What will happen to the Churches during the Conversion to Torah.


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Mikdash as the Central Source in Yeru'Shalem' as "the Completeness"

I'm sorry to say that the most of the church programs and policies are not aimed towards this theology of becoming stable and whole, rather they chose to be aimed at promoting denominationalism over the enrichment of community spirit and promotion of human welfare.
In fact, in the autobiography of
Benjamin Franklin, another Philadelphian like myself, he noticed the same things about his Presbyterian church.
He said on page 92 in the Riverside Literature Series of his autobiography, that it seemed they were more interested in making people Presbyterian rather then good citizens.

Local churches especially in the inner cities are taking in the communities money yet they do nothing successful in stopping the crimes, excessive drug and alcohol use, separation of family, children getting into trouble, violence such as shootings, stabbings, and so on.

The church in addition to services should be promoting study groups, community interaction, forums for discussion and solving problems. They surely have the space for it.

Family counseling should be advised, as well as clubs for activities that are positive like cleanup or fixing up the neighborhood.

The church should be stimulating creative thoughts rather than suppressing them; encouraging constructive actions rather than creating destructive behavior. I have proposed that the new heads of the church should be more involved in having an eye or watch on community needs, such as by setting up spotters within their flock, letting them know what needs to be stressed - for instance, problems in the area needing special lessons addressing special issues and needs of the individual community.
Example: some communities have a high divorce rate, adultery rate, or crime rate, others have a high drug use rate or murder rate, and such that need solutions as well as concerned action.

Suggested activities already being discussed and utilized by a few major known pastors that are taking my sound ideas & advice:

Churches involving in mini polls to evaluate what people believe or know to get a feel for what needs to be stressed and taught.

Volunteer people in the flock need to be involved in creating programs for planing to offset any local problems and identifying and finding solutions or lessons based on those issues.

Example: if an area is getting run down and the poor or elderly can't afford to fix up dilapidated houses then people will organize and inquire about donated tools (paint, tar, plaster etc) and round up volunteers to teach others and to fix the homes of those who can't afford it, in the same time they can be helping teens in job training (like home repair) and

giving them their job experience as well as something that looks great on their resume.

It is advisable to do all these things by organizing talk groups, which can identify deficiencies, much like the PTA meetings or town council meetings.

Make reports of what's needed in the community whether its moral, security, clean up, repair, family issues, etc., and follow through on these reports.

Allow suggestions in making solutions for how these issues can be handled and met head on and if one can't be found then approach the other churches outside your area for advice and help on solutions to combat local problems.
You can have all those male dominator god religions the middle east vomited up.
In Judaism and Islam God is not a figure nor form precept. The Abrahamic faiths were bringing man out of the anthropromorphic and idol concepts and into intangible descriptions of an Essence in life.
Christianity borrowing compilation of Paganism was doing the opposite, trying to bring non idolators back to idolatry.

God is a word we use to denote the power and source of creation/life.
The verses on Shalem suggest in accordance with the non anthropromorphic beliefs that The Hebrew God is an Essence and thus is secreted in the word Shalem which means Completeness, wholeness, stability. So God is that nature driving progression to all we could and should be= evolution (defined to it's most finite source).

Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)

The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name(description)& essence.
In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name(the messenger of God shares this name and reflects this Essence). That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.
Shalem means completeness/wholeness thus describing the Essence to be all we could and should be aka evolve/progress.
YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
Whatever works for you is fine with me as long as you understand it's just that; yours.
I understand many of the churches in England have been turned into pubs and recreation centres... That might explain why the British are so good at darts as they were tired of all the Bull in the churches and they decided to hit the Bullseye on the dart board instead by throwing darts at it...
Whatever works for you is fine with me as long as you understand it's just that; yours.
Correct and you are just one of many freeloaders or participators in my and other's mitzvahs.
Whether you want to be part of the betterment of society is your free will to choose a path in life or a path towards death, a path towards paradise or a path towards chaos & destruction. People in prison usually choose chaos and destructive behavior,
when they could just as easilly make it a pleasant sleep away camp.
By choice you can support liberation from our self imposed prisons and ways of thinking or you can oppose such liberative thinking and acts or just as bad sit in the background complacent letting others choose the world you live in.
Food for thought.
NO. We collectively (democratically) choose how we live, choose our paths and levels of tolerance (letting things slide or reigning things in) thus see life's pendulum swing back and forth left right trying to find our balance center.
Too far one way causes the extreme back the other way to balance out and center us.
As per Bohms and Kohn's theorem of cause affect and interconnectivity and seen in these last few decades of elections.

People in prison have poor behavior traits, high egos(pride) and thus suffer to those traits as they choose to live with pride, prejudices, violent and destructive emotions therefore prison is hell for them, because they collectively choose that hell that comes from fallen behaviors and ideologies of me first attitudes, affiliation pride and seperatism, creating their images, and king of the hill mentalities. This behavior is seen in war torn areas as well, gang violence on the street, and bad crime ridden neighborhoods where image and affiliation pride is placed higher in importance then constructive wise choices for the betterment of the collective whole.

Sort of like what's on my video in my tag line about the 2 groups given a projects building, one decides to work together to make the projects safe and inviting for betterment of the residence, the other went the wrong path and got jealous of the nice project....the rest of the lesson, story is on the video.
It reflects how we choose to live on life, is seen in many things, like how Palestinians chose what to do with their half of potential paradise as compared to how Israel chose what to do with their gifted half.
It's resemblances can be seen in rioted areas, inner cities, waring nations, prisons, school yards, work offices....it's choices...
so as the knight in "How I met your Mother" says best: "Choose Wisely!"
So far we've "Chosen Poorly" (the crying wrong bride).

Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19
I call heaven (Olam Habah=world to come)and earth to witness against you this
day,That I have set before you life and
death, the blessing and the curse;Therefore
choose life, that you may live, you and your
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Suggestions for bettering this world- By Darrell Sifford- Phila. Inquirer Tues. July 18,1989
Willis Harman was saying that, if enough people change their minds, their ways of looking at things,
institutions change too, and almost before you know it, a new age has dawned, more promising than anything
that has come before. "Increasingly, people are becoming aware that the present system doesn't work in the long run.
People are awakening.....and recognizing that they have it better simply by choosing to have it better."
People in general are becoming aware that it's no longer enough just to concern themselves with their own growth
and development.
All of us must be concerned with making the world a better place or there won't be a world.
"Every age, every society has its myths and models that offer an explanation of who we are and how the world works."
These reign virtually unexamined until enough new information challenges those old models.
Today we are on the brink of a planetary crisis and on the edge of a changing worldview.
At stake is the future. Herman suggests to "Be aware. Be concerned.
Get together, talk, listen, search. In the long run ordinary things can produce extraordinary results."
Most of all be hopeful.
"Things are happening."
Suggestions for bettering this world- By Darrell Sifford- Phila. Inquirer Tues. July 18,1989
Willis Harman was saying that, if enough people change their minds, their ways of looking at things,
institutions change too, and almost before you know it, a new age has dawned, more promising than anything
that has come before. "Increasingly, people are becoming aware that the present system doesn't work in the long run.
People are awakening.....and recognizing that they have it better simply by choosing to have it better."
People in general are becoming aware that it's no longer enough just to concern themselves with their own growth
and development.
All of us must be concerned with making the world a better place or there won't be a world.
"Every age, every society has its myths and models that offer an explanation of who we are and how the world works."
These reign virtually unexamined until enough new information challenges those old models.
Today we are on the brink of a planetary crisis and on the edge of a changing worldview.
At stake is the future. Herman suggests to "Be aware. Be concerned.
Get together, talk, listen, search. In the long run ordinary things can produce extraordinary results."
Most of all be hopeful.
"Things are happening."
Planetary crisis? What planetary crisis?
That was written by the writer in the very end of the 80's, back then the crisis was the gulf with Saddams rise & Iraq and Iran fighting and ironically that truly is the beginning of our crisis today.
Although it would be worse if Iran and Iraq wasn't weakened through being pitted against each other.
Foresight is everything . :)
That was written by the writer in the very end of the 80's, back then the crisis was the gulf with Saddams rise & Iraq and Iran fighting and ironically that truly is the beginning of our crisis today.
Although it would be worse if Iran and Iraq wasn't weakened through being pitted against each other.
Foresight is everything . :)
That wasn't a planetary crisis by any stretch of the imagination. The guy is obviously a kook.
Seriously, what the hell did they(your affiliation church) do to you?
What kind of abuse makes someone blast
someone writing an article about bettering the world?
That's a news article I saved from years ago for no reason, but intuitively became of importance at the advent of computers whereby I took the time to transfer it to type for sharing inspiration and reference.

P.S. thanks for proving my point about:
Ruining spiritual & intellectual nourishment by mucking it up to cover up from others consumption- Ezekiel 34:18
Seriously, what the hell did they(your affiliation church) do to you?
What kind of abuse makes someone blast
someone writing an article about bettering the world?
That's a news article I saved from years ago for no reason, but intuitively became of importance at the advent of computers whereby I took the time to transfer it to type for sharing inspiration and reference.

P.S. thanks for proving my point about:
Ruining spiritual & intellectual nourishment by mucking it up to cover up from others consumption- Ezekiel 34:18
Pot... meet kettle.
See, once again no Teshuva, which is why you continue to repeat your behavior.
Huh ? Ding do you know what Teshuva is... Where is the evil you speak of and are you changing your name from Ding to Polly now as you put the kettle on hmmmm....
Huh ? Ding do you know what Teshuva is... Where is the evil you speak of and are you changing your name from Ding to Polly now as you put the kettle on hmmmm....
What you intend for evil, God is using for good too.
Evil is just Live backwards.... In other words to teach not to Live this life to the fullest is being Evil... We teach to Live life to the fullest your Jesus and Christianity teach the opposite thus they must be EVIL by your logic...
He's speachless, stuck as a broken record now. He keeps repeating the same posts over and over to compete on the leader board as if some validation or maybe they give them titles here for it.
Give him a helmet and put his star on it.
He needs something, cause Jesus surely ain't protecting him from hitting himself over and over on these topics.

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