody can keep their guns, but we will use a little bit of sanity with the gun laws/

You're too stupid to justify any more attention. Consider a retroactive self abortion.


Did peaty get his feelings hurt because someone didn't agree with his silly teabag talking points?
Poor peaty.
Sorry buddy, but I'm lily white, and I assure you I'm not working against myself. Why don't you take your racist crap to a teabagger rally or perhaps a John Birch meeting. The rest of the country has evaluated your racist ideals, and found them to be disgusting.

Says the guy who belongs to a party with a lock on 96% of the black vote and 70% of the Hispanic vote but only 39% of the white vote and only 35% of the white male vote.

Why do you guys so turn off white males so that only losers white males stick with the party that is actively trying to harm them? Why is it racist for whites to find the race-neutrality of the Republicans better to their liking than the active racism of the Democrats which so appeals to blacks and Hispanics?

96% black support of Democrats = non-racism; 61% white support of Republicans = racism.

A better question for you to ask yourself is why do you only appeal to a single demographic when the country has so much diversity. It's not a matter of "If they have rights and representation, I don't"

That's not a better question, that's called a diversionary question meant to move the debate forward and allow you to escape dealing with the question asked of you.

Why the appeal only to whites? Whites find the anti-racist and race-neutral positions of the Republicans to be most appealing because whites are the least race-focused demographic in America. The Republicans don't advocate any white-only policies like Democrats do for minorities.

When one friend is continually punching you in the face you tend to, over time, really appreciate the friend who never punches you in the face. Understand?

The fact that Republicans favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies and this principally appeals to white voters doesn't say anything bad about Republicans or whites, it does though say something bad about minorities who don't find anti-racist and race-neutral policies appealing.

There is no reason for Republicans to be the party of whites, it's race-neutral and anti-racist policies should have cross-racial appeal, unlike the Democrat's policies towards Affirmative Action, Minority Small Business preferences, hiring quotas, etc but it seems that a lot of minorities like being bought off by Democrats due to their race.

We all deserve an equal shot. In the past, there were enough whites till you didn't have to care about anybody else. It's not that way any more. Change or die is what your party should be thinking about.

You fundamentally misunderstand the issues. Republicans are all for an equal opportunity society and they're ok with unequal outcomes which result from an equal opportunity society. Democrats don't want an equal opportunity society if it means that blacks and Hispanics are at the bottom - Democrats want an engineered equal outcome society and they don't seem to care how many freedoms and human rights they have to trample in order to create that equal outcome society.

You're right, in the past when America was a white nation, Republicans and Democrats split the white vote, but once Democrats decided to incorporate racism into their platform and policies in order to better win the minority vote, they signaled to whites that the Democrats are out to hurt them, and so whites react by, year after year after year, leaving the Democrats. Every election cycle sees the Democrats with a lower share of the white vote (2008 the single exception in decades) and that trend will continue on auto-pilot.

Change or die is what your party should be thinking about. As you guys continually shed white supporters how much power do you think Democrats will have when they are the party with only 5% white support? Do you really believe that whites, even in the minority, are going to permit themselves to be tax-farmed by Democrats, stripped of wealth which Democrats then dole out to their minority supporters? It's not going to happen. Democrats will become a marginalized party of the masses.
They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.

California has the seventh largest economy in the world. Only a moron would call that a wasteland.

Did you miss the recent thread showing that California has the most poor people? Tax payers steadily left the state. You still have the super wealthy Hollywood people and likely the biggest income equality in the country.

Not sure where they are getting their numbers from, but there are many other sources that would disagree with those numbers. I'm not saying they are wrong or right. I would really like to see how they are coming up with those numbers or if that is just the opinion of one person based on faulty data.

Interactive Poverty Map State and County Level Poverty Information

The numbers come from the US Census' Supplemental Poverty Measure. It is far more accurate as it takes cost of living data into account. California is an expensive state! Here's a link to the full report. Eye opening stuff.

Sorry buddy, but I'm lily white, and I assure you I'm not working against myself. Why don't you take your racist crap to a teabagger rally or perhaps a John Birch meeting. The rest of the country has evaluated your racist ideals, and found them to be disgusting.

Says the guy who belongs to a party with a lock on 96% of the black vote and 70% of the Hispanic vote but only 39% of the white vote and only 35% of the white male vote.

Why do you guys so turn off white males so that only losers white males stick with the party that is actively trying to harm them? Why is it racist for whites to find the race-neutrality of the Republicans better to their liking than the active racism of the Democrats which so appeals to blacks and Hispanics?

96% black support of Democrats = non-racism; 61% white support of Republicans = racism.

A better question for you to ask yourself is why do you only appeal to a single demographic when the country has so much diversity. It's not a matter of "If they have rights and representation, I don't"

That's not a better question, that's called a diversionary question meant to move the debate forward and allow you to escape dealing with the question asked of you.

Why the appeal only to whites? Whites find the anti-racist and race-neutral positions of the Republicans to be most appealing because whites are the least race-focused demographic in America. The Republicans don't advocate any white-only policies like Democrats do for minorities.

When one friend is continually punching you in the face you tend to, over time, really appreciate the friend who never punches you in the face. Understand?

The fact that Republicans favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies and this principally appeals to white voters doesn't say anything bad about Republicans or whites, it does though say something bad about minorities who don't find anti-racist and race-neutral policies appealing.

There is no reason for Republicans to be the party of whites, it's race-neutral and anti-racist policies should have cross-racial appeal, unlike the Democrat's policies towards Affirmative Action, Minority Small Business preferences, hiring quotas, etc but it seems that a lot of minorities like being bought off by Democrats due to their race.

We all deserve an equal shot. In the past, there were enough whites till you didn't have to care about anybody else. It's not that way any more. Change or die is what your party should be thinking about.

You fundamentally misunderstand the issues. Republicans are all for an equal opportunity society and they're ok with unequal outcomes which result from an equal opportunity society. Democrats don't want an equal opportunity society if it means that blacks and Hispanics are at the bottom - Democrats want an engineered equal outcome society and they don't seem to care how many freedoms and human rights they have to trample in order to create that equal outcome society.

You're right, in the past when America was a white nation, Republicans and Democrats split the white vote, but once Democrats decided to incorporate racism into their platform and policies in order to better win the minority vote, they signaled to whites that the Democrats are out to hurt them, and so whites react by, year after year after year, leaving the Democrats. Every election cycle sees the Democrats with a lower share of the white vote (2008 the single exception in decades) and that trend will continue on auto-pilot.

Change or die is what your party should be thinking about. As you guys continually shed white supporters how much power do you think Democrats will have when they are the party with only 5% white support? Do you really believe that whites, even in the minority, are going to permit themselves to be tax-farmed by Democrats, stripped of wealth which Democrats then dole out to their minority supporters? It's not going to happen. Democrats will become a marginalized party of the masses.

I disagree.
I think democrooks want an equal outcome society where no one really gets ahead unless they're "in the club". I don't believe for a second that the elites of the party really want minorities to succeed at all. They need that victricrat mentality to keep that base under control.
Sure they'll throw a few bones to a few minority members, bring them into the house so to speak, but you'll notice they NEVER have any opposition to even the most ludicrous leftist ideas.
Ever hear of a prominent minority democrook oppose abortion or gay marriage? Blacks were the deciding force in CA's Marriage Amendment, but there wasn't one black politician out there celebrating was there?
I'm also encouraged by many of the signs I'm seeing of minority members coming to terms with the reality that their plight is worse now, than it was before the 1960's. Indeed there was oppression back then, almost exclusively thanks to the democrook party and it's thugs. They had to contend with white racists murdering them by the dozens every year.
Now they're being murdered by the hundreds by young black people who have been indoctrinated by liberal democrook teachers to reject religion, reject morality. They're being manipulated by liberal entertainers that looking, acting, and talking like a thug is cool. Their grandparents didn't call each other sellouts or revile each other for acting white when they achieved educational standards.
I disagree.

I think democrooks want an equal outcome society where no one really gets ahead unless they're "in the club". I don't believe for a second that the elites of the party really want minorities to succeed at all. They need that victricrat mentality to keep that base under control.

It always start out this way but this cannot be maintained as a stable environment. Look around where we see minority populations who constitute a majority of a district or city. How many white Democrats run Detroit? Look at LA. White liberals used to run the show but then black concentration increased and areas which used to be run by white Democrats were taken over by black Democrats who in turn have been run out of office by Hispanic Democrats. An ambitious black of Hispanic politician will never be content to be a peon on a white liberal run political plantation, he'll want to be Top Dog and boot the white masters out. The same dynamic we've always seen play out will increasingly play out on the national scene.

Whites cast 72% of all the votes in the 2012 Presidential election, and of those 126,226,713 votes cast, only 35,444,461 whites voted for Obama compared to 55,438,773 cast for Romney. It's going to be increasingly more difficult for white Democrats to stay on top of the dog pile of Democrats and to keep aspiring minority politicians away from the top spots.

As it is, white Democrats have only elected one black politician to Congress, that's it, one. They're not going to sacrifice their own interests so long as they have influence, but demographic changes is robbing white Democrats of places where they can exercise their influence.

I'm also encouraged by many of the signs I'm seeing of minority members coming to terms with the reality that their plight is worse now, than it was before the 1960's..

It doesn't matter. Up and coming minority politicians will drive white politicians out of office especially at a time when the white power base within liberal circles is eroding and minority power bases are increasing. The rank and file won't leave because they very much like all the racial bribes that Democrats offer and which Republicans can't match without pissing off their own base who reject racist polices.
Sorry buddy, but I'm lily white, and I assure you I'm not working against myself. Why don't you take your racist crap to a teabagger rally or perhaps a John Birch meeting. The rest of the country has evaluated your racist ideals, and found them to be disgusting.

Says the guy who belongs to a party with a lock on 96% of the black vote and 70% of the Hispanic vote but only 39% of the white vote and only 35% of the white male vote.

Why do you guys so turn off white males so that only losers white males stick with the party that is actively trying to harm them? Why is it racist for whites to find the race-neutrality of the Republicans better to their liking than the active racism of the Democrats which so appeals to blacks and Hispanics?

96% black support of Democrats = non-racism; 61% white support of Republicans = racism.

A better question for you to ask yourself is why do you only appeal to a single demographic when the country has so much diversity. It's not a matter of "If they have rights and representation, I don't"

That's not a better question, that's called a diversionary question meant to move the debate forward and allow you to escape dealing with the question asked of you.

Why the appeal only to whites? Whites find the anti-racist and race-neutral positions of the Republicans to be most appealing because whites are the least race-focused demographic in America. The Republicans don't advocate any white-only policies like Democrats do for minorities.

When one friend is continually punching you in the face you tend to, over time, really appreciate the friend who never punches you in the face. Understand?

The fact that Republicans favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies and this principally appeals to white voters doesn't say anything bad about Republicans or whites, it does though say something bad about minorities who don't find anti-racist and race-neutral policies appealing.

There is no reason for Republicans to be the party of whites, it's race-neutral and anti-racist policies should have cross-racial appeal, unlike the Democrat's policies towards Affirmative Action, Minority Small Business preferences, hiring quotas, etc but it seems that a lot of minorities like being bought off by Democrats due to their race.

We all deserve an equal shot. In the past, there were enough whites till you didn't have to care about anybody else. It's not that way any more. Change or die is what your party should be thinking about.

You fundamentally misunderstand the issues. Republicans are all for an equal opportunity society and they're ok with unequal outcomes which result from an equal opportunity society. Democrats don't want an equal opportunity society if it means that blacks and Hispanics are at the bottom - Democrats want an engineered equal outcome society and they don't seem to care how many freedoms and human rights they have to trample in order to create that equal outcome society.

You're right, in the past when America was a white nation, Republicans and Democrats split the white vote, but once Democrats decided to incorporate racism into their platform and policies in order to better win the minority vote, they signaled to whites that the Democrats are out to hurt them, and so whites react by, year after year after year, leaving the Democrats. Every election cycle sees the Democrats with a lower share of the white vote (2008 the single exception in decades) and that trend will continue on auto-pilot.

Change or die is what your party should be thinking about. As you guys continually shed white supporters how much power do you think Democrats will have when they are the party with only 5% white support? Do you really believe that whites, even in the minority, are going to permit themselves to be tax-farmed by Democrats, stripped of wealth which Democrats then dole out to their minority supporters? It's not going to happen. Democrats will become a marginalized party of the masses.

Great, I'm thrilled to hear that republicans now favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies. I look forward to hearing about all the sweeping policy changes they are making, because up until you just informed me, the right wing has been as racist as you can get. Great news about your changes. I'll go turn the TV on right now. Something that big has got to be on all the networks.
They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.

I see no data at all to back up your wild, outlandish claim, so I assume it is a bald-faced lie.
Of course it's a lie.

And the premise of the OP is ignorant idiocy.
Sorry buddy, but I'm lily white, and I assure you I'm not working against myself. Why don't you take your racist crap to a teabagger rally or perhaps a John Birch meeting. The rest of the country has evaluated your racist ideals, and found them to be disgusting.

Says the guy who belongs to a party with a lock on 96% of the black vote and 70% of the Hispanic vote but only 39% of the white vote and only 35% of the white male vote.

Why do you guys so turn off white males so that only losers white males stick with the party that is actively trying to harm them? Why is it racist for whites to find the race-neutrality of the Republicans better to their liking than the active racism of the Democrats which so appeals to blacks and Hispanics?

96% black support of Democrats = non-racism; 61% white support of Republicans = racism.

A better question for you to ask yourself is why do you only appeal to a single demographic when the country has so much diversity. It's not a matter of "If they have rights and representation, I don't"

That's not a better question, that's called a diversionary question meant to move the debate forward and allow you to escape dealing with the question asked of you.

Why the appeal only to whites? Whites find the anti-racist and race-neutral positions of the Republicans to be most appealing because whites are the least race-focused demographic in America. The Republicans don't advocate any white-only policies like Democrats do for minorities.

When one friend is continually punching you in the face you tend to, over time, really appreciate the friend who never punches you in the face. Understand?

The fact that Republicans favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies and this principally appeals to white voters doesn't say anything bad about Republicans or whites, it does though say something bad about minorities who don't find anti-racist and race-neutral policies appealing.

There is no reason for Republicans to be the party of whites, it's race-neutral and anti-racist policies should have cross-racial appeal, unlike the Democrat's policies towards Affirmative Action, Minority Small Business preferences, hiring quotas, etc but it seems that a lot of minorities like being bought off by Democrats due to their race.

We all deserve an equal shot. In the past, there were enough whites till you didn't have to care about anybody else. It's not that way any more. Change or die is what your party should be thinking about.

You fundamentally misunderstand the issues. Republicans are all for an equal opportunity society and they're ok with unequal outcomes which result from an equal opportunity society. Democrats don't want an equal opportunity society if it means that blacks and Hispanics are at the bottom - Democrats want an engineered equal outcome society and they don't seem to care how many freedoms and human rights they have to trample in order to create that equal outcome society.

You're right, in the past when America was a white nation, Republicans and Democrats split the white vote, but once Democrats decided to incorporate racism into their platform and policies in order to better win the minority vote, they signaled to whites that the Democrats are out to hurt them, and so whites react by, year after year after year, leaving the Democrats. Every election cycle sees the Democrats with a lower share of the white vote (2008 the single exception in decades) and that trend will continue on auto-pilot.

Change or die is what your party should be thinking about. As you guys continually shed white supporters how much power do you think Democrats will have when they are the party with only 5% white support? Do you really believe that whites, even in the minority, are going to permit themselves to be tax-farmed by Democrats, stripped of wealth which Democrats then dole out to their minority supporters? It's not going to happen. Democrats will become a marginalized party of the masses.

I disagree.
I think democrooks want an equal outcome society where no one really gets ahead unless they're "in the club". I don't believe for a second that the elites of the party really want minorities to succeed at all. They need that victricrat mentality to keep that base under control.
Sure they'll throw a few bones to a few minority members, bring them into the house so to speak, but you'll notice they NEVER have any opposition to even the most ludicrous leftist ideas.
Ever hear of a prominent minority democrook oppose abortion or gay marriage? Blacks were the deciding force in CA's Marriage Amendment, but there wasn't one black politician out there celebrating was there?
I'm also encouraged by many of the signs I'm seeing of minority members coming to terms with the reality that their plight is worse now, than it was before the 1960's. Indeed there was oppression back then, almost exclusively thanks to the democrook party and it's thugs. They had to contend with white racists murdering them by the dozens every year.
Now they're being murdered by the hundreds by young black people who have been indoctrinated by liberal democrook teachers to reject religion, reject morality. They're being manipulated by liberal entertainers that looking, acting, and talking like a thug is cool. Their grandparents didn't call each other sellouts or revile each other for acting white when they achieved educational standards.

I know you really believe all that silly stuff buddy. I know you aren't just saying it because you like sounding dumb. Sadly, you believe all the crap you keep hearing in that fox bubble, and as long as you stay there, you will never be exposed to the truth. I'll pray for you.

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