What will be the first to go if libs take over?

I don't know, but I've often wondered which is the first to go when you decided to become a conservative: logic or reason.
I don't know, but I've often wondered which is the first to go when you decided to become a conservative: logic or reason.

Conservatism is based on logic and reason. It's also based on reality whereas liberalism is based on fantasy -- how you think things should be.

Please feel free to try again though.:cool:
Conservatism is based on logic and reason. It's also based on reality whereas liberalism is based on fantasy -- how you think things should be.

Please feel free to try again though.:cool:

ROTLMAO, yeah.....ummm, okay, well you idiots have had 4 years to use your "logic and reason" to make the Iraq war successful and to date you've managed to make it unstable and less safe to the point where Saddam would have been a viable alternative.

Liberal logic and reason has turned out to be correct at every turn: If you invade and destabilize Iraq, you'll create civil unrest and empower Iran.

......feel free to try again.
Conservatism is based on logic and reason. It's also based on reality whereas liberalism is based on fantasy -- how you think things should be..

Please feel free to try again though.:cool:

Conservatism is based on logic and reason. It's also based on reality whereas liberalism is based on fantasy -- how you think things should be.

Please feel free to try again though.:cool:

If conservatism is based on logic and reason and reality why does it feature in so many religious (not just Christian) movements?
ROTLMAO, yeah.....ummm, okay, well you idiots have had 4 years to use your "logic and reason" to make the Iraq war successful and to date you've managed to make it unstable and less safe to the point where Saddam would have been a viable alternative.

Liberal logic and reason has turned out to be correct at every turn: If you invade and destabilize Iraq, you'll create civil unrest and empower Iran.

......feel free to try again.

Lets see, libs were wrong on the following:

tax cuts would wreck the economy

tax cuts would drain vital fundng for government programs

senior citizens would lose their monthly SS checks if Republicans were elected

Republicans want to starve school children by taking away their school lunch

Pres Bush was the first President since Hoover to have neg job growth

Need more?


free speech?

american borders?

white people?

I heard Libs want to dismantle the States and sell them to different corporations just to get out of the War.

You think its ridiculous? So is this thread.
None of these things will take place if people get off their fat A** and stand up to these idiots.

No one will be getting up and doing anything as long as people stay in their homes afraid to go outside without a gun, for fear of terrorist attacks which could come at any moment.
No one will be getting up and doing anything as long as people stay in their homes afraid to go outside without a gun, for fear of terrorist attacks which could come at any moment.

You sound like Keith Liberalman when he was ranting how "24" was a conservative TV show to keep people afraid of terror threats
ROTLMAO, yeah.....ummm, okay, well you idiots have had 4 years to use your "logic and reason" to make the Iraq war successful and to date you've managed to make it unstable and less safe to the point where Saddam would have been a viable alternative.

Liberal logic and reason has turned out to be correct at every turn: If you invade and destabilize Iraq, you'll create civil unrest and empower Iran.

......feel free to try again.

Who is "you idiots?" I don't recall anyone coming to me for prior approval on anything.

Iraq is no more or less unstable than it was 4 years ago, and no less safe. The instability and danger are just coming from someone other than Saddam Hussein now.

I hate to break the news to you, but "liberal logic and reason" has turned out to be nothing. That's trying to take credit for something you just don't rate.

And GMAFB on Iran. From Jimmy Carter's "liberal logic" through today, liberals have done nothing BUT empower Iran.

Maybe you're used to dealing with people that were born yesterday, but when you libs/Dems were still crying "Bush didn't finish the job," the military predicted the current outcome, not any political party that spent its time trying to make a complete military success look like a failure to complete the mission.

Try again.

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